tlo.methods.copd module
- class Copd(name=None, resourcefilepath=None)
The module responsible for determining Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) status and outcomes. and initialises parameters and properties associated with COPD plus functions and events related to COPD.
Construct a new disease module ready to be included in a simulation.
Initialises an empty parameters dictionary and module-specific random number generator.
- Parameters:
name – the name to use for this module. Defaults to the concrete subclass’ name.
probability of moderate exacerbation given lung function, for each lung function category.
probability of severe exacerbation given lung function, for each lung function category.
probability of changing from a lower lung function category to a higher lung function category
probability that a person equal to or greater than 80 years will die of severe exacerbation
probability that a person between 70 to 79 years will die of severe exacerbation
probability that a person between 60 to 99 years will die of severe exacerbation
probability that a person between 50 to 59 years will die of severe exacerbation
probability that a person between 40 to 49 years will die of severe exacerbation
probability that a person between 30 to 39 years will die of severe exacerbation
probability that a person less than 30 years will die of severe exacerbation
the effect of oxygen on individuals with severe exacerbation
relative risk of progression to the next higher level of lung function for each higher level
relative effect of tobacco on the rate of lung function progression
relative risk of wood burn stove on the rate of lung function progression
probability of lung function categories in individuals aged 15-39 and do not smoke tobacco
probability of lung function categories in individuals aged 40-59 and do not smoke tobacco
probability of lung function categories in individuals aged 60+ and do not smoke tobacco
probability of lung function categories in individuals aged 15-39 who smoke tobacco
probability of lung function categories in individuals aged 40-59 who smoke tobacco
probability of lung function categories in individuals aged 60+ who smoke tobacco
Lung function of the person.0 for those under 15; on a 7-point scale for others, from 0 (Perfect) to 6 (End-Stage COPD).. Possible values are: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ]
Whether this person will die during a current severe exacerbation
Whether the person is currently using an inhaler
Class attributes:
CAUSES_OF_DEATH : {‘COPD_cat0’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45f890>, ‘COPD_cat1’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45f590>, ‘COPD_cat2’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45f4d0>, ‘COPD_cat3’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45c510>, ‘COPD_cat4’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45ebd0>, ‘COPD_cat5’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45db90>, ‘COPD_cat6’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45d510>}
CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY : {‘COPD’: <tlo.methods.causes.Cause object at 0x31b45d790>}
INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {‘SymptomManager’, ‘Lifestyle’, ‘HealthSystem’}
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class Copd):
- __init__(name=None, resourcefilepath=None)
Construct a new disease module ready to be included in a simulation.
Initialises an empty parameters dictionary and module-specific random number generator.
- Parameters:
name – the name to use for this module. Defaults to the concrete subclass’ name.
- read_parameters(data_folder)
Read all parameters and define symptoms (if any)
- pre_initialise_population()
Things to do before processing the population: * Generate the models
- initialise_population(population)
Set initial values of properties values for all individuals
- initialise_simulation(sim)
Get ready for simulation start: * Schedule the main polling event * Look-up item codes for consumables
- on_birth(mother_id, child_id)
Initialise COPD properties for a newborn individual.
- report_daly_values()
Return disability weight for alive persons, based on the current status of ch_lungfunction.
- define_symptoms()
Define and register Symptoms
- lookup_item_codes()
Look-up the item-codes for the consumables needed in the HSI Events for this module.
- do_logging()
Log current states.
- _common_first_appt(person_id: int, individual_properties: IndividualProperties, symptoms: List[str], schedule_hsi_event: HSIEventScheduler, consumables_checker: ConsumablesChecker)
What to do when a person presents at the generic first appt HSI with a symptom of breathless_severe or breathless_moderate. * If severe –> give the inhaler and schedule the HSI for Treatment * Otherwise –> just give inhaler.
- do_at_generic_first_appt(person_id: int, individual_properties: IndividualProperties, symptoms: List[str], schedule_hsi_event: HSIEventScheduler, consumables_checker: ConsumablesChecker, **kwargs) None
Actions to take during a non-emergency generic health system interaction (HSI).
Derived classes should overwrite this method so that they are compatible with the
module, and can schedule HSI events when a individual presents symptoms indicative of the corresponding illness or condition.When overwriting, arguments that are not required can be left out of the definition. If done so, the method must take a
input to avoid errors when looping over all disease modules and running their generic HSI methods.HSI events should be scheduled by the
subclass implementing this method using theschedule_hsi_event
argument.Implementations of this method should not make any updates to the population dataframe directly - if the target individuals properties need to be updated this should be performed by updating the
argument.- Parameters:
person_id – Row index (ID) of the individual target of the HSI event in the population dataframe.
individual_properties – Properties of individual target as provided in the population dataframe. Updates to individual properties may be written to this object.
symptoms – List of symptoms the patient is experiencing.
schedule_hsi_event – A function that can schedule subsequent HSI events.
diagnosis_function – A function that can run diagnosis tests based on the patient’s symptoms.
consumables_checker – A function that can query the health system to check for available consumables.
facility_level – The level of the facility that the patient presented at.
treatment_id – The treatment id of the HSI event triggering the generic appointment.
- do_at_generic_first_appt_emergency(person_id: int, individual_properties: IndividualProperties, symptoms: List[str], schedule_hsi_event: HSIEventScheduler, consumables_checker: ConsumablesChecker, **kwargs) None
Actions to take during an emergency generic health system interaction (HSI).
Call signature is identical to the
method.Derived classes should overwrite this method so that they are compatible with the :py:class`~.HealthSystem` module, and can schedule HSI events when a individual presents symptoms indicative of the corresponding illness or condition.
- class CopdPollEvent(module)
An event that controls the COPD infection process and logs current states. It repeats every 3 months.
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class CopdPollEvent):
- __init__(module)
Create a new regular event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event
frequency (pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset) – the interval from one occurrence to the next (must be supplied as a keyword argument)
- apply(population)
Progress persons to higher categories of ch_lungfunction
Schedules Exacerbation (Moderate / Severe) events.
Log current states.
- gen_random_date_in_next_three_months()
Returns a datetime for a day that is chosen randomly to be within the next 3 months.
- static increment_category(ser: Series) Series
Returns a pd.Series with same index as ser but with the categories shifted to next higher one.
- progress_to_next_lung_function(df)
make individuals progress to a next higher lung function
- class CopdExacerbationEvent(module, person_id, severe: bool = False)
An Exacerbation, which may be ‘Severe’ (severe=True) or ‘Moderate’ (severe=False). * A Moderate Exacerbation will not cause death but may cause non-emergency healthcare seeking; * A Severe Exacerbation may cause death and may cause emergency healthcare seeking.
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
Functions (defined or overridden in class CopdExacerbationEvent):
- __init__(module, person_id, severe: bool = False)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
- apply(person_id)
Apply this event to the given target.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class CopdDeath(module, person_id)
This event will cause the person to die to ‘COPD’ if the person’s property ch_will_die_this_episode is True. It is scheduled when a Severe Exacerbation is lethal, but can be cancelled if a subsequent treatment is successful.
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
Functions (defined or overridden in class CopdDeath):
- __init__(module, person_id)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
priority – a keyword-argument to set the priority (see Priority enum)
- apply(person_id)
Apply this event to the given target.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
- Parameters:
target – the target of the event
- class HSI_Copd_TreatmentOnSevereExacerbation(module, person_id)
HSI event for issuing treatment to all individuals with severe exacerbation. We first check the availability of oxygen at the default facility(1a). If no oxygen is found we refer individuals to the next higher level facility until either we find oxygen or we are at the highest facility level. Here facility levels are [“1a”, “1b”, “2”]
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
Class attributes:
__annotations__ : {}
Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_Copd_TreatmentOnSevereExacerbation):
- __init__(module, person_id)
Create a new event.
Note that just creating an event does not schedule it to happen; that must be done by calling Simulation.schedule_event.
- Parameters:
module – the module that created this event. All subclasses of Event take this as the first argument in their constructor, but may also take further keyword arguments.
- apply(person_id, squeeze_factor)
What to do when someone presents for care with an exacerbation. * Provide treatment: whatever is available at this facility at this time (no referral).