Source code for tlo.methods.malaria

this is the malaria module which assigns malaria infections to the population: asymptomatic, clinical and severe
it also holds the hsi events pertaining to malaria testing and treatment
including the malaria RDT using DxTest

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Literal, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd

from tlo import DateOffset, Module, Parameter, Property, Types, logging
from tlo.core import DiagnosisFunction, IndividualPropertyUpdates
from import Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin, PopulationScopeEventMixin, RegularEvent
from tlo.lm import LinearModel, Predictor
from tlo.methods import Metadata
from tlo.methods.causes import Cause
from tlo.methods.dxmanager import DxTest
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import HSI_Event
from tlo.methods.symptommanager import Symptom
from tlo.util import random_date

    from tlo.population import PatientDetails

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Malaria(Module):
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, resourcefilepath=None): """Create instance of Malaria module :param name: Name of this module (optional, defaults to name of class) :param resourcefilepath: Path to the TLOmodel `resources` directory """ super().__init__(name) self.resourcefilepath = Path(resourcefilepath) # cleaned coverage values for IRS and ITN (populated in `read_parameters`) self.itn_irs = None self.all_inc = None self.item_codes_for_consumables_required = dict() self.lm = dict()
INIT_DEPENDENCIES = { 'Contraception', 'Demography', 'HealthSystem', 'SymptomManager' } OPTIONAL_INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'HealthBurden'} ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES = {'Hiv', 'Tb'} METADATA = { Metadata.DISEASE_MODULE, Metadata.USES_HEALTHSYSTEM, Metadata.USES_HEALTHBURDEN, Metadata.USES_SYMPTOMMANAGER } # Declare Causes of Death CAUSES_OF_DEATH = { 'Malaria': Cause(gbd_causes='Malaria', label='Malaria'), } # Declare Causes of Disability CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY = { 'Malaria': Cause(gbd_causes='Malaria', label='Malaria') } PARAMETERS = { 'interv': Parameter(Types.REAL, 'data frame of intervention coverage by year'), 'clin_inc': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'data frame of clinical incidence by age, district, intervention coverage', ), 'inf_inc': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'data frame of infection incidence by age, district, intervention coverage', ), 'sev_inc': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'data frame of severe case incidence by age, district, intervention coverage', ), 'itn_district': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'data frame of ITN usage rates by district' ), 'irs_district': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'data frame of IRS usage rates by district' ), 'sev_symp_prob': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'probabilities of each symptom for severe malaria cases' ), 'sensitivity_rdt': Parameter(Types.REAL, 'Sensitivity of rdt'), 'cfr': Parameter(Types.REAL, 'case-fatality rate for severe malaria'), 'dur_asym': Parameter(Types.REAL, 'duration (days) of asymptomatic malaria'), 'dur_clin': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'duration (days) of clinical symptoms of malaria' ), 'dur_clin_para': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'duration (days) of parasitaemia for clinical malaria cases' ), 'treatment_adjustment': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'probability of death from severe malaria if on treatment' ), 'p_sev_anaemia_preg': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'probability of severe anaemia in pregnant women with clinical malaria', ), 'itn_proj': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'coverage of ITN for projections 2020 onwards' ), 'mortality_adjust': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'adjustment of case-fatality rate to match WHO/MAP' ), 'data_end': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'final year of ICL malaria model outputs, after 2018 = projections' ), 'irs_rates_boundary': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'threshold for indoor residual spraying coverage' ), 'irs_rates_upper': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'indoor residual spraying high coverage' ), 'irs_rates_lower': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'indoor residual spraying low coverage' ), 'prob_malaria_case_tests': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'probability that a malaria case will have a scheduled rdt' ), 'itn': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'projected future itn coverage' ), 'rdt_testing_rates': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'per capita rdt testing rate of general population', ), 'scaling_factor_for_rdt_availability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'scaling factor applied to the reports of rdt usage to compensate for' 'non-availability of rdts at some facilities' ), 'duration_iptp_protection_weeks': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'duration of protection against clinical malaria conferred by each dose of IPTp' ), 'rr_clinical_malaria_hiv_under5': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of clinical malaria if HIV+ and aged under 5 years' ), 'rr_clinical_malaria_hiv_over5': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of clinical malaria if HIV+ and aged over 5 years' ), 'rr_clinical_malaria_hiv_pregnant': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of clinical malaria if HIV+ and pregnant' ), 'rr_clinical_malaria_cotrimoxazole': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of clinical malaria if on cotrimoxazole' ), 'rr_clinical_malaria_art': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of clinical malaria if HIV+ and on ART and virally suppressed' ), 'rr_clinical_malaria_iptp': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of clinical malaria with each dose of IPTp' ), 'rr_severe_malaria_hiv_under5': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of severe malaria if HIV+ and aged under 5 years' ), 'rr_severe_malaria_hiv_over5': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of severe malaria if HIV+ and aged over 5 years' ), 'rr_severe_malaria_hiv_pregnant': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of clinical malaria if HIV+ and pregnant' ), 'rr_severe_malaria_iptp': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'relative risk of severe malaria with each dose of IPTp' ), 'prob_of_treatment_success': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'probability that treatment will clear malaria symptoms' ) } PROPERTIES = { 'ma_is_infected': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Current status of malaria'), 'ma_date_infected': Property(Types.DATE, 'Date of latest infection'), 'ma_date_symptoms': Property( Types.DATE, 'Date of symptom start for clinical infection' ), 'ma_date_death': Property(Types.DATE, 'Date of death due to malaria'), 'ma_tx': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Type of anti-malarial treatment person is currently using', categories=['none', 'uncomplicated', 'complicated']), 'ma_date_tx': Property( Types.DATE, 'Date treatment started for most recent malaria episode' ), 'ma_inf_type': Property( Types.CATEGORICAL, 'specific symptoms with malaria infection', categories=['none', 'asym', 'clinical', 'severe'], ), 'ma_age_edited': Property( Types.REAL, 'age values redefined to match with malaria data' ), 'ma_clinical_counter': Property( Types.INT, 'annual counter for malaria clinical episodes' ), 'ma_dx_counter': Property( Types.INT, 'annual counter for malaria diagnoses' ), 'ma_tx_counter': Property( Types.INT, 'annual counter for malaria treatment episodes' ), 'ma_clinical_preg_counter': Property( Types.INT, 'annual counter for malaria clinical episodes in pregnant women' ), 'ma_iptp': Property(Types.BOOL, 'if woman has IPTp in current pregnancy'), }
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): workbook = pd.read_excel(self.resourcefilepath / 'malaria' / 'ResourceFile_malaria.xlsx', sheet_name=None) self.load_parameters_from_dataframe(workbook['parameters']) p = self.parameters # baseline characteristics p['interv'] = workbook['interventions'] p['itn_district'] = workbook['MAP_ITNrates'] p['irs_district'] = workbook['MAP_IRSrates'] p['sev_symp_prob'] = workbook['severe_symptoms'] p['rdt_testing_rates'] = workbook['WHO_TestData2023'] p['inf_inc'] = pd.read_csv(self.resourcefilepath / 'malaria' / 'ResourceFile_malaria_InfInc_expanded.csv') p['clin_inc'] = pd.read_csv(self.resourcefilepath / 'malaria' / 'ResourceFile_malaria_ClinInc_expanded.csv') p['sev_inc'] = pd.read_csv(self.resourcefilepath / 'malaria' / 'ResourceFile_malaria_SevInc_expanded.csv') # check itn projected values are <=0.7 and rounded to 1dp for matching to incidence tables p['itn'] = round(p['itn'], 1) assert (p['itn'] <= 0.7) # =============================================================================== # single dataframe for itn and irs district/year data; set index for fast lookup # =============================================================================== itn_curr = p['itn_district'] itn_curr.rename(columns={'itn_rates': 'itn_rate'}, inplace=True) itn_curr['itn_rate'] = itn_curr['itn_rate'].round(decimals=1) # maximum itn is 0.7; see comment itn_curr.loc[itn_curr.itn_rate > 0.7, 'itn_rate'] = 0.7 itn_curr = itn_curr.set_index(['District', 'Year']) irs_curr = p['irs_district'] irs_curr.rename(columns={'irs_rates': 'irs_rate'}, inplace=True) irs_curr.drop(['Region'], axis=1, inplace=True) irs_curr['irs_rate'] = irs_curr['irs_rate'].round(decimals=1) irs_curr.loc[irs_curr.irs_rate > p['irs_rates_boundary'], 'irs_rate'] = p['irs_rates_upper'] irs_curr.loc[irs_curr.irs_rate <= p['irs_rates_boundary'], 'irs_rate'] = p['irs_rates_lower'] irs_curr = irs_curr.set_index(['District', 'Year']) itn_irs = pd.concat([itn_curr, irs_curr], axis=1) # Substitute District Num for District Name mapper_district_name_to_num = \ {v: k for k, v in self.sim.modules['Demography'].parameters['district_num_to_district_name'].items()} self.itn_irs = itn_irs.reset_index().assign( District_Num=lambda x: x['District'].map(mapper_district_name_to_num) ).drop(columns=['District']).set_index(['District_Num', 'Year']) # =============================================================================== # put the all incidence data into single table with month/admin/llin/irs index # =============================================================================== inf_inc = p['inf_inc'].set_index(['month', 'admin', 'llin', 'irs', 'age']) inf_inc = inf_inc.loc[:, ['monthly_prob_inf']] clin_inc = p['clin_inc'].set_index(['month', 'admin', 'llin', 'irs', 'age']) clin_inc = clin_inc.loc[:, ['monthly_prob_clin']] sev_inc = p['sev_inc'].set_index(['month', 'admin', 'llin', 'irs', 'age']) sev_inc = sev_inc.loc[:, ['monthly_prob_sev']] all_inc = pd.concat([inf_inc, clin_inc, sev_inc], axis=1) # we don't want age to be part of index all_inc = all_inc.reset_index() all_inc['district_num'] = all_inc['admin'].map(mapper_district_name_to_num) assert not all_inc['district_num'].isna().any() self.all_inc = all_inc.drop(columns=['admin']).set_index(['month', 'district_num', 'llin', 'irs']) # get the DALY weight that this module will use from the weight database if 'HealthBurden' in self.sim.modules: p['daly_wt_clinical'] = self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(218) p['daly_wt_severe'] = self.sim.modules['HealthBurden'].get_daly_weight(213) # ----------------------------------- DECLARE THE SYMPTOMS ------------------------------------------- self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].register_symptom( Symptom('severe_anaemia'), # nb. will cause care seeking as much as a typical symptom Symptom.emergency('severe_malaria'), # emergency )
[docs] def pre_initialise_population(self): """ * Establish the Linear Models if HIV is registered, the conditional predictors will apply otherwise only IPTp will affect risk of clinical/severe malaria """ p = self.parameters # ---- LINEAR MODELS ----- # LinearModel for the relative risk of clinical malaria infection predictors = [ Predictor("ma_iptp").when(True, p["rr_clinical_malaria_iptp"]), ] # people with HIV conditional_predictors = [ Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (age_years <= 5) & (is_pregnant == False)', p['rr_clinical_malaria_hiv_under5']), Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (age_years > 5) & (is_pregnant == False)', p['rr_clinical_malaria_hiv_over5']), Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (is_pregnant == True)', p['rr_clinical_malaria_hiv_pregnant']), # treatment effects # assume same effect of cotrim if pregnant Predictor("hv_art").when('on_VL_suppressed', p["rr_clinical_malaria_art"]).otherwise(1.0), Predictor("hv_on_cotrimoxazole").when(True, p["rr_clinical_malaria_cotrimoxazole"]), ] if "Hiv" in self.sim.modules else [] self.lm["rr_of_clinical_malaria"] = LinearModel.multiplicative( *(predictors + conditional_predictors)) # LinearModel for the relative risk of severe malaria infection predictors = [ Predictor("ma_iptp").when(True, p["rr_severe_malaria_iptp"]), ] # people with HIV conditional_predictors = [ Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (age_years <= 5) & (is_pregnant == False)', p['rr_severe_malaria_hiv_under5']), Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (age_years > 5) & (is_pregnant == False)', p['rr_severe_malaria_hiv_over5']), Predictor().when('(hv_inf == True) & (is_pregnant == True)', p['rr_severe_malaria_hiv_pregnant']), ] if "hiv" in self.sim.modules else [] self.lm["rr_of_severe_malaria"] = LinearModel.multiplicative( *(predictors + conditional_predictors))
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): df = population.props # ----------------------------------- INITIALISE THE POPULATION----------------------------------- # Set default for properties df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_is_infected'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_date_infected'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_date_symptoms'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_date_death'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_tx'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_date_tx'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_age_edited'] = 0.0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_clinical_counter'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_dx_counter'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_tx_counter'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_clinical_preg_counter'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_iptp'] = False
[docs] def malaria_poll2(self, population): df = population.props p = self.parameters now = rng = self.rng # ----------------------------------- DISTRICT INTERVENTION COVERAGE ----------------------------------- # fix values for 2018 onwards current_year = min(now.year, p['data_end']) # get itn_irs rows for current year; slice multiindex for all districts & current_year itn_irs_curr = self.itn_irs.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, current_year], :] itn_irs_curr = itn_irs_curr.reset_index().drop('Year', axis=1) # we don't use the year column itn_irs_curr.insert(0, 'month', now.month) # add current month for the incidence index lookup # replace itn coverage with projected coverage levels from 2019 onwards if now.year > p['data_end']: itn_irs_curr['itn_rate'] = self.parameters['itn'] month_districtnum_itn_irs_lookup = [ tuple(r) for r in itn_irs_curr.values] # every row is a key in incidence table # ----------------------------------- DISTRICT INCIDENCE ESTIMATES ----------------------------------- # get all corresponding rows from the incidence table; drop unneeded column; set new index curr_inc = self.all_inc.loc[month_districtnum_itn_irs_lookup] curr_inc = curr_inc.reset_index().drop(['month', 'llin', 'irs'], axis=1).set_index(['district_num', 'age']) # ----------------------------------- DISTRICT NEW INFECTIONS ----------------------------------- def _draw_incidence_for(_col, _where): """a helper function to perform random draw for selected individuals on column of probabilities""" # create an index from the individuals to lookup entries in the current incidence table district_age_subset = df.loc[_where, ['district_num_of_residence', 'ma_age_edited']] district_age_subset.set_index(district_age_subset.columns.to_list(), inplace=True) district_age_lookup = district_age_subset.index # get the monthly incidence probabilities for these individuals monthly_prob = curr_inc.loc[district_age_lookup, _col] # update the index so it's the same as the original population dataframe for these individuals monthly_prob = monthly_prob.set_axis(df.index[_where]) # the linear models only apply to clinical and severe malaria risk if _col == 'monthly_prob_inf': # select individuals for infection random_draw = rng.random_sample(_where.sum()) < monthly_prob else: linear_model = self.lm["rr_of_clinical_malaria"] if _col == 'monthly_prob_clin' else self.lm[ "rr_of_severe_malaria"] # apply linear model to get individual risk individual_risk = linear_model.predict( df.loc[_where] ) random_draw = rng.random_sample(_where.sum()) < monthly_prob * individual_risk selected = _where & random_draw return selected # we don't have incidence data for over 80s alive = df.is_alive & (df.age_years < 80) alive_over_one = alive & (df.age_exact_years >= 1) df.loc[alive & df.age_exact_years.between(0, 0.5), 'ma_age_edited'] = 0.0 df.loc[alive & df.age_exact_years.between(0.5, 1), 'ma_age_edited'] = 0.5 df.loc[alive_over_one, 'ma_age_edited'] = df.loc[alive_over_one, 'age_years'].astype(float) # select new infections alive_uninfected = alive & ~df.ma_is_infected now_infected = _draw_incidence_for('monthly_prob_inf', alive_uninfected) df.loc[now_infected, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'asym' # draw from currently asymptomatic to allocate clinical cases # this can include people who became infected/asym in previous polls alive_infected_asym = alive & (df.ma_inf_type == 'asym') now_clinical = _draw_incidence_for('monthly_prob_clin', alive_infected_asym) df.loc[now_clinical, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'clinical' # draw from clinical cases to allocate severe cases - draw from all currently clinical cases alive_infected_clinical = alive & (df.ma_inf_type == 'clinical') now_severe = _draw_incidence_for('monthly_prob_sev', alive_infected_clinical) df.loc[now_severe, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'severe' # ----------------------------------- ASSIGN INFECTION DATES ----------------------------------- # index now_clinical does not always include now_severe # new severe infections may have been drawn from those assigned clinical in previous poll new_clinical = df.loc[now_clinical].index new_severe = df.loc[now_severe].index new_infections = df.loc[now_infected].index # create list of all new infections all_new_infections = list(new_infections) all_new_infections.extend(x for x in new_clinical if x not in all_new_infections) all_new_infections.extend(x for x in new_severe if x not in all_new_infections) # scatter infection dates across the month # now_infected includes all new infections this month # join all indices (some clinical infections drawn from asymptomatic infections from previous months) for idx in all_new_infections: date_of_infection = now + pd.DateOffset(days=self.rng.randint(1, 30))[idx, 'ma_date_infected'] = date_of_infection assert (df.loc[all_new_infections, 'ma_date_infected'] >= # assign date of symptom onset df.loc[new_clinical, 'ma_date_symptoms'] = df.loc[new_clinical, 'ma_date_infected'] + DateOffset(days=7) df.loc[new_severe, 'ma_date_symptoms'] = df.loc[new_severe, 'ma_date_infected'] + DateOffset(days=7) # ----------------------------------- CLINICAL MALARIA SYMPTOMS ----------------------------------- # check symptom onset occurs in one week if len(new_clinical): assert (df.loc[new_clinical, 'ma_date_infected'] < df.loc[new_clinical, 'ma_date_symptoms']).all() assert not pd.isnull(df.loc[new_clinical, 'ma_date_symptoms']).all() # ----------------------------------- SCHEDULED DEATHS ----------------------------------- # schedule deaths within the next week # Assign time of infections across the month # the cfr applies to all severe malaria random_draw = rng.random_sample(size=len(new_severe)) death = df.index[new_severe][random_draw < (p['cfr'] * p['mortality_adjust'])] for person in death: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'MalariaEvent: scheduling malaria death for person {person}') # death occurs 1-7 days after symptom onset date_death =[person, 'ma_date_symptoms'] + DateOffset(days=rng.randint(low=1, high=7)) death_event = MalariaDeathEvent( self, person_id=person, cause='Malaria' ) # make that death event self.sim.schedule_event( death_event, date_death ) # schedule the death
[docs] def general_population_rdt_scheduler(self, population): """ schedule rdt for general population - performed in the community by DCSAs independent of any current symptoms rates are set to match rdt usage reports from WHO / NMCP """ df = population.props rng = self.rng p = self.parameters # extract annual testing rates from NMCP reports # this is the # rdts issued divided by population size test_rates = p['rdt_testing_rates'].set_index('Year')['Rate_rdt_testing'].dropna() rdt_rate = test_rates.loc[min(test_rates.index.max(),] / 12 # adjust rdt usage reported rate to reflect consumables availability rdt_rate = rdt_rate * p['scaling_factor_for_rdt_availability'] # testing trends independent of any demographic characteristics # no rdt offered if currently on anti-malarials random_draw = rng.random_sample(size=len(df)) will_test_idx = df.loc[df.is_alive & (df.ma_tx == 'none') & (random_draw < rdt_rate)].index for person_id in will_test_idx: date_test = + pd.DateOffset( days=self.rng.randint(0, 30) ) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( hsi_event=HSI_Malaria_rdt_community(person_id=person_id, module=self), priority=1, topen=date_test, tclose=date_test + pd.DateOffset(days=7), )
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): """ * 1) Schedule the Main Regular Polling Events * 2) Define the DxTests * 3) Look-up and save the codes for consumables """ # 1) ----------------------------------- REGULAR EVENTS ----------------------------------- sim.schedule_event(MalariaPollingEventDistrict(self), + DateOffset(days=0)) sim.schedule_event(MalariaUpdateEvent(self), + DateOffset(days=0)) sim.schedule_event(MalariaParasiteClearanceEvent(self), + DateOffset(months=1)) if 'CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy' not in self.sim.modules: sim.schedule_event(MalariaIPTp(self), + DateOffset(days=30.5)) # add logger events sim.schedule_event(MalariaLoggingEvent(self), + DateOffset(years=1)) sim.schedule_event(MalariaTxLoggingEvent(self), + DateOffset(years=1)) sim.schedule_event(MalariaPrevDistrictLoggingEvent(self), + DateOffset(months=1)) # 2) ----------------------------------- DIAGNOSTIC TESTS ----------------------------------- # Create the diagnostic test representing the use of RDT for malaria diagnosis # and registers it with the Diagnostic Test Manager self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.register_dx_test( malaria_rdt=DxTest( property='ma_is_infected', item_codes=self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].get_item_code_from_item_name('Malaria test kit (RDT)'), sensitivity=self.parameters['sensitivity_rdt'], ) ) # 3) ----------------------------------- CONSUMABLES ----------------------------------- get_item_code = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].get_item_code_from_item_name # malaria rdt self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_rdt'] = get_item_code('Malaria test kit (RDT)') # malaria treatment uncomplicated children <15kg self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_uncomplicated_young_children'] = get_item_code( 'Lumefantrine 120mg/Artemether 20mg, 30x18_540_CMST') self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['paracetamol_syrup'] = get_item_code( 'Paracetamol syrup 120mg/5ml_0.0119047619047619_CMST') # malaria treatment uncomplicated children >15kg self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_uncomplicated_older_children'] = get_item_code( 'Lumefantrine 120mg/Artemether 20mg, 30x18_540_CMST') # malaria treatment uncomplicated adults >36kg self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_uncomplicated_adult'] = get_item_code( 'Lumefantrine 120mg/Artemether 20mg, 30x18_540_CMST') self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['paracetamol'] = get_item_code('Paracetamol 500mg_1000_CMST') # malaria treatment complicated - same consumables for adults and children self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_complicated'] = get_item_code('Injectable artesunate') self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_complicated_optional_items'] = [ get_item_code('Malaria test kit (RDT)'), get_item_code('Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST'), get_item_code('Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box'), get_item_code('Gauze, absorbent 90cm x 40m_each_CMST'), get_item_code('Water for injection, 10ml_Each_CMST') ] # malaria IPTp for pregnant women self.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_iptp'] = get_item_code( 'Sulfamethoxazole + trimethropin, tablet 400 mg + 80 mg')
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id): df = self.sim.population.props[child_id, 'ma_is_infected'] = False[child_id, 'ma_date_infected'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'ma_date_symptoms'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'ma_date_death'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'ma_tx'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ma_date_tx'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ma_age_edited'] = 0.0[child_id, 'ma_clinical_counter'] = 0[child_id, 'ma_clinical_preg_counter'] = 0[child_id, 'ma_dx_counter'] = 0[child_id, 'ma_tx_counter'] = 0[child_id, 'ma_iptp'] = False # reset mother's IPTp status to False if mother_id >= 0: # exclude direct births[mother_id, 'ma_iptp'] = False
[docs] def report_daly_values(self): # This must send back a pd.Series or pd.DataFrame that reports on the average daly-weights that have been # experienced by persons in the previous month. Only rows for alive-persons must be returned. # The names of the series of columns is taken to be the label of the cause of this disability. # It will be recorded by the healthburden module as <ModuleName>_<Cause>. logger.debug(key='message', data='This is malaria reporting my health values') df = self.sim.population.props # shortcut to population properties dataframe p = self.parameters health_values = df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_inf_type'].map( { 'none': 0, 'asym': 0, 'clinical': p['daly_wt_clinical'], 'severe': p['daly_wt_severe'], } ) = 'Malaria' # label the cause of this disability return health_values.loc[df.is_alive] # returns the series
[docs] def check_if_fever_is_caused_by_malaria( self, true_malaria_infection_type: str, diagnosis_function: DiagnosisFunction, patient_id: Optional[int] = None, fever_is_a_symptom: Optional[bool] = True, patient_age: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, facility_level: Optional[str] = None, treatment_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Literal["severe_malaria", "clinical_malaria", "negative_malaria_test"]: """ Run by an HSI when an adult presents with fever. Determine if the cause is malaria. Optional arguments are used by the logger, and are not needed in the diagnosis. """ # Call the DxTest RDT to diagnose malaria dx_result = diagnosis_function('malaria_rdt') # Log the test: line-list of summary information about each test key="rdt_log", data={ "person_id": patient_id, "age": patient_age, "fever_present": fever_is_a_symptom, "rdt_result": dx_result, "facility_level": facility_level, "called_by": treatment_id, }, ) # Severe malaria infection always returns positive RDT if true_malaria_infection_type == 'severe': return 'severe_malaria' elif dx_result and true_malaria_infection_type in ('clinical', 'asym'): return 'clinical_malaria' else: return 'negative_malaria_test'
[docs] def do_at_generic_first_appt( self, patient_id: int, patient_details: PatientDetails, symptoms: List[str], diagnosis_function: DiagnosisFunction, facility_level: str, treatment_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> IndividualPropertyUpdates: patient_details_updates = {} malaria_associated_symptoms = { "fever", "headache", "stomachache", "diarrhoea", "vomiting", } if ( bool(set(symptoms) & malaria_associated_symptoms) and patient_details.ma_tx == "none" ): malaria_test_result = self.check_if_fever_is_caused_by_malaria( true_malaria_infection_type=patient_details.ma_inf_type, diagnosis_function=diagnosis_function, patient_id=patient_id, fever_is_a_symptom="fever" in symptoms, patient_age=patient_details.age_years, facility_level=facility_level, treatment_id=treatment_id, ) # Treat / refer based on diagnosis if malaria_test_result == "severe_malaria": patient_details_updates["ma_dx_counter"] = patient_details.ma_dx_counter + 1 event = HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated(person_id=patient_id, module=self) self.healthsystem.schedule_hsi_event( event, priority=0, ) # return type 'clinical_malaria' includes asymptomatic infection elif malaria_test_result == "clinical_malaria": patient_details_updates["ma_dx_counter"] = patient_details.ma_dx_counter + 1 event = HSI_Malaria_Treatment(person_id=patient_id, module=self) self.healthsystem.schedule_hsi_event( event, priority=1, ) return patient_details_updates
[docs] def do_at_generic_first_appt_emergency( self, patient_id: int, patient_details: PatientDetails, symptoms: List[str], diagnosis_function: DiagnosisFunction, facility_level: str, treatment_id: str, **kwargs, ) -> IndividualPropertyUpdates: # This is called for a person (of any age) that attends an # emergency generic HSI and has a fever. # (Quick diagnosis algorithm - just perfectly recognises the # symptoms of severe malaria.) patient_details_updates = {} if 'severe_malaria' in symptoms: if patient_details.ma_tx == 'none': # Check if malaria parasitaemia: malaria_test_result = self.check_if_fever_is_caused_by_malaria( true_malaria_infection_type=patient_details.ma_inf_type, diagnosis_function=diagnosis_function, patient_id=patient_id, fever_is_a_symptom="fever" in symptoms, patient_age=patient_details.age_years, facility_level=facility_level, treatment_id=treatment_id, ) # if any symptoms indicative of malaria and they have parasitaemia (would return a positive rdt) if malaria_test_result in ('severe_malaria', 'clinical_malaria'): patient_details_updates['ma_dx_counter'] = patient_details.ma_dx_counter + 1 # Launch the HSI for treatment for Malaria, HSI_Malaria_Treatment will determine correct treatment event = HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated( person_id=patient_id, module=self, ) self.healthsystem.schedule_hsi_event( event, priority=0, ) return patient_details_updates
[docs] class MalariaPollingEventDistrict(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ this calls functions to assign new malaria infections and schedules rdt at a community level (non-symptom driven) """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=1))
[docs] def apply(self, population): logger.debug(key='message', data='MalariaEvent: tracking the disease progression of the population') # assigns new malaria infections self.module.malaria_poll2(population) # schedule rdt for general population, rate increases over time self.module.general_population_rdt_scheduler(population)
[docs] class MalariaIPTp(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ malaria prophylaxis for pregnant women """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=1))
[docs] def apply(self, population): df = population.props now = # select currently pregnant women without IPTp, malaria-negative, not on cotrimoxazole p1_condition = ( df.is_alive & df.is_pregnant & ~df.ma_is_infected & ~df.ma_iptp & ( ~df.hv_on_cotrimoxazole if 'Hiv' in self.sim.modules else True ) ) p1 = df.index[p1_condition] for person_index in p1: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'MalariaIPTp: scheduling HSI_Malaria_IPTp for person {person_index}') event = HSI_MalariaIPTp(self.module, person_id=person_index) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( event, priority=1, topen=now, tclose=None )
[docs] class MalariaEndIPTpProtection(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This resets the properties of a person on IPTp the protective effects ends after 6 weeks and so the property is reset to prevent the malaria poll assuming that this person still has reduced susceptibility to malaria infection """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, ): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id)
[docs] def apply(self, person_id): df = self.sim.population.props if not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or not[person_id, 'ma_iptp']: return # reset the IPTp property[person_id, 'ma_iptp'] = False
[docs] class MalariaDeathEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ Performs the Death operation on an individual and logs it. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, cause): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) self.cause = cause
[docs] def apply(self, person_id): df = self.sim.population.props if not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or ([person_id, 'ma_inf_type'] == 'none'): return # if on treatment for severe malaria, will reduce probability of death # use random number generator - currently param treatment_adjustment set to 0.5 if[person_id, 'ma_tx'] == 'complicated': prob = self.module.rng.rand() # if draw -> death if prob < self.module.parameters['treatment_adjustment']: self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death( individual_id=person_id, cause=self.cause, originating_module=self.module)[person_id, 'ma_date_death'] = # else if draw does not result in death -> cure else:[person_id, 'ma_tx'] = 'none'[person_id, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'none'[person_id, 'ma_is_infected'] = False # clear symptoms self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].clear_symptoms( person_id=person_id, disease_module=self.module ) # if not on treatment - death will occur else: self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death( individual_id=person_id, cause=self.cause, originating_module=self.module)[person_id, 'ma_date_death'] =
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Health System Interaction Events # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class HSI_Malaria_rdt(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ this is a point-of-care malaria rapid diagnostic test, with results within 2 minutes default facility level is 1a unless specified """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, facility_level='1a'): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Malaria) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'Malaria_Test' self.facility_level = facility_level df = self.sim.population.props person_age_years =[, 'age_years'] self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({ 'Under5OPD' if person_age_years < 5 else 'Over5OPD': 1} ) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a' if (self.facility_level == '1a') else '1b'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props hs = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'] # Ignore this event if the person is no longer alive or already on treatment if not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or ([person_id, 'ma_tx'] != 'none'): return hs.get_blank_appt_footprint() district =[person_id, 'district_num_of_residence'] logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Malaria_rdt: rdt test for person {person_id} ' f'in district num {district}') # call the DxTest RDT to diagnose malaria dx_result = hs.dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run='malaria_rdt', hsi_event=self ) # Log the test: line-list of summary information about each test fever_present = 'fever' in self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].has_what(person_id) person_details_for_test = { 'person_id': person_id, 'age':[person_id, 'age_years'], 'fever_present': fever_present, 'rdt_result': dx_result, 'facility_level': self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL, 'called_by': self.TREATMENT_ID }'rdt_log', data=person_details_for_test) if dx_result: # ----------------------------------- SEVERE MALARIA -----------------------------------[person_id, 'ma_dx_counter'] += 1 # if severe malaria, treat for complicated malaria if[person_id, 'ma_inf_type'] == 'severe': logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Malaria_rdt: scheduling HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated {person_id}' f'on date {}') treat = HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated( self.sim.modules['Malaria'], person_id=person_id ) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( treat, priority=0,, tclose=None ) # ----------------------------------- TREATMENT CLINICAL DISEASE ----------------------------------- # clinical malaria - not severe # this will allow those with asym malaria (positive RDT) to also be treated else: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Malaria_rdt scheduling HSI_Malaria_Treatment for person {person_id}' f'on date {}') treat = HSI_Malaria_Treatment(self.module, person_id=person_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( treat, priority=1,, tclose=None ) elif dx_result is None: # repeat appt for rdt and move to level 1b regardless of current facility level self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Malaria_rdt(person_id=person_id, module=self.module, facility_level='1b'), + pd.DateOffset(days=1), tclose=None, priority=0, ) # Test was not possible, set blank footprint and schedule another test ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({}) return ACTUAL_APPT_FOOTPRINT
[docs] class HSI_Malaria_rdt_community(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ this is a point-of-care malaria rapid diagnostic test, with results within 2 minutes this is performed in the community at facility level 0 by a DCSA positive result will schedule a referral to HSI_Malaria_rdt at facility level 1a where a confirmatory rdt will be performed and treatment will be scheduled """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Malaria) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'Malaria_Test' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ConWithDCSA': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '0'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props hs = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'] # Ignore this event if the person is no longer alive or already on treatment if not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or not ([person_id, 'ma_tx'] == 'none'): return hs.get_blank_appt_footprint() # call the DxTest RDT to diagnose malaria dx_result = hs.dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run='malaria_rdt', hsi_event=self ) # Log the test: line-list of summary information about each test fever_present = 'fever' in self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].has_what(person_id) person_details_for_test = { 'person_id': person_id, 'age':[person_id, 'age_years'], 'fever_present': fever_present, 'rdt_result': dx_result, 'facility_level': self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL, 'called_by': self.TREATMENT_ID }'rdt_log', data=person_details_for_test) # if positive, refer for a confirmatory test at level 1a if dx_result: self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( hsi_event=HSI_Malaria_rdt(person_id=person_id, module=self.module, facility_level='1a'), priority=1,, + pd.DateOffset(days=1), )
[docs] class HSI_Malaria_Treatment(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ this is anti-malarial treatment for all ages. Includes treatment plus one rdt """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Malaria) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'Malaria_Treatment' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({ ('Under5OPD' if[person_id, "age_years"] < 5 else 'Over5OPD'): 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props person = df.loc[person_id] # if not on treatment already - request treatment if person['ma_tx'] == 'none': logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Malaria_Treatment: requesting malaria treatment for {person_id}') # Check if drugs are available, and provide drugs: drugs_available = self.get_drugs(age_of_person=person['age_years']) if drugs_available: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Malaria_Treatment: giving malaria treatment for {person_id}') if[person_id, 'is_alive']:[person_id, 'ma_tx'] = 'uncomplicated'[person_id, 'ma_date_tx'] =[person_id, 'ma_tx_counter'] += 1 # rdt is offered as part of the treatment package # Log the test: line-list of summary information about each test fever_present = 'fever' in self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].has_what(person_id) person_details_for_test = { 'person_id': person_id, 'age':[person_id, 'age_years'], 'fever_present': fever_present, 'rdt_result': True, 'facility_level': self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL, 'called_by': self.TREATMENT_ID }'rdt_log', data=person_details_for_test)
[docs] def get_drugs(self, age_of_person): """ :param age_of_person: :return: Helper function to get treatment according to the age of the person being treated. Returns bool to indicate whether drugs were available""" # non-complicated malaria if age_of_person < 5: # Formulation for young children drugs_available = self.get_consumables( item_codes=self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_uncomplicated_young_children'], optional_item_codes=[self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['paracetamol_syrup'], self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_rdt']] ) elif 5 <= age_of_person <= 15: # Formulation for older children drugs_available = self.get_consumables( item_codes=self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_uncomplicated_older_children'], optional_item_codes=[self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['paracetamol_syrup'], self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_rdt']] ) else: # Formulation for adults drugs_available = self.get_consumables( item_codes=self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_uncomplicated_adult'], optional_item_codes=[self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['paracetamol'], self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_rdt']] ) return drugs_available
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_Malaria_Treatment: did not run') pass
[docs] class HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ this is anti-malarial treatment for complicated malaria in all ages """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Malaria) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'Malaria_Treatment_Complicated' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({ ('Under5OPD' if[person_id, "age_years"] < 5 else 'Over5OPD'): 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1b' self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'general_bed': 5})
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props # if person is not on treatment and still alive if ([person_id, 'ma_tx'] == 'none') and[person_id, 'is_alive']: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated: requesting complicated malaria treatment for ' f' {person_id}') if self.get_consumables( item_codes=self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_complicated'], optional_item_codes=self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required[ 'malaria_complicated_optional_items'] ): logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated: giving complicated malaria treatment for ' f' {person_id}')[person_id, 'ma_tx'] = 'complicated'[person_id, 'ma_date_tx'] =[person_id, 'ma_tx_counter'] += 1 # rdt is offered as part of the treatment package # Log the test: line-list of summary information about each test fever_present = 'fever' in self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"].has_what(person_id) person_details_for_test = { 'person_id': person_id, 'age':[person_id, 'age_years'], 'fever_present': fever_present, 'rdt_result': True, 'facility_level': self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL, 'called_by': self.TREATMENT_ID }'rdt_log', data=person_details_for_test)
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_Malaria_Treatment_Complicated: did not run')
[docs] class HSI_MalariaIPTp(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ this is IPTp for pregnant women """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Malaria) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'Malaria_Prevention_Iptp' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'Over5OPD': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props p = self.module.parameters if not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or ([person_id, 'ma_tx'] != 'none'): return # IPTp contra-indicated if currently on cotrimoxazole if 'Hiv' in self.sim.modules and[person_id, "hv_on_cotrimoxazole"]: return logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_MalariaIPTp: requesting IPTp for person {person_id}') # request the treatment if self.get_consumables(self.module.item_codes_for_consumables_required['malaria_iptp']): logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_MalariaIPTp: giving IPTp for person {person_id}')[person_id, 'ma_iptp'] = True # if currently infected, IPTp will clear the infection[person_id, 'ma_is_infected'] = False[person_id, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'none' # clear any symptoms self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].clear_symptoms( person_id=person_id, disease_module=self.module ) # If person has been placed/continued on IPTp, schedule end of protective period self.sim.schedule_event( MalariaEndIPTpProtection( person_id=person_id, module=self.module ), + pd.DateOffset(days=7 * p["duration_iptp_protection_weeks"]), )
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_MalariaIPTp: did not run') pass
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Recovery Events # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class MalariaUpdateEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(days=1))
[docs] def apply(self, population): """ this is a regular event for clinical and severe cases which: * assigns symptoms * schedules rdt * cures people currently on treatment for malaria * clears symptoms for those not on treatment * clears parasites if treated """ logger.debug(key='message', data='MalariaUpdateEvent') df = self.sim.population.props p = self.module.parameters now = # assign symptoms # find those with schedule date of symptoms = today new_symptomatic_clinical = df.loc[ df.is_alive & (df.ma_inf_type == 'clinical') & (df.ma_date_symptoms == now)].index new_symptomatic_severe = df.loc[ df.is_alive & (df.ma_inf_type == 'severe') & (df.ma_date_symptoms == now)].index new_symptomatic_pregnant = df.loc[ df.is_alive & ((df.ma_inf_type == 'clinical') | (df.ma_inf_type == 'severe')) & df.is_pregnant & (df.ma_date_symptoms == now)].index # assign clinical symptoms self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].change_symptom( person_id=new_symptomatic_clinical, symptom_string=['fever', 'headache', 'vomiting', 'stomachache'], add_or_remove='+', disease_module=self.module, date_of_onset=now, duration_in_days=None, # remove duration as symptoms cleared by MalariaCureEvent ) # assign symptoms if pregnant self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].change_symptom( person_id=new_symptomatic_pregnant, symptom_string='severe_anaemia', add_or_remove='+', disease_module=self.module, date_of_onset=now, duration_in_days=None, # remove duration as symptoms cleared by MalariaCureEvent ) # assign severe symptom self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].change_symptom( person_id=new_symptomatic_severe, symptom_string='severe_malaria', add_or_remove='+', disease_module=self.module, date_of_onset=now, duration_in_days=None, # remove duration as symptoms cleared by MalariaCureEvent ) # create list of all new symptomatic cases all_new_infections = sorted(set(new_symptomatic_clinical).union(new_symptomatic_severe)) # clinical counter df.loc[all_new_infections, 'ma_clinical_counter'] += 1 df.loc[all_new_infections, 'ma_is_infected'] = True # sample those scheduled for rdt eligible_for_rdt = df.loc[df.is_alive & (df.ma_date_symptoms == now)].index selected_for_rdt = self.module.rng.random_sample(size=len(eligible_for_rdt)) < p['prob_malaria_case_tests'] for idx in eligible_for_rdt[selected_for_rdt]: self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_Malaria_rdt(self.module, person_id=idx, facility_level='1a'), priority=1, topen=random_date(now + DateOffset(days=1), now + DateOffset(days=4), self.module.rng), tclose=None ) # TREATED # select people with clinical malaria and treatment for at least 5 days # if treated, will clear symptoms and parasitaemia # this will also clear parasitaemia for asymptomatic cases picked up by routine rdt clinical_and_treated = df.index[df.is_alive & (df.ma_date_tx < ( - DateOffset(days=5))) & (df.ma_inf_type == 'clinical')] # select people with severe malaria and treatment for at least 7 days severe_and_treated = df.index[df.is_alive & (df.ma_date_tx < ( - DateOffset(days=7))) & (df.ma_inf_type == 'severe')] # create list of all cases to be resolved through treatment infections_to_clear = sorted(set(clinical_and_treated).union(severe_and_treated)) self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].clear_symptoms( person_id=infections_to_clear, disease_module=self.module ) # change properties df.loc[infections_to_clear, 'ma_tx'] = 'none' df.loc[infections_to_clear, 'ma_is_infected'] = False df.loc[infections_to_clear, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'none' # UNTREATED # if not treated, self-cure occurs after 6 days of symptoms # but parasites remain in blood clinical_not_treated = df.index[df.is_alive & (df.ma_inf_type == 'clinical') & (df.ma_date_symptoms < ( - DateOffset(days=6))) & (df.ma_tx == 'none')] self.sim.modules['SymptomManager'].clear_symptoms( person_id=clinical_not_treated, disease_module=self.module ) # change properties df.loc[clinical_not_treated, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'asym'
[docs] class MalariaParasiteClearanceEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(days=30.5))
[docs] def apply(self, population): logger.debug(key='message', data='MalariaParasiteClearanceEvent: parasite clearance for malaria cases') df = self.sim.population.props p = self.module.parameters # select people infected at least a period ago equal to the duration of asymptomatic infection asym_inf = df.index[df.is_alive & (df.ma_inf_type == 'asym') & (df.ma_date_infected < ( - DateOffset(days=p['dur_asym'])))] df.loc[asym_inf, 'ma_inf_type'] = 'none' df.loc[asym_inf, 'ma_is_infected'] = False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logging # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class MalariaLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module): self.repeat = 12 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): # get some summary statistics df = population.props now = # ------------------------------------ INCIDENCE ------------------------------------ # infected in the last time-step, clinical and severe cases only # incidence rate per 1000 person-years # include those cases that have died in the case load tmp = len( df.loc[(df.ma_date_symptoms > (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat)))] ) pop = len(df[df.is_alive]) inc_1000py = ((tmp / pop) * 1000) if pop else 0 # incidence rate clinical (inc severe) in 2-10 yr olds tmp2 = len( df.loc[ (df.age_years.between(2, 10)) & (df.ma_date_symptoms > (now - DateOffset(months=self.repeat))) ] ) pop2_10 = len(df[df.is_alive & (df.age_years.between(2, 10))]) inc_1000py_2_10 = ((tmp2 / pop2_10) * 1000) if pop2_10 else 0 inc_1000py_hiv = 0 # if running without hiv/tb # using clinical counter # sum all the counters for previous year clin_episodes = df[ 'ma_clinical_counter' ].sum() # clinical episodes (inc severe) inc_counter_1000py = (clin_episodes / pop) * 1000 clin_preg_episodes = df[ 'ma_clinical_preg_counter' ].sum() # clinical episodes in pregnant women (inc severe) summary = { 'number_new_cases': tmp, 'population': pop, 'inc_1000py': inc_1000py, 'inc_1000py_hiv': inc_1000py_hiv, 'new_cases_2_10': tmp2, 'population2_10': pop2_10, 'inc_1000py_2_10': inc_1000py_2_10, 'inc_clin_counter': inc_counter_1000py, 'clinical_preg_counter': clin_preg_episodes, }'incidence', data=summary, description='Summary of incident malaria cases') # ------------------------------------ RUNNING COUNTS ------------------------------------ counts = {'none': 0, 'asym': 0, 'clinical': 0, 'severe': 0} counts.update(df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ma_inf_type'].value_counts().to_dict())'status_counts', data=counts, description='Running counts of incident malaria cases') # ------------------------------------ PARASITE PREVALENCE BY AGE ------------------------------------ # includes all parasite positive cases: some may have low parasitaemia (undetectable) child2_10_inf = len( df[df.is_alive & (df.ma_inf_type != 'none') & (df.age_years.between(2, 10))] ) # population size - children child2_10_pop = len(df[df.is_alive & (df.age_years.between(2, 10))]) # prevalence in children aged 2-10 child_prev = child2_10_inf / child2_10_pop if child2_10_pop else 0 # prevalence of clinical including severe in all ages total_clin = len( df[ df.is_alive & ((df.ma_inf_type == 'clinical') | (df.ma_inf_type == 'severe')) ] ) pop2 = len(df[df.is_alive]) prev_clin = total_clin / pop2 prev = { 'child2_10_prev': child_prev, 'clinical_prev': prev_clin, }'prevalence', data=prev, description='Prevalence malaria cases') # ------------------------------------ CO-INFECTION PREVALENCE ------------------------------------ if "Hiv" in self.sim.modules: # number of people with both HIV and clinical/severe malaria # output is malaria prevalence in HIV pop coinfection_num = len( df[df.is_alive & (df.ma_inf_type != 'none') & df.hv_inf] ) # hiv population hiv_infected = len( df[df.is_alive & df.hv_inf] ) # prevalence of malaria in HIV population prev_malaria_in_hiv_population = coinfection_num / hiv_infected if hiv_infected else 0 # proportion of malaria cases with concurrent HIV infection malaria_infected = len( df[df.is_alive & (df.ma_inf_type != 'none')] ) prop_malaria_cases_with_hiv = coinfection_num / malaria_infected if malaria_infected else 0 coinfection_prevalence = { 'coinfection_num': coinfection_num, 'prev_malaria_in_hiv_population': prev_malaria_in_hiv_population, 'prop_malaria_cases_with_hiv': prop_malaria_cases_with_hiv, }'coinfection_prevalence', data=coinfection_prevalence, description='Co-infection prevalence')
[docs] class MalariaTxLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module): self.repeat = 12 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): # get some summary statistics df = population.props # ------------------------------------ TREATMENT COVERAGE ------------------------------------ # prop clinical episodes which had treatment, all ages # sum all the counters for previous year dx = df['ma_dx_counter'].sum() # treatment (inc severe) tx = df['ma_tx_counter'].sum() # treatment (inc severe) clin = df['ma_clinical_counter'].sum() # clinical episodes (inc severe) dx_coverage = dx / clin if clin else 0 tx_coverage = tx / clin if clin else 0 treatment = { 'number_diagnosed': dx, 'number_treated': tx, 'number_clinical episodes': clin, 'proportion_diagnosed': dx_coverage, 'treatment_coverage': tx_coverage, }'tx_coverage', data=treatment, description='Treatment of malaria cases') # reset all counters logger.debug(key='message', data=f'Resetting the malaria counter {}') df['ma_clinical_counter'] = 0 df['ma_tx_counter'] = 0 df['ma_dx_counter'] = 0 df['ma_clinical_preg_counter'] = 0
[docs] class MalariaPrevDistrictLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, module): self.repeat = 1 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): # get some summary statistics df = population.props # ------------------------------------ PREVALENCE OF INFECTION ------------------------------------ infected = ( df[df.is_alive & df.ma_is_infected].groupby('district_num_of_residence').size() ) pop = df[df.is_alive].groupby('district_num_of_residence').size() prev = infected / pop prev_ed = prev.fillna(0) assert prev_ed.all() >= 0 # checks assert prev_ed.all() <= 1'prev_district', data=prev_ed.to_dict(), description='District estimates of malaria prevalence')'pop_district', data=pop.to_dict(), description='District population sizes')