Source code for tlo.methods.stunting

Stunting Module

The Stunting module determines the prevalence of stunting for children under 5 years old. A polling event runs
every month and determines the risk of onset of non-severe stunting, progression to severe stunting or natural
recovery. The Generic HSI calls do_at_generic_first_appt for any HSI with a child under 5 years old:
if they have any stunting they are provided with an intervention - `HSI_Stunting_ComplementaryFeeding`.
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import norm

from tlo import DAYS_IN_YEAR, DateOffset, Module, Parameter, Property, Types, logging
from tlo.core import IndividualPropertyUpdates
from import IndividualScopeEventMixin, PopulationScopeEventMixin, RegularEvent
from tlo.lm import LinearModel, LinearModelType, Predictor
from tlo.methods import Metadata
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import HSI_Event

    from tlo.population import PatientDetails

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class Stunting(Module): """This is the disease module for Stunting""" INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Demography', 'Wasting', 'NewbornOutcomes', 'Diarrhoea', 'Hiv'} METADATA = { Metadata.DISEASE_MODULE, Metadata.USES_HEALTHSYSTEM, } PARAMETERS = { # Prevalence of stunting by age group at initiation 'prev_HAZ_distribution_age_0_5mo': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Distribution of HAZ among less than 6 months of age in 2015 (mean, standard deviation)'), 'prev_HAZ_distribution_age_6_11mo': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Distribution of HAZ among 6 months and 1 year of age in 2015 (mean, standard deviation)'), 'prev_HAZ_distribution_age_12_23mo': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Distribution of HAZ among 1 year olds in 2015 (mean, standard deviation)'), 'prev_HAZ_distribution_age_24_35mo': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Distribution of HAZ among 2 year olds in 2015 (mean, standard deviation)'), 'prev_HAZ_distribution_age_36_47mo': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Distribution of HAZ among 3 year olds in 2015 (mean, standard deviation)'), 'prev_HAZ_distribution_age_48_59mo': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Distribution of HAZ among 4 year olds in 2015 (mean, standard deviation)'), # Risk factors for stunting prevalence at initiation 'or_stunting_male': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if male gender'), 'or_stunting_preterm_and_AGA': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if born preterm and adequate for gestational age'), 'or_stunting_SGA_and_term': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if born term and small for geatational age'), 'or_stunting_SGA_and_preterm': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if born preterm and small for gestational age'), 'or_stunting_hhwealth_Q5': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if household wealth is poorest Q5, ref group Q1'), 'or_stunting_hhwealth_Q4': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if household wealth is poorer Q4, ref group Q1'), 'or_stunting_hhwealth_Q3': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if household wealth is middle Q3, ref group Q1'), 'or_stunting_hhwealth_Q2': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Odds ratio of stunting if household wealth is richer Q2, ref group Q1'), # The incidence of stunting 'base_inc_rate_stunting_by_agegp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Baseline incidence rate per year of stunting by age group (1-5, 6-11, 12-23, 24-35, 36-47, 48-59mo'), 'rr_stunting_preterm_and_AGA': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting if born preterm and adequate for gestational age'), 'rr_stunting_SGA_and_term': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting if born term and small for gestational age'), 'rr_stunting_SGA_and_preterm': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting if born preterm and small for gestational age'), 'rr_stunting_prior_wasting': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting if prior wasting in the last 3 months'), 'rr_stunting_untreated_HIV': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting for untreated HIV+'), 'rr_stunting_wealth_level': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting if wealth-level is greater than 1 compared 1'), 'rr_stunting_no_exclusive_breastfeeding': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting for not exclusively breastfed babies < 6 months'), 'rr_stunting_no_continued_breastfeeding': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting for not continued breastfed infants 6-24 months'), 'rr_stunting_per_diarrhoeal_episode': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of stunting for recent diarrhoea episode'), # Progression to severe stunting 'r_progression_severe_stunting_by_agegp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Rates per year of progression to severe stunting by age group (1-5, 6-11, 12-23, 24-35, 36-47, 48-59mo'), 'rr_progress_severe_stunting_if_prior_wasting': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of severe stunting if previously wasted'), 'rr_progress_severe_stunting_untreated_HIV': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Relative risk of severe stunting for untreated HIV+'), # Natural recovery from stunting 'mean_years_to_1stdev_natural_improvement_in_stunting': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Mean time (in years) to a one standard deviation improvement in stunting without any treatment.'), # The effect of treatment 'effectiveness_of_complementary_feeding_education_in_stunting_reduction': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Probability of stunting being reduced by one standard deviation (category) by education about ' 'supplementary feeding (but not supplying supplementary feeding consmables).'), 'effectiveness_of_food_supplementation_in_stunting_reduction': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Probability of stunting being reduced by one standard deviation (category) by supplementary feeding.'), # The probability of a (severe) stunting person being checked and correctly diagnosed 'prob_stunting_diagnosed_at_generic_appt': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Probability of a stunted or severely stunted person being checked and correctly diagnosed'), } PROPERTIES = { 'un_HAZ_category': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Indicator of current stunting status - the height-for-age z-score category:' '"HAZ>=-2" == No Stunting (within 2 standard deviations of mean); ' '"-3<=HAZ<-2" == Non-Severe Stunting (2-3 standard deviations from mean); ' '"HAZ<-3 == Severe Stunting (more than 3 standard deviations from mean)', categories=['HAZ<-3', '-3<=HAZ<-2', 'HAZ>=-2']), }
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, resourcefilepath=None): super().__init__(name) self.resourcefilepath = resourcefilepath self.models = None # (Will store the models used in the module) self.cons_item_codes = None # (Will store consumable item codes)
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): self.load_parameters_from_dataframe( pd.read_excel( Path(self.resourcefilepath) / 'ResourceFile_Stunting.xlsx', sheet_name='Parameter_values') )
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): """Set initial prevalence of stunting according to distributions provided in parameters""" df = population.props p = self.parameters # Set default for property df.loc[df.is_alive, 'un_HAZ_category'] = 'HAZ>=-2' def get_probs_stunting(_agegp): """For the a given HAZ distribution (specified in the parameters by age-group), find the odds of a value <-2 (= 'stunted') and the odds of a value <-3 given a value <-2 (= 'severely stunted').""" mean, stdev = p[f'prev_HAZ_distribution_age_{_agegp[0]}_{_agegp[1]}mo'] haz_distribution = norm(loc=mean, scale=stdev) # Compute proportion "stunted" (HAZ <-2) p_stunted = haz_distribution.cdf(-2.0) # Compute proportion "severely stunted" given "stunted" (HAZ <-3 given HAZ <-2) p_severely_stunted_given_stunted = haz_distribution.cdf(-3.0) / haz_distribution.cdf(-2.0) # Return results needed as named tuple: result = namedtuple('probs', ['prob_stunting', 'prob_severe_given_stunting']) return result( p_stunted, p_severely_stunted_given_stunted ) def make_scaled_linear_model_stunting(target_prob, mask): def make_linear_model_stunting(intercept=1.0): return LinearModel( LinearModelType.LOGISTIC, intercept, Predictor('sex').when('M', p['or_stunting_male']), Predictor('li_wealth').when(2, p['or_stunting_hhwealth_Q2']) .when(3, p['or_stunting_hhwealth_Q3']) .when(4, p['or_stunting_hhwealth_Q4']) .when(5, p['or_stunting_hhwealth_Q5']), Predictor().when('(nb_size_for_gestational_age == "small_for_gestational_age") ' '& (nb_late_preterm == False) & (nb_early_preterm == False)', p['or_stunting_SGA_and_term']), Predictor().when('(nb_size_for_gestational_age == "small_for_gestational_age") ' '& ((nb_late_preterm == True) | (nb_early_preterm == True))', p['or_stunting_SGA_and_preterm']), Predictor().when('(nb_size_for_gestational_age == "average_for_gestational_age") ' '& ((nb_late_preterm == True) | (nb_early_preterm == True))', p['or_stunting_preterm_and_AGA']) ) unscaled_lm = make_linear_model_stunting() actual_prob = unscaled_lm.predict(df.loc[mask]).mean() actual_odds = actual_prob / (1.0 - actual_prob) target_odds = target_prob / (1.0 - target_prob) return make_linear_model_stunting( intercept=target_odds / actual_odds if not np.isnan(actual_prob) else target_odds ) for agegp in [(0, 5), (6, 11), (12, 23), (24, 35), (36, 47), (48, 59)]: # in months p_stunting = get_probs_stunting(agegp) low_bound_age_in_years = agegp[0] / 12.0 high_bound_age_in_years = (1 + agegp[1]) / 12.0 mask = ( df.is_alive & (df.age_exact_years >= low_bound_age_in_years) & (df.age_exact_years < high_bound_age_in_years) ) stunted = make_scaled_linear_model_stunting(target_prob=p_stunting.prob_stunting, mask=mask).predict( df.loc[mask], self.rng, squeeze_single_row_output=False) severely_stunted_idx = stunted.loc[ stunted & (self.rng.random_sample(len(stunted)) < p_stunting.prob_severe_given_stunting)].index stunted_but_not_severe_idx = stunted[stunted].index.difference(severely_stunted_idx) df.loc[stunted_but_not_severe_idx, "un_HAZ_category"] = '-3<=HAZ<-2' df.loc[severely_stunted_idx, "un_HAZ_category"] = 'HAZ<-3'
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): """Prepare for simulation to start""" # Establish the models self.models = Models(self) # Schedule the main polling event to begin on the first day of the simulation sim.schedule_event(StuntingPollingEvent(self), # Schedule the logging event to begin on the first day of the simulation sim.schedule_event(StuntingLoggingEvent(self), # Look-up consumable item codes self.look_up_consumable_item_codes()
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id): """Set that on birth there is no stunting""" self.sim.population.props.loc[child_id, 'un_HAZ_category'] = 'HAZ>=-2'
[docs] def look_up_consumable_item_codes(self): """Look up the item codes that used in the HSI in the module""" get_item_codes = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].get_item_code_from_item_name self.cons_item_codes = dict() self.cons_item_codes['supplementary_feeding'] = get_item_codes('Supplementary spread, sachet 92g/CAR-150') self.cons_item_codes['education_for_supplementary_feeding'] = get_item_codes( 'Complementary feeding--education only drugs/supplies to service a client')
[docs] def do_onset(self, idx: pd.Index): """Represent the onset of stunting for the person_id given in `idx`""" df = self.sim.population.props df.loc[idx, 'un_HAZ_category'] = '-3<=HAZ<-2'
[docs] def do_progression(self, idx: pd.Index): """Represent the progression to severe stunting for the person_id given in `idx`""" df = self.sim.population.props df.loc[idx, 'un_HAZ_category'] = 'HAZ<-3'
[docs] def do_recovery(self, idx: Union[list, pd.Index]): """Represent the recovery from stunting for the person_id given in `idx`. Recovery causes the person to move 'up' one level: i.e. 'HAZ<-3' --> '-3<=HAZ<-2' or '-3<=HAZ<-2' --> 'HAZ>=-2'""" df = self.sim.population.props df.loc[idx, 'un_HAZ_category'] = df.loc[idx, 'un_HAZ_category'].map({ 'HAZ<-3': '-3<=HAZ<-2', '-3<=HAZ<-2': 'HAZ>=-2' })
[docs] def do_treatment(self, person_id, prob_success): """Represent the treatment with supplementary feeding. If treatment is successful, effect the recovery of the person immediately.""" if prob_success > self.rng.random_sample(): self.do_recovery([person_id])
[docs] def do_at_generic_first_appt( self, patient_id: int, patient_details: PatientDetails, **kwargs, ) -> IndividualPropertyUpdates: # This is called by the a generic HSI event for every child aged # less than 5 years. # It assesses stunting and schedules an HSI as needed. is_stunted = patient_details.un_HAZ_category in ('HAZ<-3', '-3<=HAZ<-2') p_stunting_diagnosed = self.parameters['prob_stunting_diagnosed_at_generic_appt'] # Schedule the HSI for provision of treatment based on the # probability of stunting diagnosis, provided the necessary # symptoms are there. if ( (patient_details.age_years <= 5) and is_stunted ): # Schedule the HSI for provision of treatment based on the # probability of stunting diagnosis if p_stunting_diagnosed > self.rng.random_sample(): event = HSI_Stunting_ComplementaryFeeding( module=self, person_id=patient_id ) self.healthsystem.schedule_hsi_event( event, priority=2, # <-- lower priority that for wasting and most other HSI, )
class Models: def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.p = module.parameters self.lm_prob_becomes_stunted = self.make_lm_prob_becomes_stunted() self.lm_prob_progression_to_severe_stunting = self.make_lm_prob_progression_to_severe_stunting() self.lm_prob_natural_recovery = self.make_lm_prob_natural_recovery() def make_lm_prob_becomes_stunted(self): """Returns LinearModel for the probability per year of becoming stunted.""" p = self.p return LinearModel.multiplicative( Predictor( conditions_are_exhaustive=True, conditions_are_mutually_exclusive=True ).when( "age_exact_years < 0.5", p["base_inc_rate_stunting_by_agegp"][0] ).when( "0.5 <= age_exact_years < 1", p["base_inc_rate_stunting_by_agegp"][1] ).when( "1 <= age_exact_years < 2", p["base_inc_rate_stunting_by_agegp"][2] ).when( "2 <= age_exact_years < 3", p["base_inc_rate_stunting_by_agegp"][3] ).when( "3 <= age_exact_years < 4", p["base_inc_rate_stunting_by_agegp"][4] ).when( "4 <= age_exact_years < 5", p["base_inc_rate_stunting_by_agegp"][5] ).when( "age_exact_years >= 5", 0.0 ), Predictor('li_wealth', conditions_are_mutually_exclusive=True).when(1, 1.0) .otherwise(p['rr_stunting_wealth_level']), Predictor('gi_number_of_episodes').apply(lambda x: p['rr_stunting_per_diarrhoeal_episode'] ** x), Predictor('un_ever_wasted', conditions_are_exhaustive=True, conditions_are_mutually_exclusive=True).when(True, p['rr_stunting_prior_wasting']) .when(False, 1.0), Predictor().when('(nb_size_for_gestational_age == "small_for_gestational_age") ' '& (nb_late_preterm == False) & (nb_early_preterm == False)', p['rr_stunting_SGA_and_term']), Predictor().when('(nb_size_for_gestational_age == "small_for_gestational_age") ' '& ((nb_late_preterm == True) | (nb_early_preterm == True))', p['rr_stunting_SGA_and_preterm']), Predictor().when('(nb_size_for_gestational_age == "average_for_gestational_age") ' '& ((nb_late_preterm == True) | (nb_early_preterm == True))', p['rr_stunting_preterm_and_AGA']), Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (hv_art == "not")', p['rr_stunting_untreated_HIV']), Predictor().when('((nb_breastfeeding_status == "non_exclusive") | ' '(nb_breastfeeding_status == "none")) & (age_exact_years < 0.5)', p['rr_stunting_no_exclusive_breastfeeding']), Predictor().when( '(nb_breastfeeding_status == "none") & (0.5 <= age_exact_years < 2.0)', p['rr_stunting_no_continued_breastfeeding'] ), ) def make_lm_prob_progression_to_severe_stunting(self): """Return LinearModel for the probability per year of progressing from a state of being Stunted (but not severe) (-3 < HAZ <= -2) to a state of Severe Stunting (HAZ <= -3)""" p = self.p return LinearModel.multiplicative( Predictor( conditions_are_exhaustive=True, conditions_are_mutually_exclusive=True ).when( 'age_exact_years < 0.5', p['r_progression_severe_stunting_by_agegp'][0] ) .when( '0.5 <= age_exact_years < 1.0', p['r_progression_severe_stunting_by_agegp'][1] ) .when( '1.0 <= age_exact_years < 2.0', p['r_progression_severe_stunting_by_agegp'][2] ) .when( '2.0 <= age_exact_years < 3.0', p['r_progression_severe_stunting_by_agegp'][3] ) .when( '3.0 <= age_exact_years < 4.0', p['r_progression_severe_stunting_by_agegp'][4] ) .when( '4.0 <= age_exact_years < 5.0', p['r_progression_severe_stunting_by_agegp'][5] ) .when( 'age_exact_years >= 5.0', 1.0 ), Predictor('un_ever_wasted', conditions_are_exhaustive=True, conditions_are_mutually_exclusive=True ).when(True, p['rr_progress_severe_stunting_if_prior_wasting']) .when(False, 1.0), Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (hv_art == "not")', p['rr_stunting_untreated_HIV']), ) def make_lm_prob_natural_recovery(self): """Return LinearModel for the probability per year of improving by one category (one HAZ standard deviation) i.e. from being severely stunted (HAZ<-3) to non-severely stunted (-3<HAZ<=-2); and from being non-severely stunted to not Stunted (HAZ>-2).""" p = self.p mean_years = p['mean_years_to_1stdev_natural_improvement_in_stunting'] prob_recovery_per_year = 1.0 - np.exp(-1.0 / mean_years) return LinearModel( LinearModelType.MULTIPLICATIVE, intercept=prob_recovery_per_year ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NATURAL HISTORY EVENTS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class StuntingPollingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """Regular event that controls the onset of stunting, progression to severe stunting and natural recovery."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=1)) assert isinstance(module, Stunting)
[docs] def apply(self, population): """ * Determine who will be onset for stunting (among those not stunted) and effect that change; * Determine who will be onset for recovery (among those stunted) and effect that change. * Determine who will be onset for progression (among those stunted but not severely) and effect that change; """ df = population.props models = self.module.models days_until_next_polling_event = ( + self.frequency - / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') # Onset of Stunting eligible_for_stunting = (df.is_alive & (df.age_exact_years < 5.0) & (df.un_HAZ_category == 'HAZ>=-2')) idx_will_be_stunted = self.apply_model( model=models.lm_prob_becomes_stunted, mask=eligible_for_stunting, days_exposed_to_risk=days_until_next_polling_event ) self.module.do_onset(idx_will_be_stunted) # Recovery from Stunting eligible_for_recovery = (df.is_alive & (df.age_exact_years < 5.0) & (df.un_HAZ_category != 'HAZ>=-2') & ~df.index.isin(idx_will_be_stunted)) idx_will_recover = self.apply_model( model=models.lm_prob_natural_recovery, mask=eligible_for_recovery, days_exposed_to_risk=days_until_next_polling_event ) self.module.do_recovery(idx_will_recover) # Progression to Severe Stunting eligible_for_progression = (df.is_alive & (df.age_exact_years < 5.0) & (df.un_HAZ_category == '-3<=HAZ<-2') & ~df.index.isin(idx_will_be_stunted) & ~df.index.isin(idx_will_recover)) idx_will_progress = self.apply_model( model=models.lm_prob_progression_to_severe_stunting, mask=eligible_for_progression, days_exposed_to_risk=days_until_next_polling_event ) self.module.do_progression(idx_will_progress)
[docs] def apply_model(self, model, mask, days_exposed_to_risk): """Return the person_ids selected for an event of occur to in a given period (in days), as specified by a LinearModel that provides the annual risk of the event. * Looks-up annual probability of the event using a linear model supplied in `model` to a population masked with `mask` * Converts the annual probability to a probability of the event occurring during the number of `days_exposed_to_risk` * Randomly selects which individuals will have the events """ df = self.sim.population.props rng = self.module.rng annual_prob = model.predict(df.loc[mask]).clip(upper=1.0) cum_prob_over_days_exposed = 1.0 - (1.0 - annual_prob) ** (days_exposed_to_risk / DAYS_IN_YEAR) assert pd.notnull(cum_prob_over_days_exposed).all() return mask[mask].index[cum_prob_over_days_exposed > rng.random_sample(mask.sum())]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logging # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class StuntingLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """Logging event occurring every year"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(years=1)) assert isinstance(module, Stunting)
[docs] def apply(self, population): """Log the current distribution of stunting classification by age""" df = population.props d_to_log = df.loc[df.is_alive & (df.age_years < 5)].groupby( by=['age_years', 'un_HAZ_category']).size().sort_index().to_dict() def convert_keys_to_string(d): return {str(k): v for k, v in d.items()} key='prevalence', data=convert_keys_to_string(d_to_log), description='Current number of children in each stunting category by single year of age.' )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HSI # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HSI_Stunting_ComplementaryFeeding(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """HSI for complementary feeding, either with the provision of supplementary foods or with education only."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'Undernutrition_Feeding' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'U5Malnutr': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props person = df.loc[person_id] if not person.is_alive: return # Only do anything if child is under 5 and remains stunted if (person.age_years < 5) and (person.un_HAZ_category in ['HAZ<-3', '-3<=HAZ<-2']): # Provide supplementary feeding if consumable available, otherwise provide 'education only' (which has a # different probability of success). if self.get_consumables(item_codes=self.module.cons_item_codes['supplementary_feeding']): self.module.do_treatment(person_id, prob_success=self.module.parameters[ 'effectiveness_of_food_supplementation_in_stunting_reduction']) else: # Request consumables for provision of education for supplementary feeding, but do not let # non-availability prevent provision of the intervention. _ = self.get_consumables( item_codes=self.module.cons_item_codes['education_for_supplementary_feeding']) self.module.do_treatment(person_id, prob_success=self.module.parameters[ 'effectiveness_of_complementary_feeding_education_in_stunting_reduction']) # Schedule a further instance of this HSI for monitoring and resupply of consumables. self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( hsi_event=self, priority=2, # <-- lower priority that for wasting and most other HSI + pd.DateOffset(months=6) )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ACCESSORIES FOR TESTING # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class StuntingPropertiesOfOtherModules(Module): """For the purpose of the testing, this module generates the properties upon which the Stunting module relies""" INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Demography'} # Though this module provides some properties from NewbornOutcomes we do not list # NewbornOutcomes in the ALTERNATIVE_TO set to allow using in conjunction with # SimplifiedBirths which can also be used as an alternative to NewbornOutcomes ALTERNATIVE_TO = {'Hiv', 'Wasting', 'Diarrhoea'} PROPERTIES = { 'hv_inf': Property(Types.BOOL, 'temporary property'), 'hv_art': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'temporary property', categories=['not', 'on_VL_suppressed', 'on_not_VL_suppressed']), 'nb_low_birth_weight_status': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'temporary property', categories=['extremely_low_birth_weight', 'very_low_birth_weight', 'low_birth_weight', 'normal_birth_weight']), 'nb_size_for_gestational_age': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'temporary property', categories=['small_for_gestational_age', 'average_for_gestational_age']), 'nb_late_preterm': Property(Types.BOOL, 'temporary property'), 'nb_early_preterm': Property(Types.BOOL, 'temporary property'), 'nb_breastfeeding_status': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'temporary property', categories=['none', 'non_exclusive', 'exclusive']), 'un_ever_wasted': Property(Types.BOOL, 'temporary property'), 'gi_number_of_episodes': Property(Types.INT, 'temporary property') }
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name)
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): pass
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): df = population.props df.loc[df.is_alive, 'hv_inf'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'hv_art'] = 'not' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'nb_low_birth_weight_status'] = 'normal_birth_weight' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'nb_size_for_gestational_age'] = 'average_for_gestational_age' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'nb_late_preterm'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'nb_early_preterm'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'nb_breastfeeding_status'] = 'exclusive' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'un_ever_wasted'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'gi_number_of_episodes'] = 0
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): pass
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother, child): df = self.sim.population.props[child, 'hv_inf'] = False[child, 'hv_art'] = 'not'[child, 'nb_low_birth_weight_status'] = 'normal_birth_weight'[child, 'nb_size_for_gestational_age'] = 'average_for_gestational_age'[child, 'nb_late_preterm'] = False[child, 'nb_early_preterm'] = False[child, 'nb_breastfeeding_status'] = 'exclusive'[child, 'un_ever_wasted'] = False[child, 'gi_number_of_episodes'] = 0