tlo.methods.tb module
This module schedules TB infection and natural history It schedules TB treatment and follow-up appointments along with preventive therapy for eligible people (HIV+ and paediatric contacts of active TB cases
- class Tb(name=None, resourcefilepath=None, run_with_checks=False)
Set up the baseline population with TB prevalence
Construct a new disease module ready to be included in a simulation.
Initialises an empty parameters dictionary and module-specific random number generator.
- Parameters:
name – the name to use for this module. Defaults to the concrete subclass’ name.
Proportion of active tb cases with multidrug resistance in 2010
WHO estimated active TB incidence per 100,000 population
times(weeks) tb treatment monitoring required after tx start
list of ten high-risk districts
national estimates of coverage of IPT in PLHIV and paediatric contacts
incidence of active tb in 2010 in all ages
relative risk of tb infection if under 16 years of age
monthly probability of relapse once treatment complete
monthly probability of relapse if treatment incomplete
monthly probability of relapse 2 years after treatment complete
relative risk of relapse for HIV-positive people
relative risk of relapse for people with diabetes (treated/untreated)
scaling factor applied to WHO estimates to account for the impact of interventions in place
duration of active disease from onset to cure or death
proportion of new active cases that will be smear-positive
proportion of hiv+ active tb cases that will be smear-positive
probability of death in smear-positive tb cases with untreated tb
probability of death in smear-negative tb cases with untreated tb
probability of death in child aged 0-4 years with treated tb
probability of death in child aged 5-14 years with treated tb
probability of death in adult aged >=15 years with treated tb
additional risk of death if person has diabetes (treated/untreated)
relative risk of progression to active disease for children with BCG vaccine
relative risk of progression to active disease for PLHIV
relative risk of progression to active disease for PLHIV with AIDS
relative risk of progression to active disease for adults with HIV on ART
relative risk of progression to active disease for adults with HIV on ART
relative risk of progression to active disease if obese
relative risk of progression to active disease with any type diabetes
relative risk of progression to active disease with heavy alcohol use
relative risk of progression to active disease with smoking
relative risk of active TB with IPT in adults
relative risk of active TB with IPT in children
relative risk of active TB with IPT in adults with hiv
relative risk of active TB with IPT in children with hiv
relative risk of active TB with IPT and ART in adults
relative risk of active TB with IPT and ART in children
sensitivity of Xpert test in smear negative TB cases
sensitivity of Xpert test in smear positive TB cases
specificity of Xpert test in smear negative TB cases
specificity of Xpert test in smear positive TB cases
sensitivity of sputum smear microscopy in sputum positive cases
specificity of sputum smear microscopy in sputum positive cases
sensitivity of clinical diagnosis in detecting active TB
specificity of clinical diagnosis in detecting TB
sensitivity of x-ray diagnosis in smear negative TB cases
sensitivity of x-ray diagnosis in smear positive TB cases
specificity of x-ray diagnosis in smear negative TB cases
specificity of x-ray diagnosis in smear positive TB cases
Probability of treatment success for new and relapse TB cases
Probability of treatment success for MDR-TB cases
Probability of treatment success for children aged 0-4 years
Probability of treatment success for children aged 5-14 years
rate of screening / testing per month in general population
rate of screening / testing per month in population with active tb
length of treatment for drug-susceptible tb (first case) in months
length of treatment for drug-susceptible tb (secondary case) in months
length of treatment for mdr-tb in months
probability of being retained on IPT every 6 months if still eligible
eligibility criteria (years of age) for IPT given to contacts of TB cases
year from which IPT is available for paediatric contacts of diagnosed active TB cases
name of first test to be used for TB diagnosis
name of second test to be used for TB diagnosis
number of repeat visits assumed for healthcare services
last year for which data are available
length of inpatient stay for end-of-life TB patients
argument to determine type scale-up of program which will be implemented, can be ‘none’, ‘target’ or ‘max’
the year when the scale-up starts (it will occur on 1st January of that year)
the parameters and values changed in scenario analysis
tb status. Possible values are: [uninfected, latent, active, ]
tb strain: drug-susceptible (ds) or multi-drug resistant (mdr). Possible values are: [none, ds, mdr, ]
Date acquired tb infection (latent stage)
Date active tb is scheduled to start
Date active tb started
smear positivity with active infection: False=negative, True=positive
Date of last tb test
person has current diagnosis of active tb
date most recent tb diagnosis
person has current diagnosis of active mdr-tb
on tb treatment regimen
date most recent tb treatment started
current tb treatment regimen. Possible values are: [none, tb_tx_adult, tb_tx_child, tb_retx_adult, tb_retx_child, tb_mdrtx, ]
if ever treated for active tb
failed first line tb treatment
on tb treatment MDR regimen
date tb MDR treatment started
if currently on ipt
date ipt started
Class attributes:
CAUSES_OF_DEATH : {‘TB’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b274790>, ‘AIDS_TB’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b277b10>}
CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY : {‘TB’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b277dd0>}
INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {‘SymptomManager’, ‘Epi’, ‘Demography’, ‘Lifestyle’, ‘HealthSystem’}
SYMPTOMS : {‘fatigue’, ‘night_sweats’}
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class Tb):
- __init__(name=None, resourcefilepath=None, run_with_checks=False)
Construct a new disease module ready to be included in a simulation.
Initialises an empty parameters dictionary and module-specific random number generator.
- Parameters:
name – the name to use for this module. Defaults to the concrete subclass’ name.
- read_parameters(data_folder)
Reads the ResourceFiles
Declares the DALY weights
Declares the Symptoms
- pre_initialise_population()
Do things required before the population is created * Build the LinearModels
- _build_linear_models()
Establish the Linear Models
- send_for_screening_general(population)
- select_tb_test(person_id)
- get_consumables_for_dx_and_tx()
- initialise_population(population)
Set our property values for the initial population.
This method is called by the simulation when creating the initial population, and is responsible for assigning initial values, for every individual, of those properties ‘owned’ by this module, i.e. those declared in its PROPERTIES dictionary.
By default, all
Property``s in ``self.PROPERTIES
will have their columns in the population dataframe set to the default value.Modules that wish to implement this behaviour do not need to implement this method, it will be inherited automatically. Modules that wish to perform additional steps during the initialise_population stage should reimplement this method and call
`python super().initialise_population(population=population) `
at the beginning of the method, then proceed with their additional steps. Modules that do not wish to inherit this default behaviour should re-implement initialise_population without the call to
above.TODO: We probably need to declare somehow which properties we ‘read’ here, so the simulation knows what order to initialise modules in!
- Parameters:
population – The population of individuals in the simulation.
- initialise_simulation(sim)
Schedule the regular TB events
schedule logging
Define the DxTests and treatment options
- update_parameters_for_program_scaleup()
options for program scale-up are ‘target’ or ‘max’
- on_birth(mother_id, child_id)
Initialise properties for a newborn individual allocate IPT for child if mother diagnosed with TB
- report_daly_values()
This must send back a pd.Series or pd.DataFrame that reports on the average daly-weights that have been experienced by persons in the previous month. Only rows for alive-persons must be returned. The names of the series of columns is taken to be the label of the cause of this disability. It will be recorded by the healthburden module as <ModuleName>_<Cause>.
- calculate_untreated_proportion(population, strain)
calculate the proportion of active TB cases not on correct treatment if mdr-tb and on first-line treatment, count case as untreated they will continue to contribute to transmission
- assign_active_tb(population, strain, incidence)
select individuals to be infected assign scheduled date of active tb onset update properties as needed symptoms and smear status are assigned in the TbActiveEvent
- consider_ipt_for_those_initiating_art(person_id)
this is called by HIV when person is initiating ART checks whether person is eligible for IPT
- relapse_event(population)
The Tb Regular Relapse Event runs every month to randomly sample amongst those previously infected with active tb * Schedules persons who have previously been infected to relapse with a set probability * Sets a scheduled_date_active which is picked up by TbActiveEvent
- end_treatment(population)
check for those eligible to finish treatment
sample for treatment failure and refer for follow-up screening/testing
if treatment has finished, change individual properties
- check_config_of_properties()
check that the properties are currently configured correctly
- class TbActiveCasePoll(module)
The Tb Regular Poll Event for assigning active infections * selects people for active infection and schedules onset of active tb assign_active_tb uses a transmission model to assign new cases import_tb simulates importation of active tb independent of current prevalence
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbActiveCasePoll):
- __init__(module)
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
- apply(population)
Apply this event to the given target.
This is a no-op; subclasses should override this method.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbRegularEvents(module)
This event runs each month and calls three functions: * scheduling TB screening for the general population * ending treatment if end of treatment regimen has been reached * determining who will relapse after a primary infection
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbRegularEvents):
- __init__(module)
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
- apply(population)
Apply this event to the given target.
This is a no-op; subclasses should override this method.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbScaleUpEvent(module)
This event exists to change parameters or functions depending on the scenario for projections which has been set It only occurs once on date: scaleup_start_date, called by initialise_simulation
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbScaleUpEvent):
- __init__(module)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
- apply(population)
Apply this event to the given target.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbActiveEvent(module)
check for those with dates of active tb onset within last time-period
*1 change individual properties for active disease *2 assign symptoms *3 if HIV+, assign smear status and schedule AIDS onset *4 if HIV-, assign smear status and schedule death *5 schedule screening for symptomatic active cases
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbActiveEvent):
- __init__(module)
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
- apply(population)
Apply this event to the given target.
This is a no-op; subclasses should override this method.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbSelfCureEvent(module)
annual event which allows some individuals to self-cure approximate time from infection to self-cure is 3 years HIV+ and not virally suppressed cannot self-cure note that frequency can’t be changed here as parameters are set to annual values
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbSelfCureEvent):
- __init__(module)
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
- apply(population)
Apply this event to the given target.
This is a no-op; subclasses should override this method.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False, facility_level='1a')
This is the Screening-and-Refer HSI. A positive outcome from symptom-based screening will prompt referral to tb tests (sputum/xpert/xray) no consumables are required for screening (4 clinical questions)
- This event is scheduled by:
the main event poll,
when someone presents for care through a Generic HSI with tb-like symptoms
active screening / contact tracing programmes
If this event is called within another HSI, it may be desirable to limit the functionality of the HSI: do this using the arguments:
suppress_footprint=True : the HSI will not have any footprint
This event will: * screen individuals for TB symptoms * administer appropriate TB test * schedule treatment if needed * give IPT for paediatric contacts of diagnosed case
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer):
- __init__(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False, facility_level='1a')
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Do the screening and referring to next tests
- class HSI_Tb_ClinicalDiagnosis(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False)
This is a clinical diagnosis appt which is called when other tests have not been available and only a clinical diagnosis is required
it does not include any of the routine tests for TB or HIV
therefore property tb_date_tested is not updated * It only requires 0.5 footprint of Under5OPD since it will almost exclusively be used for children unable to get xrays following initial diagnostic consultations
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_ClinicalDiagnosis):
- __init__(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Do the screening and referring process
- class HSI_Tb_Culture(module, person_id)
This the TB culture HSI used for microbiological diagnosis of TB results (MGIT) are available after 2-6 weeks will return drug-susceptibility 100% sensitivity in smear-positive 80-90% sensitivity in smear-negative if this test is not available, not further action as this is already preceded by a sequence of tests
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_Culture):
- __init__(module, person_id)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Apply this event to the population.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- class HSI_Tb_Xray_level1b(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False)
The is the x-ray HSI usually used for testing children unable to produce sputum positive result will prompt referral to start treatment
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_Xray_level1b):
- __init__(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Apply this event to the population.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- class HSI_Tb_Xray_level2(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False)
This is the x-ray HSI performed at level 2 usually used for testing children unable to produce sputum positive result will prompt referral to start treatment
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_Xray_level2):
- __init__(module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Apply this event to the population.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- class HSI_Tb_StartTreatment(module, person_id, facility_level='1a')
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT : <property object at 0x31b2242c0>
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_StartTreatment):
- __init__(module, person_id, facility_level='1a')
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
This is a Health System Interaction Event - start TB treatment select appropriate treatment and request if available, change person’s properties
- select_treatment(person_id)
helper function to select appropriate treatment and check whether consumables are available to start drug course treatment will always be for ds-tb unless mdr has been identified :return: drug_available [BOOL]
- class HSI_Tb_FollowUp(module, person_id)
This is a Health System Interaction Event clinical monitoring for tb patients on treatment will schedule sputum smear test if needed if positive sputum smear, schedule xpert test for drug sensitivity then schedule the next follow-up appt if needed
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_FollowUp):
- __init__(module, person_id)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Apply this event to the population.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- class HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt(module, person_id)
This is a Health System Interaction Event - give ipt to reduce risk of active TB It can be scheduled by: * HIV.HSI_Hiv_StartOrContinueTreatment for PLHIV, diagnosed and on ART * Tb.HSI_Tb_StartTreatment for up to 5 contacts of diagnosed active TB case
Isoniazid preventive therapy for HIV-infected children : 6 months, 180 doses 3HP (Isoniazid/Rifapentine) for adults: 12 weeks, 12 doses 3HP for children ages >2 yrs hiv-
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt):
- __init__(module, person_id)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Apply this event to the population.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- class HSI_Tb_EndOfLifeCare(module, person_id, beddays=8)
this is a hospital stay for terminally-ill patients with TB it does not affect disability weight or probability of death no consumables are logged but health system capacity (HR) is allocated there are no consequences if hospital bed is not available as person has scheduled death already within 2 weeks
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Tb_EndOfLifeCare):
- __init__(module, person_id, beddays=8)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
Apply this event to the population.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- class Tb_DecisionToContinueIPT(module, person_id)
Helper event that is used to ‘decide’ if someone on IPT should continue or end This event is scheduled by ‘HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt’ after 6 months
end IPT for all
schedule further IPT for HIV+ if still eligible (no active TB diagnosed, <36 months IPT)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
Functions (defined or overridden in class Tb_DecisionToContinueIPT):
- __init__(module, person_id)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
- apply(person_id)
Apply this event to the given target.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbDecideDeathEvent(module, person_id, cause)
The scheduled hospitalisation and subsequent death for a tb case check whether death should occur using a linear model will depend on treatment status, smear status and age then schedule a hospital stay prior to that death hospital stay will not affect outcomes
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbDecideDeathEvent):
- __init__(module, person_id, cause)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
- apply(person_id)
Apply this event to the given target.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbDeathEvent(module, person_id)
The scheduled death for a tb case check whether this death should occur using a linear model will depend on treatment status, smear status and age
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbDeathEvent):
- __init__(module, person_id)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
- apply(person_id)
Apply this event to the given target.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbLoggingEvent(module)
produce some outputs to check
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbLoggingEvent):
- __init__(module)
produce some outputs to check
- apply(population)
Apply this event to the given target.
This is a no-op; subclasses should override this method.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class TbCheckPropertiesEvent(module)
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class TbCheckPropertiesEvent):
- __init__(module)
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
- apply(population)
Apply this event to the given target.
This is a no-op; subclasses should override this method.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class DummyTbModule(name=None, active_tb_prev=0.001)
Dummy TB Module - it’s only job is to create and maintain the ‘tb_inf’ property. This can be used in test files.
Construct a new disease module ready to be included in a simulation.
Initialises an empty parameters dictionary and module-specific random number generator.
- Parameters:
name – the name to use for this module. Defaults to the concrete subclass’ name.
tb status. Possible values are: [uninfected, latent, active, ]
Class attributes:
INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {‘Demography’}
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class DummyTbModule):
- __init__(name=None, active_tb_prev=0.001)
Construct a new disease module ready to be included in a simulation.
Initialises an empty parameters dictionary and module-specific random number generator.
- Parameters:
name – the name to use for this module. Defaults to the concrete subclass’ name.
- read_parameters(data_folder)
Read parameter values from file, if required.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- Parameters:
data_folder – path of a folder supplied to the Simulation containing data files. Typically, modules would read a particular file within here.
- initialise_population(population)
Set our property values for the initial population.
This method is called by the simulation when creating the initial population, and is responsible for assigning initial values, for every individual, of those properties ‘owned’ by this module, i.e. those declared in its PROPERTIES dictionary.
By default, all
Property``s in ``self.PROPERTIES
will have their columns in the population dataframe set to the default value.Modules that wish to implement this behaviour do not need to implement this method, it will be inherited automatically. Modules that wish to perform additional steps during the initialise_population stage should reimplement this method and call
`python super().initialise_population(population=population) `
at the beginning of the method, then proceed with their additional steps. Modules that do not wish to inherit this default behaviour should re-implement initialise_population without the call to
above.TODO: We probably need to declare somehow which properties we ‘read’ here, so the simulation knows what order to initialise modules in!
- Parameters:
population – The population of individuals in the simulation.
- initialise_simulation(sim)
Get ready for simulation start.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
This method is called just before the main simulation loop begins, and after all modules have read their parameters and the initial population has been created. It is a good place to add initial events to the event queue.
- on_birth(mother, child)
Initialise our properties for a newborn individual.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
This is called by the simulation whenever a new person is born.
- Parameters:
mother_id – the person id for the mother of this child (can be -1 if the mother is not identified).
child_id – the person id of new child