Source code for tlo.analysis.life_expectancy

Read in the output files generated by analysis_scenarios
generate life tables to estimate life expectancy for each run/draw
produce summary statistics

import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Tuple

import pandas as pd

from tlo.analysis.utils import (

def _map_age_to_age_group(age: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Returns age-groups used in the calculation of life-expectancy.

    - age (pd.Series): The pd.Series containing ages

    - pd.Series: Series of the 'age-group', corresponding the `age` argument.
    # Define age groups in 5-year intervals
    age_groups = ['0'] + ['1-4'] + [f'{start}-{start + 4}' for start in range(5, 90, 5)] + ['90']

    return pd.cut(
        bins=[0] + [1] + list(range(5, 95, 5)) + [float('inf')],
        labels=age_groups, right=False

def _extract_person_years(results_folder, _draw, _run) -> pd.Series:
    """Returns the person-years that are logged."""
    return load_pickled_dataframes(
        results_folder, _draw, _run, 'tlo.methods.demography'

def _num_deaths_by_age_group(results_folder, target_period) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Returns dataframe with number of deaths by sex/age-group within the target period for each draw/run
    (dataframe returned: index=sex/age-grp, columns=draw/run)

    def extract_deaths_by_age_group(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
        age_group = _map_age_to_age_group(df['age'])
        return df.loc[
            pd.to_datetime(*target_period, inclusive='both')
        ].groupby([age_group, df["sex"]]).size()

    return extract_results(

def _aggregate_person_years_by_age(results_folder, target_period) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """ Returns person-years in each sex/age-group for each draw/run (as pd.DataFrame with index=sex/age-groups and
    info = get_scenario_info(results_folder)
    py_by_sex_and_agegroup = dict()
    for draw in range(info["number_of_draws"]):
        for run in range(info["runs_per_draw"]):
            _df = _extract_person_years(results_folder, _draw=draw, _run=run)

            # mask for entries with dates within the target period
            mask =*target_period, inclusive="both")

            # Compute PY within time-period and summing within age-group, for each sex
            py_by_sex_and_agegroup[(draw, run)] = pd.concat({
                sex: _df.loc[mask, sex]
                        .pipe(lambda x: x.groupby(_map_age_to_age_group(x.index.astype(float))).sum())
                for sex in ["M", "F"]}

    # Format as pd.DataFrame with multiindex in index (sex/age-group) and columns (draw/run)
    py_by_sex_and_agegroup = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(py_by_sex_and_agegroup)
    py_by_sex_and_agegroup.index = py_by_sex_and_agegroup.index.set_names(
        level=[0, 1], names=["sex", "age_group"]
    py_by_sex_and_agegroup.columns = py_by_sex_and_agegroup.columns.set_names(
        level=[0, 1], names=["draw", "run"]

    return py_by_sex_and_agegroup

def _estimate_life_expectancy(
    _person_years_at_risk: pd.Series,
    _number_of_deaths_in_interval: pd.Series
) -> Dict[str, float]:
    For a single run, estimate life expectancy for males and females
    returns: Dict (keys by "M" and "F" for the sex, values the estimated life-expectancy at birth).

    estimated_life_expectancy_at_birth = dict()

    # first age-group is 0, then 1-4, 5-9, 10-14 etc. 22 categories in total
    age_group_labels = _person_years_at_risk.index.get_level_values('age_group').unique()

    # Extract interval width
    interval_width = [
        5 if '90' in interval else int(interval.split('-')[1]) - int(interval.split('-')[0]) + 1
        if '-' in interval else 1 for interval in age_group_labels.categories
    number_age_groups = len(interval_width)
    fraction_of_last_age_survived = pd.Series([0.5] * number_age_groups, index=age_group_labels)

    # separate male and female data
    for sex in ['M', 'F']:
        person_years_by_sex = _person_years_at_risk.xs(key=sex, level='sex')
        number_of_deaths_by_sex = _number_of_deaths_in_interval.xs(key=sex, level='sex')

        death_rate_in_interval = number_of_deaths_by_sex / person_years_by_sex
        # if no deaths or person-years, produces nan
        death_rate_in_interval = death_rate_in_interval.fillna(0)
        # if no deaths in age 90+, set death rate equal to value in age 85-89
        if death_rate_in_interval.loc['90'] == 0:
            death_rate_in_interval.loc['90'] = death_rate_in_interval.loc['85-89']

        # Calculate the probability of dying in the interval
        # condition checks whether the observed number deaths is significantly higher than would be expected
        # based on population years at risk and survival fraction
        # if true, suggests very high mortality rates and returns value 1
        condition = number_of_deaths_by_sex > (
            person_years_by_sex / interval_width / fraction_of_last_age_survived)
        probability_of_dying_in_interval = pd.Series(index=number_of_deaths_by_sex.index, dtype=float)
        probability_of_dying_in_interval[condition] = 1
        probability_of_dying_in_interval[~condition] = interval_width * death_rate_in_interval / (
            1 + interval_width * (1 - fraction_of_last_age_survived) * death_rate_in_interval)
        # all those surviving to final interval die during this interval['90'] = 1

        # number_alive_at_start_of_interval
        # keep dtype as float in case using aggregated outputs
        # note range stops BEFORE the specified number
        number_alive_at_start_of_interval = pd.Series(index=range(number_age_groups), dtype=float)
        number_alive_at_start_of_interval[0] = 100_000  # hypothetical cohort
        for i in range(1, number_age_groups):
            number_alive_at_start_of_interval[i] = (1 - probability_of_dying_in_interval[i - 1]) * \
                                                   number_alive_at_start_of_interval[i - 1]

        # number_dying_in_interval
        number_dying_in_interval = pd.Series(index=range(number_age_groups), dtype=float)
        for i in range(0, number_age_groups - 1):
            number_dying_in_interval[i] = number_alive_at_start_of_interval[i] - number_alive_at_start_of_interval[
                i + 1]
        number_dying_in_interval[number_age_groups - 1] = number_alive_at_start_of_interval[number_age_groups - 1]

        # person-years lived in interval
        py_lived_in_interval = pd.Series(index=range(number_age_groups), dtype=float)
        for i in range(0, number_age_groups - 1):
            py_lived_in_interval[i] = interval_width[i] * (
                number_alive_at_start_of_interval[i + 1] + fraction_of_last_age_survived[i] * number_dying_in_interval[
        py_lived_in_interval[number_age_groups - 1] = number_alive_at_start_of_interval[number_age_groups - 1] / \
                                                      death_rate_in_interval[number_age_groups - 1]

        # person-years lived beyond start of interval
        # have to iterate backwards for this
        py_lived_beyond_start_of_interval = pd.Series(index=range(number_age_groups), dtype=float)
        py_lived_beyond_start_of_interval[number_age_groups - 1] = py_lived_in_interval[number_age_groups - 1]
        for i in range((number_age_groups - 2), -1, -1):
            py_lived_beyond_start_of_interval[i] = py_lived_beyond_start_of_interval[i + 1] + py_lived_in_interval[i]

        # calculate observed life expectancy at start of interval
        # if number of people alive at start of interval=0, condition returns true and observed life expectancy=0
        condition = number_alive_at_start_of_interval == 0
        observed_life_expectancy = pd.Series(index=range(number_age_groups), dtype=float)
        observed_life_expectancy[condition] = 0
        observed_life_expectancy[~condition] = py_lived_beyond_start_of_interval / number_alive_at_start_of_interval

        # estimated life expectancy from birth
        estimated_life_expectancy_at_birth[sex] = observed_life_expectancy[0]

    return estimated_life_expectancy_at_birth

[docs] def get_life_expectancy_estimates( results_folder: Path, target_period: Tuple[,], summary: bool = True ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ produces sets of life expectancy estimates for each draw/run calls: *1 _num_deaths_by_age_group *2 _aggregate_person_years_by_age Args: - results_folder (PosixPath): The path to the results folder containing log, `tlo.methods.demography` - target period (tuple of dates): declare the date range (inclusively) in which life expectancy is to be estimated - summary (bool): declare whether to return a summarized value (mean with 95% uncertainty intervals) or return the estimate for each draw/run Returns: - pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with the life expectancy estimates (in years) for every draw/run in the results folder; or, with option `summary=True` summarized (central, lower, upper estimates) for each draw. example use: test = produce_life_expectancy_estimates(results_folder, median=True, target_period=(Date(2019, 1, 1), Date(2020, 1, 1))) """ # get number of draws and numbers of runs info = get_scenario_info(results_folder) # extract numbers of deaths (by age-group, within the target_period) deaths = _num_deaths_by_age_group(results_folder, target_period) # extract person-years (by age-group, within the target_period) person_years = _aggregate_person_years_by_age(results_folder, target_period) # Initialize an empty list to collect life expectancies le_for_each_draw_and_run = dict() for draw in range(info['number_of_draws']): for run in range(info['runs_per_draw']): le_for_each_draw_and_run[(draw, run)] = _estimate_life_expectancy( _number_of_deaths_in_interval=deaths[(draw, run)], _person_years_at_risk=person_years[(draw, run)] ) output = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(le_for_each_draw_and_run) = "sex" output.columns = output.columns.set_names(level=[0, 1], names=['draw', 'run']) if not summary: return output else: return summarize(results=output, only_mean=False, collapse_columns=False)