Resource files
Resource files used in TLOmodel
- ResourceFile_Alri
- ResourceFile_AntenatalCare
- ResourceFile_Depression
- ResourceFile_Diarrhoea
- ResourceFile_EPI_WHO_estimates
- ResourceFile_HIV
- ResourceFile_LabourSkilledBirthAttendance
- ResourceFile_Measles
- ResourceFile_NewbornOutcomes
- ResourceFile_PostnatalSupervisor
- ResourceFile_PregnancySupervisor
- ResourceFile_RTI
- ResourceFile_Schisto
- ResourceFile_TB
- cmd
- contraception
- costing
- demography
- epilepsy
- gbd
- healthsystem
- malaria
- mapping
- AbortionAndMiscarriage (.xlsx)
- Bladder Cancer (.xlsx)
- Breast Cancer (.xlsx)
- Childhood Pneumonia (.xlsx)
- Copd (.csv)
- DALY Weights (.csv)
- EPI vaccine coverage (.csv)
- GenericSymptoms and HealthSeeking (.csv)
- HealthSeekingBehaviour (.csv)
- HypertensiveDisordersOfPregnancy (.xlsx)
- Improved Healthsystem And Healthcare Seeking (.xlsx)
- Lifestyle Enhanced (.xlsx)
- Oesophageal Cancer (.xlsx)
- Other Adult Cancers (.xlsx)
- Prostate Cancer (.xlsx)
- Stunting (.xlsx)
- SymptomManager (.csv)