Source code for tlo.methods.pregnancy_supervisor

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from tlo import (
from tlo.core import IndividualPropertyUpdates
from import Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin, PopulationScopeEventMixin, RegularEvent
from tlo.lm import LinearModel
from tlo.methods import Metadata, labour, pregnancy_helper_functions, pregnancy_supervisor_lm
from tlo.methods.care_of_women_during_pregnancy import (
from tlo.methods.causes import Cause
from tlo.util import BitsetHandler

    from tlo.population import PatientDetails

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PregnancySupervisor(Module): """This module is responsible for simulating the antenatal period of pregnancy (the period from conception until the termination of pregnancy). A number of outcomes are managed by this module including early pregnancy loss (induced/spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy and antenatal stillbirth) and pregnancy complications of the antenatal period (nutritional deficiencies , anaemia, placental praevia/abruption, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), chorioamnionitis, hypertensive disorders (gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia), gestational diabetes, maternal death). This module calculates likelihood of care seeking for routine antenatal care and emergency obstetric care in the event of severe complications."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, resourcefilepath=None): super().__init__(name) self.resourcefilepath = resourcefilepath # First we define dictionaries which will store the current parameters of interest (to allow parameters to # change between 2010 and 2020) and the linear models self.current_parameters = dict() self.ps_linear_models = dict() # Here we define the mother and newborn information dictionary which stored surplus information about women # across the length of pregnancy and the postnatal period self.mother_and_newborn_info = dict() # This variable will store a Bitset handler for the property ps_abortion_complications self.abortion_complications = None
INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Demography'} OPTIONAL_INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'HealthBurden', 'Malaria', 'CardioMetabolicDisorders', 'Hiv'} ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES = { 'Contraception', 'HealthSystem', 'Labour', 'CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy', 'Lifestyle'} METADATA = {Metadata.DISEASE_MODULE, Metadata.USES_HEALTHBURDEN} # Declare Causes of Death CAUSES_OF_DEATH = { 'ectopic_pregnancy': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'spontaneous_abortion': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'induced_abortion': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'antepartum_haemorrhage': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'severe_gestational_hypertension': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'severe_pre_eclampsia': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'eclampsia': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'antenatal_sepsis': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders')} # Declare Causes of Disability CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY = { 'maternal': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders') } PARAMETERS = { # n.b. Parameters are stored as LIST variables due to containing values to match both 2010 and 2015 data. # ECTOPIC PREGNANCY... 'prob_ectopic_pregnancy': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of ectopic pregnancy'), 'prob_care_seeking_ectopic_pre_rupture': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman will seek care for ectopic pregnancy prior to rupture'), 'prob_ectopic_pregnancy_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman dying from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy'), # TWINS... 'prob_multiples': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that a woman is currently carrying more than one pregnancy'), # PLACENTA PRAEVIA 'prob_placenta_praevia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that this womans pregnancy will be complicated by placenta praevia'), 'rr_placenta_praevia_previous_cs': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of placenta praevia in a woman who has previously delivered via caesarean ' 'section'), # SYPHILIS 'prob_syphilis_during_pregnancy': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that this womans will develop syphilis during her pregnancy'), # SPONTANEOUS AND INDUCED ABORTION 'prob_previous_miscarriage_at_baseline': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'probability that a woman at baseline will have previously experienced a miscarriage'), 'prob_spontaneous_abortion_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of spontaneous abortion per month'), 'rr_spont_abortion_age_35': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of spontaneous abortion in women aged 35 years or older'), 'rr_spont_abortion_age_31_34': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of spontaneous abortion in women aged 31-34 years old'), 'rr_spont_abortion_prev_sa': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of spontaneous abortion in women who have previously experiences spontaneous ' 'abortion'), 'prob_complicated_sa': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that a woman who experiences spontaneous abortion with experience any ' 'complications'), 'prob_induced_abortion_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of induced abortion per month'), 'prob_complicated_ia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that a woman who experiences induced abortion with experience any ' 'complications'), 'prob_haemorrhage_post_abortion': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of haemorrhage following an abortion'), 'prob_sepsis_post_abortion': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of sepsis following an abortion'), 'prob_injury_post_abortion': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of injury following an abortion'), 'prob_induced_abortion_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of death following an induced abortion'), 'prob_spontaneous_abortion_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of death following an spontaneous abortion'), # ANAEMIA... 'baseline_prob_anaemia_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'baseline risk of a woman developing anaemia secondary only to pregnant'), 'rr_anaemia_maternal_malaria': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of anaemia secondary to malaria infection'), 'rr_anaemia_hiv_no_art': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of anaemia for a woman with HIV not on ART'), 'prob_mild_mod_sev_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a womans anaemia will be mild, moderate or severe'), # GESTATIONAL DIABETES... 'prob_gest_diab_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of gestational diabetes per month without the impact of risk factors'), 'rr_gest_diab_obesity': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of gestational diabetes for women who are obese'), # HYPERTENSIVE DISORDERS... 'prob_gest_htn_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of gestational hypertension per month without the impact of risk factors'), 'rr_gest_htn_obesity': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of gestational hypertension for women who are obese'), 'prob_pre_eclampsia_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of pre-eclampsia per month without the impact of risk factors'), 'rr_pre_eclampsia_obesity': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of pre-eclampsia for women who are obese'), 'rr_pre_eclampsia_multiple_pregnancy': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of pre-eclampsia for women who are pregnant with twins'), 'rr_pre_eclampsia_chronic_htn': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who are chronically hypertensive'), 'rr_pre_eclampsia_diabetes_mellitus': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who have diabetes mellitus'), 'probs_for_mgh_matrix': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of mild gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational ' 'hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, ' 'eclampsia'), 'probs_for_sgh_matrix': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of severe gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational ' 'hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, ' 'eclampsia'), 'probs_for_mpe_matrix': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of mild pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension,' ' severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia'), 'probs_for_spe_matrix': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of severe pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension,' ' severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia'), 'probs_for_ec_matrix': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension,' ' severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia'), 'prob_severe_pre_eclampsia_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of death for a woman experiencing acute severe pre-eclampsia'), 'prob_eclampsia_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of death for a woman experiencing eclampsia'), 'prob_monthly_death_severe_htn': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'monthly risk of death for a woman with severe hypertension'), # PLACENTAL ABRUPTION... 'prob_placental_abruption_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'monthly probability that a woman will develop placental abruption'), 'rr_placental_abruption_hypertension': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of placental abruption in women with hypertension'), 'rr_placental_abruption_previous_cs': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of placental abruption in women who delivered previously via caesarean section'), # ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE... 'prob_aph_placenta_praevia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of antepartum haemorrhage due to ongoing placenta praevia'), 'prob_aph_placental_abruption': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of antepartum haemorrhage due to placental abruption'), 'prob_mod_sev_aph': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that APH is mild/moderate or severe'), 'prob_antepartum_haemorrhage_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of death for a woman suffering acute antepartum haemorrhage'), # PROM... 'prob_prom_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'monthly probability that a woman will experience premature rupture of membranes'), # CHORIOAMNIONITIS... 'prob_chorioamnionitis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'monthly probability of a women developing chorioamnionitis'), 'prob_antenatal_sepsis_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for chorioamnionitis'), # PRETERM LABOUR... 'baseline_prob_early_labour_onset': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'monthly baseline risk of labour onsetting before term'), 'rr_preterm_labour_post_prom': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of early labour onset following PROM'), 'rr_preterm_labour_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of early labour onset in women with anaemia'), 'rr_preterm_labour_malaria': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of early labour onset in women with malaria'), 'rr_preterm_labour_multiple_pregnancy': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of early labour onset in women pregnant with twins'), # ANTENATAL STILLBIRTH... 'prob_still_birth_per_month': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of stillbirth per month without the impact of risk factors'), 'rr_still_birth_ga_41': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with gestational age 41 weeks'), 'rr_still_birth_ga_42': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with gestational age 42 weeks'), 'rr_still_birth_ga_>42': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with gestational age > 42 weeks'), 'rr_still_birth_gest_diab': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with gestational diabetes'), 'rr_still_birth_diab_mellitus': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with diabetes mellitus'), 'rr_still_birth_maternal_malaria': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with malaria'), 'rr_still_birth_maternal_syphilis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with syphilis'), 'rr_still_birth_pre_eclampsia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with pre-eclampsia'), 'rr_still_birth_eclampsia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with eclampsia'), 'rr_still_birth_gest_htn': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with mild gestational hypertension'), 'rr_still_birth_chronic_htn': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with chronic hypertension'), 'rr_still_birth_aph': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with antepartum haemorrhage'), 'rr_still_birth_chorio': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in women with chorioamnionitis'), # CARE SEEKING (NOT ANC)... 'prob_seek_care_pregnancy_complication': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability that a woman who is pregnant will seek care in the event of a complication'), 'prob_seek_care_pregnancy_loss': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability that a woman who has developed complications post pregnancy loss will seek care'), 'prob_seek_care_induction': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability that a woman who is post term will seek care for induction of labour'), # CARE SEEKING (ANC)... 'prob_anc1_months_2_to_4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'list of probabilities that a woman will attend her first ANC visit at either month 2, 3 or' ' 4 of pregnancy'), 'prob_anc1_months_5_to_9': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'list of probabilities that a woman will attend her first ANC visit on months 5-10'), 'odds_early_init_anc4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman undergoing 4 or more basic ANC visits with the first visit occurring ' 'prior or during month 4 of pregnancy (EANC4+)'), 'aor_early_anc4_20_24': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 20-24'), 'aor_early_anc4_25_29': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 25-29'), 'aor_early_anc4_30_34': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 30-34'), 'aor_early_anc4_35_39': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 35-39'), 'aor_early_anc4_40_44': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 40-44'), 'aor_early_anc4_45_49': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 45-49'), 'aor_early_anc4_2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in 2010'), 'aor_early_anc4_2015': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in 2015'), 'aor_early_anc4_parity_2_3': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with a parity of 2-3'), 'aor_early_anc4_parity_4_5': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with a parity of 4-5'), 'aor_early_anc4_parity_6+': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with a parity of 6+'), 'aor_early_anc4_secondary_edu': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with secondary education'), 'aor_early_anc4_tertiary_edu': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with tertiary education'), 'aor_early_anc4_richest_wealth': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women in the richest wealth quintile'), 'prob_late_initiation_anc4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman will undertake 4 or more ANC visits with the first being after 4 months'), 'prob_early_initiation_anc_below4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities a woman will attend fewer than 4 ANC visits but the first visit will occur ' 'before month 4'), 'prob_early_anc_at_facility_level_1_2': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities a woman will attend ANC 1 at facility levels 1 or 2'), # TREATMENT EFFECTS... 'treatment_effect_ectopic_pregnancy_treatment': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Treatment effect of ectopic pregnancy case management'), 'treatment_effect_post_abortion_care': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Treatment effect of post abortion care'), 'treatment_effect_iron_folic_acid_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative effect of daily iron and folic acid treatment on risk of maternal anaemia '), 'treatment_effect_calcium_pre_eclamp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk reduction of pre-eclampsia for women taking daily calcium supplementation'), 'treatment_effect_gest_htn_calcium': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Effect of calcium supplementation on risk of developing gestational hypertension'), 'treatment_effect_anti_htns_progression': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Effect of anti hypertensive medication in reducing the risk of progression from mild to severe' ' hypertension'), 'prob_glycaemic_control_diet_exercise': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a womans GDM is controlled by diet and exercise during the first month of ' 'treatment'), 'prob_glycaemic_control_orals': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a womans GDM is controlled by oral anti-diabetics during the first month of ' 'treatment'), 'treatment_effect_gdm_case_management': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Treatment effect of GDM case management on mothers risk of stillbirth '), 'treatment_effect_still_birth_food_sups': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk reduction of still birth for women receiving nutritional supplements'), # ANALYSIS PARAMETERS... 'anc_service_structure': Parameter( Types.INT, 'stores type of ANC service being delivered in the model (anc4 or anc8) and is used in analysis' 'scripts to change ANC structure'), 'analysis_year': Parameter( Types.INT, 'Year on which the pregnancy analysis event is scheduled to update any relevant parameters for ' 'analysis (1st day 1st month)'), 'ps_analysis_in_progress': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Used within the pregnancy_helper_function to signify that analysis is currently being ' 'conducted'), 'alternative_anc_coverage': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of ANC coverage has been ' 'determined following the events run'), 'alternative_anc_quality': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of ANC quality has been ' 'determined following the events run'), 'anc_availability_odds': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Target odds of early initiation of ANC4+ when analysis is being conducted - only applied if' 'alternative_anc_coverage is true '), 'anc_availability_probability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Target probability of quality/consumables when analysis is being conducted - only applied if ' 'alternative_anc_quality is true'), 'alternative_ip_anc_quality': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of inpatient ANC quality has been ' 'determined following the events run'), 'ip_anc_availability_probability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Target probability of quality/consumables when analysis is being conducted - only applied if ' 'alternative_ip_anc_quality is true'), 'sens_analysis_min': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals within the analysis event and code that sensitivity analysis is being undertaken in ' 'which ANC is blocked from occurring'), 'sens_analysis_max': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals within the analysis event and code that sensitivity analysis is being undertaken in ' 'which the maximum coverage of ANC is enforced'), } PROPERTIES = { 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks': Property(Types.REAL, 'current gestational age, in weeks, of a woman ' 'pregnancy'), 'ps_date_of_anc1': Property(Types.DATE, 'Date first ANC visit is scheduled for'), 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Whether a woman is experiencing ectopic pregnancy and' ' its current state', categories=['none', 'not_ruptured', 'ruptured']), 'ps_multiple_pregnancy': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether a woman is pregnant with multiple fetuses'), 'ps_placenta_praevia': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether a woman pregnancy will be complicated by placenta' 'praevia'), 'ps_syphilis': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether a woman has syphilis during pregnancy'), 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Whether a woman has anaemia in pregnancy and its ' 'severity', categories=['none', 'mild', 'moderate', 'severe']), 'ps_anc4': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman is predicted to attend 4 or more antenatal care visits ' 'during her pregnancy'), 'ps_abortion_complications': Property(Types.BITSET, 'Bitset column holding types of abortion complication'), 'ps_prev_spont_abortion': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman has had any previous pregnancies end in ' 'spontaneous abortion'), 'ps_prev_stillbirth': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman has had any previous pregnancies end in ' 'still birth'), 'ps_htn_disorders': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'if this woman suffers from a hypertensive disorder of ' 'pregnancy', categories=['none', 'gest_htn', 'severe_gest_htn', 'mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia']), 'ps_prev_pre_eclamp': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has experienced pre-eclampsia in a previous ' 'pregnancy'), 'ps_gest_diab': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'whether this woman is experiencing gestational diabetes', categories=['none', 'uncontrolled', 'controlled']), 'ps_prev_gest_diab': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has ever suffered from gestational diabetes ' 'during a previous pregnancy'), 'ps_placental_abruption': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman is experiencing placental abruption'), 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'severity of this womans antepartum haemorrhage', categories=['none', 'mild_moderate', 'severe']), 'ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has experience rupture of ' 'membranes before the onset of labour. If this is ' '<37 weeks from gestation the woman has preterm ' 'premature rupture of membranes'), 'ps_chorioamnionitis': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether a woman is experiencing chorioamnionitis'), 'ps_emergency_event': Property(Types.BOOL, 'signifies a woman in undergoing an acute emergency event in her ' 'pregnancy- used to consolidated care seeking in the instance of ' 'multiple complications') }
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): # load parameters from the resource file parameter_dataframe = pd.read_excel(Path(self.resourcefilepath) / 'ResourceFile_PregnancySupervisor.xlsx', sheet_name='parameter_values') self.load_parameters_from_dataframe(parameter_dataframe) # Here we map 'disability' parameters to associated DALY weights to be passed to the health burden module. # Currently this module calculates and reports all DALY weights from all maternal modules if 'HealthBurden' in self.sim.modules.keys(): self.parameters['ps_daly_weights'] = \ {'abortion': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(352), 'abortion_haem': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(339), 'abortion_sep': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(340), 'ectopic': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(351), 'ectopic_rupture': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(338), 'mild_mod_aph': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(339), 'severe_aph': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(338), 'chorio': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(340), 'mild_anaemia': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(476), 'mild_anaemia_pp': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(476), 'moderate_anaemia': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(480), 'moderate_anaemia_pp': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(478), 'severe_anaemia': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(478), 'severe_anaemia_pp': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(478), 'eclampsia': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(861), 'hypertension': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(343), 'gest_diab': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(971), 'obstructed_labour': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(348), 'uterine_rupture': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(338), 'sepsis': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(340), 'mild_mod_pph': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(339), 'severe_pph': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(338), 'secondary_pph': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(339), 'vesicovaginal_fistula': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(349), 'rectovaginal_fistula': self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(350), }
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): df = population.props df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_placenta_praevia'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_multiple_pregnancy'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_syphilis'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_anc4'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_abortion_complications'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_prev_spont_abortion'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_prev_stillbirth'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_prev_pre_eclamp'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_prev_gest_diab'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_placental_abruption'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_chorioamnionitis'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ps_emergency_event'] = False # This bitset property stores 'types' of complication that can occur after an abortion self.abortion_complications = BitsetHandler(self.sim.population, 'ps_abortion_complications', ['sepsis', 'haemorrhage', 'injury', 'other']) # Finally, for women of reproductive age at baseline, we determine if they have ever previous experience a # miscarriage. This impacts future likelihood of miscarriage. reproductive_age_women = df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) previous_miscarriage = pd.Series( self.rng.random_sample(len(reproductive_age_women.loc[reproductive_age_women])) < self.parameters['prob_previous_miscarriage_at_baseline'], index=reproductive_age_women.loc[reproductive_age_women].index) df.loc[previous_miscarriage.loc[previous_miscarriage].index, 'ps_prev_spont_abortion'] = True
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): # self.current_parameters is used to store the module level parameters for this time period pregnancy_helper_functions.update_current_parameter_dictionary(self, list_position=0) params = self.current_parameters # Next we register and schedule the PregnancySupervisorEvent sim.schedule_event(PregnancySupervisorEvent(self), + DateOffset(days=0)) # ..and register and schedule logging event sim.schedule_event(PregnancyLoggingEvent(self), + DateOffset(years=1)) # ...and register and schedule the parameter update event sim.schedule_event(ParameterUpdateEvent(self), Date(2015, 1, 1)) # ... and finally register and schedule the parameter override event. This is used in analysis scripts to change # key parameters after the simulation 'burn in' period. The event is schedule to run even when analysis is not # conducted but no changes to parameters can be made. sim.schedule_event(PregnancyAnalysisEvent(self), Date(params['analysis_year'], 1, 1)) # ==================================== LINEAR MODEL EQUATIONS ================================================= # Next we scale linear models according to distribution of predictors in the dataframe at baseline params = self.current_parameters # First we create all of the custom linear models used within this module and store them in # self.ps_linear_models = { # This equation predicts women's probability of attending four ANC visits with the first visit occurring # during or prior to the fourth month of pregnancy 'early_initiation_anc4': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.early_initiation_anc4, parameters=params), # This equation determines the probability of death following en ectopic pregnancy 'ectopic_pregnancy_death': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.ectopic_pregnancy_death, parameters=params), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman experiencing a miscarriage prior to 28 weeks # gestation 'spontaneous_abortion': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.spontaneous_abortion, parameters=params), # This equation determines the probability of death following a complicated miscarriage 'spontaneous_abortion_death': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.spontaneous_abortion_death, parameters=params), # This equation determines the probability of death following an induced abortion 'induced_abortion_death': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.induced_abortion_death, parameters=params), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman determining anaemia during her pregnancy 'maternal_anaemia': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.maternal_anaemia, module=self), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman going into labour before reaching term # gestation (i.e. 37 weeks or more) 'early_onset_labour': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.preterm_labour, module=self), # This equation determines the per-pregnancy probability of a woman developing placenta praevia, where her # placenta is either fully or partially covering the cervix. Praevia is a predictor or antenatal bleeding 'placenta_praevia': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.placenta_praevia, parameters=params), # This equations determines the monthly probability of a woman developing placental abruption during # pregnancy which is a strong predictor of antenatal bleeding 'placental_abruption': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.placental_abruption, parameters=params), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman developing antepartum haemorrhage. Haemorrhage # may only occur in the presence of either praevia or abruption 'antepartum_haem': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.antepartum_haem, parameters=params), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman developing gestational diabetes 'gest_diab': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.gest_diab, parameters=params), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman developing gestational hypertension 'gest_htn': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.gest_htn, parameters=params), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman developing mild pre-eclampsia 'pre_eclampsia': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.pre_eclampsia, module=self), # This equation determines the monthly probability of a woman experiencing an antenatal stillbirth, # pregnancy loss following 28 weeks gestation 'antenatal_stillbirth': LinearModel.custom(pregnancy_supervisor_lm.antenatal_stillbirth, module=self), } # Next we create a dict with all the models to be scaled and the 'target' rate parameter mod = self.ps_linear_models models_to_be_scaled = [[mod['placenta_praevia'], 'prob_placenta_praevia'], [mod['maternal_anaemia'], 'baseline_prob_anaemia_per_month'], [mod['gest_diab'], 'prob_gest_diab_per_month'], [mod['gest_htn'], 'prob_gest_htn_per_month'], [mod['pre_eclampsia'], 'prob_pre_eclampsia_per_month'], [mod['placental_abruption'], 'prob_placental_abruption_per_month'], [mod['antenatal_stillbirth'], 'prob_still_birth_per_month'], [mod['early_initiation_anc4'], 'odds_early_init_anc4'], [mod['spontaneous_abortion'], 'prob_spontaneous_abortion_per_month'], [mod['early_onset_labour'], 'baseline_prob_early_labour_onset']] # Scale all models updating the parameter used as the intercept of the linear models for model in models_to_be_scaled: pregnancy_helper_functions.scale_linear_model_at_initialisation( self, model=model[0], parameter_key=model[1])
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id): df = self.sim.population.props[child_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] = 0[child_id, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ps_placenta_praevia'] = False[child_id, 'ps_multiple_pregnancy'] = False[child_id, 'ps_syphilis'] = False[child_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ps_anc4'] = False[child_id, 'ps_abortion_complications'] = 0[child_id, 'ps_prev_spont_abortion'] = False[child_id, 'ps_prev_stillbirth'] = False[child_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ps_prev_pre_eclamp'] = False[child_id, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ps_prev_gest_diab'] = False[child_id, 'ps_placental_abruption'] = False[child_id, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes'] = False[child_id, 'ps_chorioamnionitis'] = False[child_id, 'ps_emergency_event'] = False
[docs] def further_on_birth_pregnancy_supervisor(self, mother_id): """ This function is called by the on_birth function of NewbornOutcomes module or following an intrapartum stillbirth in the Labour Module. This function contains additional code related to the pregnancy supervisor module that should be ran on_birth. These additional on_birth functions ensure each modules (pregnancy,antenatal care, labour, newborn, postnatal) on_birth code is ran in the correct sequence (as this can vary depending on how modules are registered) :param mother_id: mothers individual id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info if[mother_id, 'is_alive']: # We reset all women gestational age when they deliver as they are no longer pregnant[mother_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] = 0[mother_id, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] = pd.NaT # And store her anaemia status to calculate the prevalence of anaemia on birth'conditions_on_birth', data={'mother': mother_id, 'anaemia_status':[mother_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'], 'gdm_status':[mother_id, 'ps_gest_diab'], 'htn_status':[mother_id, 'ps_htn_disorders']}) # We currently assume that hyperglycemia due to gestational diabetes resolves following birth if[mother_id, 'ps_gest_diab'] != 'none':[mother_id, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'none' # We store the date of resolution for women who were aware of their diabetes (as the DALY weight only # occurs after diagnosis) if not pd.isnull(mni[mother_id]['gest_diab_onset']): pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(mother_id, mni, 'gest_diab_resolution',
[docs] def on_hsi_alert(self, person_id, treatment_id): logger.debug(key='message', data='This is PregnancySupervisor, being alerted about a health system interaction ' f'person {person_id} for: {treatment_id}')
[docs] def report_daly_values(self): """ This function calculates and reports the monthly daly weight values accumulated from Maternal Disorders. For simplicity all daly weights from Maternal Disorders are reported in this module (though may be attributable to conditions occurring antenatally, intrapartum or postnatally). Individual level monthly-daly weights are calculated using the mni dictionary where date of complication onset/resolution is stored. :return: daly_series """ df = self.sim.population.props p = self.parameters['ps_daly_weights'] mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info logger.debug(key='message', data='This is PregnancySupervisor reporting my health values') monthly_daly = dict() # First we define a function that calculates disability associated with 'acute' complications of pregnancy def acute_daly_calculation(person, complication): # If the woman has not experienced the complication of interest in the past month she does not accrue dalys if pd.isnull(mni[person][f'{complication}_onset']): return # If the complication has onset within the last month... if ( - DateOffset(months=1)) <= mni[person][f'{complication}_onset'] <= # We assume that any woman who experiences an acute event receives the whole weight for that daly monthly_daly[person] += p[f'{complication}'] # Ensure some weight is assigned if mni[person][f'{complication}_onset'] != if monthly_daly[person] == 0:'error', data=f'Daly wt not correctly assigned for person {person}') # Reset the variable within the mni dictionary to prevent double counting mni[person][f'{complication}_onset'] = pd.NaT # Next we define a function that calculates disability associated with 'chronic' complications of pregnancy def chronic_daly_calculations(person, complication): # If the complication hasn't occurred, the function ends if pd.isnull(mni[person][f'{complication}_onset']): return # If the complication has not yet resolved, and started more than a month ago, the woman gets a # months disability if pd.isnull(mni[person][f'{complication}_resolution']): if mni[person][f'{complication}_onset'] < ( - DateOffset(months=1)): weight = (p[f'{complication}'] / DAYS_IN_YEAR) * (DAYS_IN_YEAR / 12) monthly_daly[person] += weight # Otherwise, if the complication started this month she gets a daly weight relative to the number of # days she has experience the complication elif ( - DateOffset(months=1)) <= mni[person][ f'{complication}_onset'] <= days_since_onset = pd.Timedelta(( - mni[person][f'{complication}_onset']), unit='d') daly_weight = days_since_onset.days * (p[f'{complication}'] / DAYS_IN_YEAR) monthly_daly[person] += daly_weight if not monthly_daly[person] >= 0:'error', data=f'Daly wt not correctly assigned for person {person}') else: # Its possible for a condition to resolve (via treatment) and onset within the same month # (i.e. anaemia). If so, here we calculate how many days this month an individual has suffered if mni[person][f'{complication}_resolution'] < mni[person][f'{complication}_onset']: if (mni[person][f'{complication}_resolution'] == ( - DateOffset(months=1))) and \ (mni[person][f'{complication}_onset'] == return # Calculate daily weight and how many days this woman hasnt had the complication daily_weight = p[f'{complication}'] / DAYS_IN_YEAR days_without_complication = pd.Timedelta(( mni[person][f'{complication}_onset'] - mni[person][f'{complication}_resolution']), unit='d') # Use the average days in a month to calculate how many days shes had the complication this # month days_with_comp = DAYS_IN_MONTH - days_without_complication.days monthly_daly[person] += daily_weight * days_with_comp if not monthly_daly[person] >= 0:'error', data=f'Daly wt not correctly assigned for person {person}') mni[person][f'{complication}_resolution'] = pd.NaT else: # If the complication has truly resolved, check the dates make sense if not mni[person][f'{complication}_resolution'] >= mni[person][f'{complication}_onset']:'error', data=f'Complication resolution has occurred before onset in' f' {person}') return # We calculate how many days she has been free of the complication this month to determine how # many days she has suffered from the complication this month days_free_of_comp_this_month = pd.Timedelta(( - mni[person][f'{complication}_' f'resolution']), unit='d') mid_way_calc = ( - DateOffset(months=1)) + days_free_of_comp_this_month days_with_comp_this_month = pd.Timedelta(( - mid_way_calc), unit='d') daly_weight = days_with_comp_this_month.days * (p[f'{complication}'] / DAYS_IN_YEAR) monthly_daly[person] += daly_weight if not monthly_daly[person] >= 0:'error', data=f'Daly wt not correctly assigned for person {person}') # Reset the dates to stop additional disability being applied mni[person][f'{complication}_onset'] = pd.NaT mni[person][f'{complication}_resolution'] = pd.NaT # Then for each alive person in the MNI we cycle through all the complications that can lead to disability and # calculate their individual daly weight for the month for person in list(mni): if[person, 'is_alive']: monthly_daly[person] = 0 for complication in ['abortion', 'abortion_haem', 'abortion_sep', 'ectopic', 'ectopic_rupture', 'mild_mod_aph', 'severe_aph', 'chorio', 'eclampsia', 'obstructed_labour', 'sepsis', 'uterine_rupture', 'mild_mod_pph', 'severe_pph', 'secondary_pph']: acute_daly_calculation(complication=complication, person=person) for complication in ['hypertension', 'gest_diab', 'mild_anaemia', 'moderate_anaemia', 'severe_anaemia', 'mild_anaemia_pp', 'moderate_anaemia_pp', 'severe_anaemia_pp', 'vesicovaginal_fistula', 'rectovaginal_fistula']: chronic_daly_calculations(complication=complication, person=person) # ensure value doesnt exceed one if monthly_daly[person] > 1: monthly_daly[person] = 1 # delete_mni is used to signify that pregnancy has ended. We delete the mni variable for women whose # pregnancy has ended prematurely via this monthly function to allow for daly weights to be calculated # for women who are no long pregnant -this check ensures women who are still pregnant do not have the # entry in the mni deleted if mni[person]['delete_mni'] and ([person, 'is_pregnant'] or[person, 'la_is_postpartum'] or ([person, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] != 'none')): mni[person]['delete_mni'] = False # otherwise the entry can be deleted elif (mni[person]['delete_mni'] and not[person, 'is_pregnant'] and not[person, 'la_is_postpartum'] and ([person, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')): del mni[person] daly_series = pd.Series(data=0, index=df.index[df.is_alive]) daly_series[monthly_daly.keys()] = list(monthly_daly.values()) return daly_series
[docs] def pregnancy_supervisor_property_reset(self, id_or_index): """ This function is called when all properties housed in the PregnancySupervisorModule should be reset. For example following pregnancy loss :param id_or_index: pass the function either an individual ID (INT) or index of subset of data frame """ df = self.sim.population.props df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] = 0 df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] = pd.NaT df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_multiple_pregnancy'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_placenta_praevia'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_syphilis'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] = 'none' df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_anc4'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'none' df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'none' df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_placental_abruption'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] = 'none' df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_chorioamnionitis'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ps_emergency_event'] = False
[docs] def apply_linear_model(self, lm, df_slice): """ Helper function will apply the linear model (lm) on the dataframe (df) to get a probability of some event happening to each individual. It then returns a series with same index with bools indicating the outcome based on the toss of the biased coin. :param lm: The linear model :param df_slice: The dataframe :return: Series with same index containing outcomes (bool) """ return self.rng.random_sample(len(df_slice)) < lm.predict(df_slice,
[docs] def schedule_anc_one(self, individual_id, anc_month): """ This functions calculates the correct date each woman will attend her first ANC contact and schedules the visit for newly pregnant women depending on their predicted month of attendance :param anc_month: month of pregnancy that woman will attend ANC 1 :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters # Define the weeks of each month of pregnancy months_min_max = {2: [5, 8], 3: [9, 13], 4: [14, 17], 5: [18, 22], 6: [23, 27], 7: [28, 31], 8: [32, 35], 9: [36, 40]} # As care seeking is applied at week 8 gestational age, women who seek care within month two must attend within # the next week if anc_month == 2: days_until_anc = self.rng.randint(0, 6) else: # Otherwise we draw a week between the min max weeks for predicted month of visit, and then a random day weeks_of_visit = (self.rng.randint(months_min_max[anc_month][0], months_min_max[anc_month][1]) - 8) days_until_anc = (weeks_of_visit * 7) + self.rng.randint(0, 6) first_anc_date = + DateOffset(days=days_until_anc) # We store that date as a property which is used by the HSI to ensure the event only runs when it should[individual_id, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] = first_anc_date # We allow for two possible structure of ANC service delivery, focused ANC (4 visits recommended) or 8 contact # scheduled (8 visits recommended). This is to perform comparative analysis. # Import the HSIs from tlo.methods.care_of_women_during_pregnancy import ( HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact, HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit, ) # Now the correct ANC HSI is scheduled depending on the ANC contact schedule that has been provided via # params['anc_service_structure'] - This functionality allows for comparative analysis of the 4 and 8 visit # structure if params['anc_service_structure'] == 8: first_anc_appt = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=individual_id) elif params['anc_service_structure'] == 4: first_anc_appt = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=individual_id, visit_number=1) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(first_anc_appt, priority=0, topen=first_anc_date, tclose=first_anc_date + DateOffset(days=1))
[docs] def apply_risk_of_spontaneous_abortion(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of spontaneous abortion to a slice of data frame and is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. It calls the do_after_abortion function for women who loose their pregnancy. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props # We use the apply_linear_model to determine if any women will experience spontaneous miscarriage spont_abortion = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['spontaneous_abortion'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')]) # The do_after_abortion function is called for women who lose their pregnancy. It resets properties, set # potential complications and care seeking for person in spont_abortion.loc[spont_abortion].index: self.do_after_abortion(person, 'spontaneous_abortion')
[docs] def apply_risk_of_induced_abortion(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of induced abortion to a slice of data frame and is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. It calls the do_after_abortion for women who loose their pregnancy. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters # This function follows the same pattern as apply_risk_of_spontaneous_abortion (only women with unintended # pregnancy may seek induced abortion) at_risk =\ df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == gestation_of_interest) & \ (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') abortion = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(at_risk.loc[at_risk])) < params['prob_induced_abortion_per_month'], index=at_risk.loc[at_risk].index) for person in abortion.loc[abortion].index: self.do_after_abortion(person, 'induced_abortion')
[docs] def do_after_abortion(self, individual_id, type_abortion): """ This function is called for all women who experience a spontaneous or induced abortion. The function logs the pregnancy loss, resets key variables and determines risk of complication. :param individual_id: individual id :param type_abortion: STR "induced" or "spontaneous" """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters # Log the pregnancy loss'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'{type_abortion}', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) # This function officially ends a pregnancy through the contraception module (updates 'is_pregnant' and # determines post pregnancy contraception) self.sim.modules['Contraception'].end_pregnancy(individual_id) # Set the delete_mni variable true so after daly weights are calculated the woman is removed from the mni self.mother_and_newborn_info[individual_id]['delete_mni'] = True # Reset key pregnancy variables across modules self.sim.modules['Labour'].reset_due_date(id_or_index=individual_id, new_due_date=pd.NaT) self.pregnancy_supervisor_property_reset(id_or_index=individual_id) self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].care_of_women_in_pregnancy_property_reset( id_or_index=individual_id) # Now determine if this pregnancy loss will lead to any complications, log the complicated pregnancy loss and # call the function which applies risk of each complication if type_abortion == 'spontaneous_abortion':[individual_id, 'ps_prev_spont_abortion'] = True risk_of_complications = params['prob_complicated_sa'] else: risk_of_complications = params['prob_complicated_ia'] if self.rng.random_sample() < risk_of_complications:'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'complicated_{type_abortion}', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) self.apply_risk_of_abortion_complications(individual_id, f'{type_abortion}')
[docs] def apply_risk_of_abortion_complications(self, individual_id, cause): """ This function makes stores the type of complication experience by a woman following abortion. :param individual_id: individual_id :param cause: 'type' of abortion (spontaneous abortion OR induced abortion) (str) """ params = self.current_parameters mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info # We apply a risk of developing specific complications associated with abortion type and store using a bitset # property if cause == 'induced_abortion': if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_injury_post_abortion']: self.abortion_complications.set([individual_id], 'injury')'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'{cause}_injury', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_haemorrhage_post_abortion']: self.abortion_complications.set([individual_id], 'haemorrhage') pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'abortion_haem_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'{cause}_haemorrhage', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_sepsis_post_abortion']: self.abortion_complications.set([individual_id], 'sepsis') pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'abortion_sep_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'{cause}_sepsis', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) if not self.abortion_complications.has_any([individual_id], 'sepsis', 'haemorrhage', 'injury', first=True): self.abortion_complications.set([individual_id], 'other')'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'{cause}_other_comp', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) # We assume only women with complicated abortions will experience disability pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'abortion_onset', # Determine if those women will seek care self.care_seeking_pregnancy_loss_complications(individual_id, cause='abortion') # Schedule possible death self.sim.schedule_event(EarlyPregnancyLossDeathEvent(self, individual_id, cause=f'{cause}'), + DateOffset(days=7))
[docs] def apply_risk_of_anaemia(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of anaemia to a slice of the data frame. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info # We determine if a subset of pregnant women will become anaemic using a linear model, in which the # preceding deficiencies act as predictors anaemia = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['maternal_anaemia'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none') & (df['ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] == 'none')]) # We use a weight random draw to determine the severity of the anaemia random_choice_severity = pd.Series(self.rng.choice(['mild', 'moderate', 'severe'], p=params['prob_mild_mod_sev_anaemia'], size=len(anaemia.loc[anaemia])), index=anaemia.loc[anaemia].index) df.loc[anaemia.loc[anaemia].index, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] = random_choice_severity for person in anaemia.loc[anaemia].index: # We store onset date of anaemia according to severity, as weights vary pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni( person, mni, f'{[person, "ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy"]}_anaemia_onset',
[docs] def apply_risk_of_gestational_diabetes(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of gestational diabetes to a slice of the data frame. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props gest_diab = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['gest_diab'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_gest_diab'] == 'none') & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')]) # Gestational diabetes, at onset, is defined as uncontrolled prior to treatment df.loc[gest_diab.loc[gest_diab].index, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'uncontrolled' df.loc[gest_diab.loc[gest_diab].index, 'ps_prev_gest_diab'] = True for person in gest_diab.loc[gest_diab].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'gest_diab', 'timing': 'antenatal'})
[docs] def apply_risk_of_hypertensive_disorders(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of mild pre-eclampsia and mild gestational diabetes to a slice of the data frame. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props # ----------------------------------- RISK OF PRE-ECLAMPSIA ---------------------------------------------- # We assume all women must develop mild pre-eclampsia/gestational hypertension before progressing to a more # severe disease pre_eclampsia = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['pre_eclampsia'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_htn_disorders'] == 'none') & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')]) df.loc[pre_eclampsia.loc[pre_eclampsia].index, 'ps_prev_pre_eclamp'] = True df.loc[pre_eclampsia.loc[pre_eclampsia].index, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'mild_pre_eclamp' for person in pre_eclampsia.loc[pre_eclampsia].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'mild_pre_eclamp', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) # -------------------------------- RISK OF GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION -------------------------------------- # For women who dont develop pre-eclampsia during this month, we apply a risk of gestational hypertension gest_hypertension = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['gest_htn'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_htn_disorders'] == 'none') & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')]) df.loc[gest_hypertension.loc[gest_hypertension].index, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'gest_htn' for person in gest_hypertension.loc[gest_hypertension].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'mild_gest_htn', 'timing': 'antenatal'})
[docs] def apply_risk_of_progression_of_hypertension(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies a risk of progression of hypertensive disorders to women who are experiencing one of the hypertensive disorders. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info def apply_risk(selected, risk_of_gest_htn_progression): # Define the possible states that can be moved between disease_states = ['gest_htn', 'severe_gest_htn', 'mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia'] prob_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=disease_states, index=disease_states) # Probability of moving between states is stored in a matrix. Risk of progression from mild gestational # hypertension to severe gestational hypertension is modified by treatment effect risk_ghtn_remains_mild = 1.0 - (risk_of_gest_htn_progression + params['probs_for_mgh_matrix'][2]) # We reset the parameter here to allow for testing with the original parameter prob_matrix['gest_htn'] = [risk_ghtn_remains_mild, risk_of_gest_htn_progression, params['probs_for_mgh_matrix'][2], 0.0, 0.0] prob_matrix['severe_gest_htn'] = params['probs_for_sgh_matrix'] prob_matrix['mild_pre_eclamp'] = params['probs_for_mpe_matrix'] prob_matrix['severe_pre_eclamp'] = params['probs_for_spe_matrix'] prob_matrix['eclampsia'] = params['probs_for_ec_matrix'] # We update the data frame with transitioned states (which may not have changed) current_status = df.loc[selected, "ps_htn_disorders"] new_status = util.transition_states(current_status, prob_matrix, self.rng) df.loc[selected, "ps_htn_disorders"] = new_status # ... and then log new progressed cases def log_new_progressed_cases(disease): # Find those women who have experience progression assess_status_change = (current_status != disease) & (new_status == disease) new_onset_disease = assess_status_change[assess_status_change] # Set the emergency variable for those who need to seek care, and update the mni dict is appropriate if not new_onset_disease.empty: if disease == 'severe_pre_eclamp': df.loc[new_onset_disease.index, 'ps_emergency_event'] = True elif disease == 'eclampsia': df.loc[new_onset_disease.index, 'ps_emergency_event'] = True new_onset_disease.index.to_series().apply(pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni, mni=mni, mni_variable='eclampsia_onset', # And log all of the new onset cases of any hypertensive disease for person in new_onset_disease.index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': disease, 'timing': 'antenatal'}) if disease == 'severe_pre_eclamp': self.mother_and_newborn_info[person]['new_onset_spe'] = True for disease in ['mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia', 'severe_gest_htn']: log_new_progressed_cases(disease) # Here we select the women in the data frame who are at risk of progression. women_not_on_anti_htns = \ df.is_pregnant & df.is_alive & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == gestation_of_interest) & \ (df.ps_htn_disorders.str.contains('gest_htn|mild_pre_eclamp|severe_gest_htn|severe_pre_eclamp')) \ & ~df.la_currently_in_labour & ~df.ac_gest_htn_on_treatment women_on_anti_htns = \ df.is_pregnant & df.is_alive & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == gestation_of_interest) & \ (df.ps_htn_disorders.str.contains('gest_htn|mild_pre_eclamp|severe_gest_htn|severe_pre_eclamp'))\ & ~df.la_currently_in_labour & df.ac_gest_htn_on_treatment # Check theres no accidental cross over between these subsets for v in women_not_on_anti_htns.loc[women_not_on_anti_htns].index: if v in women_on_anti_htns.loc[women_on_anti_htns].index:'error', data='Risk of progression of HTN disorder is being applied to some women ' 'twice') risk_progression_mild_to_severe_htn = params['probs_for_mgh_matrix'][1] apply_risk(women_not_on_anti_htns, risk_progression_mild_to_severe_htn) apply_risk(women_on_anti_htns, (risk_progression_mild_to_severe_htn * params['treatment_effect_anti_htns_progression']))
[docs] def apply_risk_of_death_from_hypertension(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of death to women with severe hypertensive disease (severe gestational hypertension/ severe pre-eclampsia). For women who die this function schedules InstantaneousDeathEvent. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info # Risk of death is applied to women with severe hypertensive disease at_risk = \ df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == gestation_of_interest) & \ (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') & ~df.la_currently_in_labour & \ (df.ps_htn_disorders == 'severe_gest_htn') at_risk_of_death_htn = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(at_risk.loc[at_risk])) < params['prob_monthly_death_severe_htn'], index=at_risk.loc[at_risk].index) if not at_risk_of_death_htn.loc[at_risk_of_death_htn].empty: # Those women who die have InstantaneousDeath scheduled for person in at_risk_of_death_htn.loc[at_risk_of_death_htn].index: self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=person, cause='severe_gestational_hypertension', originating_module=self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor']) del mni[person]
[docs] def apply_risk_of_placental_abruption(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of placental abruption to a slice of the dataframe. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props placenta_abruption = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['placental_abruption'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & ~df['ps_placental_abruption'] & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none') & ~df['la_currently_in_labour']]) df.loc[placenta_abruption.loc[placenta_abruption].index, 'ps_placental_abruption'] = True for person in placenta_abruption.loc[placenta_abruption].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'placental_abruption', 'timing': 'antenatal'})
[docs] def apply_risk_of_antepartum_haemorrhage(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of antepartum haemorrhage to a slice of the dataframe. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info antepartum_haemorrhage = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['antepartum_haem'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none') & ~df['la_currently_in_labour'] & (df['ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] == 'none')]) # Weighted random draw is used to determine severity (for DALY weight mapping) random_choice_severity = pd.Series(self.rng.choice( ['mild_moderate', 'severe'], p=params['prob_mod_sev_aph'], size=len( antepartum_haemorrhage.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage])), index=antepartum_haemorrhage.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage].index) # We store the severity of the bleed and signify this woman is experiencing an emergency event df.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage].index, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] = \ random_choice_severity df.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage].index, 'ps_emergency_event'] = True # Store onset to calculate daly weights severe_women = (df.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage].index, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] == 'severe') # Store complication onset and log each new case of APH severe_women.loc[severe_women].index.to_series().apply( pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni, mni=mni, mni_variable='severe_aph_onset', for person in severe_women.loc[severe_women].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'severe_antepartum_haemorrhage', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) non_severe_women = (df.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage.loc[antepartum_haemorrhage].index, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] != 'severe') non_severe_women.loc[non_severe_women].index.to_series().apply( pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni, mni=mni, mni_variable='mild_mod_aph_onset', for person in non_severe_women.loc[non_severe_women].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'mild_mod_antepartum_haemorrhage', 'timing': 'antenatal'})
[docs] def apply_risk_of_premature_rupture_of_membranes_and_chorioamnionitis(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of premature rupture of membranes to a slice of the dataframe. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info # select at risk population and apply risk at_risk = \ df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == gestation_of_interest) & \ (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') & ~df.la_currently_in_labour prom = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(at_risk.loc[at_risk])) < params['prob_prom_per_month'], index=at_risk.loc[at_risk].index) df.loc[prom.loc[prom].index, 'ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes'] = True # We allow women to seek care for PROM df.loc[prom.loc[prom].index, 'ps_emergency_event'] = True for person in prom.loc[prom].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'PROM', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) # Determine if those with PROM will develop infection prior to care seeking infection = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(prom.loc[prom])) < params['prob_chorioamnionitis'], index=prom.loc[prom].index) df.loc[infection.loc[infection].index, 'ps_chorioamnionitis'] = True infection.loc[infection].index.to_series().apply( pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni, mni=mni, mni_variable='chorio_onset', for person in infection.loc[infection].index: self.mother_and_newborn_info[person]['chorio_in_preg'] = True'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'clinical_chorioamnionitis', 'timing': 'antenatal'})
[docs] def apply_risk_of_preterm_labour(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of preterm labour to a slice of the dataframe. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent. :param gestation_of_interest: gestation in weeks """ df = self.sim.population.props preterm_labour = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['early_onset_labour'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none') & (df['ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'none') & ~df['la_currently_in_labour']]) # To prevent clustering of labour onset we scatter women to go into labour on a random day before their # next month gestation for person in preterm_labour.loc[preterm_labour].index: if[person, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == 22: poss_day_onset = (27 - 22) * 7 # We only allow labour to onset from 24 weeks (to match with our definition of preterm labour) onset_day = self.rng.randint(14, poss_day_onset) elif[person, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == 27: poss_day_onset = (31 - 27) * 7 onset_day = self.rng.randint(0, poss_day_onset) elif[person, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == 31: poss_day_onset = (35 - 31) * 7 onset_day = self.rng.randint(0, poss_day_onset) elif[person, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == 35: poss_day_onset = (37 - 35) * 7 onset_day = self.rng.randint(0, poss_day_onset) else: # If any other gestational ages are pass, the function should end return # Due date is updated new_due_date = + DateOffset(days=onset_day) self.sim.modules['Labour'].reset_due_date(id_or_index=person, new_due_date=new_due_date) logger.debug(key='message', data=f'Mother {person} will go into preterm labour on ' f'{new_due_date}') # And the labour onset event is scheduled for the new due date self.sim.schedule_event(labour.LabourOnsetEvent(self.sim.modules['Labour'], person), new_due_date)
[docs] def update_variables_post_still_birth_for_data_frame(self, women): """ This function updates variables for a slice of the dataframe who have experience antepartum stillbirth :param women: women who are experiencing stillbirth """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info # We reset the relevant pregnancy variables df.loc[women.index, 'ps_prev_stillbirth'] = True # We turn the 'delete_mni' key to true- so after the next daly poll this womans entry is deleted, and reset # pregnancy status and update contraceptive status for person in women.index: self.sim.modules['Contraception'].end_pregnancy(person) mni[person]['delete_mni'] = True'antenatal_stillbirth', data={'mother': person}) # Call functions across the modules to ensure properties are rest self.sim.modules['Labour'].reset_due_date(id_or_index=women.index, new_due_date=pd.NaT) self.pregnancy_supervisor_property_reset(id_or_index=women.index) self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].care_of_women_in_pregnancy_property_reset( id_or_index=women.index)
[docs] def update_variables_post_still_birth_for_individual(self, individual_id): """ This function is called to reset all the relevant pregnancy and treatment variables for a woman who undergoes stillbirth outside of the PregnancySupervisor polling event. :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info[individual_id, 'ps_prev_stillbirth'] = True mni[individual_id]['delete_mni'] = True'antenatal_stillbirth', data={'mother': individual_id}) # Reset pregnancy and schedule possible update of contraception self.sim.modules['Contraception'].end_pregnancy(individual_id) self.sim.modules['Labour'].reset_due_date( id_or_index=individual_id, new_due_date=pd.NaT) self.pregnancy_supervisor_property_reset(id_or_index=individual_id) self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].care_of_women_in_pregnancy_property_reset( id_or_index=individual_id)
[docs] def apply_risk_of_still_birth(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function applies risk of still birth to a slice of the data frame. It is called by PregnancySupervisorEvent :param gestation_of_interest: INT used to select women from the data frame at certain gestation """ df = self.sim.population.props still_birth = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['antenatal_stillbirth'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none') & (df['ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'none') & ~df['la_currently_in_labour'] & ~df['ps_emergency_event']]) self.update_variables_post_still_birth_for_data_frame(still_birth.loc[still_birth])
[docs] def induction_care_seeking_and_still_birth_risk(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function is called for post term women and applies a probability that they will seek care for induction and if not will experience risk of antenatal stillbirth :param gestation_of_interest: INT used to select women from the data frame at certain gestation """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters # We select the appropriate women post_term_women = \ df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == gestation_of_interest) & \ (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') & (df.ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery == 'none') & \ ~df.la_currently_in_labour & ~df.ps_emergency_event # Apply a probability they will seek care for induction care_seekers = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(post_term_women.loc[post_term_women])) < params['prob_seek_care_induction'], index=post_term_women.loc[post_term_women].index) # If they do, we scheduled them to preset to a health facility immediately (this HSI schedules the correct # labour modules) for person in care_seekers.loc[care_seekers].index: from tlo.methods.care_of_women_during_pregnancy import ( HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PresentsForInductionOfLabour, ) induction = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PresentsForInductionOfLabour( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=person) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(induction, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) # For those who dont seek care we a apply a weekly risk of stillbirth (this function is called weekly for women # who are post term) non_care_seekers = df.loc[care_seekers.loc[~care_seekers].index] still_birth_risk = self.ps_linear_models['antenatal_stillbirth'].predict(non_care_seekers) weeks_per_month = (DAYS_IN_YEAR / 12) / 7 weekly_risk = still_birth_risk / weeks_per_month still_birth = self.rng.random_sample(len(weekly_risk)) < weekly_risk self.update_variables_post_still_birth_for_data_frame(still_birth.loc[still_birth])
[docs] def care_seeking_pregnancy_loss_complications(self, individual_id, cause): """ This function manages care seeking for women experiencing ectopic pregnancy or complications following spontaneous/induced abortion. :param individual_id: individual_id :param cause: 'abortion', 'ectopic_pre_rupture', 'ectopic_ruptured' :return: Returns True/False value to signify care seeking """ params = self.current_parameters mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info # Care seeking probability varies according to complication if cause == 'ectopic_pre_rupture': care_seeking = self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_care_seeking_ectopic_pre_rupture'] else: care_seeking = self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_seek_care_pregnancy_loss'] if care_seeking: # We assume women will seek care via HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstApptAtFacilityLevel1 and will be admitted for # care in CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy module from tlo.methods.hsi_generic_first_appts import HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstAppt event = HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstAppt(self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'], person_id=individual_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(event, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) return True mni[individual_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = True return False
[docs] def apply_risk_of_death_from_monthly_complications(self, individual_id): """ This function calculates the risk of death for women who have developed complications but have not received treatment. It is called by the PregnancySupervisor Event and HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_Maternal EmergencyAssessment if care cant be delivered . :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.mother_and_newborn_info mother = df.loc[individual_id] # Function checks df for any potential cause of death, uses CFR parameters to determine risk of death # (either from one or multiple causes) and if death occurs returns the cause potential_cause_of_death = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_for_risk_of_death_from_cause_maternal( self, individual_id=individual_id, timing='antenatal') # If a cause is returned death is scheduled if potential_cause_of_death: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_mni_for_maternal_death(self, individual_id) self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=individual_id, cause=potential_cause_of_death, originating_module=self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor']) del mni[individual_id] # If not we reset variables and the woman survives else: mni[individual_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = False if (mother.ps_htn_disorders == 'severe_pre_eclamp') and mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe']: mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe'] = False if mother.ps_htn_disorders == 'eclampsia':[individual_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'severe_pre_eclamp' if mother.ps_chorioamnionitis:[individual_id, 'ps_chorioamnionitis'] = False
[docs] def schedule_first_anc_contact_for_new_pregnancy(self, gestation_of_interest): """ This function is called by the PregnancySupervisorEvent for all pregnant women at 8 weeks gestational age to determine if/when they will attend their first ANC visit. :param gestation_of_interest: INT used to select women from the data frame at certain gestation """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters # In analysis is occuring where ANC4+ should occur for all women this is set here if params['ps_analysis_in_progress'] and params['sens_analysis_max']: df_slice = df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')] for person in df_slice.index:[person, 'ps_anc4'] = True self.schedule_anc_one(individual_id=person, anc_month=2) else: # First we identify all the women predicted to attend ANC, with the first visit occurring before 4 months early_initiation_anc4 = self.apply_linear_model( self.ps_linear_models['early_initiation_anc4'], df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['is_pregnant'] & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == gestation_of_interest) & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')]) # Of the women who will not attend ANC4 early, we determine who will attend ANC4 later in pregnancy late_initiation_anc4 = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample( len(early_initiation_anc4.loc[~early_initiation_anc4])) < params['prob_late_initiation_anc4'], index=early_initiation_anc4.loc[~early_initiation_anc4].index) # Check there are no duplicates for v in late_initiation_anc4.loc[late_initiation_anc4].index: if v in early_initiation_anc4.loc[early_initiation_anc4].index:'error', data='Probability of ANC4 is being applied to some women twice') # Update this variable used in the ANC HSIs for scheduling the next visits df.loc[early_initiation_anc4.loc[early_initiation_anc4].index, 'ps_anc4'] = True df.loc[late_initiation_anc4.loc[late_initiation_anc4].index, 'ps_anc4'] = True # Select any women who are not predicted to attend ANC4 anc_below_4 = \ df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == gestation_of_interest) &\ (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') & ~df.ps_anc4 # See if any of the women who wont attend ANC4 will still attend their first visit early in pregnancy early_initiation_anc_below_4 = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(anc_below_4.loc[anc_below_4])) < params['prob_early_initiation_anc_below4'], index=anc_below_4.loc[anc_below_4].index) # Call the functions that schedule the HSIs according to the predicted month of gestation at which each # woman will attend her first visit def schedule_early_visit(df_slice): for person in df_slice.index: random_draw_gest_at_anc = self.rng.choice([2, 3, 4], p=params['prob_anc1_months_2_to_4']) self.schedule_anc_one(individual_id=person, anc_month=random_draw_gest_at_anc) for s in [early_initiation_anc4.loc[early_initiation_anc4], early_initiation_anc_below_4.loc[early_initiation_anc_below_4]]: schedule_early_visit(s) def schedule_late_visit(df_slice): for person in df_slice.index: random_draw_gest_at_anc = self.rng.choice([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], p=params['prob_anc1_months_5_to_9']) # We use month ten to capture women who will never attend ANC during their pregnancy if random_draw_gest_at_anc != 10: self.schedule_anc_one(individual_id=person, anc_month=random_draw_gest_at_anc) for s in [late_initiation_anc4.loc[late_initiation_anc4], early_initiation_anc_below_4.loc[~early_initiation_anc_below_4]]: schedule_late_visit(s)
[docs] def do_at_generic_first_appt_emergency( self, patient_id: int, patient_details: PatientDetails, **kwargs, ) -> IndividualPropertyUpdates: scheduling_options = { "priority": 0, "topen":, "tclose": + pd.DateOffset(days=1), } # ----- ECTOPIC PREGNANCY ----- if patient_details.ps_ectopic_pregnancy != 'none': event = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy( module=self.sim.modules["CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy"], person_id=patient_id, ) self.healthsystem.schedule_hsi_event(event, **scheduling_options) # ----- COMPLICATIONS OF ABORTION ----- abortion_complications = self.sim.modules[ "PregnancySupervisor" ].abortion_complications if abortion_complications.has_any( [patient_id], "sepsis", "injury", "haemorrhage", first=True ): event = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement( module=self.sim.modules["CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy"], person_id=patient_id, ) self.healthsystem.schedule_hsi_event(event, **scheduling_options)
[docs] class PregnancySupervisorEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This is the PregnancySupervisorEvent, it is a weekly event which has four primary functions. 1.) It updates the gestational age (in weeks) of all women who are pregnant 2.) It applies monthly risk of key complications associated with pregnancy 3.) It determines if women who experience life seeking complications associated with pregnancy will seek care 4.) It applies risk of death and stillbirth to women who do not seek care following complications"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, ): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(weeks=1))
[docs] def apply(self, population): df = population.props params = self.module.current_parameters mni = self.module.mother_and_newborn_info # =================================== UPDATING LENGTH OF PREGNANCY ============================================ # Length of pregnancy is commonly measured as gestational age which commences on the first day of a womans last # menstrual period (therefore including around 2 weeks in which a woman isnt pregnant) # We calculate a womans gestational age by first calculating the foetal age (measured from conception) and then # adding 2 weeks. The literature describing the epidemiology of maternal conditions almost exclusively uses # gestational age alive_and_preg = df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant foetal_age_in_days = - df.loc[alive_and_preg, 'date_of_last_pregnancy'] foetal_age_in_weeks = foetal_age_in_days / np.timedelta64(1, 'W') rounded_weeks = np.ceil(foetal_age_in_weeks) df.loc[alive_and_preg, "ps_gestational_age_in_weeks"] = rounded_weeks + 2 if not (df.loc[alive_and_preg, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] > 1).all().all():'error', data='Gestational age was incorrectly calculated for some women') # Here we begin to populate the mni dictionary for each newly pregnant woman. Within this module this dictionary # contains information about the onset of complications in order to calculate monthly DALYs newly_pregnant = df.loc[alive_and_preg & (df['ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] == 3)] for person in newly_pregnant.index: pregnancy_helper_functions.update_mni_dictionary(self.module, individual_id=person) # =========================== APPLYING RISK OF ADVERSE PREGNANCY OUTCOMES ===================================== # The aim of this event is to apply risk of certain outcomes of pregnancy at relevant points in a womans # gestation. Risk of complications that occur only once during pregnancy (below) are applied within the event, # otherwise code applying risk is stored in functions (above) # At the beginning of pregnancy (3 weeks GA (and therefore the first week a woman is pregnant) we determine if # a woman will develop ectopic pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, placenta praevia and if/when she will seek care # for her first antenatal visit # ------------------------------APPLYING RISK OF ECTOPIC PREGNANCY ------------------------------------------- # We use the apply_linear_model function to determine which women will develop ectopic pregnancy - this format # is similar to the functions which apply risk of complication new_pregnancy = df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == 3) ectopic_risk = pd.Series(self.module.rng.random_sample(len(new_pregnancy.loc[new_pregnancy])) < params['prob_ectopic_pregnancy'], index=new_pregnancy.loc[new_pregnancy].index) # Make the appropriate changes to the data frame and log the number of ectopic pregnancies df.loc[ectopic_risk.loc[ectopic_risk].index, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] = 'not_ruptured' # For women whose pregnancy is ectopic we scheduled them to the EctopicPregnancyEvent in between 3-5 weeks # (this simulates time period prior to which symptoms onset- and may trigger care seeking) for person in ectopic_risk.loc[ectopic_risk].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'ectopic_unruptured', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) self.sim.schedule_event(EctopicPregnancyEvent(self.module, person), ( + pd.Timedelta(days=7 * 3 + self.module.rng.randint(0, 7 * 2)))) # ---------------------------- APPLYING RISK OF MULTIPLE PREGNANCY ------------------------------------------- # For the women who aren't having an ectopic, we determine if they may be carrying multiple pregnancies and make # changes accordingly multiple_risk = \ df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == 3) & (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') multiples = pd.Series(self.module.rng.random_sample(len(multiple_risk.loc[multiple_risk])) < params['prob_multiples'], index=multiple_risk.loc[multiple_risk].index) df.loc[multiples.loc[multiples].index, 'ps_multiple_pregnancy'] = True for person in multiples.loc[multiples].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'multiple_pregnancy', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) # -----------------------------APPLYING RISK OF PLACENTA PRAEVIA ------------------------------------------- # Next,we apply a one off risk of placenta praevia (placenta will grow to cover the cervix either partially or # completely) which will increase likelihood of bleeding later in pregnancy placenta_praevia = self.module.apply_linear_model( self.module.ps_linear_models['placenta_praevia'], df.loc[new_pregnancy & (df['ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'none')]) df.loc[placenta_praevia.loc[placenta_praevia].index, 'ps_placenta_praevia'] = True for person in placenta_praevia.loc[placenta_praevia].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person, 'type': 'placenta_praevia', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) # ------------------------- APPLYING RISK OF SYPHILIS INFECTION DURING PREGNANCY --------------------------- # Finally apply risk that syphilis will develop during pregnancy at_risk_women = df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks == 3) & (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') syphilis_risk = pd.Series(self.module.rng.random_sample(len(at_risk_women.loc[at_risk_women])) < params['prob_syphilis_during_pregnancy'], index=at_risk_women.loc[at_risk_women].index) # Schedule point of onset randomly during possible length of pregnancy for person in syphilis_risk.loc[syphilis_risk].index: onset_day = self.module.rng.randint(0, 280) mni[person]['pred_syph_infect'] = + pd.Timedelta(days=onset_day) self.sim.schedule_event(SyphilisInPregnancyEvent(self.module, person), ( + pd.Timedelta(days=onset_day))) # ------------------------ APPLY RISK OF ADDITIONAL PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS ----------------------------------- # The following functions apply risk of key complications/outcomes of pregnancy at specific time points of a # mothers gestation in weeks. These 'gestation_of_interest' parameters roughly represent the last week in each # month of pregnancy. These time points at which risk is applied, vary between complications according to their # epidemiology # The application of these risk is intentionally ordered as described below... # Women in the first five months of pregnancy are at risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) for gestation_of_interest in [4, 8, 13, 17, 22]: self.module.apply_risk_of_spontaneous_abortion(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # From the second month of pregnancy until month 5 women who do not experience spontaneous abortion may undergo # induced abortion for gestation_of_interest in [8, 13, 17, 22]: self.module.apply_risk_of_induced_abortion(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # Next, at 8 weeks gestation, we determine if/when women will seek antenatal care if not params['ps_analysis_in_progress'] or (params['ps_analysis_in_progress'] and not params['sens_analysis_min']): self.module.schedule_first_anc_contact_for_new_pregnancy(gestation_of_interest=8) # Every month a risk of maternal anaemia is applied for gestation_of_interest in [4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 27, 31, 35, 40]: self.module.apply_risk_of_anaemia(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # For women whose pregnancy will continue will apply a risk of developing a number of acute and chronic # (length of pregnancy) complications for gestation_of_interest in [22, 27, 31, 35, 40]: self.module.apply_risk_of_hypertensive_disorders(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) self.module.apply_risk_of_gestational_diabetes(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) self.module.apply_risk_of_placental_abruption(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) self.module.apply_risk_of_antepartum_haemorrhage(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) self.module.apply_risk_of_premature_rupture_of_membranes_and_chorioamnionitis( gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) for gestation_of_interest in [27, 31, 35, 40]: # Women with hypertension are at risk of there condition progression, this risk is applied months 6-9 self.module.apply_risk_of_progression_of_hypertension(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # And of death... self.module.apply_risk_of_death_from_hypertension(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # From month 5-8 we apply risk of a woman going into early labour for gestation_of_interest in [22, 27, 31, 35]: self.module.apply_risk_of_preterm_labour(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # ------------------------------- CARE SEEKING FOR PREGNANCY EMERGENCIES -------------------------------------- # Every week when the event runs we determine if any women who have experience an emergency event in pregnancy # will seek care def apply_death_risk(person_id): # We reset this variable to prevent additional unnecessary care seeking next month[person_id, 'ps_emergency_event'] = False mni[person_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = True # As women may have experience more than one complication during the moth we determine here which of the # complication will be the primary cause of death self.module.apply_risk_of_death_from_monthly_complications(person_id) # Any women for whom ps_emergency_event == True may chose to seek care for one or more severe complications # (antepartum haemorrhage, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia or premature rupture of membranes) - this is distinct # from care seeking following abortion/ectopic potential_care_seekers = \ df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & (df.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none') & df.ps_emergency_event & \ ~df.la_currently_in_labour & (df.la_due_date_current_pregnancy != care_seeking = pd.Series(self.module.rng.random_sample(len(potential_care_seekers.loc[potential_care_seekers])) < params['prob_seek_care_pregnancy_complication'], index=potential_care_seekers.loc[potential_care_seekers].index) # We assume women who seek care will present to a form of Maternal Assessment Unit- not through normal A&E for person in care_seeking.loc[care_seeking].index: if not[person, 'hs_is_inpatient']: from tlo.methods.care_of_women_during_pregnancy import ( HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare, ) inpatient_pregnancy_hsi = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=person) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(inpatient_pregnancy_hsi, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) else: # Women who cant seek care as they are admitted for another reason have a risk of death applied apply_death_risk(person) # -------- APPLYING RISK OF DEATH/STILL BIRTH FOR NON-CARE SEEKERS FOLLOWING PREGNANCY EMERGENCIES -------- # We select the women who have chosen not to seek care following pregnancy emergency- and we now apply risk of # death if not care_seeking.loc[~care_seeking].empty: for person in care_seeking.loc[~care_seeking].index: apply_death_risk(person) # ============================ RISK OF STILLBIRTH ======================================================== # Next we apply a background risk of antenatal stillbirth... for gestation_of_interest in [27, 31, 35, 40]: self.module.apply_risk_of_still_birth(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # ============================ POST TERM RISK OF STILLBIRTH ================================================== # Finally we determine if women who are post term will seek care for induction/experience stillbirth for gestation_of_interest in [41, 42, 43, 44, 45]: self.module.induction_care_seeking_and_still_birth_risk(gestation_of_interest=gestation_of_interest) # Finally reset the emergency event property for care seeking women (used to ensure risk of stillbirth is # applied to women who arent seeking care that month) df.loc[care_seeking.index, 'ps_emergency_event'] = False
[docs] class EctopicPregnancyEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is EctopicPregnancyEvent. It is scheduled by the set_pregnancy_complications function within PregnancySupervisorEvent for women who have experienced ectopic pregnancy. This event makes changes to the data frame for women with ectopic pregnancies, applies a probability of care seeking and schedules the EctopicRuptureEvent."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props if ( not[individual_id, 'is_alive'] or not[individual_id, 'is_pregnant'] or ([individual_id, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] != 'not_ruptured') or ([individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] >= 9) ): return # Reset pregnancy variables and store onset for daly calculation self.sim.modules['Contraception'].end_pregnancy(individual_id) pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, self.module.mother_and_newborn_info, 'ectopic_onset', self.sim.modules['Labour'].reset_due_date(id_or_index=individual_id, new_due_date=pd.NaT) self.module.pregnancy_supervisor_property_reset(id_or_index=individual_id) # Determine if women will seek care at this stage care_seeking_result = self.module.care_seeking_pregnancy_loss_complications(individual_id, cause='ectopic_pre_rupture') if not care_seeking_result: # For women who dont seek care (and get treatment) we schedule EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent (simulating # fallopian tube rupture) in an additional 2-4 weeks from this event (if care seeking is unsuccessful # then this event is scheduled by the HSI (did_not_run) self.sim.schedule_event(EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent(self.module, individual_id), ( + pd.Timedelta(days=7 * 2 + self.module.rng.randint(0, 7 * 2))))
[docs] class EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent. It is scheduled by the EctopicPregnancyEvent for women who have experienced an ectopic pregnancy which has ruptured due to lack of treatment. This event manages care seeking post rupture and schedules EarlyPregnancyLossDeathEvent"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props if not[individual_id, 'is_alive'] or ([individual_id, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] != 'not_ruptured'): return'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'ectopic_ruptured', 'timing': 'antenatal'}) # Set the variable[individual_id, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] = 'ruptured' pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, self.module.mother_and_newborn_info, 'ectopic_rupture_onset', # We see if this woman will now seek care following rupture self.module.care_seeking_pregnancy_loss_complications(individual_id, cause='ectopic_ruptured') # We delayed the death event by three days to allow any treatment effects to mitigate risk of death self.sim.schedule_event(EarlyPregnancyLossDeathEvent(self.module, individual_id, cause='ectopic_pregnancy'), + DateOffset(days=3))
[docs] class EarlyPregnancyLossDeathEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is EarlyPregnancyLossDeathEvent. It is scheduled by the EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent & abortion for women who are at risk of death following a loss of their pregnancy"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id, cause): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id) self.cause = cause
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.module.mother_and_newborn_info if not[individual_id, 'is_alive']: return # Individual risk of death is calculated through the linear model risk_of_death = self.module.ps_linear_models[f'{self.cause}_death'].predict( df.loc[[individual_id]])[individual_id] # If the death occurs we record it here if self.module.rng.random_sample() < risk_of_death: if individual_id in mni: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_mni_for_maternal_death(self.module, individual_id) mni[individual_id]['delete_mni'] = True self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=individual_id, cause=f'{self.cause}', originating_module=self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor']) else: # Otherwise we reset any variables if self.cause == 'ectopic_pregnancy':[individual_id, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] = 'none' else: self.module.abortion_complications.unset(individual_id, 'sepsis', 'haemorrhage', 'injury')[individual_id, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = False if individual_id in mni: mni[individual_id]['delete_mni'] = True
[docs] class GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent. It is scheduled by CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy module after a woman is started on treatment for gestational diabetes. This event determines if the treatment a woman has been started on for GDM will effectively control her blood sugars """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props params = self.module.current_parameters mother = df.loc[individual_id] if (not mother.is_alive or not mother.is_pregnant or (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 20) or ((mother.ps_gest_diab == 'none') and (mother.ac_gest_diab_on_treatment == 'none'))): return # We apply a probability that the treatment this woman is receiving for her GDM (diet and exercise/ # oral anti-diabetics) will not control this womans hyperglycaemia if self.module.rng.random_sample() > params[f'prob_glycaemic_control_{mother.ac_gest_diab_on_treatment }']: # If so we reset her diabetes status as uncontrolled, her treatment is ineffective at reducing # risk of still birth, and when she returns for follow up she should be started on the next # treatment available[individual_id, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'uncontrolled'
[docs] class SyphilisInPregnancyEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is SyphilisInPregnancyEvent. It is scheduled by PregnancySupervisorEvent module after a woman becomes pregnant and is predicted to experience syphilis during their pregnancy. This event onsets Syphilis in those women """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.module.mother_and_newborn_info if (not[individual_id, 'is_alive'] or not[individual_id, 'is_pregnant'] or (individual_id not in mni) or (not (mni[individual_id]['pred_syph_infect'] == return[individual_id, 'ps_syphilis'] = True'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'syphilis', 'timing': 'antenatal'})
[docs] class ParameterUpdateEvent(Event, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """This is ParameterUpdateEvent. It is scheduled to occur once on 2015 to update parameters being used by the maternal and newborn health model"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module)
[docs] def apply(self, population): logger.debug(key='message', data='Now updating parameters in the maternal and perinatal health modules...') for module in [self.module, self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], self.sim.modules['Labour'], self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'], self.sim.modules['PostnatalSupervisor']]: pregnancy_helper_functions.update_current_parameter_dictionary(module, list_position=1) # Scale the linear models again according to the distribution of the population mod_ps = self.module.ps_linear_models mod_la = self.sim.modules['Labour'].la_linear_models ps_models_to_be_scaled = [[mod_ps['placenta_praevia'], 'prob_placenta_praevia'], [mod_ps['maternal_anaemia'], 'baseline_prob_anaemia_per_month'], [mod_ps['gest_diab'], 'prob_gest_diab_per_month'], [mod_ps['gest_htn'], 'prob_gest_htn_per_month'], [mod_ps['pre_eclampsia'], 'prob_pre_eclampsia_per_month'], [mod_ps['placental_abruption'], 'prob_placental_abruption_per_month'], [mod_ps['antenatal_stillbirth'], 'prob_still_birth_per_month'], [mod_ps['early_initiation_anc4'], 'odds_early_init_anc4'], [mod_ps['spontaneous_abortion'], 'prob_spontaneous_abortion_per_month'], [mod_ps['early_onset_labour'], 'baseline_prob_early_labour_onset']] la_models_to_be_scaled = [[mod_la['uterine_rupture_ip'], 'prob_uterine_rupture'], [mod_la['postnatal_check'], 'odds_will_attend_pnc'], [mod_la['probability_delivery_at_home'], 'odds_deliver_at_home'], [mod_la['probability_delivery_health_centre'], 'odds_deliver_in_health_centre']] for model in ps_models_to_be_scaled: pregnancy_helper_functions.scale_linear_model_at_initialisation( self.module, model=model[0], parameter_key=model[1]) for model in la_models_to_be_scaled: pregnancy_helper_functions.scale_linear_model_at_initialisation( self.sim.modules['Labour'], model=model[0], parameter_key=model[1])
[docs] class PregnancyAnalysisEvent(Event, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This is PregnancyAnalysisEvent. This event is scheduled in initialise_simulation. When this event runs, and if either of the module parameters the signify analysis is being conducted are set to True, then key parameters are overridden to alter the coverage and/or quality of routine antenatal care delivery. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module)
[docs] def apply(self, population): params = self.module.current_parameters df = self.sim.population.props # Check if either of the analysis parameters are set to True if params['alternative_anc_coverage'] or \ params['alternative_anc_quality'] or \ params['alternative_ip_anc_quality'] or \ params['sens_analysis_max'] or \ params['sens_analysis_min']: # Update this parameter which is a signal used in the pregnancy_helper_function_file to ensure that # alternative functionality for determining availability of interventions only occurs when analysis is # occurring params['ps_analysis_in_progress'] = True # When this parameter is set as True, the following parameters are overridden when the event is called. # Otherwise no parameters are updated. if params['alternative_anc_coverage']: # Reset the intercept parameter of the equation determining care seeking for ANC4+ and scale the model target = params['anc_availability_odds'] params['odds_early_init_anc4'] = 1 mean = self.module.ps_linear_models['early_initiation_anc4'].predict( df.loc[df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50)], mean = mean / (1.0 - mean) scaled_intercept = 1.0 * (target / mean) if (target != 0 and mean != 0 and not np.isnan(mean)) else 1.0 # Update parameters that also control when women will initiate visits params['odds_early_init_anc4'] = scaled_intercept params['prob_anc1_months_2_to_4'] = [1.0, 0, 0] params['prob_late_initiation_anc4'] = 0 # Finally, remove squeeze factor threshold for ANC attendance to ensure that higher levels of ANC # coverage can be reached with current logic self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].current_parameters['squeeze_factor_threshold_anc'] = \ 10_000 if params['alternative_anc_quality'] or params['sens_analysis_max']: # Override the availability of IPTp consumables with the set level of coverage if 'Malaria' in self.sim.modules: iptp = self.sim.modules['Malaria'].item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_iptp'] self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].override_availability_of_consumables( {iptp: params['anc_availability_probability']}) # And then override the quality parameters in the model for parameter in ['prob_intervention_delivered_urine_ds', 'prob_intervention_delivered_bp', 'prob_intervention_delivered_syph_test', 'prob_intervention_delivered_gdm_test']: self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].current_parameters[parameter] = \ params['anc_availability_probability'] if params['alternative_ip_anc_quality']: self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].current_parameters['squeeze_factor_threshold_an'] = \ 10_000 if params['sens_analysis_max']: for parameter in ['prob_seek_anc5', 'prob_seek_anc6', 'prob_seek_anc7', 'prob_seek_anc8']: self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].current_parameters[parameter] = 1.0 self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].current_parameters['squeeze_factor_threshold_anc'] = \ 10_000 params['prob_seek_care_pregnancy_complication'] = 1.0 self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].current_parameters['prob_adherent_ifa'] = 1.0 if params['sens_analysis_min']: params['prob_seek_care_pregnancy_complication'] = 0.0
[docs] class PregnancyLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """This is PregnancyLoggingEvent. It runs yearly to produce summary statistics around pregnancy."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module): self.repeat = 1 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(years=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): df = self.sim.population.props women_reproductive_age = len(df.index[(df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50))]) pregnant_at_year_end = len(df.index[df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant]) women_with_previous_sa = len(df.index[(df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) & df.ps_prev_spont_abortion)]) women_with_previous_pe = len(df.index[(df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) & df.ps_prev_pre_eclamp)]) women_with_hysterectomy = len(df.index[(df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) & df.la_has_had_hysterectomy)]) yearly_prev_sa = (women_with_previous_sa / women_reproductive_age) * 100 yearly_prev_pe = (women_with_previous_pe / women_reproductive_age) * 100 yearly_prev_hysterectomy = (women_with_hysterectomy / women_reproductive_age) * 100 parity_list = list() for parity in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: if parity < 5: par = len(df.index[(df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) & (df.la_parity == parity))]) else: par = len(df.index[(df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) & (df.la_parity >= parity))]) yearly_prev = (par / women_reproductive_age) * 100 parity_list.append(yearly_prev)'preg_info', data={'women_repro_age': women_reproductive_age, 'women_pregnant': pregnant_at_year_end, 'prev_sa': yearly_prev_sa, 'prev_pe': yearly_prev_pe, 'hysterectomy': yearly_prev_hysterectomy, 'parity': parity_list})