from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tlo import DateOffset, Module, Parameter, Property, Types, logging, util
from import Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin, PopulationScopeEventMixin, RegularEvent
from tlo.lm import LinearModel
from tlo.methods import Metadata, postnatal_supervisor_lm, pregnancy_helper_functions
from tlo.methods.causes import Cause
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import HSI_Event
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PostnatalSupervisor(Module):
""" This module is responsible for the key conditions/complications experienced by a mother and by a neonate
following labour and the immediate postpartum period (this period, from birth to day +1, is covered by the labour
For mothers: This module applies risk of complications across the postnatal period, which is defined as birth
until day 42 post-delivery. PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent represents the first week post birth where risk of
complications remains high. The primary mortality causing complications here are infection/sepsis, secondary
postpartum haemorrhage and hypertension. Women with or without complications may/may not seek Postnatal Care within
the Labour module for assessment and treatment of any complications assigned in this module. Additionally the
PostnatalSupervisorEvent applies risk of complications in the following 3 weeks of the postnatal period.
For neonates: This module applies risk of complications during the neonatal period, from birth until day 28. The
PostnatalWeekOneNeonatalEvent Event applies risk of early onset neonatal sepsis (sepsis onsetting prior to day 7 of
life). Care may be sought (as described above) and neonates can be admitted for treatment. The PostnatalSupervisor
Event applies risk of late onset neonatal sepsis from week 2-4 (ending on day 28). This event also determines
additional care seeking for neonates who are unwell during this time period. All neonatal variables are reset on
day 28.
def __init__(self, name=None, resourcefilepath=None):
self.resourcefilepath = resourcefilepath
# First we define dictionaries which will store the current parameters of interest (to allow parameters to
# change between 2010 and 2020) and the linear models
self.current_parameters = dict()
self.pn_linear_models = dict()
INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Demography', 'HealthSystem'}
ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES = {'Labour', 'Lifestyle', 'NewbornOutcomes', 'PregnancySupervisor'}
Metadata.USES_HEALTHBURDEN} # declare that this is a disease module (leave as empty set otherwise)
# Declare Causes of Death
'secondary_postpartum_haemorrhage': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'),
'postpartum_sepsis': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'),
'severe_pre_eclampsia': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'),
'eclampsia': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'),
'severe_gestational_hypertension': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'),
'early_onset_sepsis': Cause(gbd_causes='Neonatal disorders', label='Neonatal Disorders'),
'late_onset_sepsis': Cause(gbd_causes='Neonatal disorders', label='Neonatal Disorders'),
# Declare Causes of Disability
'maternal': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders')
# n.b. Parameters are stored as LIST variables due to containing values to match both 2010 and 2015 data.
'prob_obstetric_fistula': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman developing an obstetric fistula after birth'),
'rr_obstetric_fistula_obstructed_labour': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of obstetric fistula in women who experienced obstructed labour'),
'prevalence_type_of_fistula': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'prevalence of 1.) vesicovaginal 2.)rectovaginal fistula '),
'prob_secondary_pph': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'baseline probability of secondary PPH'),
'rr_secondary_pph_endometritis': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of secondary postpartum haemorrhage in women with sepsis secondary to '
'prob_secondary_pph_severity': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of mild, moderate or severe secondary PPH'),
'cfr_secondary_postpartum_haemorrhage': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for secondary pph'),
'prob_htn_resolves': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Weekly probability of resolution of hypertension'),
'weekly_prob_gest_htn_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'weekly probability of a woman developing gestational hypertension during the postnatal '
'rr_gest_htn_obesity': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of gestational hypertension for women who are obese'),
'prob_pre_eclampsia_per_month': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'underlying risk of pre-eclampsia per month without the impact of risk factors'),
'weekly_prob_pre_eclampsia_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'weekly probability of a woman developing mild pre-eclampsia during the postnatal period'),
'rr_pre_eclampsia_obesity': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of pre-eclampsia for women who are obese'),
'rr_pre_eclampsia_chronic_htn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who are chronically hypertensive'),
'rr_pre_eclampsia_diabetes_mellitus': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who have diabetes mellitus'),
'probs_for_mgh_matrix_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of mild gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational '
'hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, '
'probs_for_sgh_matrix_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of severe gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational '
'hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, '
'probs_for_mpe_matrix_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of mild pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational '
'hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, '
'probs_for_spe_matrix_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of severe pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational '
'hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, '
'probs_for_ec_matrix_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension, '
'severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, '
'cfr_eclampsia': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate of eclampsia in the postnatal period'),
'cfr_severe_pre_eclampsia': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate of severe pre-eclampsia in the postnatal period'),
'weekly_prob_death_severe_gest_htn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'weekly risk of death from severe hypertension in the postnatal period'),
'baseline_prob_anaemia_per_week': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Weekly probability of anaemia in pregnancy'),
'rr_anaemia_maternal_malaria': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of anaemia secondary to malaria infection'),
'rr_anaemia_recent_haemorrhage': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of anaemia secondary to recent haemorrhage'),
'rr_anaemia_hiv_no_art': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of anaemia for a woman with HIV not on ART'),
'prob_type_of_anaemia_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman with anaemia having mild, moderate or severe anaemia'),
'prob_late_sepsis_endometritis': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of developing sepsis following postpartum endometritis infection'),
'rr_sepsis_endometritis_post_cs': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of endometritis following caesarean delivery'),
'prob_late_sepsis_urinary_tract': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of developing sepsis following postpartum UTI'),
'prob_late_sepsis_skin_soft_tissue': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of developing sepsis following postpartum skin/soft tissue infection'),
'rr_sepsis_sst_post_cs': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of skin/soft tissue sepsis following caesarean delivery'),
'cfr_postpartum_sepsis': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for postnatal sepsis'),
'prob_early_onset_neonatal_sepsis_week_1': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Baseline probability of a newborn developing sepsis in week one of life'),
'rr_eons_maternal_chorio': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of EONS in newborns whose mothers have chorioamnionitis'),
'rr_eons_maternal_prom': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of EONS in newborns whose mothers have PROM'),
'rr_eons_preterm_neonate': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'relative risk of EONS in preterm newborns'),
'cfr_early_onset_neonatal_sepsis': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'case fatality for early onset neonatal sepsis'),
'prob_late_onset_neonatal_sepsis': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'probability of late onset neonatal sepsis (all cause)'),
'cfr_late_neonatal_sepsis': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Risk of death from late neonatal sepsis'),
'prob_sepsis_disabilities': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Probabilities of varying disability levels after neonatal sepsis'),
'prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'baseline probability of emergency care seeking for women in the postnatal period'),
'prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency_neonate': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'baseline probability care will be sought for a neonate with a complication'),
'odds_care_seeking_fistula_repair': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'odds of a woman seeking care for treatment of obstetric fistula'),
'aor_cs_fistula_age_15_19': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for care seeking for treatment of obstetric fistula in 15-19 year olds'),
'aor_cs_fistula_age_lowest_education': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for care seeking for treatment of obstetric fistula in women in the lowest '
'education quantile'),
'treatment_effect_early_init_bf': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'effect of early initiation of breastfeeding on neonatal sepsis rates '),
'treatment_effect_iron_folic_acid_anaemia': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'effect of iron and folic acid supplementation on anaemia risk'),
'treatment_effect_abx_prom': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'effect of early antibiotics given to a mother with PROM on neonatal sepsis rates '),
'treatment_effect_clean_birth': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Treatment effect of clean birth practices on early onset neonatal sepsis risk'),
'treatment_effect_cord_care': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Treatment effect of chlorhexidine cord care on early onset neonatal sepsis risk'),
'treatment_effect_anti_htns_progression_pn': Parameter(
Types.LIST, 'Treatment effect of oral anti hypertensives on progression from mild/mod to severe gestational'
'pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks': Property(Types.REAL, 'The number of weeks a woman is in the postnatal period '
'pn_htn_disorders': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Hypertensive disorders of the postnatal period',
categories=['none', 'resolved', 'gest_htn', 'severe_gest_htn', 'mild_pre_eclamp',
'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia']),
'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman is experiencing a secondary '
'postpartum haemorrhage'),
'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman is experiencing postnatal (day7+) '
'pn_obstetric_fistula': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Type of fistula developed after birth',
categories=['none', 'vesicovaginal', 'rectovaginal']),
'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this neonate has developed early onset neonatal'
' sepsis during week one of life'),
'pn_sepsis_late_neonatal': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this neonate has developed late neonatal sepsis '
'following discharge'),
'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'severity of anaemia following pregnancy',
categories=['none', 'mild', 'moderate', 'severe']),
'pn_emergency_event_mother': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether a mother is experiencing an emergency complication'
' postnatally'),
def read_parameters(self, data_folder):
parameter_dataframe = pd.read_excel(Path(self.resourcefilepath) / 'ResourceFile_PostnatalSupervisor.xlsx',
def initialise_population(self, population):
df = population.props
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] = 0
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'none'
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = False
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] = False
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal'] = False
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_sepsis_late_neonatal'] = False
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_sepsis_late_neonatal'] = False
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] = 'none'
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_obstetric_fistula'] = 'none'
df.loc[df.is_alive, 'pn_emergency_event_mother'] = False
def initialise_simulation(self, sim):
# For the first period (2010-2015) we use the first value in each list as a parameter
pregnancy_helper_functions.update_current_parameter_dictionary(self, list_position=0)
# Schedule the first instance of the PostnatalSupervisorEvent
sim.schedule_event(PostnatalSupervisorEvent(self), + DateOffset(days=0))
# Register dx_tests used as assessment for postnatal conditions during PNC visits
params = self.current_parameters
# ======================================= LINEAR MODEL EQUATIONS =============================================
# All linear equations used in this module are stored within the pn_linear_equations
# parameter below
self.pn_linear_models = {
# This equation is used to determine a mothers risk of developing obstetric fistula after birth
'obstetric_fistula': LinearModel.custom(postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_obstetric_fistula,
# This equation is used to determine a mothers risk of secondary postpartum haemorrhage
'secondary_postpartum_haem': LinearModel.custom(postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_secondary_postpartum_haem,
# This equation is used to determine a mothers risk of developing a sepsis secondary to endometritis
'sepsis_endometritis_late_postpartum': LinearModel.custom(
postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_sepsis_endometritis_late_postpartum, parameters=params),
# This equation is used to determine a mothers risk of developing sepsis secondary to skin or soft tissue
# infection
'sepsis_sst_late_postpartum': LinearModel.custom(
postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_sepsis_sst_late_postpartum, parameters=params),
# This equation is used to determine a mothers risk of developing gestational hypertension in the postnatal
# period
'gest_htn_pn': LinearModel.custom(postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_gest_htn_pn, parameters=params),
# This equation is used to determine a mothers risk of developing pre-eclampsia in in the postnatal
# period
'pre_eclampsia_pn': LinearModel.custom(postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_pre_eclampsia_pn, module=self),
# This equation is used to determine a mothers risk of developing anaemia postnatal
'anaemia_after_pregnancy': LinearModel.custom(postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_anaemia_after_pregnancy,
# This equation is used to determine a neonates risk of developing early onset neonatal sepsis
# (sepsis onsetting prior to day 7) in the first week of life
'early_onset_neonatal_sepsis_week_1': LinearModel.custom(
postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_early_onset_neonatal_sepsis_week_1, parameters=params),
# This equation is used to determine a neonates risk of developing late onset neonatal sepsis
# (sepsis onsetting between 7 and day 28) after the first week of life
'late_onset_neonatal_sepsis': LinearModel.custom(
postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_late_onset_neonatal_sepsis, parameters=params),
# This equation is used to determine if a mother will seek care for treatment for her obstetric fistula
'care_seeking_for_fistula_repair': LinearModel.custom(
postnatal_supervisor_lm.predict_care_seeking_for_fistula_repair, parameters=params),
if 'Hiv' not in self.sim.modules:
logger.debug(key='message', data='HIV module is not registered in this simulation run and therefore HIV '
'testing will not happen in postnatal care')
def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id):
df = self.sim.population.props[child_id, 'pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] = 0[child_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'none'[child_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = False[child_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] = False[child_id, 'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal'] = False[child_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_neonatal'] = False[child_id, 'pn_obstetric_fistula'] = 'none'[child_id, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] = 'none'[child_id, 'pn_emergency_event_mother'] = False
def further_on_birth_postnatal_supervisor(self, mother_id):
This function is called by the on_birth function of NewbornOutcomes module or following an intrapartum
stillbirth in the Labour Module. This function contains additional code related to the postnatal supervisor
module that should be ran on_birth. These additional on_birth functions ensure each modules
(pregnancy,antenatal care, labour, newborn, postnatal) on_birth code is ran in the correct sequence
(as this can vary depending on how modules are registered)
:param mother_id: mothers individual id
df = self.sim.population.props
params = self.current_parameters
store_dalys_in_mni = pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni
mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info
if[mother_id, 'is_alive']:
# Here we determine if, following childbirth, this woman will develop a fistula
risk_of_fistula = self.pn_linear_models[
if self.rng.random_sample() < risk_of_fistula:
# We determine the specific type of fistula this woman is experiencing, to match with DALY weights
fistula_type = self.rng.choice(['vesicovaginal', 'rectovaginal'],
p=params['prevalence_type_of_fistula'])[mother_id, 'pn_obstetric_fistula'] = fistula_type
# Store the onset weight for daly calculations
store_dalys_in_mni(mother_id, mni, f'{fistula_type}_fistula_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': mother_id,
'type': f'{fistula_type}_fistula',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# Determine if she will seek care for repair
care_seeking_for_repair = self.pn_linear_models[
# Schedule repair to occur for 1 week postnatal
if care_seeking_for_repair:
repair_hsi = HSI_PostnatalSupervisor_TreatmentForObstetricFistula(
self, person_id=mother_id)
repair_date = + DateOffset(days=(self.rng.randint(7, 42)))
tclose=repair_date + DateOffset(days=7))
# ======================= CONTINUATION OF COMPLICATIONS INTO THE POSTNATAL PERIOD =========================
# Certain conditions experienced in pregnancy are liable to continue into the postnatal period
if[mother_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] != 'none':[mother_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] =[mother_id, 'ps_htn_disorders']
if[mother_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] != 'none':[mother_id, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] =[mother_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy']
def on_hsi_alert(self, person_id, treatment_id):
logger.debug(key='message', data=f'This is PostnatalSupervisor, being alerted about a health system '
f'interaction person {person_id} for: {treatment_id}')
def report_daly_values(self):
logger.debug(key='message', data='This is PostnatalSupervisor reporting my health values')
df = self.sim.population.props
daly_series = pd.Series(data=0, index=df.index[df.is_alive])
return daly_series
def apply_linear_model(self, lm, df):
Helper function will apply the linear model (lm) on the dataframe (df) to get a probability of some event
happening to each individual. It then returns a series with same index with bools indicating the outcome based
on the toss of the biased coin.
:param lm: The linear model
:param df: The dataframe
:return: Series with same index containing outcomes (bool)
mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info
mni_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mni, orient='index')
# Here we define the external variables as series to pass to the linear model
mode_of_delivery = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
received_abx_for_prom = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
endometritis = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
chorio_in_preg = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
if 'mode_of_delivery' in mni_df.columns:
mode_of_delivery = pd.Series(mni_df['mode_of_delivery'], index=df.index)
if 'abx_for_prom_given' in mni_df.columns:
received_abx_for_prom = pd.Series(mni_df['abx_for_prom_given'], index=df.index)
if 'chorio_in_preg' in mni_df.columns:
chorio_in_preg = pd.Series(mni_df['chorio_in_preg'], index=df.index)
if 'endo_pp' in mni_df.columns:
endometritis = pd.Series(mni_df['endo_pp'], index=df.index)
maternal_prom = pd.Series(df['ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes'], index=df.index)
return self.rng.random_sample(len(df)) < lm.predict(df,
def set_postnatal_complications_mothers(self, week):
This function is called by the PostnatalSupervisor event. It applies risk of key complications to a subset of
women during each week of the postnatal period starting from week 2. Currently this includes sepsis,
anaemia and hypertension
:param week: week in the postnatal period used to select women in the data frame.
df = self.sim.population.props
params = self.current_parameters
store_dalys_in_mni = pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni
mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info
def onset(eq):
Runs a specific equation within the linear model for the appropriate subset of women in the postnatal period
and returns a BOOL series
:param eq: linear model equation
:return: BOOL series
onset_condition = self.apply_linear_model(
df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['la_is_postpartum'] & (df['pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] == week) &
return onset_condition
# -------------------------------------- SEPSIS --------------------------------------------------------------
# We apply risk of developing sepsis after either endometritits, urinary tract or skin/soft tissue infection.
# If sepsis develops then the mother may choose to seek care
# Apply linear model to determine risk of sepsis secondary to these two infections
onset_sepsis_endo = onset('sepsis_endometritis_late_postpartum')
onset_sepsis_sst = onset('sepsis_sst_late_postpartum')
# Risk of urinary sepsis is currently a fixed parameter so we apply that risk here
at_sepsis_urinary = \
df.is_alive & df.la_is_postpartum & (df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == week) & ~df.hs_is_inpatient
onset_sepsis_urinary = pd.Series(
self.rng.random_sample(len(at_sepsis_urinary.loc[at_sepsis_urinary])) <
params['prob_late_sepsis_urinary_tract'], index=at_sepsis_urinary.loc[at_sepsis_urinary].index)
# Iterate over each collection of women who will develop sepsis due to one of these reasons and update the
# appropriate variables
for index_slice in [onset_sepsis_endo.loc[onset_sepsis_endo].index,
df.loc[index_slice, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] = True
df.loc[index_slice, 'pn_emergency_event_mother'] = True
# Women with sepsis secondary to endometritis have this mni variable updated as it will function as a predictor
# in a linear model
for person in onset_sepsis_endo.loc[onset_sepsis_endo].index:
mni[person]['endo_pp'] = True
# Log the complication for analysis
new_sepsis = \
df.is_alive & df.la_is_postpartum & (df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == week) & ~df.hs_is_inpatient & \
for person in new_sepsis.loc[new_sepsis].index:
store_dalys_in_mni(person, mni, 'sepsis_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': person,
'type': 'sepsis',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# ------------------------------------ SECONDARY PPH ----------------------------------------------------------
# Next we determine if any women will experience postnatal bleeding
onset_pph = onset('secondary_postpartum_haem')
df.loc[onset_pph.loc[onset_pph].index, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = True
# And set the emergency property and log the complication onset in the mni
df.loc[onset_pph.loc[onset_pph].index, 'pn_emergency_event_mother'] = True
for person in onset_pph.loc[onset_pph].index:
store_dalys_in_mni(person, mni, 'secondary_pph_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': person,
'type': 'secondary_postpartum_haemorrhage',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# --------------------------------------------- ANAEMIA --------------------------------------------------
# We apply a risk of anaemia developing in this week, and determine its severity
onset_anaemia = onset('anaemia_after_pregnancy')
random_choice_severity = pd.Series(self.rng.choice(['mild', 'moderate', 'severe'],
df.loc[onset_anaemia.loc[onset_anaemia].index, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] = random_choice_severity
for person in onset_anaemia.loc[onset_anaemia].index:
store_dalys_in_mni(person, mni, f'{[person, "pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy"]}_anaemia_pp_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': person,
'type': f'{[person, "pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy"]}'
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# --------------------------------------- HYPERTENSION ------------------------------------------
# For women who are still experiencing a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy we determine if that will now
# resolve
women_with_htn = df.loc[
df['is_alive'] & df['la_is_postpartum'] & (df['pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] == week) &
~df['hs_is_inpatient'] &
resolvers = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(women_with_htn)) < params['prob_htn_resolves'],
for person in resolvers.loc[resolvers].index:
if not pd.isnull(mni[person]['hypertension_onset']):
store_dalys_in_mni(person, mni, 'hypertension_resolution',
df.loc[resolvers.loc[resolvers].index, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'resolved'
# And for the women whose hypertension doesn't resolve we now see if it will progress to a worsened state
def apply_risk(selected, risk_of_gest_htn_progression):
# This function uses the transition_states function to move women between states based on the
# probability matrix
disease_states = ['gest_htn', 'severe_gest_htn', 'mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia']
prob_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=disease_states, index=disease_states)
risk_ghtn_remains_mild = 1.0 - (risk_of_gest_htn_progression + params['probs_for_mgh_matrix_pn'][2])
# update the probability matrix according to treatment
prob_matrix['gest_htn'] = [risk_ghtn_remains_mild, risk_of_gest_htn_progression,
params['probs_for_mgh_matrix_pn'][2], 0.0, 0.0]
prob_matrix['severe_gest_htn'] = params['probs_for_sgh_matrix_pn']
prob_matrix['mild_pre_eclamp'] = params['probs_for_mpe_matrix_pn']
prob_matrix['severe_pre_eclamp'] = params['probs_for_spe_matrix_pn']
prob_matrix['eclampsia'] = params['probs_for_ec_matrix_pn']
current_status = df.loc[selected, "pn_htn_disorders"]
new_status = util.transition_states(current_status, prob_matrix, self.rng)
df.loc[selected, "pn_htn_disorders"] = new_status
def log_new_progressed_cases(disease):
assess_status_change = (current_status != disease) & (new_status == disease)
new_onset_disease = assess_status_change[assess_status_change]
if not new_onset_disease.empty:
if disease == 'severe_pre_eclamp':
df.loc[new_onset_disease.index, 'pn_emergency_event_mother'] = True
elif disease == 'eclampsia':
df.loc[new_onset_disease.index, 'pn_emergency_event_mother'] = True
mni=mni, mni_variable='eclampsia_onset',
for person in new_onset_disease.index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person,
'type': disease,
'timing': 'postnatal'})
if disease == 'severe_pre_eclamp':
mni[person]['new_onset_spe'] = True
for disease in ['mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia', 'severe_gest_htn']:
# The function is then applied to women with hypertensive disorders who are on and not on treatment
women_with_htn_not_on_anti_htns =\
df.is_alive & \
df.la_is_postpartum & \
(df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == week) & \
'eclampsia')) & \
~df.la_gest_htn_on_treatment & ~df.hs_is_inpatient
women_with_htn_on_anti_htns = \
df.is_alive & \
df.la_is_postpartum & \
(df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == week) & \
'eclampsia')) & \
df.la_gest_htn_on_treatment & ~df.hs_is_inpatient
risk_progression_mild_to_severe_htn = params['probs_for_mgh_matrix_pn'][1]
apply_risk(women_with_htn_not_on_anti_htns, risk_progression_mild_to_severe_htn)
apply_risk(women_with_htn_on_anti_htns, (risk_progression_mild_to_severe_htn *
# -------------------------------- RISK OF PRE-ECLAMPSIA HYPERTENSION --------------------------------------
# Here we apply a risk to women developing de-novo hypertension in the later postnatal period, this includes
# pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension
pre_eclampsia = self.apply_linear_model(
df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['la_is_postpartum'] & (df['pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] == week) &
(df['pn_htn_disorders'] == 'none')])
df.loc[pre_eclampsia.loc[pre_eclampsia].index, 'ps_prev_pre_eclamp'] = True
df.loc[pre_eclampsia.loc[pre_eclampsia].index, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'mild_pre_eclamp'
for person in pre_eclampsia.loc[pre_eclampsia].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person,
'type': 'mild_pre_eclamp',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# -------------------------------- RISK OF GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION --------------------------------------
gest_hypertension = self.apply_linear_model(
df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['la_is_postpartum'] & (df['pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] == week) &
(df['pn_htn_disorders'] == 'none')])
df.loc[gest_hypertension.loc[gest_hypertension].index, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'gest_htn'
for person in gest_hypertension.loc[gest_hypertension].index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person,
'type': 'mild_gest_htn',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# -------------------------------- RISK OF DEATH SEVERE HYPERTENSION ------------------------------------------
# Risk of death is applied to women with severe hypertensive disease
at_risk_of_death_htn = df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['la_is_postpartum'] &
(df['pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] == week) &
(df['pn_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_gest_htn')]
die_from_htn = pd.Series(self.rng.random_sample(len(at_risk_of_death_htn)) <
params['weekly_prob_death_severe_gest_htn'], index=at_risk_of_death_htn.index)
# Those women who die the on_death function in demography is applied
for person in die_from_htn.loc[die_from_htn].index:
self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=person, cause='severe_gestational_hypertension',
del self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info[person]
# ----------------------------------------- CARE SEEKING ------------------------------------------------------
# We now use the the pn_emergency_event_mother property that has just been set for women who are experiencing
# severe complications to select a subset of women who may choose to seek care
can_seek_care = df.loc[df['is_alive'] & df['la_is_postpartum'] & (df['pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] == week) &
df['pn_emergency_event_mother'] & ~df['hs_is_inpatient']]
care_seekers = pd.Series(
self.rng.random_sample(len(can_seek_care)) < params['prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency'],
# Reset this property to stop repeat care seeking
df.loc[can_seek_care.index, 'pn_emergency_event_mother'] = False
# Schedule the HSI event
for person in care_seekers.loc[care_seekers].index:
from tlo.methods.labour import HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck
postnatal_check = HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck(
self.sim.modules['Labour'], person_id=person)
priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=2))
# For women who do not seek care we immediately apply risk of death due to complications
for person in care_seekers.loc[~care_seekers].index:
self.apply_risk_of_maternal_or_neonatal_death_postnatal(mother_or_child='mother', individual_id=person)
if week == 6:
# Here we reset any remaining pregnancy variables (as some are used as predictors in models in the postnatal
# period)
week_6_women = df.is_alive & df.la_is_postpartum & (df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == 6)
def apply_risk_of_neonatal_complications_in_week_one(self, child_id, mother_id):
This function is called by PostnatalWeekOneEvent for newborns to determine risk of complications. Currently
this is limited to early onset neonatal sepsis
:param child_id: childs individual id
:param mother_id: mothers individual id
df = self.sim.population.props
mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info
nci = self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'].newborn_care_info
mni_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mni, orient='index')
nci_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nci, orient='index')
# Set external variables used in the linear model equation
maternal_prom = pd.Series([mother_id, 'ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes'], index=df.loc[[child_id]].index)
received_abx_for_prom = pd.Series([child_id, 'abx_for_prom_given'], index=df.loc[[child_id]].index)
if mother_id in mni_df.index:
chorio_in_preg = pd.Series([mother_id, 'chorio_in_preg'], index=df.loc[[child_id]].index)
chorio_in_preg = pd.Series(False, index=df.loc[[child_id]].index)
# We then apply a risk that this womans newborn will develop sepsis during week one
risk_eons = self.pn_linear_models['early_onset_neonatal_sepsis_week_1'].predict(
df.loc[[child_id]], received_abx_for_prom=received_abx_for_prom,
# Update the df, mni and log the case
if self.rng.random_sample() < risk_eons:[child_id, 'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal'] = True
self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'].newborn_care_info[child_id]['sepsis_postnatal'] = True'newborn_complication', data={'newborn': child_id,
'type': 'early_onset_sepsis'})
def set_postnatal_complications_neonates(self, upper_and_lower_day_limits):
This function is called by the PostnatalSupervisor event. It applies risk of key complication to neonates
during each week of the neonatal period after week one (weeks 2, 3 & 4). This is currently limited to sepsis but
may be expanded at a later date
:param upper_and_lower_day_limits: 2 value list of the first and last day of each week of the neonatal period
df = self.sim.population.props
nci = self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'].newborn_care_info
params = self.current_parameters
# Here we apply risk of late onset neonatal sepsis (sepsis onsetting after day 7) to newborns
onset_sepsis = self.apply_linear_model(
df.loc[df['is_alive'] & (df['mother_id'] >= 0) & ~df['nb_death_after_birth'] &
(df['age_days'] > upper_and_lower_day_limits[0]) &
(df['age_days'] < upper_and_lower_day_limits[1]) & (df['date_of_birth'] > self.sim.start_date) &
df.loc[onset_sepsis.loc[onset_sepsis].index, 'pn_sepsis_late_neonatal'] = True
for person in onset_sepsis.loc[onset_sepsis].index:
if person in nci:
nci[person]['sepsis_postnatal'] = True'newborn_complication', data={'newborn': person,
'type': 'late_onset_sepsis'})
# Then we determine if care will be sought for newly septic newborns
care_seeking = pd.Series(
len(onset_sepsis.loc[onset_sepsis])) < params['prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency_neonate'],
# We schedule the HSI according
for person in care_seeking.loc[care_seeking].index:
from tlo.methods.newborn_outcomes import HSI_NewbornOutcomes_ReceivesPostnatalCheck
postnatal_check = HSI_NewbornOutcomes_ReceivesPostnatalCheck(
self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'], person_id=person)
priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1))
# And apply risk of death for newborns for which care is not sought
for person in care_seeking.loc[~care_seeking].index:
self.apply_risk_of_maternal_or_neonatal_death_postnatal(mother_or_child='child', individual_id=person)
def apply_risk_of_maternal_or_neonatal_death_postnatal(self, mother_or_child, individual_id):
This function is called to calculate an individuals risk of death following the onset of a complication. For
individuals who dont seek care this is immediately after the onset of complications. For those who seek care it
is called at the end of the HSI to allow for treatment effects. Either a mother or a child can be passed to the
:param mother_or_child: Person of interest for the effect of this function - pass 'mother' or 'child' to
apply risk of death correctly
:param individual_id: individual_id
df = self.sim.population.props
params = self.current_parameters
mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info
# Select the individuals row in the data frame to prevent repeated at based indexing
if mother_or_child == 'mother':
mother = df.loc[individual_id]
if mother_or_child == 'child':
child = df.loc[individual_id]
# ================================== MATERNAL DEATH EQUATIONS ==============================================
# Create a list of all the causes that may cause death in the individual (matched to GBD labels)
if mother_or_child == 'mother':
# Function checks df for any potential cause of death, uses CFR parameters to determine risk of death
# (either from one or multiple causes) and if death occurs returns the cause
potential_cause_of_death = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_for_risk_of_death_from_cause_maternal(
self, individual_id=individual_id, timing='postnatal')
# If a cause is returned death is scheduled
if potential_cause_of_death:
mni[individual_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = True
pregnancy_helper_functions.log_mni_for_maternal_death(self, individual_id)
self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=individual_id, cause=potential_cause_of_death,
del mni[individual_id]
# Reset variables for women who survive
if mother.pn_postpartum_haem_secondary:[individual_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = False
if mother.pn_sepsis_late_postpartum:[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] = False
if mother.pn_htn_disorders == 'eclampsia':[individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'severe_pre_eclamp'
if mother.pn_htn_disorders == 'severe_pre_eclamp' and mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe']:
mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe'] = False
# ================================== NEONATAL DEATH EQUATIONS ==============================================
if mother_or_child == 'child':
# Neonates can have either early or late onset sepsis, not both at once- so we use either equation
# depending on this neonates current condition
if child.pn_sepsis_early_neonatal:
risk_of_death = params['cfr_early_onset_neonatal_sepsis']
elif child.pn_sepsis_late_neonatal:
risk_of_death = params['cfr_late_neonatal_sepsis']
if child.pn_sepsis_late_neonatal or child.pn_sepsis_early_neonatal:
if child.pn_sepsis_late_neonatal:
cause = 'late_onset_sepsis'
cause = 'early_onset_sepsis'
# If this neonate will die then we make the appropriate changes
if self.rng.random_sample() < risk_of_death:
self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=individual_id, cause=cause,
# Otherwise we reset the variables in the data frame
else:[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_neonatal'] = False[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal'] = False
class PostnatalSupervisorEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
This is the PostnatalSupervisorEvent. This event runs every week and is responsible for applying risk of
complications to mothers and newborns in the postnatal and neonatal periods. Risk is applied after the first week of
life as this is managed via PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent and PostnatalWeekOneNeonatalEvent. In addition this
event ensures that the relevant postnatal/neonatal variables are reset for those who survive.
def __init__(self, module, ):
super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(weeks=1))
def apply(self, population):
df = population.props
store_dalys_in_mni = pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni
mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info
# ================================ UPDATING LENGTH OF POSTPARTUM PERIOD IN WEEKS ============================
# Here we update how far into the postpartum period each woman who has recently delivered is
alive_and_recently_delivered = df.is_alive & df.la_is_postpartum
ppp_in_days = - df.loc[alive_and_recently_delivered, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery']
ppp_in_weeks = ppp_in_days / np.timedelta64(1, 'W')
rounded_weeks = np.ceil(ppp_in_weeks)
df.loc[alive_and_recently_delivered, 'pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] = rounded_weeks
logger.debug(key='message', data=f'updating postnatal periods on date {}')
# Check that all women are week 1 or above
if not (df.loc[alive_and_recently_delivered, 'pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] > 0).all().all():'error', data='Postnatal weeks incorrectly calculated')
# ================================= COMPLICATIONS/CARE SEEKING FOR WOMEN ======================================
# This function is called to apply risk of complications to women in weeks 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the postnatal
# period
for week in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
# ================================= COMPLICATIONS/CARE SEEKING FOR NEONATES ===================================
# Next this function is called to apply risk of complications to neonates in week 2, 3 and 4 of the neonatal
# period. Upper and lower limit days in the week are used to define one week.
for upper_and_lower_day_limits in [[7, 15], [14, 22], [21, 29]]:
# -------------------------------------- RESETTING VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------
# Finally we reset any variables that have been modified during this module
# We make these changes 2 weeks after the end of the postnatal and neonatal period in case of either mother or
# newborn are receiving treatment following the last PNC visit (around day 42)
# Maternal variables
week_8_postnatal_women_htn = \
df.is_alive & df.la_is_postpartum & (df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == 8) & \
# Schedule date of resolution for any women with hypertension
for person in week_8_postnatal_women_htn.loc[week_8_postnatal_women_htn].index:
if not pd.isnull(mni[person]['hypertension_onset']):
store_dalys_in_mni(person, mni, 'hypertension_resolution',
week_8_postnatal_women_anaemia = \
df.is_alive & df.la_is_postpartum & (df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == 8) & \
(df.pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy != 'none')
# Schedule date of resolution for any women with anaemia
for person in week_8_postnatal_women_anaemia.loc[week_8_postnatal_women_anaemia].index:
store_dalys_in_mni(person, mni, f'{[person, "pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy"]}_anaemia'
week_8_postnatal_women = df.is_alive & df.la_is_postpartum & (df.pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks == 8)
# Set mni[person]['delete_mni'] to True meaning after the next DALY event each womans MNI dict is deleted
for person in week_8_postnatal_women.loc[week_8_postnatal_women].index:
mni[person]['delete_mni'] = True'total_mat_pnc_visits', data={'mother': person,
'visits':[person, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'],
'anaemia':[person, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy']})
df.loc[week_8_postnatal_women, 'pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks'] = 0
df.loc[week_8_postnatal_women, 'la_is_postpartum'] = False
df.loc[week_8_postnatal_women, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'] = 0
df.loc[week_8_postnatal_women, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] = False
df.loc[week_8_postnatal_women, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = False
df.loc[week_8_postnatal_women, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'none'
df.loc[week_8_postnatal_women, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] = 'none'
# For the neonates we now determine if they will develop any long term neurodevelopmental impairment following
# survival of the neonatal period
week_5_postnatal_neonates = df.is_alive & (df.age_days > 28) & (df.age_days < 36) & (df.date_of_birth >
for person in week_5_postnatal_neonates.loc[week_5_postnatal_neonates].index:
self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'].set_disability_status(person)'total_neo_pnc_visits', data={'child': person,
'visits':[person, 'nb_pnc_check']})
# And then reset any key variables
df.loc[week_5_postnatal_neonates, 'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal'] = False
df.loc[week_5_postnatal_neonates, 'pn_sepsis_late_neonatal'] = False
class PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin):
This is PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent. It is scheduled for all mothers who survive labour and the first 48 hours
after birth. This event applies risk of key complications that can occur in the first week after birth. This event
also schedules postnatal care for those women predicted to attend after 48 hours or in the situation where they have
developed a complication. For women who dont seek care for themselves risk of death is applied.
def __init__(self, module, individual_id):
super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
def apply(self, individual_id):
df = self.sim.population.props
params = self.module.current_parameters
mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info
store_dalys_in_mni = pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni
mother = df.loc[individual_id]
if not mother.is_alive:
# Run some checks on the mothers arriving to this event after delivery
if (not mother.la_is_postpartum or
not ( - mother.la_date_most_recent_delivery) < pd.to_timedelta(7, unit='d') or
mni[individual_id]['passed_through_week_one']):'error', data='Mother incorrectly scheduled to arrive at PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent')
# Signify this woman has reached week one of the postnatal period (this variable is used in the labour module)
mni[individual_id]['passed_through_week_one'] = True
# And remove women from the labour list
# Next we apply risk of key complications in the first week following delivery
# -----------------------------------MATERNAL SEPSIS --------------------------------------------------------
# Define external variable for linear model
mode_of_delivery = pd.Series(mni[individual_id]['mode_of_delivery'], index=df.loc[[individual_id]].index)
# Determine individual risk of sepsis for each possible cause
risk_sepsis_endometritis = self.module.pn_linear_models['sepsis_endometritis_late_postpartum'].predict(
df.loc[[individual_id]], mode_of_delivery=mode_of_delivery)[individual_id]
risk_sepsis_skin_soft_tissue = self.module.pn_linear_models['sepsis_sst_late_postpartum'].predict(
df.loc[[individual_id]], mode_of_delivery=mode_of_delivery)[individual_id]
risk_sepsis_urinary_tract = params['prob_late_sepsis_urinary_tract']
# Use random draw to determine if sepsis will occur
endo_result = risk_sepsis_endometritis > self.module.rng.random_sample()
ut_result = risk_sepsis_urinary_tract > self.module.rng.random_sample()
ssti_result = risk_sepsis_skin_soft_tissue > self.module.rng.random_sample()
# If the individual develops sepsis, update key variables and log the case
if endo_result or ut_result or ssti_result:[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] = True
store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'sepsis_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'sepsis',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# Sepsis secondary to endometritis is stored within the mni as it is used as a predictor in a linear model
if endo_result:
mni[individual_id]['endo_pp'] = True
# ---------------------------------------- SECONDARY PPH ------------------------------------------------
# Next we apply risk of secondary postpartum bleeding, first define external variables
endometritis = pd.Series(mni[individual_id]['endo_pp'], index=df.loc[[individual_id]].index)
risk_secondary_pph = self.module.pn_linear_models['secondary_postpartum_haem'].predict(df.loc[[
individual_id]], endometritis=endometritis)[individual_id]
if risk_secondary_pph > self.module.rng.random_sample():[individual_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = True
store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'secondary_pph_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id,
'type': 'secondary_postpartum_haemorrhage',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# ------------------------------------------------ NEW ONSET ANAEMIA ------------------------------------------
# And then risk of developing anaemia...
if mother.pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy == 'none':
risk_anaemia_after_pregnancy = self.module.pn_linear_models['anaemia_after_pregnancy'].predict(
if risk_anaemia_after_pregnancy > self.module.rng.random_sample():
random_choice_severity = self.module.rng.choice(['mild', 'moderate', 'severe'],
p=params['prob_type_of_anaemia_pn'], size=1)[individual_id, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] = random_choice_severity
store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, f'{[individual_id, "pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy"]}_'
data={'person': individual_id,
'type': f'{[individual_id, "pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy"]}_anaemia',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# -------------------------------------------- HYPERTENSION -----------------------------------------------
# For women who remain hypertensive after delivery we apply a probability that this will resolve in the
# first week after birth
if 'none' not in mother.pn_htn_disorders:
if 'resolved' in mother.pn_htn_disorders:
elif self.module.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_htn_resolves']:
if not pd.isnull(mni[individual_id]['hypertension_onset']):
# Store date of resolution for women who were aware of their hypertension (in keeping with daly
# weight definition)
store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'hypertension_resolution',[individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'resolved'
# If not, we apply a risk that the hypertension might worsen and progress into a more severe form
disease_states = ['gest_htn', 'severe_gest_htn', 'mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia']
prob_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=disease_states, index=disease_states)
prob_matrix['gest_htn'] = params['probs_for_mgh_matrix_pn']
prob_matrix['severe_gest_htn'] = params['probs_for_sgh_matrix_pn']
prob_matrix['mild_pre_eclamp'] = params['probs_for_mpe_matrix_pn']
prob_matrix['severe_pre_eclamp'] = params['probs_for_spe_matrix_pn']
prob_matrix['eclampsia'] = params['probs_for_ec_matrix_pn']
# We modify the probability of progressing from mild to severe gestational hypertension for women
# who are on antihypertensives
if[individual_id, 'la_gest_htn_on_treatment']:
treatment_reduced_risk = prob_matrix['gest_htn']['severe_gest_htn'] * \
params['treatment_effect_anti_htns_progression_pn']['severe_gest_htn', 'gest_htn'] = treatment_reduced_risk['gest_htn', 'gest_htn'] = 1.0 - (treatment_reduced_risk +
current_status = df.loc[[individual_id], 'pn_htn_disorders']
new_status = util.transition_states(current_status, prob_matrix, self.module.rng)
df.loc[[individual_id], "pn_htn_disorders"] = new_status
def log_new_progressed_cases(disease):
assess_status_change = (current_status != disease) & (new_status == disease)
new_onset_disease = assess_status_change[assess_status_change]
if not new_onset_disease.empty:
for person in new_onset_disease.index:'maternal_complication', data={'person': person,
'type': disease,
'timing': 'postnatal'})
if disease == 'severe_pre_eclamp':
mni[person]['new_onset_spe'] = True
if disease == 'eclampsia':
store_dalys_in_mni, mni=mni, mni_variable='eclampsia_onset',
for disease in ['mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia', 'severe_gest_htn']:
# ---------------------------- RISK OF POSTPARTUM PRE-ECLAMPSIA/HYPERTENSION ----------------------------
# Women who are normatensive after delivery may develop new hypertension for the first time after birth
if[individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'none':
risk_pe_after_pregnancy = self.module.pn_linear_models['pre_eclampsia_pn'].predict(df.loc[[
if risk_pe_after_pregnancy > self.module.rng.random_sample():[individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'mild_pre_eclamp'[individual_id, 'ps_prev_pre_eclamp'] = True'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'mild_pre_eclamp',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
risk_gh_after_pregnancy = self.module.pn_linear_models['gest_htn_pn'].predict(df.loc[[
if risk_gh_after_pregnancy > self.module.rng.random_sample():[individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'gest_htn''maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id,
'type': 'mild_gest_htn',
'timing': 'postnatal'})
# ====================================== POSTNATAL CHECK ==================================================
# Import the HSI which represents postnatal care
from tlo.methods.labour import HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck
pnc_one_maternal = HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck(
self.sim.modules['Labour'], person_id=individual_id)
# If a mother has developed complications in the first week after birth and has been predicted to attend PNC
# anyway she will attend now. If she was not predicted to attend but now develops complications she may
# choose to seek care
if ([individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] or[individual_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] or
(([individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp') and
mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe']) or
([individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia')):
# We assume the probability of care seeking is higher in women with complications
if (mni[individual_id]['will_receive_pnc'] == 'late') or (self.module.rng.random_sample() <
pnc_one_maternal, priority=0,, + pd.DateOffset(days=2))
# If she will not receive treatment for her complications we apply risk of death now
# Women without complications in week one are scheduled to attend PNC in the future
if mni[individual_id]['will_receive_pnc'] == 'late':
appt_date = + pd.DateOffset(self.module.rng.randint(0, 35))
pnc_one_maternal, priority=0, topen=appt_date, tclose=appt_date + pd.DateOffset(days=2))
class PostnatalWeekOneNeonatalEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin):
This is PostnatalWeekOneNeonatalEvent. It is scheduled for all newborns who survive labour and the first 48 hours
after birth. This event applies risk of key complications that can occur in the first week after birth. This event
also schedules postnatal care for those newborns predicted to attend after 48 hours or in the situation where they
have developed a complication. For newborns who don't seek care for themselves risk of death is applied.
def __init__(self, module, individual_id):
super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
def apply(self, individual_id):
df = self.sim.population.props
params = self.module.current_parameters
nci = self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'].newborn_care_info
child = df.loc[individual_id]
mother_id =[individual_id, 'mother_id']
if not child.is_alive:
# Run checks to ensure only the right newborns have arrived here
if not child.age_days < 7 or nci[individual_id]['passed_through_week_one']:'error', data='Child incorrectly scheduled for PostnatalWeekOneNeonatalEvent')
nci[individual_id]['passed_through_week_one'] = True
# Apply risk of complication (early onset sepsis)
self.module.apply_risk_of_neonatal_complications_in_week_one(child_id=individual_id, mother_id=mother_id)
# =============================== POSTNATAL CHECK =========================================================
# As with mothers we now determine if this child will receive postnatal care
from tlo.methods.newborn_outcomes import HSI_NewbornOutcomes_ReceivesPostnatalCheck
pnc_one_neonatal = HSI_NewbornOutcomes_ReceivesPostnatalCheck(
self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'], person_id=individual_id)
# Neonates with sepsis are more likely to receive PNC that those without
if[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal']:
if ((nci[individual_id]['will_receive_pnc'] == 'late') or (self.module.rng.random_sample() <
priority=0,, + pd.DateOffset(days=1))
# Apply risk of death for those who wont seek care
# Finally we determine if newborns without infection will receive PNC
elif not[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_early_neonatal'] and (nci[individual_id]['will_'
'receive_pnc'] == 'late'):
days_till_day_7 = 7 -[individual_id, 'age_days']
priority=0, + pd.DateOffset(self.module.rng.randint(0, days_till_day_7)),
class HSI_PostnatalSupervisor_TreatmentForObstetricFistula(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin):
"""This is HSI_PostnatalSupervisor_TreatmentForObstetricFistula. It is scheduled by the on_birth function of this
module for women have developed obstetric fistula and choose to seek care. Treatment delivered in this event
includes surgical correction of obstetric fistula
def __init__(self, module, person_id):
super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id)
assert isinstance(module, PostnatalSupervisor)
self.TREATMENT_ID = 'PostnatalCare_TreatmentForObstetricFistula'
self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'MajorSurg': 1})
self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'general_bed': 5})
def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor):
df = self.sim.population.props
mother = df.loc[person_id]
if not mother.is_alive:
# Define the consumables
ic = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].get_item_code_from_item_name
of_repair_cons = \
{ic('Scalpel blade size 22 (individually wrapped)_100_CMST'): 1,
ic('Halothane (fluothane)_250ml_CMST'): 100,
ic('Ceftriaxone 1g, PFR_each_CMST'): 2,
ic('Metronidazole 200mg_1000_CMST'): 6000,
ic('Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST'): 1,
ic('Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg'): 8000,
ic('Declofenac injection_each_CMST'): 1,
ic('Foley catheter'): 1,
ic('Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml'): 1,
ic("ringer's lactate (Hartmann's solution), 1000 ml_12_IDA"): 2000,
ic('Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml'): 2000,
ic('Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST'): 1,
ic('Chlorhexidine 1.5% solution_5_CMST'): 50,
self.add_equipment('Major Surgery'))
# Log the end of disability in the MNI
person_id, self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info,
f'{[person_id, "pn_obstetric_fistula"]}_fistula_resolution',
# Reset property[person_id, 'pn_obstetric_fistula'] = 'none'