Source code for tlo.methods.tb

    This module schedules TB infection and natural history
    It schedules TB treatment and follow-up appointments along with preventive therapy
    for eligible people (HIV+ and paediatric contacts of active TB cases

import os
from functools import reduce

import pandas as pd

from tlo import DateOffset, Module, Parameter, Property, Types, logging
from import Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin, PopulationScopeEventMixin, RegularEvent
from tlo.lm import LinearModel, LinearModelType, Predictor
from tlo.methods import Metadata, hiv
from tlo.methods.causes import Cause
from tlo.methods.dxmanager import DxTest
from tlo.methods.healthsystem import HealthSystemChangeParameters
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import HSI_Event
from tlo.methods.symptommanager import Symptom
from tlo.util import random_date

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Tb(Module): """Set up the baseline population with TB prevalence"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, resourcefilepath=None, run_with_checks=False): super().__init__(name) self.resourcefilepath = resourcefilepath self.daly_wts = dict() self.lm = dict() self.footprints_for_consumables_required = dict() self.symptom_list = {"fever", "respiratory_symptoms", "fatigue", "night_sweats"} self.district_list = list() self.item_codes_for_consumables_required = dict() assert isinstance(run_with_checks, bool) self.run_with_checks = run_with_checks # tb outputs needed for calibration/ keys = ["date", "num_new_active_tb", "tbPrevLatent" ] # initialise empty dict with set keys self.tb_outputs = {k: [] for k in keys}
INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {"Demography", "HealthSystem", "Lifestyle", "SymptomManager", "Epi"} OPTIONAL_INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {"HealthBurden", "Hiv"} METADATA = { Metadata.DISEASE_MODULE, Metadata.USES_SYMPTOMMANAGER, Metadata.USES_HEALTHSYSTEM, Metadata.USES_HEALTHBURDEN, } # Declare Causes of Death CAUSES_OF_DEATH = { "TB": Cause(gbd_causes="Tuberculosis", label="TB (non-AIDS)"), "AIDS_TB": Cause(gbd_causes="HIV/AIDS", label="AIDS"), } CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY = { "TB": Cause(gbd_causes="Tuberculosis", label="TB (non-AIDS)"), } # Declaration of the specific symptoms that this module will use SYMPTOMS = {"fatigue", "night_sweats"} PROPERTIES = { # ------------------ natural history ------------------ # "tb_inf": Property( Types.CATEGORICAL, categories=[ "uninfected", "latent", "active", ], description="tb status", ), "tb_strain": Property( Types.CATEGORICAL, categories=[ "none", "ds", "mdr", ], description="tb strain: drug-susceptible (ds) or multi-drug resistant (mdr)", ), "tb_date_latent": Property( Types.DATE, "Date acquired tb infection (latent stage)" ), "tb_scheduled_date_active": Property( Types.DATE, "Date active tb is scheduled to start" ), "tb_date_active": Property(Types.DATE, "Date active tb started"), "tb_smear": Property( Types.BOOL, "smear positivity with active infection: False=negative, True=positive", ), # ------------------ testing status ------------------ # "tb_date_tested": Property(Types.DATE, "Date of last tb test"), "tb_diagnosed": Property( Types.BOOL, "person has current diagnosis of active tb" ), "tb_date_diagnosed": Property(Types.DATE, "date most recent tb diagnosis"), "tb_diagnosed_mdr": Property( Types.BOOL, "person has current diagnosis of active mdr-tb" ), # ------------------ treatment status ------------------ # "tb_on_treatment": Property(Types.BOOL, "on tb treatment regimen"), "tb_date_treated": Property( Types.DATE, "date most recent tb treatment started" ), "tb_treatment_regimen": Property( Types.CATEGORICAL, categories=[ "none", "tb_tx_adult", "tb_tx_child", "tb_tx_child_shorter", "tb_retx_adult", "tb_retx_child", "tb_mdrtx" ], description="current tb treatment regimen", ), "tb_ever_treated": Property(Types.BOOL, "if ever treated for active tb"), "tb_treatment_failure": Property(Types.BOOL, "failed first line tb treatment"), "tb_treated_mdr": Property(Types.BOOL, "on tb treatment MDR regimen"), "tb_date_treated_mdr": Property(Types.DATE, "date tb MDR treatment started"), "tb_on_ipt": Property(Types.BOOL, "if currently on ipt"), "tb_date_ipt": Property(Types.DATE, "date ipt started"), } PARAMETERS = { # ------------------ baseline population ------------------ # "prop_mdr2010": Parameter( Types.REAL, "Proportion of active tb cases with multidrug resistance in 2010", ), # ------------------ workbooks ------------------ # "who_incidence_estimates": Parameter( Types.REAL, "WHO estimated active TB incidence per 100,000 population" ), "followup_times": Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, "times(weeks) tb treatment monitoring required after tx start", ), "tb_high_risk_distr": Parameter(Types.LIST, "list of ten high-risk districts"), "ipt_coverage": Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, "national estimates of coverage of IPT in PLHIV and paediatric contacts", ), # ------------------ natural history ------------------ # "incidence_active_tb_2010": Parameter( Types.REAL, "incidence of active tb in 2010 in all ages" ), "rr_tb_child": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of tb infection if under 16 years of age" ), "rr_bcg_inf": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of tb infection with bcg vaccination" ), "monthly_prob_relapse_tx_complete": Parameter( Types.REAL, "monthly probability of relapse once treatment complete" ), "monthly_prob_relapse_tx_incomplete": Parameter( Types.REAL, "monthly probability of relapse if treatment incomplete" ), "monthly_prob_relapse_2yrs": Parameter( Types.REAL, "monthly probability of relapse 2 years after treatment complete", ), "rr_relapse_hiv": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of relapse for HIV-positive people" ), # ------------------ active disease ------------------ # "scaling_factor_WHO": Parameter( Types.REAL, "scaling factor applied to WHO estimates to account for the impact of interventions in place", ), "duration_active_disease_years": Parameter( Types.REAL, "duration of active disease from onset to cure or death" ), # ------------------ clinical features ------------------ # "prop_smear_positive": Parameter( Types.REAL, "proportion of new active cases that will be smear-positive" ), "prop_smear_positive_hiv": Parameter( Types.REAL, "proportion of hiv+ active tb cases that will be smear-positive" ), # ------------------ mortality ------------------ # # untreated "death_rate_smear_pos_untreated": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability of death in smear-positive tb cases with untreated tb", ), "death_rate_smear_neg_untreated": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability of death in smear-negative tb cases with untreated tb", ), # treated "death_rate_child0_4_treated": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability of death in child aged 0-4 years with treated tb" ), "death_rate_child5_14_treated": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability of death in child aged 5-14 years with treated tb" ), "death_rate_adult_treated": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability of death in adult aged >=15 years with treated tb" ), # ------------------ progression to active disease ------------------ # "rr_tb_bcg": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease for children with BCG vaccine", ), "rr_tb_hiv": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease for PLHIV" ), "rr_tb_aids": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease for PLHIV with AIDS", ), "rr_tb_art_adult": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease for adults with HIV on ART", ), "rr_tb_art_child": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease for adults with HIV on ART", ), "rr_tb_obese": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease if obese" ), "rr_tb_diabetes1": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease with type 1 diabetes", ), "rr_tb_alcohol": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease with heavy alcohol use", ), "rr_tb_smoking": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of progression to active disease with smoking" ), "rr_ipt_adult": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of active TB with IPT in adults" ), "rr_ipt_child": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of active TB with IPT in children" ), "rr_ipt_adult_hiv": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of active TB with IPT in adults with hiv" ), "rr_ipt_child_hiv": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of active TB with IPT in children with hiv" ), "rr_ipt_art_adult": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of active TB with IPT and ART in adults" ), "rr_ipt_art_child": Parameter( Types.REAL, "relative risk of active TB with IPT and ART in children" ), # ------------------ diagnostic tests ------------------ # "sens_xpert_smear_negative": Parameter( Types.REAL, "sensitivity of Xpert test in smear negative TB cases"), "sens_xpert_smear_positive": Parameter( Types.REAL, "sensitivity of Xpert test in smear positive TB cases"), "spec_xpert_smear_negative": Parameter( Types.REAL, "specificity of Xpert test in smear negative TB cases"), "spec_xpert_smear_positive": Parameter( Types.REAL, "specificity of Xpert test in smear positive TB cases"), "sens_sputum_smear_positive": Parameter( Types.REAL, "sensitivity of sputum smear microscopy in sputum positive cases", ), "spec_sputum_smear_positive": Parameter( Types.REAL, "specificity of sputum smear microscopy in sputum positive cases", ), "sens_clinical": Parameter( Types.REAL, "sensitivity of clinical diagnosis in detecting active TB" ), "spec_clinical": Parameter( Types.REAL, "specificity of clinical diagnosis in detecting TB" ), "sens_xray_smear_negative": Parameter( Types.REAL, "sensitivity of x-ray diagnosis in smear negative TB cases" ), "sens_xray_smear_positive": Parameter( Types.REAL, "sensitivity of x-ray diagnosis in smear positive TB cases" ), "spec_xray_smear_negative": Parameter( Types.REAL, "specificity of x-ray diagnosis in smear negative TB cases" ), "spec_xray_smear_positive": Parameter( Types.REAL, "specificity of x-ray diagnosis in smear positive TB cases" ), # ------------------ treatment success rates ------------------ # "prob_tx_success_ds": Parameter( Types.REAL, "Probability of treatment success for new and relapse TB cases" ), "prob_tx_success_mdr": Parameter( Types.REAL, "Probability of treatment success for MDR-TB cases" ), "prob_tx_success_0_4": Parameter( Types.REAL, "Probability of treatment success for children aged 0-4 years" ), "prob_tx_success_5_14": Parameter( Types.REAL, "Probability of treatment success for children aged 5-14 years" ), "prob_tx_success_shorter": Parameter( Types.REAL, "Probability of treatment success for children aged <16 years on shorter regimen" ), # ------------------ testing rates ------------------ # "rate_testing_general_pop": Parameter( Types.REAL, "rate of screening / testing per month in general population", ), "rate_testing_active_tb": Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, "rate of screening / testing per month in population with active tb", ), # ------------------ treatment regimens ------------------ # "ds_treatment_length": Parameter( Types.REAL, "length of treatment for drug-susceptible tb (first case) in months", ), "ds_retreatment_length": Parameter( Types.REAL, "length of treatment for drug-susceptible tb (secondary case) in months", ), "mdr_treatment_length": Parameter( Types.REAL, "length of treatment for mdr-tb in months" ), "child_shorter_treatment_length": Parameter( Types.REAL, "length of treatment for shorter paediatric regimen in months" ), "prob_retained_ipt_6_months": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability of being retained on IPT every 6 months if still eligible", ), "age_eligibility_for_ipt": Parameter( Types.REAL, "eligibility criteria (years of age) for IPT given to contacts of TB cases", ), "ipt_start_date": Parameter( Types.INT, "year from which IPT is available for paediatric contacts of diagnosed active TB cases", ), "scenario": Parameter( Types.INT, "integer value labelling the scenario to be run: default is 0" ), "scenario_start_date": Parameter( Types.DATE, "date from which different scenarios are run" ), "first_line_test": Parameter( Types.STRING, "name of first test to be used for TB diagnosis" ), "second_line_test": Parameter( Types.STRING, "name of second test to be used for TB diagnosis" ), "probability_access_to_xray": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability a person will have access to chest x-ray" ), "prob_tb_referral_in_generic_hsi": Parameter( Types.REAL, "probability of referral to TB screening HSI if presenting with TB-related symptoms" ), # ------------------ scale-up parameters for scenario analysis ------------------ # "scaleup_parameters": Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, "list of parameters and values changed in scenario analysis", ), }
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): """ * 1) Reads the ResourceFiles * 2) Declares the DALY weights * 3) Declares the Symptoms """ # 1) Read the ResourceFiles workbook = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(self.resourcefilepath, "ResourceFile_TB.xlsx"), sheet_name=None ) self.load_parameters_from_dataframe(workbook["parameters"]) p = self.parameters # assume cases distributed equally across districts p["who_incidence_estimates"] = workbook["WHO_activeTB2023"] # use NTP reported treatment rates as testing rates (perfect referral) p["rate_testing_active_tb"] = workbook["NTP2019"] p["followup_times"] = workbook["followup"] # if using national-level model, include all districts in IPT coverage # p['tb_high_risk_distr'] = workbook['IPTdistricts'] p["tb_high_risk_distr"] = workbook["all_districts"] p["ipt_coverage"] = workbook["ipt_coverage"] p["scaleup_parameters"] = workbook["scaleup_parameters"] self.district_list = ( self.sim.modules["Demography"] .parameters["pop_2010"]["District"] .unique() .tolist() ) # 2) Get the DALY weights if "HealthBurden" in self.sim.modules.keys(): # HIV-negative # Drug-susceptible tuberculosis, not HIV infected self.daly_wts["daly_tb"] = self.sim.modules["HealthBurden"].get_daly_weight( 0 ) # multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, not HIV infected self.daly_wts["daly_mdr_tb"] = self.sim.modules[ "HealthBurden" ].get_daly_weight(1) # HIV-positive # Drug-susceptible Tuberculosis, HIV infected without anaemia self.daly_wts["daly_tb_hiv"] = self.sim.modules[ "HealthBurden" ].get_daly_weight(7) # Multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis, HIV infected and anemia, moderate self.daly_wts["daly_mdr_tb_hiv"] = self.sim.modules[ "HealthBurden" ].get_daly_weight(9) # 3) Declare the Symptoms # additional healthcare-seeking behaviour with these symptoms self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].register_symptom( Symptom( name="fatigue", odds_ratio_health_seeking_in_adults=5.0, odds_ratio_health_seeking_in_children=5.0, ) ) self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].register_symptom( Symptom( name="night_sweats", odds_ratio_health_seeking_in_adults=5.0, odds_ratio_health_seeking_in_children=5.0, ) )
[docs] def pre_initialise_population(self): """ * Establish the Linear Models """ p = self.parameters # risk of active tb predictors = [ Predictor("age_years").when("<=15", p["rr_tb_child"]), # -------------- LIFESTYLE -------------- # Predictor().when( 'va_bcg_all_doses &' '(hv_inf == False) &' '(age_years <10)', p["rr_tb_bcg"] # child with bcg ), Predictor("li_bmi").when(">=4", p["rr_tb_obese"]), Predictor("li_ex_alc").when(True, p["rr_tb_alcohol"]), Predictor("li_tob").when(True, p["rr_tb_smoking"]), # -------------- IPT -------------- # Predictor().when( '~hv_inf &' 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years <= 15', p["rr_ipt_child"]), # hiv- child on ipt Predictor().when( '~hv_inf &' 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years > 15', p["rr_ipt_adult"]), # hiv- adult on ipt # -------------- PLHIV -------------- # Predictor("hv_inf").when(True, p["rr_tb_hiv"]), Predictor("sy_aids_symptoms").when(">0", p["rr_tb_aids"]), # on ART, no IPT Predictor().when( 'hv_inf & ' '(hv_art == "on_VL_suppressed") &' '~tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years <= 15', p["rr_tb_art_child"]), # hiv+ child on ART Predictor().when( 'hv_inf & ' '(hv_art == "on_VL_suppressed") &' '~tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years > 15', p["rr_tb_art_adult"]), # hiv+ adult on ART # on ART, on IPT Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'hv_inf & ' 'age_years <= 15 &' '(hv_art == "on_VL_suppressed")', (p["rr_tb_art_child"] * p["rr_ipt_art_child"]), # hiv+ child on ART+IPT ), Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'hv_inf & ' 'age_years > 15 &' '(hv_art == "on_VL_suppressed")', (p["rr_tb_art_adult"] * p["rr_ipt_art_adult"]), # hiv+ adult on ART+IPT ), # not on ART, on IPT Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'hv_inf & ' 'age_years <= 15 &' '(hv_art != "on_VL_suppressed")', p["rr_ipt_child_hiv"], # hiv+ child IPT only ), Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'hv_inf & ' 'age_years > 15 &' '(hv_art != "on_VL_suppressed")', p["rr_ipt_adult_hiv"], # hiv+ adult IPT only ), ] conditional_predictors = [ Predictor("nc_diabetes").when(True, p['rr_tb_diabetes1']), ] if "cardio_metabolic_disorders" in self.sim.modules else [] self.lm["active_tb"] = LinearModel.multiplicative( *(predictors + conditional_predictors)) # risk of relapse <2 years following treatment self.lm["risk_relapse_2yrs"] = LinearModel( LinearModelType.MULTIPLICATIVE, p["monthly_prob_relapse_tx_complete"], Predictor("hv_inf").when(True, p["rr_relapse_hiv"]), Predictor("tb_treatment_failure") .when(True, (p["monthly_prob_relapse_tx_incomplete"] / p["monthly_prob_relapse_tx_complete"])), Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years <= 15', p["rr_ipt_child"]), Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years > 15', p["rr_ipt_adult"]), ) # risk of relapse if >=2 years post treatment self.lm["risk_relapse_late"] = LinearModel( LinearModelType.MULTIPLICATIVE, p["monthly_prob_relapse_2yrs"], Predictor("hv_inf").when(True, p["rr_relapse_hiv"]), Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years <= 15', p["rr_ipt_child"]), Predictor().when( 'tb_on_ipt & ' 'age_years > 15', p["rr_ipt_adult"]), ) # probability of death self.lm["death_rate"] = LinearModel( LinearModelType.MULTIPLICATIVE, 1, Predictor().when( "(tb_on_treatment == True) & " "(age_years <=4)", p["death_rate_child0_4_treated"], ), Predictor().when( "(tb_on_treatment == True) & " "(age_years <=14)", p["death_rate_child5_14_treated"], ), Predictor().when( "(tb_on_treatment == True) & " "(age_years >=15)", p["death_rate_adult_treated"], ), Predictor().when( "(tb_on_treatment == False) & " "(tb_smear == True)", p["death_rate_smear_pos_untreated"], ), Predictor().when( "(tb_on_treatment == False) & " "(tb_smear == False)", p["death_rate_smear_neg_untreated"], ), )
[docs] def send_for_screening_general(self, population): df = population.props p = self.parameters rng = self.rng random_draw = rng.random_sample(size=len(df)) # randomly select some individuals for screening and testing # this may include some newly infected active tb cases (that's fine) screen_idx = df.index[ df.is_alive & ~df.tb_diagnosed & ~df.tb_on_treatment & (random_draw < p["rate_testing_general_pop"]) ] for person in screen_idx: self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer(person_id=person, module=self), topen=random_date(, + DateOffset(months=1), self.rng), tclose=None, priority=0, )
[docs] def select_tb_test(self, person_id): df = self.sim.population.props p = self.parameters person = df.loc[person_id] # xpert tests limited to 60% coverage # if selected test is xpert, check for availability # give sputum smear as back-up # assume sputum smear always available # previously diagnosed/treated or hiv+ -> xpert if person["tb_ever_treated"] or person["hv_diagnosed"] or (p["first_line_test"] == 'xpert'): return "xpert" else: return "sputum"
[docs] def get_consumables_for_dx_and_tx(self): p = self.parameters # consumables = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].parameters["Consumables"] hs = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"] # TB Sputum smear test # assume that if smear-positive, sputum smear test is 100% specific and sensitive self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['sputum_test'] = \ hs.get_item_codes_from_package_name("Microscopy Test") self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.register_dx_test( tb_sputum_test_smear_positive=DxTest( property='tb_inf', target_categories=["active"], sensitivity=p["sens_sputum_smear_positive"], specificity=p["spec_sputum_smear_positive"], item_codes=self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['sputum_test'] ) ) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.register_dx_test( tb_sputum_test_smear_negative=DxTest( property='tb_inf', target_categories=["active"], sensitivity=0.0, specificity=1.0, item_codes=self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['sputum_test'] ) ) # TB GeneXpert self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['xpert_test'] = \ hs.get_item_codes_from_package_name("Xpert test") # sensitivity/specificity set for smear status of cases self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.register_dx_test( tb_xpert_test_smear_positive=DxTest( property="tb_inf", target_categories=["active"], sensitivity=p["sens_xpert_smear_positive"], specificity=p["spec_xpert_smear_positive"], item_codes=self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['xpert_test'] ) ) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.register_dx_test( tb_xpert_test_smear_negative=DxTest( property="tb_inf", target_categories=["active"], sensitivity=p["sens_xpert_smear_negative"], specificity=p["spec_xpert_smear_negative"], item_codes=self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['xpert_test'] ) ) # TB Chest x-ray self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['chest_xray'] = { hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("X-ray"): 1} # sensitivity/specificity set for smear status of cases self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.register_dx_test( tb_xray_smear_positive=DxTest( property="tb_inf", target_categories=["active"], sensitivity=p["sens_xray_smear_positive"], specificity=p["spec_xray_smear_positive"], item_codes=self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['chest_xray'] ) ) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.register_dx_test( tb_xray_smear_negative=DxTest( property="tb_inf", target_categories=["active"], sensitivity=p["sens_xray_smear_negative"], specificity=p["spec_xray_smear_negative"], item_codes=self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['chest_xray'] ) ) # TB clinical diagnosis self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.register_dx_test( tb_clinical=DxTest( property="tb_inf", target_categories=["active"], sensitivity=p["sens_clinical"], specificity=p["spec_clinical"], item_codes=[] ) ) # 4) -------- Define the treatment options -------- # adult treatment - primary self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['tb_tx_adult'] = \ hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("Cat. I & III Patient Kit A") # child treatment - primary self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['tb_tx_child'] = \ hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("Cat. I & III Patient Kit B") # child treatment - primary, shorter regimen self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['tb_tx_child_shorter'] = \ hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("Cat. I & III Patient Kit B") # adult treatment - secondary self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['tb_retx_adult'] = \ hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("Cat. II Patient Kit A1") # child treatment - secondary self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['tb_retx_child'] = \ hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("Cat. II Patient Kit A2") # mdr treatment self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['tb_mdrtx'] = { hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("Treatment: second-line drugs"): 1} # ipt self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['tb_ipt'] = { hs.get_item_code_from_item_name("Isoniazid/Pyridoxine, tablet 300 mg"): 1}
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): df = population.props p = self.parameters # if HIV is not registered, create a dummy property if "Hiv" not in self.sim.modules: population.make_test_property("hv_inf", Types.BOOL) population.make_test_property("sy_aids_symptoms", Types.INT) population.make_test_property("hv_art", Types.STRING) df["hv_inf"] = False df["sy_aids_symptoms"] = 0 df["hv_art"] = "not" # Set our property values for the initial population df["tb_inf"].values[:] = "uninfected" df["tb_strain"].values[:] = "none" df["tb_date_latent"] = pd.NaT df["tb_scheduled_date_active"] = pd.NaT df["tb_date_active"] = pd.NaT df["tb_smear"] = False # ------------------ testing status ------------------ # df["tb_date_tested"] = pd.NaT df["tb_diagnosed"] = False df["tb_date_diagnosed"] = pd.NaT df["tb_diagnosed_mdr"] = False # ------------------ treatment status ------------------ # df["tb_on_treatment"] = False df["tb_date_treated"] = pd.NaT df["tb_treatment_regimen"].values[:] = "none" df["tb_ever_treated"] = False df["tb_treatment_failure"] = False df["tb_on_ipt"] = False df["tb_date_ipt"] = pd.NaT # # ------------------ infection status ------------------ # # WHO estimates of active TB for 2010 to get infected initial population # don't need to scale or include treated proportion as no-one on treatment yet inc_estimates = p["who_incidence_estimates"] incidence_year = (inc_estimates.loc[ (inc_estimates.year ==, "incidence_per_100k" ].values[0]) / 100_000 incidence_year = incidence_year * p["scaling_factor_WHO"] self.assign_active_tb( population, strain="ds", incidence=incidence_year) self.assign_active_tb( population, strain="mdr", incidence=incidence_year * p['prop_mdr2010']) self.send_for_screening_general( population ) # send some baseline population for screening
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): """ * 1) Schedule the regular TB events * 2) Schedule the scenario change * 3) Define the DxTests and treatment options """ # 1) Regular events sim.schedule_event(TbActiveEvent(self), sim.schedule_event(TbTreatmentAndRelapseEvents(self), sim.schedule_event(TbSelfCureEvent(self), sim.schedule_event(TbActiveCasePoll(self), + DateOffset(years=1)) # log at the end of the year sim.schedule_event(TbLoggingEvent(self), + DateOffset(years=1)) # 2) Scenario change sim.schedule_event(ScenarioSetupEvent(self), self.parameters["scenario_start_date"]) # 3) Define the DxTests and get the consumables required self.get_consumables_for_dx_and_tx() # 4) (Optionally) Schedule the event to check the configuration of all properties if self.run_with_checks: sim.schedule_event( TbCheckPropertiesEvent(self), + pd.DateOffset(months=1) )
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id): """Initialise properties for a newborn individual allocate IPT for child if mother diagnosed with TB """ df = self.sim.population.props now =[child_id, "tb_inf"] = "uninfected"[child_id, "tb_strain"] = "none"[child_id, "tb_date_latent"] = pd.NaT[child_id, "tb_scheduled_date_active"] = pd.NaT[child_id, "tb_date_active"] = pd.NaT[child_id, "tb_smear"] = False # ------------------ testing status ------------------ #[child_id, "tb_date_tested"] = pd.NaT[child_id, "tb_diagnosed"] = False[child_id, "tb_date_diagnosed"] = pd.NaT[child_id, "tb_diagnosed_mdr"] = False # ------------------ treatment status ------------------ #[child_id, "tb_on_treatment"] = False[child_id, "tb_date_treated"] = pd.NaT[child_id, "tb_treatment_regimen"] = "none"[child_id, "tb_treatment_failure"] = False[child_id, "tb_ever_treated"] = False[child_id, "tb_on_ipt"] = False[child_id, "tb_date_ipt"] = pd.NaT if "Hiv" not in self.sim.modules:[child_id, "hv_inf"] = False[child_id, "sy_aids_symptoms"] = 0[child_id, "hv_art"] = "not" # Not interested in whether true or direct birth # give IPT to child of TB diagnosed mother if 2014 or later if[abs(mother_id), "tb_diagnosed"] and (now.year >= self.parameters["ipt_start_date"]): event = HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt(self, person_id=child_id) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( event, priority=1, topen=now, tclose=now + DateOffset(days=28), )
[docs] def report_daly_values(self): """ This must send back a pd.Series or pd.DataFrame that reports on the average daly-weights that have been experienced by persons in the previous month. Only rows for alive-persons must be returned. The names of the series of columns is taken to be the label of the cause of this disability. It will be recorded by the healthburden module as <ModuleName>_<Cause>. """ df = self.sim.population.props # shortcut to population properties dataframe # to avoid errors when hiv module not running df_tmp = df.loc[df.is_alive] health_values = pd.Series(0, index=df_tmp.index) # hiv-negative health_values.loc[ (df_tmp.tb_inf == "active") & (df_tmp.tb_strain == "ds") & ~df_tmp.hv_inf ] = self.daly_wts["daly_tb"] health_values.loc[ (df_tmp.tb_inf == "active") & (df_tmp.tb_strain == "mdr") & ~df_tmp.hv_inf ] = self.daly_wts["daly_tb"] # hiv-positive health_values.loc[ (df_tmp.tb_inf == "active") & (df_tmp.tb_strain == "ds") & df_tmp.hv_inf ] = self.daly_wts["daly_tb_hiv"] health_values.loc[ (df_tmp.tb_inf == "active") & (df_tmp.tb_strain == "mdr") & df_tmp.hv_inf ] = self.daly_wts["daly_mdr_tb_hiv"] return health_values.loc[df.is_alive]
[docs] def calculate_untreated_proportion(self, population, strain): """ calculate the proportion of active TB cases not on correct treatment if mdr-tb and on first-line treatment, count case as untreated they will continue to contribute to transmission """ df = population.props # sum active tb cases num_active_tb_cases = len(df[(df.tb_inf == "active") & (df.tb_strain == strain) & df.is_alive]) # sum treated active tb cases # if mdr-tb must be on mdr treatment, otherwise consider as untreated case if strain == "mdr": num_treated_tb_cases = len(df[(df.tb_inf == "active") & (df.tb_strain == strain) & df.tb_on_treatment & (df.tb_treatment_regimen == "tb_mdrtx") & df.is_alive]) else: num_treated_tb_cases = len(df[(df.tb_inf == "active") & (df.tb_strain == strain) & df.tb_on_treatment & df.is_alive]) prop_untreated = 1 - (num_treated_tb_cases / num_active_tb_cases) if num_active_tb_cases else 1 return prop_untreated
[docs] def assign_active_tb(self, population, strain, incidence): """ select individuals to be infected assign scheduled date of active tb onset update properties as needed symptoms and smear status are assigned in the TbActiveEvent """ df = population.props rng = self.rng now = # identify eligible people, not currently with active tb infection eligible = df.loc[ df.is_alive & (df.tb_inf != "active") ].index # weight risk by individual characteristics # Compute chance that each susceptible person becomes infected: rr_of_infection = self.lm["active_tb"].predict( df.loc[eligible] ) # probability of infection p_infection = (rr_of_infection * incidence) # New infections: will_be_infected = ( self.rng.random_sample(len(p_infection)) < p_infection ) idx_new_infection = will_be_infected[will_be_infected].index df.loc[idx_new_infection, "tb_strain"] = strain # schedule onset of active tb, time now up to 1 year for person_id in idx_new_infection: date_progression = now + pd.DateOffset( days=rng.randint(0, 365) ) # set date of active tb - properties will be updated at TbActiveEvent poll daily[person_id, "tb_scheduled_date_active"] = date_progression
[docs] def consider_ipt_for_those_initiating_art(self, person_id): """ this is called by HIV when person is initiating ART checks whether person is eligible for IPT """ df = self.sim.population.props if df.loc[person_id, "tb_diagnosed"] or df.loc[person_id, "tb_diagnosed_mdr"]: pass high_risk_districts = self.parameters["tb_high_risk_distr"] district =[person_id, "district_of_residence"] eligible =[person_id, "tb_inf"] != "active" # select coverage rate by year: now = year = now.year if now.year <= 2050 else 2050 ipt = self.parameters["ipt_coverage"] ipt_year = ipt.loc[ipt.year == year] ipt_coverage_plhiv = ipt_year.coverage_plhiv if ( (district in high_risk_districts.district_name.values) & eligible & (self.rng.rand() < ipt_coverage_plhiv.values) ): # Schedule the TB treatment event: self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt(self, person_id=person_id), priority=1,, tclose=None, )
[docs] def relapse_event(self, population): """The Tb Regular Relapse Event runs every month to randomly sample amongst those previously infected with active tb * Schedules persons who have previously been infected to relapse with a set probability * Sets a scheduled_date_active which is picked up by TbActiveEvent """ df = population.props rng = self.rng now = # need a monthly relapse for every person in df # should return risk=0 for everyone not eligible for relapse # risk of relapse if <2 years post treatment start, includes risk if HIV+ risk_of_relapse_early = self.lm["risk_relapse_2yrs"].predict( df.loc[df.is_alive & df.tb_ever_treated & (df.tb_inf == "latent") & (now < (df.tb_date_treated + pd.DateOffset(years=2)))] ) will_relapse = ( rng.random_sample(len(risk_of_relapse_early)) < risk_of_relapse_early ) idx_will_relapse_early = will_relapse[will_relapse].index # risk of relapse if >=2 years post treatment start, includes risk if HIV+ risk_of_relapse_later = self.lm["risk_relapse_late"].predict( df.loc[df.is_alive & df.tb_ever_treated & (df.tb_inf == "latent") & (now >= (df.tb_date_treated + pd.DateOffset(years=2)))] ) will_relapse_later = ( rng.random_sample(len(risk_of_relapse_later)) < risk_of_relapse_later ) idx_will_relapse_late2 = will_relapse_later[will_relapse_later].index # join both indices idx_will_relapse = idx_will_relapse_early.union( idx_will_relapse_late2 ).drop_duplicates() # set date of scheduled active tb # properties will be updated at TbActiveEvent every month df.loc[idx_will_relapse, "tb_scheduled_date_active"] = now
[docs] def end_treatment(self, population): """ * check for those eligible to finish treatment * sample for treatment failure and refer for follow-up screening/testing * if treatment has finished, change individual properties """ df = population.props rng = self.rng now = p = self.parameters # check across population on tb treatment and end treatment if required # if current date is after (treatment start date + treatment length) -> end tx # ---------------------- treatment end: first case ds-tb (6 months) ---------------------- # # end treatment for new tb (ds) cases end_ds_tx_idx = df.loc[ df.is_alive & df.tb_on_treatment & ((df.tb_treatment_regimen == "tb_tx_adult") | (df.tb_treatment_regimen == "tb_tx_child")) & ( now > (df.tb_date_treated + pd.DateOffset(months=p["ds_treatment_length"])) ) ].index # ---------------------- treatment end: retreatment ds-tb (7 months) ---------------------- # # end treatment for retreatment cases end_ds_retx_idx = df.loc[ df.is_alive & df.tb_on_treatment & ((df.tb_treatment_regimen == "tb_retx_adult") | (df.tb_treatment_regimen == "tb_retx_child")) & ( now > ( df.tb_date_treated + pd.DateOffset(months=p["ds_retreatment_length"]) ) ) ].index # ---------------------- treatment end: mdr-tb (24 months) ---------------------- # # end treatment for mdr-tb cases end_mdr_tx_idx = df.loc[ df.is_alive & df.tb_on_treatment & (df.tb_treatment_regimen == "tb_mdrtx") & ( now > (df.tb_date_treated + pd.DateOffset(months=p["mdr_treatment_length"])) ) ].index # ---------------------- treatment end: shorter paediatric regimen ---------------------- # # end treatment for paediatric cases on 4 month regimen end_tx_shorter_idx = df.loc[ df.is_alive & df.tb_on_treatment & (df.tb_treatment_regimen == "tb_tx_child_shorter") & ( now > (df.tb_date_treated + pd.DateOffset(months=p["child_shorter_treatment_length"])) ) ].index # join indices end_tx_idx = end_ds_tx_idx.union(end_ds_retx_idx) end_tx_idx = end_tx_idx.union(end_mdr_tx_idx) end_tx_idx = end_tx_idx.union(end_tx_shorter_idx) # ---------------------- treatment failure ---------------------- # # sample some to have treatment failure # assume all retreatment cases will cure random_var = rng.random_sample(size=len(df)) # children aged 0-4 ds-tb ds_tx_failure0_4_idx = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(end_ds_tx_idx)) & (df.age_years < 5) & (random_var < (1 - p["prob_tx_success_0_4"])) ].index # children aged 5-14 ds-tb ds_tx_failure5_14_idx = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(end_ds_tx_idx)) & (df.age_years.between(5, 14)) & (random_var < (1 - p["prob_tx_success_5_14"])) ].index # children aged <16 and on shorter regimen ds_tx_failure_shorter_idx = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(end_tx_shorter_idx)) & (df.age_years < 16) & (random_var < (1 - p["prob_tx_success_shorter"])) ].index # adults ds-tb ds_tx_failure_adult_idx = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(end_ds_tx_idx)) & (df.age_years >= 15) & (random_var < (1 - p["prob_tx_success_ds"])) ].index # all mdr cases on ds tx will fail failure_in_mdr_with_ds_tx_idx = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(end_ds_tx_idx)) & (df.tb_strain == "mdr") ].index # some mdr cases on mdr treatment will fail failure_due_to_mdr_idx = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(end_mdr_tx_idx)) & (df.tb_strain == "mdr") & (random_var < (1 - p["prob_tx_success_mdr"])) ].index # join indices of failing cases together tx_failure = reduce( pd.Index.union, ( ds_tx_failure0_4_idx, ds_tx_failure5_14_idx, ds_tx_failure_shorter_idx, ds_tx_failure_adult_idx, failure_in_mdr_with_ds_tx_idx, failure_due_to_mdr_idx, ) ) if not tx_failure.empty: df.loc[tx_failure, "tb_treatment_failure"] = True df.loc[ tx_failure, "tb_ever_treated" ] = True # ensure classed as retreatment case for person in tx_failure: self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer(person_id=person, module=self),, tclose=None, priority=0, ) # remove any treatment failure indices from the treatment end indices cure_idx = end_tx_idx.difference(tx_failure) # change individual properties for all to off treatment df.loc[end_tx_idx, "tb_diagnosed"] = False df.loc[end_tx_idx, "tb_on_treatment"] = False df.loc[end_tx_idx, "tb_treated_mdr"] = False # this will indicate that this person has had one complete course of tb treatment # subsequent infections will be classified as retreatment df.loc[end_tx_idx, "tb_ever_treated"] = True # if cured, move infection status back to latent # leave tb_strain property set in case of relapse df.loc[cure_idx, "tb_inf"] = "latent" df.loc[cure_idx, "tb_date_latent"] = now df.loc[cure_idx, "tb_smear"] = False # this will clear all tb symptoms self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].clear_symptoms( person_id=cure_idx, disease_module=self ) # if HIV+ and on ART (virally suppressed), remove AIDS symptoms if cured of TB hiv_tb_infected = cure_idx.intersection( df.loc[ df.is_alive & df.hv_inf & (df.hv_art == "on_VL_suppressed") ].index ) self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].clear_symptoms( person_id=hiv_tb_infected, disease_module=self.sim.modules["Hiv"] )
[docs] def check_config_of_properties(self): """check that the properties are currently configured correctly""" df = self.sim.population.props df_alive = df.loc[df.is_alive] # basic check types of columns and dtypes orig = self.sim.population.new_row assert (df.dtypes == orig.dtypes).all() def is_subset(col_for_set, col_for_subset): # Confirms that the series of col_for_subset is true only for a subset of the series for col_for_set return set(col_for_subset.loc[col_for_subset].index).issubset( col_for_set.loc[col_for_set].index ) # Check that core properties of current status are never None/NaN/NaT assert not df_alive.tb_inf.isna().any() assert not df_alive.tb_strain.isna().any() assert not df_alive.tb_smear.isna().any() assert not df_alive.tb_on_treatment.isna().any() assert not df_alive.tb_treatment_regimen.isna().any() assert not df_alive.tb_ever_treated.isna().any() assert not df_alive.tb_on_ipt.isna().any() # Check that the core TB properties are 'nested' in the way expected. assert is_subset( col_for_set=(df_alive.tb_inf != "uninfected"), col_for_subset=df_alive.tb_diagnosed ) assert is_subset( col_for_set=df_alive.tb_diagnosed, col_for_subset=df_alive.tb_on_treatment ) # Check that if person is infected, the dates of active TB is NOT missing assert not df.loc[(df.tb_inf == "active"), "tb_date_active"].isna().all()
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TB infection event # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class ScenarioSetupEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This event exists to change parameters or functions depending on the scenario for projections which has been set * scenario 0 is the default which uses baseline parameters * scenario 1 achieves all program targets with consumables constraints * scenario 2 achieves all program targets without consumables constraints It only occurs once at param: scenario_start_date, called by initialise_simulation """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(years=100))
[docs] def apply(self, population): p = self.module.parameters scenario = p["scenario"] scaled_params = p["scaleup_parameters"] logger.debug( key="message", data=f"ScenarioSetupEvent: scenario {scenario}" ) # baseline scenario 0: no change to parameters/functions if scenario == 0: return # scenario 1 or 2 scale-up all HIV/TB program activities if scenario > 0: # HIV # reduce risk of HIV - applies to whole adult population self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["beta"] = self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["beta"] * scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "hiv_beta", "value"].values[0] # increase PrEP coverage for FSW after HIV test self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["prob_prep_for_fsw_after_hiv_test"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "prob_prep_for_fsw_after_hiv_test", "value"].values[0] # prep poll for AGYW - target to the highest risk # increase retention to 75% for FSW and AGYW self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["prob_prep_for_agyw"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "prob_prep_for_agyw", "value"].values[0] self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters[ "probability_of_being_retained_on_prep_every_3_months"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "probability_of_being_retained_on_prep_every_3_months", "value"].values[0] # increase probability of VMMC after hiv test self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["prob_circ_after_hiv_test"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "prob_circ_after_hiv_test", "value"].values[0] # increase testing/diagnosis rates, default 2020 0.03/0.25 -> 93% dx self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["hiv_testing_rates"]["annual_testing_rate_children"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "annual_testing_rate_children", "value"].values[0] self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["hiv_testing_rates"]["annual_testing_rate_adults"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "annual_testing_rate_adults", "value"].values[0] # ANC testing - value for mothers and infants testing self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["prob_hiv_test_at_anc_or_delivery"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "prob_hiv_test_at_anc_or_delivery", "value"].values[0] self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["prob_hiv_test_for_newborn_infant"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "prob_hiv_test_for_newborn_infant", "value"].values[0] # prob ART start if dx, this is already 95% at 2020 # self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["prob_start_art_after_hiv_test"] = scaled_params.loc[ # scaled_params.parameter == # "prob_start_art_after_hiv_test", "value"].values[0] # viral suppression rates # adults already at 95% by 2020 # change all column values self.sim.modules["Hiv"].parameters["prob_start_art_or_vs"]["virally_suppressed_on_art"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "virally_suppressed_on_art", "value"].values[0] # TB # use NTP treatment rates self.sim.modules["Tb"].parameters["rate_testing_active_tb"]["treatment_coverage"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "tb_treatment_coverage", "value"].values[0] # increase tb treatment success rates self.sim.modules["Tb"].parameters["prob_tx_success_ds"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "tb_prob_tx_success_ds", "value"].values[0] self.sim.modules["Tb"].parameters["prob_tx_success_mdr"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "tb_prob_tx_success_mdr", "value"].values[0] self.sim.modules["Tb"].parameters["prob_tx_success_0_4"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "tb_prob_tx_success_0_4", "value"].values[0] self.sim.modules["Tb"].parameters["prob_tx_success_5_14"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "tb_prob_tx_success_5_14", "value"].values[0] self.sim.modules["Tb"].parameters["prob_tx_success_shorter"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "tb_prob_tx_success_shorter", "value"].values[0] # change first-line testing for TB to xpert p["first_line_test"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "first_line_test", "value"].values[0] p["second_line_test"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "second_line_test", "value"].values[0] # increase coverage of IPT p["ipt_coverage"]["coverage_plhiv"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "ipt_coverage_plhiv", "value"].values[0] p["ipt_coverage"]["coverage_paediatric"] = scaled_params.loc[ scaled_params.parameter == "ipt_coverage_paediatric", "value"].values[0] # remove consumables constraints, all cons available if scenario == 2: # list only things that change: constraints on consumables new_parameters = { 'cons_availability': 'all', } self.sim.schedule_event( HealthSystemChangeParameters( self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'], parameters=new_parameters),
[docs] class TbActiveCasePoll(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """The Tb Regular Poll Event for assigning active infections * selects people for active infection and schedules onset of active tb assign_active_tb uses a transmission model to assign new cases import_tb simulates importation of active tb independent of current prevalence """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(years=1))
[docs] def apply(self, population): p = self.module.parameters inc_estimates = p["who_incidence_estimates"] incidence_year = (inc_estimates.loc[ (inc_estimates.year ==, "incidence_per_100k" ].values[0]) / 100000 prop_untreated_ds = self.module.calculate_untreated_proportion(population, strain="ds") prop_untreated_mdr = self.module.calculate_untreated_proportion(population, strain="mdr") scaled_incidence_ds = incidence_year * \ p["scaling_factor_WHO"] * prop_untreated_ds scaled_incidence_mdr = incidence_year * \ p["prop_mdr2010"] * \ p["scaling_factor_WHO"] * \ prop_untreated_mdr # transmission ds-tb self.module.assign_active_tb(population, strain="ds", incidence=scaled_incidence_ds) # transmission mdr-tb, around 1% of total tb incidence self.module.assign_active_tb(population, strain="mdr", incidence=scaled_incidence_mdr)
[docs] class TbTreatmentAndRelapseEvents(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This event runs each month and calls three functions: * scheduling TB screening for the general population * ending treatment if end of treatment regimen has been reached * determining who will relapse after a primary infection """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=1))
[docs] def apply(self, population): # schedule some background rates of tb testing (non-symptom-driven) self.module.send_for_screening_general(population) self.module.end_treatment(population) self.module.relapse_event(population)
[docs] class TbActiveEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ * check for those with dates of active tb onset within last time-period *1 change individual properties for active disease *2 assign symptoms *3 if HIV+, assign smear status and schedule AIDS onset *4 if HIV-, assign smear status and schedule death *5 schedule screening for symptomatic active cases """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): self.repeat = 1 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(days=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): df = population.props now = p = self.module.parameters rng = self.module.rng # find people eligible for progression to active disease # date of active disease scheduled to occur this week # some will be scheduled for future dates # if on IPT or treatment - do nothing active_idx = df.loc[ df.is_alive & (df.tb_scheduled_date_active < (now + DateOffset(days=self.repeat))) & (df.tb_scheduled_date_active >= now) & ~df.tb_on_ipt & ~df.tb_on_treatment ].index if active_idx.empty: return # -------- 1) change individual properties for active disease -------- df.loc[active_idx, "tb_inf"] = "active" df.loc[active_idx, "tb_date_active"] = now df.loc[active_idx, "tb_smear"] = False # default property # -------- 2) assign symptoms -------- self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].change_symptom( person_id=active_idx, symptom_string=self.module.symptom_list, add_or_remove="+", disease_module=self.module, duration_in_days=None, ) # -------- 3) if HIV+ assign smear status and schedule AIDS onset -------- active_and_hiv = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(active_idx) & df.hv_inf)].index # higher probability of being smear positive than HIV- smear_pos = ( rng.random_sample(len(active_and_hiv)) < p["prop_smear_positive_hiv"] ) active_and_hiv_smear_pos = active_and_hiv[smear_pos] df.loc[active_and_hiv_smear_pos, "tb_smear"] = True if "Hiv" in self.sim.modules: for person_id in active_and_hiv: self.sim.schedule_event( hiv.HivAidsOnsetEvent( self.sim.modules["Hiv"], person_id, cause="AIDS_TB" ), now, ) else: # if Hiv not registered, give HIV+ person same time to death as HIV- for person_id in active_and_hiv: date_of_tb_death = + pd.DateOffset( months=int(rng.uniform(low=1, high=6)) ) self.sim.schedule_event( event=TbDeathEvent(person_id=person_id, module=self.module, cause="AIDS_TB"), date=date_of_tb_death, ) # -------- 4) if HIV- assign smear status and schedule death -------- active_no_hiv = active_idx[~active_idx.isin(active_and_hiv)] smear_pos = rng.random_sample(len(active_no_hiv)) < p["prop_smear_positive"] active_no_hiv_smear_pos = active_no_hiv[smear_pos] df.loc[active_no_hiv_smear_pos, "tb_smear"] = True for person_id in active_no_hiv: date_of_tb_death = + pd.DateOffset( months=int(rng.uniform(low=1, high=6)) ) self.sim.schedule_event( event=TbDeathEvent(person_id=person_id, module=self.module, cause="TB"), date=date_of_tb_death, ) # -------- 5) schedule screening for asymptomatic and symptomatic people -------- # sample from all new active cases (active_idx) and determine whether they will seek a test year = min(2019, max(2011, now.year)) active_testing_rates = p["rate_testing_active_tb"] # change to NTP testing rates current_active_testing_rate = active_testing_rates.loc[ ( active_testing_rates.year == year), "treatment_coverage"].values[ 0] / 100 # multiply testing rate by average treatment availability to match treatment coverage current_active_testing_rate = current_active_testing_rate * (1 / 0.6) random_draw = rng.random_sample(size=len(df)) # randomly select some symptomatic individuals for screening and testing # would only be screened if have symptoms for >= 14 days # sample some of active_idx to go for screening screen_active_idx = df.loc[ (df.index.isin(active_idx) & (random_draw < current_active_testing_rate))].index # TB screening checks for symptoms lasting at least 14 days, so add delay for person in screen_active_idx: self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer(person_id=person, module=self.module), + DateOffset(days=14), tclose=None, priority=0, )
[docs] class TbSelfCureEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """annual event which allows some individuals to self-cure approximate time from infection to self-cure is 3 years HIV+ and not virally suppressed cannot self-cure note that frequency can't be changed here as parameters are set to annual values """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): # note frequency must remain at 12 months or edit code below for duration active disease super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=12))
[docs] def apply(self, population): p = self.module.parameters now = rng = self.module.rng df = population.props prob_self_cure = 1 / p["duration_active_disease_years"] # self-cure - move from active to latent, excludes cases that just became active random_draw = rng.random_sample(size=len(df)) # hiv-negative self_cure = df.loc[ (df.tb_inf == "active") & df.is_alive & ~df.hv_inf & (df.tb_date_active < now) & (random_draw < prob_self_cure) ].index # hiv-positive, on art and virally suppressed self_cure_art = df.loc[ (df.tb_inf == "active") & df.is_alive & df.hv_inf & (df.hv_art == "on_VL_suppressed") & (df.tb_date_active < now) & (random_draw < prob_self_cure) ].index # resolve symptoms and change properties all_self_cure = [*self_cure, *self_cure_art] # leave tb strain set in case of relapse df.loc[all_self_cure, "tb_inf"] = "latent" df.loc[all_self_cure, "tb_diagnosed"] = False df.loc[all_self_cure, "tb_smear"] = False # this will clear all tb symptoms self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].clear_symptoms( person_id=all_self_cure, disease_module=self.module ) # resolve AIDS symptoms if virally suppressed self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].clear_symptoms( person_id=self_cure_art, disease_module=self.sim.modules["Hiv"] )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Health System Interactions (HSI) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ The is the Screening-and-Refer HSI. A positive outcome from symptom-based screening will prompt referral to tb tests (sputum/xpert/xray) no consumables are required for screening (4 clinical questions) This event is scheduled by: * the main event poll, * when someone presents for care through a Generic HSI with tb-like symptoms * active screening / contact tracing programmes If this event is called within another HSI, it may be desirable to limit the functionality of the HSI: do this using the arguments: * suppress_footprint=True : the HSI will not have any footprint This event will: * screen individuals for TB symptoms * administer appropriate TB test * schedule treatment if needed * give IPT for paediatric contacts of diagnosed case """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Tb) assert isinstance(suppress_footprint, bool) self.suppress_footprint = suppress_footprint self.TREATMENT_ID = "Tb_Test_Screening" self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({"Over5OPD": 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): """Do the screening and referring to next tests""" df = self.sim.population.props now = p = self.module.parameters person = df.loc[person_id] # If the person is dead or already diagnosed, do nothing do not occupy any resources if not person["is_alive"] or person["tb_diagnosed"]: return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() logger.debug( key="message", data=f"HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer: person {person_id}" ) smear_status = person["tb_smear"] # If the person is already on treatment and not failing, do nothing do not occupy any resources if person["tb_on_treatment"] and not person["tb_treatment_failure"]: return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() # ------------------------- screening ------------------------- # # check if patient has: cough, fever, night sweat, weight loss # if none of the above conditions are present, no further action persons_symptoms = self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].has_what(person_id) if not any(x in self.module.symptom_list for x in persons_symptoms): return self.make_appt_footprint({}) # ------------------------- testing ------------------------- # # if screening indicates presumptive tb test = None test_result = None ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT # refer for HIV testing: all ages # do not run if already HIV diagnosed or had test in last week if not person["hv_diagnosed"] or (person["hv_last_test_date"] >= (now - DateOffset(days=7))): self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( hsi_event=hiv.HSI_Hiv_TestAndRefer( person_id=person_id, module=self.sim.modules["Hiv"], referred_from='Tb' ), priority=1, topen=now, tclose=None, ) # child under 5 -> chest x-ray, but access is limited # if xray not available, HSI_Tb_Xray_level1b will refer if person["age_years"] < 5: ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {"Under5OPD": 1} ) # this HSI will choose relevant sensitivity/specificity depending on person's smear status self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_Xray_level1b(person_id=person_id, module=self.module), topen=now, tclose=None, priority=0, ) test_result = False # to avoid calling a clinical diagnosis # for all presumptive cases over 5 years of age else: # this selects a test for the person # if selection is xpert, will check for availability and return sputum if xpert not available test = self.module.select_tb_test(person_id) assert test in ["sputum", "xpert"] if test == "sputum": ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {"Over5OPD": 1, "LabTBMicro": 1} ) # relevant test depends on smear status (changes parameters on sensitivity/specificity if smear_status: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_sputum_test_smear_positive", hsi_event=self ) else: # if smear-negative, sputum smear should always return negative # run the dx test to log the consumable test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_sputum_test_smear_negative", hsi_event=self ) # if negative, check for presence of all symptoms (clinical diagnosis) if all(x in self.module.symptom_list for x in persons_symptoms): test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_clinical", hsi_event=self ) elif test == "xpert": ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {"Over5OPD": 1} ) # relevant test depends on smear status (changes parameters on sensitivity/specificity if smear_status: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xpert_test_smear_positive", hsi_event=self ) # for smear-negative people else: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xpert_test_smear_negative", hsi_event=self ) # ------------------------- testing referrals ------------------------- # # if none of the tests are available, try again for sputum # requires another appointment - added in ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT if test_result is None: if smear_status: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_sputum_test_smear_positive", hsi_event=self ) else: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_sputum_test_smear_negative", hsi_event=self ) ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {"Over5OPD": 2, "LabTBMicro": 1} ) # if still no result available, rely on clinical diagnosis if test_result is None: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_clinical", hsi_event=self ) # ------------------------- testing outcomes ------------------------- # # diagnosed with mdr-tb - only if xpert used if test_result and (test == "xpert") and (person["tb_strain"] == "mdr"):[person_id, "tb_diagnosed_mdr"] = True # if a test has been performed, update person's properties if test_result is not None:[person_id, "tb_date_tested"] = now # if any test returns positive result, refer for appropriate treatment if test_result:[person_id, "tb_diagnosed"] = True[person_id, "tb_date_diagnosed"] = now logger.debug( key="message", data=f"schedule HSI_Tb_StartTreatment for person {person_id}", ) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_StartTreatment(person_id=person_id, module=self.module), topen=now, tclose=None, priority=0, ) # ------------------------- give IPT to contacts ------------------------- # # if diagnosed, trigger ipt outreach event for up to 5 contacts of case # only high-risk districts are eligible year = now.year if now.year < 2020 else 2019 district = person["district_of_residence"] ipt = self.module.parameters["ipt_coverage"] ipt_year = ipt.loc[ipt.year == year] ipt_coverage_paed = ipt_year.coverage_paediatric.values[0] / 100 if (district in p["tb_high_risk_distr"].district_name.values) & ( self.module.rng.rand() < ipt_coverage_paed ): # randomly sample from eligible population within district ipt_eligible = df.loc[ (df.age_years <= p["age_eligibility_for_ipt"]) & ~df.tb_diagnosed & df.is_alive & (df.district_of_residence == district) ].index if ipt_eligible.any(): # select persons at highest risk of tb rr_of_tb = self.module.lm["active_tb"].predict( df.loc[ipt_eligible] ) # choose top 5 highest risk contacts ipt_sample = rr_of_tb.sort_values(ascending=False).head(5).index for person_id in ipt_sample: logger.debug( key="message", data=f"HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer: scheduling IPT for person {person_id}", ) ipt_event = HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt( self.module, person_id=person_id ) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( ipt_event, priority=1, topen=now, tclose=None, ) # Return the footprint. If it should be suppressed, return a blank footprint. if self.suppress_footprint: return self.make_appt_footprint({}) else: return ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT
[docs] class HSI_Tb_ClinicalDiagnosis(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is a clinical diagnosis appt which is called when other tests have not been available and only a clinical diagnosis is required * it does not include any of the routine tests for TB or HIV therefore property tb_date_tested is not updated * It only requires 0.5 footprint of Under5OPD since it will almost exclusively be used for children unable to get xrays following initial diagnostic consultations """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Tb) assert isinstance(suppress_footprint, bool) self.suppress_footprint = suppress_footprint self.TREATMENT_ID = "Tb_Test_Clinical" self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({"Under5OPD": 0.5}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): """ Do the screening and referring process """ df = self.sim.population.props now = person = df.loc[person_id] test_result = None # If the person is dead or already diagnosed, do nothing do not occupy any resources if not person["is_alive"] or person["tb_diagnosed"]: return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() logger.debug( key="message", data=f"HSI_Tb_ClinicalDiagnosis: person {person_id}" ) # check if patient has: cough, fever, night sweat, weight loss set_of_symptoms_that_indicate_tb = set(self.module.symptom_list) persons_symptoms = self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].has_what(person_id) if not set_of_symptoms_that_indicate_tb.intersection(persons_symptoms): # if none of the above conditions are present, no further action return self.make_appt_footprint({}) elif set_of_symptoms_that_indicate_tb.issubset(persons_symptoms): # All symptoms present (clinical diagnosis) test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_clinical", hsi_event=self ) # if clinical diagnosis returns positive result, refer for appropriate treatment if test_result:[person_id, "tb_diagnosed"] = True[person_id, "tb_date_diagnosed"] = now logger.debug( key="message", data=f"schedule HSI_Tb_StartTreatment for person {person_id}", ) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_StartTreatment(person_id=person_id, module=self.module), topen=now, tclose=None, priority=0, )
[docs] class HSI_Tb_Xray_level1b(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ The is the x-ray HSI usually used for testing children unable to produce sputum positive result will prompt referral to start treatment """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Tb) assert isinstance(suppress_footprint, bool) self.suppress_footprint = suppress_footprint self.TREATMENT_ID = "Tb_Test_Xray" self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({"DiagRadio": 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1b'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props if not[person_id, "is_alive"] or[person_id, "tb_diagnosed"]: return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT smear_status =[person_id, "tb_smear"] # select sensitivity/specificity of test based on smear status if smear_status: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xray_smear_positive", hsi_event=self ) else: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xray_smear_negative", hsi_event=self ) # if consumables not available, refer to level 2 # return blank footprint as xray did not occur if test_result is None: ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({}) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_Xray_level2(person_id=person_id, module=self.module), + pd.DateOffset(weeks=1), tclose=None, priority=0, ) # if test returns positive result, refer for appropriate treatment if test_result:[person_id, "tb_diagnosed"] = True[person_id, "tb_date_diagnosed"] = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_StartTreatment(person_id=person_id, module=self.module),, tclose=None, priority=0, ) # Return the footprint. If it should be suppressed, return a blank footprint. if self.suppress_footprint: return self.make_appt_footprint({}) else: return ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT
[docs] class HSI_Tb_Xray_level2(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ The is the x-ray HSI performed at level 2 usually used for testing children unable to produce sputum positive result will prompt referral to start treatment """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, suppress_footprint=False): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Tb) assert isinstance(suppress_footprint, bool) self.suppress_footprint = suppress_footprint self.TREATMENT_ID = "Tb_Test_Xray" self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({"DiagRadio": 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '2'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props if not[person_id, "is_alive"] or[person_id, "tb_diagnosed"]: return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT smear_status =[person_id, "tb_smear"] # select sensitivity/specificity of test based on smear status if smear_status: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xray_smear_positive", hsi_event=self ) else: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xray_smear_negative", hsi_event=self ) # if consumables not available, rely on clinical diagnosis # return blank footprint as xray was not available if test_result is None: ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({}) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_ClinicalDiagnosis(person_id=person_id, module=self.module),, tclose=None, priority=0, ) # if test returns positive result, refer for appropriate treatment if test_result:[person_id, "tb_diagnosed"] = True[person_id, "tb_date_diagnosed"] = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_StartTreatment(person_id=person_id, module=self.module),, tclose=None, priority=0, ) # Return the footprint. If it should be suppressed, return a blank footprint. if self.suppress_footprint: return self.make_appt_footprint({}) else: return ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Treatment # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # the consumables at treatment initiation include the cost for the full course of treatment # # so the follow-up appts don't need to account for consumables, just appt time
[docs] class HSI_Tb_StartTreatment(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Tb) self.TREATMENT_ID = "Tb_Treatment" self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a' self.number_of_occurrences = 0
@property def EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT(self): """ Return the expected appt footprint based on whether the HSI has been rescheduled due to unavailable treatment. """ if self.number_of_occurrences == 0: return self.make_appt_footprint({'TBNew': 1}) else: return self.make_appt_footprint({'PharmDispensing': 1})
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): """This is a Health System Interaction Event - start TB treatment select appropriate treatment and request if available, change person's properties """ df = self.sim.population.props now = person = df.loc[person_id] self.number_of_occurrences += 1 # The current appointment is included in the count. if not person["is_alive"]: return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() # if person already on treatment or not yet diagnosed, do nothing if person["tb_on_treatment"] or not person["tb_diagnosed"]: return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() treatment_regimen = self.select_treatment(person_id) treatment_available = self.get_consumables( item_codes=self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required[treatment_regimen] ) if treatment_available: # start person on tb treatment - update properties[person_id, "tb_on_treatment"] = True[person_id, "tb_date_treated"] = now[person_id, "tb_treatment_regimen"] = treatment_regimen if person["tb_diagnosed_mdr"]:[person_id, "tb_treated_mdr"] = True[person_id, "tb_date_treated_mdr"] = now # schedule first follow-up appointment follow_up_date = + DateOffset(months=1) logger.debug( key="message", data=f"HSI_Tb_StartTreatment: scheduling first follow-up " f"for person {person_id} on {follow_up_date}", ) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_FollowUp(person_id=person_id, module=self.module), topen=follow_up_date, tclose=None, priority=0, ) # if treatment not available, return for treatment start in 1 week # cap repeated visits at 5 else: if self.number_of_occurrences <= 5: self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( hsi_event=self, + DateOffset(weeks=1), tclose=None, priority=0, )
[docs] def post_apply_hook(self): self.number_of_occurrences += 1
[docs] def select_treatment(self, person_id): """ helper function to select appropriate treatment and check whether consumables are available to start drug course treatment will always be for ds-tb unless mdr has been identified :return: drug_available [BOOL] """ df = self.sim.population.props person = df.loc[person_id] treatment_regimen = None # default return value # -------- MDR-TB -------- # if person["tb_diagnosed_mdr"]: treatment_regimen = "tb_mdrtx" # -------- First TB infection -------- # # could be undiagnosed mdr or ds-tb: treat as ds-tb elif not person["tb_ever_treated"]: if person["age_years"] >= 15: # treatment for ds-tb: adult treatment_regimen = "tb_tx_adult" else: # treatment for ds-tb: child treatment_regimen = "tb_tx_child" # -------- Secondary TB infection -------- # # person has been treated before # possible treatment failure or subsequent reinfection else: if person["age_years"] >= 15: # treatment for reinfection ds-tb: adult treatment_regimen = "tb_retx_adult" else: # treatment for reinfection ds-tb: child treatment_regimen = "tb_retx_child" # -------- SHINE Trial shorter paediatric regimen -------- # # shorter treatment for child with minimal tb if (self.module.parameters["scenario"] == 5) \ & ( >= self.module.parameters["scenario_start_date"]) \ & (person["age_years"] <= 16) \ & ~(person["tb_smear"]) \ & ~person["tb_ever_treated"] \ & ~person["tb_diagnosed_mdr"]: treatment_regimen = "tb_tx_child_shorter" return treatment_regimen
# # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Follow-up appts # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HSI_Tb_FollowUp(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is a Health System Interaction Event clinical monitoring for tb patients on treatment will schedule sputum smear test if needed if positive sputum smear, schedule xpert test for drug sensitivity then schedule the next follow-up appt if needed """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Tb) self.TREATMENT_ID = "Tb_Test_FollowUp" self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({"TBFollowUp": 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): p = self.module.parameters df = self.sim.population.props person = df.loc[person_id] # Do not run if the person is not alive, or is not currently on treatment if (not person["is_alive"]) or (not person["tb_on_treatment"]): return ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT # months since treatment start - to compare with monitoring schedule # make sure it's an integer value months_since_tx = int( ( -[person_id, "tb_date_treated"]).days / 30.5 ) logger.debug( key="message", data=f"HSI_Tb_FollowUp: person {person_id} on month {months_since_tx} of treatment", ) # default clinical monitoring schedule for first infection ds-tb xperttest_result = None follow_up_times = p["followup_times"] sputum_fup = follow_up_times["ds_sputum"].dropna() treatment_length = p["ds_treatment_length"] # if previously treated: if ((person["tb_treatment_regimen"] == "tb_retx_adult") or (person["tb_treatment_regimen"] == "tb_retx_child")): # if strain is ds and person previously treated: sputum_fup = follow_up_times["ds_retreatment_sputum"].dropna() treatment_length = p["ds_retreatment_length"] # if person diagnosed with mdr - this treatment schedule takes precedence elif person["tb_treatment_regimen"] == "tb_mdrtx": sputum_fup = follow_up_times["mdr_sputum"].dropna() treatment_length = p["mdr_treatment_length"] # if person on shorter paediatric regimen elif person["tb_treatment_regimen"] == "tb_tx_child_shorter": sputum_fup = follow_up_times["shine_sputum"].dropna() treatment_length = p["shine_treatment_length"] # check schedule for sputum test and perform if necessary if months_since_tx in sputum_fup: ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {"TBFollowUp": 1, "LabTBMicro": 1} ) # choose test parameters based on smear status if person["tb_smear"]: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_sputum_test_smear_positive", hsi_event=self ) else: test_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_sputum_test_smear_negative", hsi_event=self ) # if sputum test was available and returned positive and not diagnosed with mdr, schedule xpert test if test_result and not person["tb_diagnosed_mdr"]: ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {"TBFollowUp": 1, "LabTBMicro": 1, "LabMolec": 1} ) if person["tb_smear"]: xperttest_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xpert_test_smear_positive", hsi_event=self ) else: xperttest_result = self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run="tb_xpert_test_smear_negative", hsi_event=self ) # if xpert test returns new mdr-tb diagnosis if xperttest_result and ([person_id, "tb_strain"] == "mdr"):[person_id, "tb_diagnosed_mdr"] = True # already diagnosed with active tb so don't update tb_date_diagnosed[person_id, "tb_treatment_failure"] = True # restart treatment (new regimen) if newly diagnosed with mdr-tb self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_StartTreatment(person_id=person_id, module=self.module),, tclose=None, priority=0, ) # for all ds cases and known mdr cases: # schedule next clinical follow-up appt if still within treatment length elif months_since_tx < treatment_length: follow_up_date = + DateOffset(months=1) logger.debug( key="message", data=f"HSI_Tb_FollowUp: scheduling next follow-up " f"for person {person_id} on {follow_up_date}", ) self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_FollowUp(person_id=person_id, module=self.module), topen=follow_up_date, tclose=None, priority=0, ) return ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IPT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is a Health System Interaction Event - give ipt to reduce risk of active TB It can be scheduled by: * HIV.HSI_Hiv_StartOrContinueTreatment for PLHIV, diagnosed and on ART * Tb.HSI_Tb_StartTreatment for up to 5 contacts of diagnosed active TB case if person referred by ART initiation (HIV+), IPT given for 36 months paediatric IPT is 6-9 months """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) self.TREATMENT_ID = "Tb_Prevention_Ipt" self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({"Over5OPD": 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a' self.number_of_occurrences = 0
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): logger.debug(key="message", data=f"Starting IPT for person {person_id}") self.number_of_occurrences += 1 df = self.sim.population.props # shortcut to the dataframe person = df.loc[person_id] # Do not run if the person is not alive or already on IPT or diagnosed active infection if ( (not person["is_alive"]) or person["tb_on_ipt"] or person["tb_diagnosed"] ): return # if currently have symptoms of TB, refer for screening/testing persons_symptoms = self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].has_what(person_id) if any(x in self.module.symptom_list for x in persons_symptoms): self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer(person_id=person_id, module=self.module),, + pd.DateOffset(days=14), priority=0, ) else: # Check/log use of consumables, and give IPT if available # if not available, reschedule IPT start if self.get_consumables( item_codes=self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required["tb_ipt"] ): # Update properties[person_id, "tb_on_ipt"] = True[person_id, "tb_date_ipt"] = # schedule decision to continue or end IPT after 6 months self.sim.schedule_event( Tb_DecisionToContinueIPT(self.module, person_id), + DateOffset(months=6), ) else: # Reschedule this HSI to occur again, up to a 3 times in total if self.number_of_occurrences < 3: self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( self, + pd.DateOffset(days=1), + pd.DateOffset(days=14), priority=0, )
[docs] class Tb_DecisionToContinueIPT(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """Helper event that is used to 'decide' if someone on IPT should continue or end This event is scheduled by 'HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt' after 6 months * end IPT for all * schedule further IPT for HIV+ if still eligible (no active TB diagnosed, <36 months IPT) """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id)
[docs] def apply(self, person_id): df = self.sim.population.props person = df.loc[person_id] m = self.module if not (person["is_alive"]): return # default update properties for all[person_id, "tb_on_ipt"] = False # decide whether PLHIV will continue if ( person["hv_diagnosed"] and (not person["tb_diagnosed"]) and (person["tb_date_ipt"] < ( - pd.DateOffset(days=36 * 30.5))) and (m.rng.random_sample() < m.parameters["prob_retained_ipt_6_months"]) ): self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt(person_id=person_id, module=m),, + pd.DateOffset(days=14), priority=0, )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deaths # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class TbDeathEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ The scheduled death for a tb case check whether this death should occur using a linear model will depend on treatment status, smear status and age """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, cause): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) self.cause = cause
[docs] def apply(self, person_id): df = self.sim.population.props if not[person_id, "is_alive"]: return if not[person_id, "tb_inf"] == "active": return logger.debug( key="message", data=f"TbDeathEvent: checking whether death should occur for person {person_id}", ) # use linear model to determine whether this person will die: rng = self.module.rng result = self.module.lm["death_rate"].predict(df.loc[[person_id]], rng=rng) if result: logger.debug( key="message", data=f"TbDeathEvent: cause this death for person {person_id}", ) self.sim.modules["Demography"].do_death( individual_id=person_id, cause=self.cause, originating_module=self.module, )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logging # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class TbLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module): """produce some outputs to check""" # run this event every 12 months self.repeat = 12 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): # get some summary statistics df = population.props now = # ------------------------------------ INCIDENCE ------------------------------------ # total number of new active cases in last year - ds + mdr # may have died in the last year but still counted as active case for the year # number of new active cases new_tb_cases = len( df[(df.tb_date_active >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat)))] ) # number of latent cases new_latent_cases = len( df[(df.tb_date_latent >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat)))] ) # number of new active cases in HIV+ inc_active_hiv = len( df[ (df.tb_date_active >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) & df.hv_inf ] ) # proportion of active TB cases in the last year who are HIV-positive prop_hiv = inc_active_hiv / new_tb_cases if new_tb_cases else 0 key="tb_incidence", description="Number new active and latent TB cases, total and in PLHIV", data={ "num_new_active_tb": new_tb_cases, "num_new_latent_tb": new_latent_cases, "num_new_active_tb_in_hiv": inc_active_hiv, "prop_active_tb_in_plhiv": prop_hiv, }, ) # save outputs to dict for calibration self.module.tb_outputs["date"] += [] self.module.tb_outputs["num_new_active_tb"] += [new_tb_cases] # ------------------------------------ PREVALENCE ------------------------------------ # number of current active cases divided by population alive # ACTIVE num_active_tb_cases = len(df[(df.tb_inf == "active") & df.is_alive]) prev_active = num_active_tb_cases / len(df[df.is_alive]) assert prev_active <= 1 # prevalence of active TB in adults num_active_adult = len( df[(df.tb_inf == "active") & (df.age_years >= 15) & df.is_alive] ) prev_active_adult = num_active_adult / len( df[(df.age_years >= 15) & df.is_alive] ) if len( df[(df.age_years >= 15) & df.is_alive] ) else 0 assert prev_active_adult <= 1 # prevalence of active TB in children num_active_child = len( df[(df.tb_inf == "active") & (df.age_years < 15) & df.is_alive] ) prev_active_child = num_active_child / len( df[(df.age_years < 15) & df.is_alive] ) if len( df[(df.age_years < 15) & df.is_alive] ) else 0 assert prev_active_child <= 1 # LATENT # proportion of population with latent TB - all pop num_latent = len(df[(df.tb_inf == "latent") & df.is_alive]) prev_latent = num_latent / len(df[df.is_alive]) assert prev_latent <= 1 # proportion of population with latent TB - adults num_latent_adult = len( df[(df.tb_inf == "latent") & (df.age_years >= 15) & df.is_alive] ) prev_latent_adult = num_latent_adult / len( df[(df.age_years >= 15) & df.is_alive] ) if len( df[(df.age_years >= 15) & df.is_alive] ) else 0 assert prev_latent_adult <= 1 # proportion of population with latent TB - children num_latent_child = len( df[(df.tb_inf == "latent") & (df.age_years < 15) & df.is_alive] ) prev_latent_child = num_latent_child / len( df[(df.age_years < 15) & df.is_alive] ) if len( df[(df.age_years < 15) & df.is_alive] ) else 0 assert prev_latent_child <= 1 key="tb_prevalence", description="Prevalence of active and latent TB cases, total and in PLHIV", data={ "tbPrevActive": prev_active, "tbPrevActiveAdult": prev_active_adult, "tbPrevActiveChild": prev_active_child, "tbPrevLatent": prev_latent, "tbPrevLatentAdult": prev_latent_adult, "tbPrevLatentChild": prev_latent_child, }, ) # save outputs to dict for calibration self.module.tb_outputs["tbPrevLatent"] += [prev_latent] # ------------------------------------ MDR ------------------------------------ # number new mdr tb cases new_mdr_cases = len( df[ (df.tb_strain == "mdr") & (df.tb_date_active >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) ] ) if new_mdr_cases: prop_mdr = new_mdr_cases / new_tb_cases else: prop_mdr = 0 key="tb_mdr", description="Incidence of new active MDR cases and the proportion of TB cases that are MDR", data={ "tbNewActiveMdrCases": new_mdr_cases, "tbPropActiveCasesMdr": prop_mdr, }, ) # ------------------------------------ CASE NOTIFICATIONS ------------------------------------ # number diagnoses (new, relapse, reinfection) in last timeperiod new_tb_diagnosis = len( df[ (df.tb_date_active >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) & (df.tb_date_diagnosed >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat)))] ) if new_tb_diagnosis: prop_dx = new_tb_diagnosis / new_tb_cases else: prop_dx = 0 # ------------------------------------ TREATMENT ------------------------------------ # number of tb cases who became active in last timeperiod and initiated treatment new_tb_tx = len( df[ (df.tb_date_active >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) & (df.tb_date_treated >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) ] ) # treatment coverage: if became active and was treated in last timeperiod if new_tb_cases: tx_coverage = new_tb_tx / new_tb_cases # assert tx_coverage <= 1 else: tx_coverage = 0 # ipt coverage new_tb_ipt = len( df[ (df.tb_date_ipt >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) ] ) # this will give ipt among whole population - not just eligible pop if new_tb_ipt: ipt_coverage = new_tb_ipt / len(df[df.is_alive]) else: ipt_coverage = 0 key="tb_treatment", description="TB treatment coverage", data={ "tbNewDiagnosis": new_tb_diagnosis, "tbPropDiagnosed": prop_dx, "tbTreatmentCoverage": tx_coverage, "tbIptCoverage": ipt_coverage, }, ) # ------------------------------------ TREATMENT DELAYS ------------------------------------ # for every person initiated on treatment, record time from onset to treatment # each year a series of intervals in days (treatment date - onset date) are recorded # convert to list # this will include false positives as Nan or negative or delay > 3 years # adults # get index of adults starting tx in last time-period # note tb onset may have been up to 3 years prior to treatment adult_tx_idx = df.loc[(df.age_years >= 16) & (df.tb_date_treated >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat)))].index # calculate treatment_date - onset_date for each person in index adult_tx_delays = (df.loc[adult_tx_idx, "tb_date_treated"] - df.loc[adult_tx_idx, "tb_date_active"]).dt.days adult_tx_delays = adult_tx_delays.tolist() # children child_tx_idx = df.loc[(df.age_years < 16) & (df.tb_date_treated >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat)))].index child_tx_delays = (df.loc[child_tx_idx, "tb_date_treated"] - df.loc[child_tx_idx, "tb_date_active"]).dt.days child_tx_delays = child_tx_delays.tolist() key="tb_treatment_delays", description="TB time from onset to treatment", data={ "tbTreatmentDelayAdults": adult_tx_delays, "tbTreatmentDelayChildren": child_tx_delays, }, ) # ------------------------------------ FALSE POSITIVES ------------------------------------ # from the numbers on treatment, extract those who did not have active TB infection # they will be diagnosed as positive, but tb_inf != active # proportion of new treatments which are false positives # adults # tb_date_active is not within last 3 years (or pd.NaT) adult_num_false_positive = len( df[ ~(df.tb_date_active >= (now - DateOffset(months=36))) & (df.tb_date_treated >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) & (df.age_years >= 16) ] ) # these are all new adults treated, regardless of tb status new_tb_tx_adult = len( df[ (df.tb_date_treated >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) & (df.age_years >= 16) ] ) # proportion of adults starting on treatment who are false positive if adult_num_false_positive: adult_prop_false_positive = adult_num_false_positive / new_tb_tx_adult else: adult_prop_false_positive = 0 # children child_num_false_positive = len( df[ ~(df.tb_date_active >= (now - DateOffset(months=36))) & (df.tb_date_treated >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) & (df.age_years < 16) ] ) # these are all new children treated, regardless of tb status new_tb_tx_child = len( df[ (df.tb_date_treated >= (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) & (df.age_years < 16) ] ) # proportion of children starting on treatment who are false positive if child_num_false_positive: child_prop_false_positive = child_num_false_positive / new_tb_tx_child else: child_prop_false_positive = 0 key="tb_false_positive", description="TB numbers on treatment without disease", data={ "tbNumFalsePositiveAdults": adult_num_false_positive, "tbNumFalsePositiveChildren": child_num_false_positive, "tbPropFalsePositiveAdults": adult_prop_false_positive, "tbPropFalsePositiveChildren": child_prop_false_positive, }, )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debugging / Checking Events # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class TbCheckPropertiesEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=1)) # runs every month
[docs] def apply(self, population): self.module.check_config_of_properties()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dummy Version of the Module # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class DummyTbModule(Module): """Dummy TB Module - it's only job is to create and maintain the 'tb_inf' property. This can be used in test files.""" INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {"Demography"} ALTERNATIVE_TO = {"Tb"} PROPERTIES = { "tb_inf": Property( Types.CATEGORICAL, categories=[ "uninfected", "latent", "active", ], description="tb status", ), }
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, active_tb_prev=0.001): super().__init__(name) self.active_tb_prev = active_tb_prev
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): pass
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): df = population.props tb_idx = df.index[ df.is_alive & (self.rng.random_sample(len(df.is_alive)) < self.active_tb_prev) ] df.loc[tb_idx, "tb_inf"] = "active"
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): pass
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother, child): child_infected = (self.rng.random_sample() < self.active_tb_prev) if child_infected:[child, "tb_inf"] = "active"