Source code for tlo.methods.labour

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats

from tlo import Date, DateOffset, Module, Parameter, Property, Types, logging
from tlo.core import IndividualPropertyUpdates
from import Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin, PopulationScopeEventMixin, RegularEvent
from tlo.lm import LinearModel, LinearModelType
from tlo.methods import Metadata, labour_lm, pregnancy_helper_functions
from tlo.methods.causes import Cause
from tlo.methods.dxmanager import DxTest
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import HSI_Event
from tlo.methods.postnatal_supervisor import PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent
from tlo.util import BitsetHandler

    from numpy.random import RandomState

    from tlo.population import PatientDetails

# Standard logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Detailed logger
logger_detail = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}.detail")

# Postnatal logger
logger_pn = logging.getLogger("tlo.methods.postnatal_supervisor")

[docs] class Labour(Module): """This is module is responsible for the process of labour, birth and the immediate postnatal period (up until 48hrs post birth). This model has a number of core functions including; initiating the onset of labour for women on their pre-determined due date (or prior to this for preterm labour/admission for delivery), applying the incidence of a core set of maternal complications occurring in the intrapartum period and outcomes such as maternal death or still birth, scheduling birth for women surviving labour and applying risk of complications and outcomes in the postnatal period. Complications explicitly modelled in this module include obstructed labour, antepartum haemorrhage, maternal infection and sepsis, progression of hypertensive disorders, uterine rupture and postpartum haemorrhage. In addition to the natural history of labour this module manages care seeking for women in labour (for delivery or following onset of complications at a home birth) and includes HSIs which represent Skilled Birth Attendance at either Basic or Comprehensive level emergency obstetric care facilities. Following birth this module manages postnatal care delivered via HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck and schedules PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent which represents the start of a womans postnatal period. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, resourcefilepath=None): super().__init__(name) self.resourcefilepath = resourcefilepath # First we define dictionaries which will store the current parameters of interest (to allow parameters to # change between 2010 and 2020) and the linear models self.current_parameters = dict() self.la_linear_models = dict() # This list contains the individual_ids of women in labour, used for testing self.women_in_labour = list() # These lists will contain possible complications and are used as checks self.possible_intrapartum_complications = list() self.possible_postpartum_complications = list() # Finally define a dictionary which will hold the required consumables for each intervention self.item_codes_lab_consumables = dict()
INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Demography'} OPTIONAL_INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Stunting'} ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES = { 'PostnatalSupervisor', 'CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy', 'Lifestyle', 'PregnancySupervisor', 'HealthSystem', 'Contraception', 'NewbornOutcomes', } METADATA = { Metadata.DISEASE_MODULE, Metadata.USES_HEALTHSYSTEM, Metadata.USES_HEALTHBURDEN, } # Declare Causes of Death CAUSES_OF_DEATH = { 'uterine_rupture': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'intrapartum_sepsis': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'antepartum_haemorrhage': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'postpartum_sepsis': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'postpartum_haemorrhage': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'secondary_postpartum_haemorrhage': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'severe_pre_eclampsia': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders'), 'eclampsia': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders')} # Declare Causes of Disability CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY = { 'maternal': Cause(gbd_causes='Maternal disorders', label='Maternal Disorders') } PARAMETERS = { # n.b. Parameters are stored as LIST variables due to containing values to match both 2010 and 2015 data. # PARITY AT BASELINE... 'intercept_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'intercept value for linear regression equation predicating womens parity at 2010 baseline'), 'effect_age_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of an increase in age by 1 year in the linear regression equation predicating ' 'womens parity at 2010 baseline'), 'effect_mar_stat_2_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of a change in marriage status from comparison (level 1) in the linear ' 'regression equation predicating womans parity at 2010 baseline'), 'effect_mar_stat_3_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of a change in marriage status from comparison (level 1) in the linear ' 'regression equation predicating womans parity at 2010 baseline'), 'effect_wealth_lev_4_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of an increase in wealth level in the linear regression equation predicating womans ' 'parity at 2010 base line'), 'effect_wealth_lev_3_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of an increase in wealth level in the linear regression equation predicating womans ' 'parity at 2010 base line'), 'effect_wealth_lev_2_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of an increase in wealth level in the linear regression equation predicating womans ' 'parity at 2010 base line'), 'effect_wealth_lev_1_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of an increase in wealth level in the linear regression equation predicating womans ' 'parity at 2010 base line'), 'effect_edu_lev_2_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of an increase in education level in the linear regression equation predicating womans ' 'parity at 2010 base line'), 'effect_edu_lev_3_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of an increase in education level in the linear regression equation predicating womans ' 'parity at 2010 base line'), 'effect_rural_parity_lr2010': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of rural living in the linear regression equation predicating womans parity at 2010 ' 'base line'), 'prob_previous_caesarean_at_baseline': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of previously having delivered via caesarean section at baseline'), # POSTTERM RATE 'risk_post_term_labour': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of remaining pregnant past 42 weeks'), 'rr_potl_bmi_30_35': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of maternal BMI being between 30 and 35 on risk of post term labour'), 'rr_potl_bmi_35+': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of maternal BMI being between above 35 on risk of post term labour'), # MISC... 'list_limits_for_defining_term_status': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'List of number of days of gestation used to define term, early preterm, late preterm and ' 'post term delivery'), 'allowed_interventions': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'list of interventions allowed to run, used in analysis'), # BIRTH WEIGHT... 'mean_birth_weights': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'list of mean birth weights from gestational age at birth 24-41 weeks'), 'standard_deviation_birth_weights': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'list of standard deviations associated with mean birth weights from gestational age at ' 'birth 24-41 weeks'), 'residual_prob_of_macrosomia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that those allocated to be normal birth weight and above will be macrosomic ' '(>4kg)'), # OBSTRUCTED LABOUR.... 'prob_obstruction_cpd': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of a woman developing obstructed labour secondary to cephalopelvic disproportion'), 'rr_obstruction_cpd_stunted_mother': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of obstruction secondary to CPD in mothers who are stunted'), 'rr_obstruction_foetal_macrosomia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of obstruction secondary to CPD in mothers who are carrying a macrosomic ' 'foetus'), 'prob_obstruction_malpos_malpres': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of a woman developing obstructed labour secondary to malposition or malpresentation'), 'prob_obstruction_other': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of a woman developing obstructed labour secondary to other causes'), # ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE... 'prob_placental_abruption_during_labour': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman developing placental abruption during labour'), 'prob_aph_placenta_praevia_labour': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman with placenta praevia experiencing an APH during labour'), 'prob_aph_placental_abruption_labour': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman with placental abruption experiencing an APH during labour'), 'rr_placental_abruption_hypertension': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of placental abruption in women with hypertension'), 'rr_placental_abruption_previous_cs': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative risk of placental abruption in women who delivered previously via caesarean section'), 'severity_maternal_haemorrhage': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a maternal hemorrhage is non-severe (<1000mls) or severe (>1000mls)'), 'cfr_aph': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for antepartum haemorrhage during labour'), # MATERNAL INFECTION... 'prob_sepsis_chorioamnionitis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of sepsis following chorioamnionitis infection'), 'rr_sepsis_chorio_prom': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of chorioamnionitis following PROM'), 'prob_sepsis_endometritis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of sepsis following endometritis'), 'rr_sepsis_endometritis_post_cs': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of endometritis following caesarean delivery'), 'prob_sepsis_urinary_tract': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of sepsis following urinary tract infection'), 'prob_sepsis_skin_soft_tissue': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of sepsis following skin or soft tissue infection'), 'rr_sepsis_sst_post_cs': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of skin/soft tissue sepsis following caesarean delivery'), 'cfr_sepsis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for sepsis during labour'), 'cfr_pp_sepsis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for sepsis following delivery'), # UTERINE RUPTURE... 'prob_uterine_rupture': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a uterine rupture during labour'), 'rr_ur_parity_2': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of uterine rupture in women who have delivered 2 times previously'), 'rr_ur_parity_3_or_4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of uterine rupture in women who have delivered 3-4 times previously'), 'rr_ur_parity_5+': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of uterine rupture in women who have delivered > 5 times previously'), 'rr_ur_prev_cs': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of uterine rupture in women who have previously delivered via caesarean ' 'section'), 'rr_ur_obstructed_labour': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of uterine rupture in women who have been in obstructed labour'), 'cfr_uterine_rupture': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for uterine rupture in labour'), # HYPERTENSIVE DISORDERS... 'prob_progression_gest_htn': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of gestational hypertension progressing to severe gestational hypertension' 'during/after labour'), 'prob_progression_severe_gest_htn': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of severe gestational hypertension progressing to severe pre-eclampsia ' 'during/after labour'), 'prob_progression_mild_pre_eclamp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of mild pre-eclampsia progressing to severe pre-eclampsia during/after labour'), 'prob_progression_severe_pre_eclamp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of severe pre-eclampsia progressing to eclampsia during/after labour'), 'cfr_eclampsia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for eclampsia during labours'), 'cfr_severe_pre_eclamp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for severe pre eclampsia during labour'), 'cfr_pp_eclampsia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for eclampsia following delivery'), # INTRAPARTUM STILLBIRTH... 'prob_ip_still_birth': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'baseline probability of intrapartum still birth'), 'rr_still_birth_maternal_death': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in mothers who have died during labour'), 'rr_still_birth_ur': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in mothers experiencing uterine rupture'), 'rr_still_birth_ol': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in mothers experiencing obstructed labour'), 'rr_still_birth_aph': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in mothers experiencing antepartum haemorrhage'), 'rr_still_birth_hypertension': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in mothers experiencing hypertension'), 'rr_still_birth_sepsis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in mothers experiencing intrapartum sepsis'), 'rr_still_birth_multiple_pregnancy': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of still birth in mothers pregnant with twins'), 'prob_both_twins_ip_still_birth': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that if this mother will experience still birth, and she is pregnant with twins, ' 'that neither baby will survive'), # POSTPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE... 'prob_pph_uterine_atony': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of pph after experiencing uterine atony'), 'rr_pph_ua_hypertension': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk risk of pph after secondary to uterine atony in hypertensive women'), 'rr_pph_ua_multiple_pregnancy': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk risk of pph after secondary to uterine atony in women pregnant with twins'), 'rr_pph_ua_placental_abruption': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk risk of pph after secondary to uterine atony in women with placental abruption'), 'rr_pph_ua_macrosomia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk risk of pph after secondary to uterine atony in women with macrosomic foetus'), 'rr_pph_ua_diabetes': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of pph after experiencing uterine atony'), 'prob_pph_retained_placenta': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of pph after experiencing retained placenta'), 'prob_pph_other_causes': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'risk of pph after experiencing other pph causes'), 'cfr_pp_pph': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'case fatality rate for postpartum haemorrhage'), 'rr_death_from_haem_with_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk increase of death in women who are anaemic at time of PPH'), # CARE SEEKING FOR HEALTH CENTRE DELIVERY... 'odds_deliver_in_health_centre': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds of a woman delivering in a health centre compared to a hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_age_20_24': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 20-24 delivering in a health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_age_25_29': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 25-29 delivering in a health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_age_30_34': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 30-34 delivering in a health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_age_35_39': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 35-39 delivering in a health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_age_40_44': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 40-44 delivering in a health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_age_45_49': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 45-49 delivering in a health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_wealth_4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 4 delivering at health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_wealth_3': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 3 delivering at health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_wealth_2': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 2 delivering at health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_wealth_1': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 1 delivering at health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_parity_3_to_4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman with a parity of 3-4 delivering in a health centre compared to' 'a hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_parity_>4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman with a parity >4 delivering in health centre compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_rural': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a married woman delivering in a health centre compared to a hospital'), 'rrr_hc_delivery_married': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a married woman delivering in a health centre compared to a hospital'), # CARE SEEKING FOR HOME BIRTH... 'odds_deliver_at_home': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds of a woman delivering at home compared to a hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_age_20_24': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 20-24 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_age_25_29': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 25-29 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_age_30_34': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 30-34 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_age_35_39': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 35-39 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_age_40_44': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 40-44 delivering at home compared to a hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_age_45_49': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman aged 45-49 delivering at home compared to a hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_rural': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a rural delivering at home compared to a hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_primary_education': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman with a primary education delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_secondary_education': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman with a secondary education delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_wealth_4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 4 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_wealth_3': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 3 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_wealth_2': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 2 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_wealth_1': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman at wealth level 1 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_parity_3_to_4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio for a woman with a parity of 3-4 delivering at home compared to' 'a hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_parity_>4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a woman with a parity >4 delivering at home compared to a ' 'hospital'), 'rrr_hb_delivery_married': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk ratio of a married woman delivering in a home compared to a hospital'), 'probability_delivery_hospital': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of delivering in a hospital'), # PNC CHECK... 'prob_timings_pnc': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a woman who will receive a PNC check will receive care <48hrs post birth ' 'or > 48hrs post birth'), 'odds_will_attend_pnc': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'baseline odss a woman will seek PNC for her and her newborn following delivery'), 'or_pnc_age_30_35': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women aged 30-35 attending PNC'), 'or_pnc_age_>35': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women aged > 35 attending PNC'), 'or_pnc_rural': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women who live rurally attending PNC'), 'or_pnc_wealth_level_1': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women from the highest wealth level attending PNC'), 'or_pnc_anc4+': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women who attended ANC4+ attending PNC'), 'or_pnc_caesarean_delivery': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women who delivered by caesarean attending PNC'), 'or_pnc_facility_delivery': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women who delivered in a health facility attending PNC'), 'or_pnc_parity_>4': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'odds ratio for women with a parity of >4 attending PNC'), 'probs_of_attending_pn_event_by_day': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities used in a weighted random draw to determine when a woman will attend the ' 'postnatal event'), # EMERGENCY CARE SEEKING... 'prob_careseeking_for_complication': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman seeking skilled assistance after developing a complication at a ' 'home birth'), 'prob_careseeking_for_complication_pn': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of a woman seeking skilled assistance after developing a postnatal complication ' 'following a home birth'), 'test_care_seeking_probs': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'dummy probabilities of delivery care seeking used in testing'), # TREATMENT PARAMETERS... 'prob_delivery_modes_ec': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a woman admitted with eclampsia will deliver normally, via caesarean or ' 'via assisted vaginal delivery'), 'prob_delivery_modes_spe': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a woman admitted with severe pre-eclampsia will deliver normally, via ' 'caesarean or via assisted vaginal delivery'), 'residual_prob_avd': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a woman will deliver via assisted vaginal delivery for an indication not ' 'explicitly modelled'), 'residual_prob_caesarean': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a woman will deliver via caesarean section for an indication not ' 'explicitly modelled'), 'prob_adherent_ifa': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability that a woman started on postnatal IFA will be adherent'), 'effect_of_ifa_for_resolving_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative effect of iron and folic acid on anaemia status'), 'number_ifa_tablets_required_postnatally': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'total number of iron and folic acid tablets required during postnatal period'), 'treatment_effect_maternal_infection_clean_delivery': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Effect of clean delivery practices on risk of maternal infection'), 'treatment_effect_maternal_chorio_abx_prom': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Relative effect of antibiotics for premature rupture of membranes on maternal risk of ' 'chorioamnionitis prior to birth'), 'treatment_effect_amtsl': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'relative risk of severe postpartum haemorrhage following active management of the third ' 'stage of labour'), 'prob_haemostatis_uterotonics': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of uterotonics stopping a postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony '), 'prob_successful_manual_removal_placenta': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of manual removal of retained products arresting a post partum haemorrhage'), 'success_rate_pph_surgery': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of surgery for postpartum haemorrhage being successful'), 'pph_treatment_effect_surg_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of surgery on maternal death due to postpartum haemorrhage'), 'pph_treatment_effect_hyst_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of hysterectomy on maternal death due to postpartum haemorrhage'), 'pph_bt_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of blood transfusion treatment for postpartum haemorrhage on risk of maternal death'), 'sepsis_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of treatment for sepsis on risk of maternal death'), 'success_rate_uterine_repair': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability repairing a ruptured uterus surgically'), 'prob_successful_assisted_vaginal_delivery': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability of successful assisted vaginal delivery'), 'ur_repair_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of surgical uterine repair treatment for uterine rupture on risk of maternal death'), 'ur_treatment_effect_bt_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of blood transfusion treatment for uterine rupture on risk of maternal death'), 'ur_hysterectomy_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of blood hysterectomy for uterine rupture on risk of maternal death'), 'eclampsia_treatment_effect_severe_pe': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of treatment for severe pre eclampsia on risk of eclampsia'), 'eclampsia_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of treatment for eclampsia on risk of maternal death'), 'anti_htns_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of IV anti hypertensive treatment on risk of death secondary to severe pre-eclampsia/' 'eclampsia stillbirth'), 'anti_htns_treatment_effect_progression': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of IV anti hypertensive treatment on risk of progression from mild to severe gestational' ' hypertension'), 'aph_bt_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of blood transfusion treatment for antepartum haemorrhage on risk of maternal death'), 'treatment_effect_blood_transfusion_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of blood transfusion treatment for severe anaemia'), 'aph_cs_treatment_effect_md': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of caesarean section for antepartum haemorrhage on risk of maternal death'), 'treatment_effect_avd_still_birth': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of assisted vaginal delivery on risk of intrapartum still birth'), 'treatment_effect_cs_still_birth': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'effect of caesarean section delivery on risk of intrapartum still birth'), # HEALTH CARE WORKER AVAILABILITY AND COMPETENCE... 'prob_hcw_avail_iv_abx': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - parenteral antibiotics'), 'prob_hcw_avail_uterotonic': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - parenteral uterotonics'), 'prob_hcw_avail_anticonvulsant': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - parenteral anticonvulsants'), 'prob_hcw_avail_man_r_placenta': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - manual removal of retained placenta'), 'prob_hcw_avail_avd': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - assisted vaginal delivery'), 'prob_hcw_avail_blood_tran': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - blood transfusion'), 'prob_hcw_avail_surg': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - obstetric surgery'), 'prob_hcw_avail_retained_prod': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - removal of retained products of conception'), 'prob_hcw_avail_neo_resus': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'average probability that a health facility providing EmONC care has a HCW available that can' ' delivery signal function - neonatal resuscitation'), 'mean_hcw_competence_hc': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'mean competence of HCW at delivering EmONC care at a health centre. A draw below this level ' 'prevents intervention delivery'), 'mean_hcw_competence_hp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'mean competence of HCW at delivering EmONC care at a hospital. A draw below this level ' 'prevents intervention delivery'), 'prob_intervention_delivered_anaemia_assessment_pnc': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman will have their Hb levels checked during PNC given that the HSI has ran ' 'and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality)'), # ANALYSIS PARAMETERS 'analysis_year': Parameter( Types.INT, 'Year on which changes in parameters as part of analysis should be enacted (1st day, ' '1st month)'), 'la_analysis_in_progress': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Used within the pregnancy_helper_function to signify that labour/postnatal ' 'analysis is currently being conducted'), 'alternative_bemonc_availability': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'parameter used in analysis to allow manipulation of coverage of BEmONC interventions'), 'alternative_cemonc_availability': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'parameter used in analysis to allow manipulation of coverage of CEmONC interventions'), 'bemonc_availability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'set probability of BEmONC intervention being delivered during analysis'), 'cemonc_availability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'set probability of CEmONC intervention being delivered during analysis'), 'bemonc_cons_availability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'set probability of BEmONC consumables being available'), 'cemonc_cons_availability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'set probability of CEmONC consumables being available'), 'alternative_pnc_coverage': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of PNC coverage has been ' 'determined following the events run'), 'alternative_pnc_quality': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of PNC quality has been ' 'determined following the events run'), 'pnc_availability_odds': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Target odds of maternal PNC coverage when analysis is being conducted - only applied if' 'alternative_pnc_coverage is true'), 'pnc_availability_probability': Parameter( Types.REAL, 'Target probability of quality/consumables when analysis is being conducted - only applied if ' 'alternative_pnc_coverage is true'), 'sba_sens_analysis_max': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals that max coverage of SBA is being forced for sensitivity analysis'), 'pnc_sens_analysis_max': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals that max coverage of PNC is being forced for sensitivity analysis'), 'pnc_sens_analysis_min': Parameter( Types.BOOL, 'Signals that min coverage of SBA is being forced for sensitivity analysis'), } PROPERTIES = { 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy': Property(Types.DATE, 'The date on which a newly pregnant woman is scheduled to' ' go into labour'), 'la_currently_in_labour': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman is currently in labour'), 'la_intrapartum_still_birth': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this womans most recent pregnancy has ended ' 'in a stillbirth'), 'la_parity': Property(Types.REAL, 'total number of previous deliveries'), 'la_previous_cs_delivery': Property(Types.INT, 'total number of previous deliveries'), 'la_obstructed_labour': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman is experiencing obstructed labour'), 'la_placental_abruption': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether the woman has experienced placental abruption'), 'la_antepartum_haem': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'whether the woman has experienced an antepartum haemorrhage' ' in this delivery and it severity', categories=['none', 'mild_moderate', 'severe']), 'la_uterine_rupture': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether the woman has experienced uterine rupture in this ' 'delivery'), 'la_uterine_rupture_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this womans uterine rupture has been treated'), 'la_sepsis': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has developed sepsis due to an intrapartum infection'), 'la_sepsis_pp': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has developed sepsis due to a postpartum infection'), 'la_sepsis_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'If this woman has received treatment for maternal sepsis'), 'la_eclampsia_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this womans eclampsia has been treated'), 'la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has been treated for severe ' 'pre-eclampsia'), 'la_maternal_hypertension_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has been treated for maternal ' 'hypertension'), 'la_gest_htn_on_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has is receiving regular ' 'antihypertensives'), 'la_postpartum_haem': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether the woman has experienced an postpartum haemorrhage in this' 'delivery'), 'la_postpartum_haem_treatment': Property(Types.BITSET, ' Treatment for received for postpartum haemorrhage ' '(bitset)'), 'la_has_had_hysterectomy': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman has had a hysterectomy as treatment for a ' 'complication of labour, and therefore is unable to conceive'), 'la_date_most_recent_delivery': Property(Types.DATE, 'date of on which this mother last delivered'), 'la_is_postpartum': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether a woman is in the postpartum period, from delivery until ' 'day +42 (6 weeks)'), 'la_pn_checks_maternal': Property(Types.INT, 'Number of postnatal checks this woman has received'), 'la_iron_folic_acid_postnatal': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether a woman is receiving iron and folic acid during ' 'the postnatal period'), }
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): parameter_dataframe = pd.read_excel(Path(self.resourcefilepath) / 'ResourceFile_LabourSkilledBirth' 'Attendance.xlsx', sheet_name='parameter_values') self.load_parameters_from_dataframe(parameter_dataframe)
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): df = population.props # For the first period (2010-2015) we use the first value in each list as a parameter pregnancy_helper_functions.update_current_parameter_dictionary(self, list_position=0) params = self.current_parameters df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_currently_in_labour'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_parity'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_previous_cs_delivery'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_obstructed_labour'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_placental_abruption'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_antepartum_haem'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_uterine_rupture'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_uterine_rupture_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_sepsis'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_sepsis_pp'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_sepsis_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_eclampsia_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_maternal_hypertension_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_postpartum_haem'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_postpartum_haem_treatment'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_has_had_hysterectomy'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_is_postpartum'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'la_iron_folic_acid_postnatal'] = False # we store different potential treatments for postpartum haemorrhage via bistet self.pph_treatment = BitsetHandler(self.sim.population, 'la_postpartum_haem_treatment', ['manual_removal_placenta', 'surgery', 'hysterectomy']) # ----------------------------ASSIGNING PARITY AT BASELINE -------------------------------------------------- # This equation predicts the parity of each woman at baseline (who is of reproductive age) parity_equation = LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_parity, parameters=params) # We assign parity to all women of reproductive age at baseline df.loc[df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14), 'la_parity'] = \ parity_equation.predict(df.loc[df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14)]) if not (df.loc[df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14), 'la_parity'] >= 0).all().all():'error', data='Parity was calculated incorrectly at initialisation') # ----------------------- ASSIGNING PREVIOUS CS DELIVERY AT BASELINE ----------------------------------------- # This equation determines the proportion of women at baseline who have previously delivered via caesarean # section reproductive_age_women = \ df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) & (df.la_parity > 0) previous_cs = pd.Series( self.rng.random_sample(len(reproductive_age_women.loc[reproductive_age_women])) < self.current_parameters['prob_previous_caesarean_at_baseline'], index=reproductive_age_women.loc[reproductive_age_women].index) df.loc[previous_cs.loc[previous_cs].index, 'la_previous_cs_delivery'] = 1
[docs] def get_and_store_labour_item_codes(self): """ This function defines the required consumables for each intervention delivered during this module and stores them in a module level dictionary called within HSIs """ get_item_code_from_pkg = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].get_item_codes_from_package_name get_list_of_items = pregnancy_helper_functions.get_list_of_items # ---------------------------------- IV DRUG ADMIN EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['iv_drug_equipment'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box']) # ---------------------------------- BLOOD TEST EQUIPMENT --------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['blood_test_equipment'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Blood collecting tube, 5 ml', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box']) # ------------------------------------------ FULL BLOOD COUNT ------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['full_blood_count'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Complete blood count']) # -------------------------------------------- DELIVERY ------------------------------------------------------ # assuming CDK has blade, soap, cord tie self.item_codes_lab_consumables['delivery_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Clean delivery kit', 'Chlorhexidine 1.5% solution_5_CMST']) self.item_codes_lab_consumables['delivery_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Gauze, absorbent 90cm x 40m_each_CMST', 'Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg']) # -------------------------------------------- CAESAREAN DELIVERY ------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_lab_consumables['caesarean_delivery_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Halothane (fluothane)_250ml_CMST', 'Ceftriaxone 1g, PFR_each_CMST', 'Metronidazole 200mg_1000_CMST']) self.item_codes_lab_consumables['caesarean_delivery_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Scalpel blade size 22 (individually wrapped)_100_CMST', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg', 'Declofenac injection_each_CMST', 'Pethidine, 50 mg/ml, 2 ml ampoule', 'Foley catheter', 'Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml', "ringer's lactate (Hartmann's solution), 1000 ml_12_IDA", 'Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', "Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST", "Chlorhexidine 1.5% solution_5_CMST"]) # -------------------------------------------- OBSTETRIC SURGERY ---------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['obstetric_surgery_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Halothane (fluothane)_250ml_CMST', 'Ceftriaxone 1g, PFR_each_CMST', 'Metronidazole 200mg_1000_CMST']) self.item_codes_lab_consumables['obstetric_surgery_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Scalpel blade size 22 (individually wrapped)_100_CMST', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg', 'Declofenac injection_each_CMST', 'Pethidine, 50 mg/ml, 2 ml ampoule', 'Foley catheter', 'Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml', "ringer's lactate (Hartmann's solution), 1000 ml_12_IDA", 'Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', "Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST"]) # -------------------------------------------- ABX FOR PROM ------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['abx_for_prom'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Benzathine benzylpenicillin, powder for injection, 2.4 million IU']) # -------------------------------------------- ANTENATAL STEROIDS --------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['antenatal_steroids'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Dexamethasone 5mg/ml, 5ml_each_CMST']) # ------------------------------------- INTRAVENOUS ANTIHYPERTENSIVES --------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['iv_antihypertensives'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Hydralazine, powder for injection, 20 mg ampoule']) # --------------------------------------- ORAL ANTIHYPERTENSIVES --------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['oral_antihypertensives'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Methyldopa 250mg_1000_CMST']) # ---------------------------------- SEVERE PRE-ECLAMPSIA/ECLAMPSIA ----------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['magnesium_sulfate'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Magnesium sulfate, injection, 500 mg/ml in 10-ml ampoule']) self.item_codes_lab_consumables['eclampsia_management_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Misoprostol, tablet, 200 mcg', 'Oxytocin, injection, 10 IU in 1 ml ampoule', 'Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Oxygen, 1000 liters, primarily with oxygen cylinders', 'Complete blood count', 'Foley catheter', 'Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml']) # ------------------------------------- OBSTRUCTED LABOUR --------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['obstructed_labour'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Lidocaine HCl (in dextrose 7.5%), ampoule 2 ml', 'Benzylpenicillin 3g (5MU), PFR_each_CMST', 'Gentamycin, injection, 40 mg/ml in 2 ml vial', 'Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Complete blood count', 'Foley catheter', 'Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml', 'Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg', 'Pethidine, 50 mg/ml, 2 ml ampoule', 'Gauze, absorbent 90cm x 40m_each_CMST', 'Suture pack']) # ------------------------------------- OBSTETRIC VACUUM --------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['vacuum'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Vacuum, obstetric']) # ------------------------------------- MATERNAL SEPSIS ----------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['maternal_sepsis_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Benzylpenicillin 3g (5MU), PFR_each_CMST', 'Gentamycin, injection, 40 mg/ml in 2 ml vial']) # 'Metronidazole, injection, 500 mg in 100 ml vial']) self.item_codes_lab_consumables['maternal_sepsis_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Oxygen, 1000 liters, primarily with oxygen cylinders', 'Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Foley catheter', 'Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Complete blood count']) # ------------------------------------- ACTIVE MANAGEMENT THIRD STAGE --------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['amtsl'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Oxytocin, injection, 10 IU in 1 ml ampoule']) # ------------------------------------- POSTPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE --------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['pph_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Oxytocin, injection, 10 IU in 1 ml ampoule']) self.item_codes_lab_consumables['pph_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Misoprostol, tablet, 200 mcg', 'Pethidine, 50 mg/ml, 2 ml ampoule', 'Oxygen, 1000 liters, primarily with oxygen cylinders', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml', 'Foley catheter', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Complete blood count']) # ------------------------------------- BLOOD TRANSFUSION --------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['blood_transfusion'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Blood, one unit']) # ------------------------------------------ FULL BLOOD COUNT ------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_lab_consumables['hb_test'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Haemoglobin test (HB)']) # ---------------------------------- IRON AND FOLIC ACID ------------------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_lab_consumables['iron_folic_acid'] = \ get_item_code_from_pkg('Ferrous Salt + Folic Acid, tablet, 200 + 0.25 mg') # -------------------------------------------- RESUSCITATION ------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_lab_consumables['resuscitation'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Infant resuscitator, clear plastic + mask + bag_each_CMST'])
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): # Update self.current_parameters pregnancy_helper_functions.update_current_parameter_dictionary(self, list_position=0) # We call the following function to store the required consumables for the simulation run within the appropriate # dictionary self.get_and_store_labour_item_codes() # We set the LoggingEvent to run on the last day of each year to produce statistics for that year sim.schedule_event(LabourLoggingEvent(self), + DateOffset(days=1)) # Schedule analysis event sim.schedule_event(LabourAndPostnatalCareAnalysisEvent(self), Date(self.current_parameters['analysis_year'], 1, 1)) # This list contains all the women who are currently in labour and is used for checks/testing self.women_in_labour = [] # This list contains all possible complications/outcomes of the intrapartum and postpartum phase- its used in # assert functions as a test self.possible_intrapartum_complications = ['obstruction_cpd', 'obstruction_malpos_malpres', 'obstruction_other', 'placental_abruption', 'antepartum_haem', 'sepsis', 'sepsis_chorioamnionitis', 'uterine_rupture', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia'] self.possible_postpartum_complications = ['sepsis_endometritis', 'sepsis_skin_soft_tissue', 'sepsis_urinary_tract', 'pph_uterine_atony', 'pph_retained_placenta', 'pph_other', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia', 'postpartum_haem', 'sepsis'] # define any dx_tests self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.register_dx_test( full_blood_count_hb_pn=DxTest( property='pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy', target_categories=['mild', 'moderate', 'severe'], item_codes=self.item_codes_lab_consumables['full_blood_count'], sensitivity=1.0), ) # ======================================= LINEAR MODEL EQUATIONS ============================================== # Here we define the equations that will be used throughout this module using the linear # model and stored them as a parameter params = self.current_parameters self.la_linear_models = { # This equation predicts the parity of each woman at baseline (who is of reproductive age) 'parity': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_parity, parameters=params), # This equation predicts if a woman will go into post term labour 'post_term_labour': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_post_term_labour, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of obstructed labour. As we assume obstructed labour can # only occur following on of three preceding causes, this model is additive 'obstruction_cpd_ip': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_obstruction_cpd_ip, module=self), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of developing sepsis due to chorioamnionitis infection # during the intrapartum phase of labour and is mitigated by clean delivery 'sepsis_chorioamnionitis_ip': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_sepsis_chorioamnionitis_ip, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of developing sepsis due to endometritis infection # during the postpartum phase of labour and is mitigated by clean delivery 'sepsis_endometritis_pp': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_sepsis_endometritis_pp, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of developing sepsis due to skin or soft tissue # infection during the # postpartum phase of labour and is mitigated by clean delivery 'sepsis_skin_soft_tissue_pp': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_sepsis_skin_soft_tissue_pp, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of developing a urinary tract infection during the # postpartum phase of labour and is mitigated by clean delivery 'sepsis_urinary_tract_pp': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_sepsis_urinary_tract_pp, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of death following sepsis during labour and is mitigated # by treatment 'intrapartum_sepsis_death': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_sepsis_death, parameters=params), 'postpartum_sepsis_death': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_sepsis_death, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of death following eclampsia and is mitigated # by treatment delivered either immediately prior to admission for delivery or during labour 'eclampsia_death': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_eclampsia_death, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of death following eclampsia and is mitigated # by treatment delivered either immediately prior to admission for delivery or during labour 'severe_pre_eclampsia_death': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_severe_pre_eclamp_death, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of placental abruption in labour 'placental_abruption_ip': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_placental_abruption_ip, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of antepartum haemorrhage. We assume APH can only occur # in the presence of a preceding placental causes (abruption/praevia) therefore this model is additive 'antepartum_haem_ip': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_antepartum_haem_ip, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of death following antepartum haemorrhage. Risk is # mitigated by treatment 'antepartum_haemorrhage_death': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_antepartum_haem_death, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony 'pph_uterine_atony_pp': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_pph_uterine_atony_pp, module=self), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of postpartum haemorrhage due to retained placenta 'pph_retained_placenta_pp': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_pph_retained_placenta_pp, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of death following postpartum haemorrhage. Risk is # mitigated by treatment 'postpartum_haemorrhage_death': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_postpartum_haem_pp_death, module=self), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of uterine rupture 'uterine_rupture_ip': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_uterine_rupture_ip, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of death following uterine rupture. Risk if reduced by # treatment 'uterine_rupture_death': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_uterine_rupture_death, parameters=params), # This equation is used to calculate a womans risk of still birth during the intrapartum period. Assisted # vaginal delivery and caesarean delivery are assumed to significantly reduce risk 'intrapartum_still_birth': LinearModel.custom(labour_lm.predict_intrapartum_still_birth, parameters=params), # This regression equation uses data from the DHS to predict a womans probability of choosing to deliver in # a health centre 'probability_delivery_health_centre': LinearModel.custom( labour_lm.predict_probability_delivery_health_centre, parameters=params), # This regression equation uses data from the DHS to predict a womans probability of choosing to deliver in # at home 'probability_delivery_at_home': LinearModel.custom( labour_lm.predict_probability_delivery_at_home, parameters=params), # This equation is used to determine the probability that a woman will seek care for PNC after delivery 'postnatal_check': LinearModel.custom( labour_lm.predict_postnatal_check, parameters=params), } # Here we create a dict with all the models to be scaled and the 'target' rate parameter mod = self.la_linear_models models_to_be_scaled = [[mod['uterine_rupture_ip'], 'prob_uterine_rupture'], [mod['postnatal_check'], 'odds_will_attend_pnc'], [mod['probability_delivery_at_home'], 'odds_deliver_at_home'], [mod['probability_delivery_health_centre'], 'odds_deliver_in_health_centre']] # Scale all models updating the parameter used as the intercept of the linear models for model in models_to_be_scaled: pregnancy_helper_functions.scale_linear_model_at_initialisation( self, model=model[0], parameter_key=model[1])
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id): df = self.sim.population.props[child_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'la_currently_in_labour'] = False[child_id, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth'] = False[child_id, 'la_parity'] = 0[child_id, 'la_previous_cs_delivery'] = 0[child_id, 'la_obstructed_labour'] = False[child_id, 'la_placental_abruption'] = False[child_id, 'la_antepartum_haem'] = 'none'[child_id, 'la_uterine_rupture'] = False[child_id, 'la_uterine_rupture_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'la_sepsis'] = False[child_id, 'la_sepsis_pp'] = False[child_id, 'la_sepsis_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'la_eclampsia_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'la_maternal_hypertension_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'la_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] = False[child_id, 'la_postpartum_haem_treatment'] = 0[child_id, 'la_has_had_hysterectomy'] = False[child_id, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'la_is_postpartum'] = False[child_id, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'] = 0[child_id, 'la_iron_folic_acid_postnatal'] = False
[docs] def further_on_birth_labour(self, mother_id): """ This function is called by the on_birth function of NewbornOutcomes module. This function contains additional code related to the labour module that should be ran on_birth for all births - it has been parcelled into functions to ensure each modules (pregnancy,antenatal care, labour, newborn, postnatal) on_birth code is ran in the correct sequence (as this can vary depending on how modules are registered) :param mother_id: mothers individual id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # log delivery setting'delivery_setting_and_mode', data={'mother': mother_id, 'facility_type': mni[mother_id]['delivery_setting'], 'mode': mni[mother_id]['mode_of_delivery']}) # Store only live births to a mother parity if not[mother_id, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth']:[mother_id, 'la_parity'] += 1 # Only live births contribute to parity # Currently we assume women who received antihypertensive in the antenatal period will continue to use them if[mother_id, 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment']:[mother_id, 'la_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = True
[docs] def on_hsi_alert(self, person_id, treatment_id): """ This is called whenever there is an HSI event commissioned by one of the other disease modules.""" logger.debug(key='message', data=f'This is Labour, being alerted about a health system interaction ' f'person {person_id}for: {treatment_id}')
[docs] def report_daly_values(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='This is Labour reporting my health values') df = self.sim.population.props # shortcut to population properties data frame # All dalys related to maternal outcome are outputted by the pregnancy supervisor module... daly_series = pd.Series(data=0, index=df.index[df.is_alive]) return daly_series
# ===================================== HELPER AND TESTING FUNCTIONS ==============================================
[docs] def set_date_of_labour(self, individual_id): """ This function is called by within the events 'PregnancyPoll' and 'Fail' for women who are allocated to become pregnant during a simulation run. This function schedules the onset of labour between 37 and 44 weeks gestational age (not foetal age) to ensure all women who become pregnant will go into labour. Women may enter labour before the due date set in this function either due to pre-term labour or induction/ caesarean section. :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props logger.debug(key='message', data=f'person {individual_id} is having their labour scheduled on date ' f'{}', ) # Check only alive newly pregnant women are scheduled to this function if (not[individual_id, 'is_alive'] and not[individual_id, 'is_pregnant'] and (not[individual_id, 'date_of_last_pregnancy'] =='error', data=f'Attempt to schedule labour for woman {individual_id} inappropriately') return # At the point of conception we schedule labour to onset for all women between after 37 weeks gestation - first # we determine if she will go into labour post term (42+ weeks) if self.rng.random_sample() < self.la_linear_models['post_term_labour'].predict( df.loc[[individual_id]])[individual_id]:[individual_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] = \ ([individual_id, 'date_of_last_pregnancy'] + pd.DateOffset( days=(7 * 40) + self.rng.randint(0, 7 * 3))) else:[individual_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] = \ ([individual_id, 'date_of_last_pregnancy'] + pd.DateOffset( days=(7 * 35) + self.rng.randint(0, 7 * 4))) self.sim.schedule_event(LabourOnsetEvent(self, individual_id),[individual_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy']) # Here we check that no one is scheduled to go into labour before 37 gestational age (35 weeks foetal age, # ensuring all preterm labour comes from the pregnancy supervisor module days_until_labour =[individual_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] - if not days_until_labour >= pd.Timedelta(245, unit='d'):'error', data=f'Labour scheduled for woman {individual_id} beyond the maximum estimated ' f'possible length of pregnancy')
[docs] def predict(self, eq, person_id): """ This function compares the result of a specific linear equation with a random draw providing a boolean for the outcome under examination :param eq: Linear model equation :param person_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info person = df.loc[[person_id]] # We define specific external variables used as predictors in the equations defined below has_rbt = mni[person_id]['received_blood_transfusion'] mode_of_delivery = mni[person_id]['mode_of_delivery'] received_clean_delivery = mni[person_id]['clean_birth_practices'] received_abx_for_prom = mni[person_id]['abx_for_prom_given'] amtsl_given = mni[person_id]['amtsl_given'] delivery_setting = mni[person_id]['delivery_setting'] macrosomia = mni[person_id]['birth_weight'] == 'macrosomia' # We run a random draw and return the outcome return self.rng.random_sample() < eq.predict(person, received_clean_delivery=received_clean_delivery, received_abx_for_prom=received_abx_for_prom, mode_of_delivery=mode_of_delivery, received_blood_transfusion=has_rbt, amtsl_given=amtsl_given, macrosomia=macrosomia, delivery_setting=delivery_setting)[person_id]
[docs] def reset_due_date(self, id_or_index, new_due_date): """ This function is called at various points in the PregnancySupervisor module to reset the due-date of women who may have experience pregnancy loss or will now go into pre-term labour on new due-date :param ind_or_df: (STR) Is this function being use on an individual row or slice of the data frame 'individual'/'data_frame' :param id_or_index: The individual id OR dataframe slice that this change will be made for :param new_due_date: (DATE) the new due-date """ df = self.sim.population.props df.loc[id_or_index, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] = new_due_date
[docs] def check_labour_can_proceed(self, individual_id): """ This function is called by the LabourOnsetEvent to evaluate if labour can proceed for the woman who has arrived at the event :param individual_id: individual_id :returns True/False if labour can proceed """ df = self.sim.population.props person = df.loc[individual_id] # If the mother has died OR has lost her pregnancy OR is already in labour then the labour events wont run if not person.is_alive or not person.is_pregnant or person.la_currently_in_labour: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'person {individual_id} has just reached LabourOnsetEvent on ' f'{}, however this is event is no longer relevant for this ' f'individual and will not run') return False # If she is alive, pregnant, not in labour AND her due date is today then the event will run if person.is_alive and person.is_pregnant and (person.la_due_date_current_pregnancy == \ and not person.la_currently_in_labour: # If the woman in not currently an inpatient then we assume this is her normal labour if person.ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery == 'none': logger.debug(key='message', data=f'person {individual_id} has just reached LabourOnsetEvent on ' f'{} and will now go into labour at gestation ' f'{person.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks}') # Otherwise she may have gone into labour whilst admitted as an inpatient and is awaiting induction/ # caesarean when she is further along in her pregnancy, in that case labour can proceed via the method she # was admitted for else: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'person {individual_id}, who is currently admitted and awaiting ' f'delivery, has just gone into spontaneous labour and reached ' f'LabourOnsetEvent on {} - she will now go into labour ' f'at gestation {person.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks}') return True # If she is alive, pregnant, not in labour BUT her due date is not today, however shes been admitted then we # labour can progress as she requires early delivery if person.is_alive and person.is_pregnant and not person.la_currently_in_labour and \ (person.la_due_date_current_pregnancy != and (person.ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery != 'none'): logger.debug(key='message', data=f'person {individual_id} has just reached LabourOnsetEvent on ' f'{}- they have been admitted for delivery due to ' f'complications in the antenatal period and will now progress into the ' f'labour event at gestation {person.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks}') # We set her due date to today so she the event will run properly[individual_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] = return True return False
[docs] def set_intrapartum_complications(self, individual_id, complication): """This function is called either during a LabourAtHomeEvent OR HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuring Labour for all women during labour (home birth vs facility delivery). The function is used to apply risk of complications which have been passed ot it including the preceding causes of obstructed labour (malposition, malpresentation and cephalopelvic disproportion), obstructed labour, uterine rupture, placental abruption, antepartum haemorrhage, infections (chorioamnionitis/other) and sepsis. Properties in the dataframe are set accordingly including properties which map to disability weights to capture DALYs :param individual_id: individual_id :param complication: (STR) the complication passed to the function which is being evaluated ['obstruction_cpd', 'obstruction_malpos_malpres', 'obstruction_other', 'placental_abruption', 'antepartum_haem', 'sepsis_chorioamnionitis', 'uterine_rupture'] """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # First we run check to ensure only women who have started the labour process are passed to this function if mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'none':'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} is having risk of complications applied but has no ' f'delivery setting') return # Then we check that only complications from the master complication list are passed to the function (to ensure # any typos for string variables are caught) if complication not in self.possible_intrapartum_complications:'error', data=f'A complication ("{complication}") was passed to ' f'set_intrapartum_complications') return # Here we make sure women who have experienced complications antenatally cant experience # the same complication again when this code runs if ((complication == 'antepartum_haem') and ([individual_id, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] != 'none') or ((complication == 'placental_abruption') and[individual_id, 'ps_placental_abruption']) or ((complication == 'sepsis_chorioamnionitis') and[individual_id, 'ps_chorioamnionitis'])): return # For the preceding complications that can cause obstructed labour, we apply risk using a set probability if complication in ('obstruction_malpos_malpres', 'obstruction_other'): result = self.rng.random_sample() < params[f'prob_{complication}'] # Otherwise we use the linear model to predict likelihood of a complication else: result = self.predict(self.la_linear_models[f'{complication}_ip'], individual_id) # --------------------------------------- COMPLICATION ------------------------------------------------------ # If 'result' == True, this woman will experience the complication passed to the function if result: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'person {individual_id} has developed {complication} during birth on date' f'{}') # For 'complications' stored in a biset property - they are set here if complication in ('obstruction_cpd', 'obstruction_malpos_malpres', 'obstruction_other'):[individual_id, 'la_obstructed_labour'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'obstructed_labour_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'{complication}', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) if complication == 'obstruction_cpd': mni[individual_id]['cpd'] = True # Otherwise they are stored as individual properties (women with undiagnosed placental abruption may present # to labour) elif complication == 'placental_abruption':[individual_id, 'la_placental_abruption'] = True'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'placental_abruption', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) elif complication == 'antepartum_haem': random_choice = self.rng.choice(['mild_moderate', 'severe'], p=params['severity_maternal_haemorrhage'])[individual_id, f'la_{complication}'] = random_choice if random_choice != 'severe': pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'mild_mod_aph_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'mild_mod_antepartum_haemorrhage', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) else: pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'severe_aph_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'severe_antepartum_haemorrhage', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) elif complication == 'sepsis_chorioamnionitis':[individual_id, 'la_sepsis'] = True mni[individual_id]['chorio_in_preg'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'sepsis_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'sepsis', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) elif complication == 'uterine_rupture':[individual_id, 'la_uterine_rupture'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, f'{complication}_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'uterine_rupture', 'timing': 'intrapartum'})
[docs] def set_postpartum_complications(self, individual_id, complication): """ This function is called in BirthAndPostnatalOutcomesEvent during for all women following labour and birth (home birth vs facility delivery). The function is used to apply risk of complications which have been passed ot it including the preceding causes of postpartum haemorrhage (uterine atony, retained placenta, lacerations, other), postpartum haemorrhag or sepsis. Properties in the dataframe are set accordingly including properties which map to disability weights to capture DALYs :param individual_id: individual_id :param complication: (STR) the complication passed to the function which is being evaluated [ 'sepsis_endometritis', 'sepsis_skin_soft_tissue', 'sepsis_urinary_tract', 'pph_uterine_atony', 'pph_retained_placenta', 'pph_other'] """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.current_parameters # This function follows a roughly similar pattern as set_intrapartum_complications if mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'none':'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} is having risk of complications applied but has no ' f'delivery setting') return if complication not in self.possible_postpartum_complications:'error', data=f'A complication ("{complication}") was passed to ' f'set_postpartum_complications') return # We determine if this woman has experienced any of the other potential preceding causes of PPH if complication == 'pph_other': result = self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_pph_other_causes'] # For the other complications which can be passed to this function we use the linear model to return a womans # risk and compare that to a random draw else: result = self.predict(self.la_linear_models[f'{complication}_pp'], individual_id) # ------------------------------------- COMPLICATION --------------------------------------------------------- # If result == True the complication has happened and the appropriate changes to the data frame are made if result: if complication in ('sepsis_endometritis', 'sepsis_urinary_tract', 'sepsis_skin_soft_tissue'):[individual_id, 'la_sepsis_pp'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'sepsis_onset', if complication == 'sepsis_endometritis': mni[individual_id]['endo_pp'] = True if complication in ('pph_uterine_atony', 'pph_retained_placenta', 'pph_other'): # Set primary complication to true[individual_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] = True'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': f'{complication}', 'timing': 'postnatal'}) # Store mni variables used during treatment if complication == 'pph_uterine_atony': mni[individual_id]['uterine_atony'] = True if complication == 'pph_retained_placenta': mni[individual_id]['retained_placenta'] = True # We set the severity to map to DALY weights if pd.isnull(mni[individual_id]['mild_mod_pph_onset']) and pd.isnull(mni[individual_id]['severe_pph_' 'onset']): random_choice = self.rng.choice(['non_severe', 'severe'], size=1, p=params['severity_maternal_haemorrhage']) if random_choice == 'non_severe': pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'mild_mod_pph_onset', else: pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'severe_pph_onset',
[docs] def progression_of_hypertensive_disorders(self, individual_id, property_prefix): """ This function is called during LabourAtHomeEvent/BirthAndPostnatalEvent or HSI_Labour_Receives SkilledBirthAttendanceDuring/HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck to determine if a woman with a hypertensive disorder will experience progression to a more severe state of disease during labour or the immediate postpartum period. We do not allow for new onset of hypertensive disorders during this module - only progression of exsisting disease. :param individual_id: individual_id :param property_prefix: (STR) 'pn' or 'ps' """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info if property_prefix == 'ps': timing = 'intrapartum' current_log = logger else: timing = 'postnatal' current_log = logger_pn # n.b. on birth women whose hypertension will continue into the postnatal period have their disease state stored # in a new property therefore antenatal/intrapartum hypertension is 'ps_htn_disorders' and postnatal is # 'pn_htn_disorders' hence the use of property prefix variable (as this function is called before and after # birth) # Women can progress from severe pre-eclampsia to eclampsia if[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp': risk_ec = params['prob_progression_severe_pre_eclamp'] # Risk of progression from severe pre-eclampsia to eclampsia during labour is mitigated by administration of # magnesium sulfate in women with severe pre-eclampsia (this may have been delivered on admission or in the # antenatal ward) if[individual_id, 'la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment'] or \ ([individual_id, 'ac_mag_sulph_treatment'] and ([individual_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] != 'none')): risk_progression_spe_ec = risk_ec * params['eclampsia_treatment_effect_severe_pe'] else: risk_progression_spe_ec = risk_ec if risk_progression_spe_ec > self.rng.random_sample():[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] = 'eclampsia' pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'eclampsia_onset','maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'eclampsia', 'timing': timing}) # Or from mild to severe gestational hypertension, risk reduced by treatment if[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] == 'gest_htn': if[individual_id, 'la_maternal_hypertension_treatment']: risk_prog_gh_sgh = params['prob_progression_gest_htn'] * params[ 'anti_htns_treatment_effect_progression'] else: risk_prog_gh_sgh = params['prob_progression_gest_htn'] if risk_prog_gh_sgh > self.rng.random_sample():[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] = 'severe_gest_htn''maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'severe_gest_htn', 'timing': timing}) # Or from severe gestational hypertension to severe pre-eclampsia... if[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_gest_htn': if params['prob_progression_severe_gest_htn'] > self.rng.random_sample():[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] = 'severe_pre_eclamp' mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe'] = True'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'timing': timing}) # Or from mild pre-eclampsia to severe pre-eclampsia... if[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] == 'mild_pre_eclamp': if params['prob_progression_mild_pre_eclamp'] > self.rng.random_sample():[individual_id, f'{property_prefix}_htn_disorders'] = 'severe_pre_eclamp' mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe'] = True'maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'timing': timing})
[docs] def apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death(self, individual_id): """ This function is called for all women who have survived labour. This function is called at various points in the model depending on a womans pathway through key events/HSI events. The function cycles through each complication to determine if that will contribute to a womans death and then schedules InstantaneousDeathEvent accordingly. For women who survive their properties from the labour module are reset and they are scheduled to PostnatalWeekOneEvent :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.current_parameters # Check the right women are at risk of death self.postpartum_characteristics_checker(individual_id) # Function checks df for any potential cause of death, uses CFR parameters to determine risk of death # (either from one or multiple causes) and if death occurs returns the cause potential_cause_of_death = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_for_risk_of_death_from_cause_maternal( self, individual_id=individual_id, timing='postnatal') # Log df row containing complications and treatments to calculate met need # If a cause is returned death is scheduled if potential_cause_of_death: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_mni_for_maternal_death(self, individual_id) self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=individual_id, cause=potential_cause_of_death, originating_module=self.sim.modules['Labour']) # If she hasn't died from any complications, we reset some key properties that resolve after risk of death # has been applied else: if[individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia':[individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'severe_pre_eclamp' if ([individual_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp') and (mni[individual_id]['new_onset' '_spe']): mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe'] = False if[individual_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary']:[individual_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = False if[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum']:[individual_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'] = False[individual_id, 'la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment'] = False[individual_id, 'la_maternal_hypertension_treatment'] = False[individual_id, 'la_eclampsia_treatment'] = False[individual_id, 'la_sepsis_treatment'] = False mni[individual_id]['retained_placenta'] = False mni[individual_id]['uterine_atony'] = False self.pph_treatment.unset( [individual_id], 'manual_removal_placenta', 'surgery', 'hysterectomy') # ================================ SCHEDULE POSTNATAL WEEK ONE EVENT ================================= # For women who have survived first 24 hours after birth we reset all the key labour variables and # scheduled them to attend the first event in the PostnatalSupervisorModule - PostnatalWeekOne Event if not mni[individual_id]['passed_through_week_one']:[individual_id, 'la_currently_in_labour'] = False[individual_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy'] = pd.NaT # complication variables[individual_id, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth'] = False[individual_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] = False[individual_id, 'la_obstructed_labour'] = False[individual_id, 'la_placental_abruption'] = False[individual_id, 'la_antepartum_haem'] = 'none'[individual_id, 'la_uterine_rupture'] = False[individual_id, 'la_sepsis'] = False[individual_id, 'la_sepsis_pp'] = False # Labour specific treatment variables[individual_id, 'la_uterine_rupture_treatment'] = False # This event determines if women will develop complications in week one. We stagger when women # arrive at this event to simulate bunching of complications in the first few days after birth days_post_birth_td = -[individual_id, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery'] days_post_birth_int = int(days_post_birth_td / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')) if not days_post_birth_int < 6:'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} scheduled to PN week one at >1 ' f'week postnatal') day_for_event = int(self.rng.choice([2, 3, 4, 5, 6], p=params['probs_of_attending_pn_event_by_day'])) # Ensure no women go to this event after week 1 if day_for_event + days_post_birth_int > 6: day_for_event = 1 self.sim.schedule_event( PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent(self.sim.modules['PostnatalSupervisor'], individual_id), + DateOffset(days=day_for_event)) elif mni[individual_id]['passed_through_week_one']: if individual_id in self.women_in_labour:'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} is still stored in self.women_in_labour') if[individual_id, 'la_currently_in_labour']:'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} is currently in labour within ' f'apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death')
[docs] def labour_characteristics_checker(self, individual_id): """This function is called at multiples points in the module to ensure women of the right characteristics are in labour. This function doesnt check for a woman being pregnant or alive, as some events will still run despite those variables being set to false :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[individual_id] if ( individual_id not in self.women_in_labour or != 'F' or mother.age_years < 14 or mother.age_years > 51 or not mother.la_currently_in_labour or mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 22 or pd.isnull(mother.la_due_date_current_pregnancy) ):'error', data=f'Person {individual_id} has characteristics that mean they should' f' not be in labour ')
[docs] def postpartum_characteristics_checker(self, individual_id): """This function is called at multiples points in the module to ensure women of the right characteristics are in the period following labour. This function doesnt check for a woman being pregnant or alive, as some events will still run despite those variables being set to false :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info mother = df.loc[individual_id] if ( individual_id not in mni or != 'F' or mother.age_years < 14 or mother.age_years > 51 or not mother.la_is_postpartum or (not mni[individual_id]['passed_through_week_one'] and individual_id not in self.women_in_labour) ):'error', data=f'Person {individual_id} has characteristics that mean they should' f' not be in the postnatal period ')
# ============================================== HSI FUNCTIONS ==================================================== # Management of each complication is housed within its own function, defined here in the module, and all follow a # similar pattern in which consumables are requested and the intervention is delivered if they are available
[docs] def prophylactic_labour_interventions(self, hsi_event): """ This function houses prophylactic interventions delivered by a Skilled Birth Attendant to women in labour. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info person_id = # params['allowed_interventions'] contains a list of interventions delivered in this module. Removal of # interventions from this list within test/analysis will stop this intervention from running if 'prophylactic_labour_interventions' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return # We determine if the HCW will administer antibiotics for women with premature rupture of membranes if[person_id, 'ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes']: # The mother may have received these antibiotics already if she presented to the antenatal ward from the # community following PROM. We store this in the mni dictionary if[person_id, 'ac_received_abx_for_prom']: mni[person_id]['abx_for_prom_given'] = True else: # Run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='iv_abx', hsi_event=hsi_event) # If she has not already receive antibiotics, we check for consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='abx_for_prom', optional='iv_drug_equipment') # Then query if these consumables are available during this HSI And provide if available. # Antibiotics for from reduce risk of newborn sepsis within the first # week of life if avail and sf_check: mni[person_id]['abx_for_prom_given'] = True # ------------------------------ STEROIDS FOR PRETERM LABOUR ------------------------------- # Next we see if women in pre term labour will receive antenatal corticosteroids if mni[person_id]['labour_state'] == 'early_preterm_labour' or \ mni[person_id]['labour_state'] == 'late_preterm_labour': avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='antenatal_steroids', optional='iv_drug_equipment') # If available they are given. Antenatal steroids reduce a preterm newborns chance of developing # respiratory distress syndrome and of death associated with prematurity if avail: mni[person_id]['corticosteroids_given'] = True
[docs] def determine_delivery_mode_in_spe_or_ec(self, person_id, hsi_event, complication): """ This function is called following treatment for either severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia during labour and determines if women with these conditions will undergo vaginal, assisted vaginal or caesarean section due to their complication :param person_id: mothers individual id :param hsi_event: HSI event :param complication: (STR) severe_pre_eclamp OR eclampsia """ params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # We use a weighted random draw to determine the delivery mode of this woman depending on her complication # (eclampsia, the more severe of the two conditions, is assumed to be more likely to lead to caesarean section) delivery_modes = ['vaginal', 'avd', 'cs'] mode = self.rng.choice(delivery_modes, p=params[f'prob_delivery_modes_{complication}']) if mode == 'avd': self.assessment_for_assisted_vaginal_delivery(hsi_event, indication='spe_ec') elif mode == 'cs': mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] = True mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'spe_ec'
[docs] def assessment_and_treatment_of_severe_pre_eclampsia_mgso4(self, hsi_event, labour_stage): """This function represents the diagnosis and management of severe pre-eclampsia during labour. This function defines the required consumables and administers the intervention if available. The intervention is intravenous magnesium sulphate. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour or HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: (STR) 'hc' == health centre, 'hp' == hospital :param labour_stage: intrapartum or postpartum period of labour (STR) 'ip' or 'pp': """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters person_id = # Women who have been admitted for delivery due to severe pre-eclampsia AND have already received magnesium # before moving to the labour ward do not receive the intervention again if 'assessment_and_treatment_of_severe_pre_eclampsia' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return if ([person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp') or \ ([person_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp'): # Determine if this person will deliver vaginally or via caesarean if ([person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'none') and (labour_stage == 'ip'): self.determine_delivery_mode_in_spe_or_ec(person_id, hsi_event, 'spe') # Run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='anticonvulsant', hsi_event=hsi_event) # Define and check for the required consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='magnesium_sulfate', optional='eclampsia_management_optional') # If the consumables are available - the intervention is delivered. IV magnesium reduces the # probability that a woman with severe pre-eclampsia will experience eclampsia in labour if avail and sf_check:[person_id, 'la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'mag_sulph', hsi_event)
[docs] def assessment_and_treatment_of_hypertension(self, hsi_event, labour_stage): """ This function represents the diagnosis and management of hypertension during labour. This function defines the required consumable and administers the intervention if available. The intervention is intravenous magnesium sulphate. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour or HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = params = self.current_parameters # If the treatment is not allowed to be delivered or it has already been delivered the function won't run if 'assessment_and_treatment_of_hypertension' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return if ([person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] != 'none') or ([person_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] != 'none'): # Then query if these consumables are available during this HSI avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='iv_antihypertensives', optional='iv_drug_equipment') # If they are available then the woman is started on treatment. Intravenous antihypertensive reduce a # womans risk of progression from mild to severe gestational hypertension ANd reduce risk of death for # women with severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia if avail:[person_id, 'la_maternal_hypertension_treatment'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'iv_htns', hsi_event) if (labour_stage == 'ip') and ([person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_gest_htn'):[person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'gest_htn' elif (labour_stage == 'pp') and ([person_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_gest_htn'):[person_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] = 'gest_htn' avail = hsi_event.get_consumables( item_codes=self.item_codes_lab_consumables['oral_antihypertensives']) if avail:[person_id, 'la_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = True
[docs] def assessment_and_treatment_of_eclampsia(self, hsi_event, labour_stage): """ This function represents the diagnosis and management of eclampsia during or following labour. This function defines the required consumables and administers the intervention if available. The intervention is intravenous magnesium sulphate. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour or HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: (STR) 'hc' == health centre, 'hp' == hospital :param labour_stage: intrapartum or postpartum period of labour (STR) 'ip' or 'pp': """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = params = self.current_parameters if 'assessment_and_treatment_of_eclampsia' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return if ([person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia') or \ ([person_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia'): # Run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='anticonvulsant', hsi_event=hsi_event) # define and check required consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='magnesium_sulfate', optional='eclampsia_management_optional') if (labour_stage == 'ip') and ([person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'none'): self.determine_delivery_mode_in_spe_or_ec(person_id, hsi_event, 'ec') if avail and sf_check: # Treatment with magnesium reduces a womans risk of death from eclampsia[person_id, 'la_eclampsia_treatment'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'mag_sulph', hsi_event)
[docs] def assessment_for_assisted_vaginal_delivery(self, hsi_event, indication): """ This function represents the diagnosis and management of obstructed labour during labour. This function defines the required consumables and administers the intervention if available. The intervention in this function is assisted vaginal delivery. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: :param indication: STR indication for assessment and delivery of AVD (STR) 'hc' == health centre, 'hp' == hospital """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.current_parameters person_id = def refer_for_cs(): if not indication == 'other': mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] = True if indication == 'spe_ec': mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = indication elif indication == 'ol': mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = indication if ('assessment_and_treatment_of_obstructed_labour' not in params['allowed_interventions']) or \ ([person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'caesarean_now') or \ ([person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'caesarean_future'): return # Define the consumables... if[person_id, 'la_obstructed_labour'] or (indication in ('spe_ec', 'other')): # We assume women with CPD cannot be delivered via AVD and will require a caesarean if not mni[person_id]['cpd']: # If the general package is available AND the facility has the correct tools to carry out the # delivery then it can occur avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='vacuum', optional='obstructed_labour') # run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='avd', hsi_event=hsi_event) if avail and sf_check: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, f'avd_{indication}', hsi_event) # If AVD was successful then we record the mode of delivery. We use this variable to reduce # risk of intrapartum still birth when applying risk in the death event if params['prob_successful_assisted_vaginal_delivery'] > self.rng.random_sample(): mni[person_id]['mode_of_delivery'] = 'instrumental' else: # If unsuccessful, this woman will require a caesarean section refer_for_cs() else: # If no consumables, this woman will require a caesarean section refer_for_cs() else: # If AVD is not clinically indicated, this woman will require a caesarean section refer_for_cs()
[docs] def assessment_and_treatment_of_maternal_sepsis(self, hsi_event, labour_stage): """ This function represents the diagnosis and management of maternal sepsis during or following labour. This function defines the required consumables and administers the intervention if they are available. The intervention in this function is maternal sepsis case management. It is called by either HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour OR HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: (STR) 'hc' == health centre, 'hp' == hospital :param labour_stage: intrapartum or postpartum period of labour (STR) 'ip' or 'pp': """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters person_id = if 'assessment_and_treatment_of_maternal_sepsis' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return if ([person_id, 'la_sepsis'] or[person_id, 'la_sepsis_pp'] or ((labour_stage == 'ip') and[person_id, 'ps_chorioamnionitis']) or (labour_stage == 'pp' and[person_id, 'pn_sepsis_late_postpartum'])): # run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='iv_abx', hsi_event=hsi_event) # Define and check available consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='maternal_sepsis_core', optional='maternal_sepsis_optional') # If delivered this intervention reduces a womans risk of dying from sepsis if avail and sf_check:[person_id, 'la_sepsis_treatment'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'sepsis_abx', hsi_event)
[docs] def assessment_and_plan_for_antepartum_haemorrhage(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the diagnosis of antepartum haemorrhage during labour. This function ensures that woman is referred for comprehensive care via caesarean section and blood transfusion. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: (STR) 'hc' == health centre, 'hp' == hospital """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info person_id = if 'assessment_and_plan_for_referral_antepartum_haemorrhage' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return # We assume that any woman who has been referred from antenatal inpatient care due to haemorrhage are # automatically scheduled for blood transfusion if ([person_id, 'ps_antepartum_haemorrhage'] != 'none') and ([person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_' 'delivery'] != 'none'): mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood'] = True elif[person_id, 'la_antepartum_haem'] != 'none': # Caesarean delivery reduces the risk of intrapartum still birth and blood transfusion reduces the risk # of maternal death due to bleeding mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] = True mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'la_aph' mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood'] = True
[docs] def assessment_for_referral_uterine_rupture(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the diagnosis of uterine rupture during labour and ensures that a woman is referred for comprehensive care via caesarean section, surgical repair and blood transfusion. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceInLabour. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: (STR) 'hc' == health centre, 'hp' == hospital """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info person_id = if 'assessment_and_plan_for_referral_uterine_rupture' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return # When uterine rupture is present, the mni dictionary is updated to allow treatment to be scheduled if[person_id, 'la_uterine_rupture']: mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] = True mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] = True mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'ur' mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood'] = True
[docs] def active_management_of_the_third_stage_of_labour(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the administration of active management of the third stage of labour. This function checks the availability of consumables and delivers the intervention accordingly. It is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceFollowingLabour :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.current_parameters person_id = if 'active_management_of_the_third_stage_of_labour' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return # Define and check available consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='amtsl', optional='iv_drug_equipment') # run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='uterotonic', hsi_event=hsi_event) # This treatment reduces a womans risk of developing uterine atony AND retained placenta, both of which are # preceding causes of postpartum haemorrhage if avail and sf_check: mni[person_id]['amtsl_given'] = True
[docs] def assessment_and_treatment_of_pph_uterine_atony(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the diagnosis and management of postpartum haemorrhage secondary to uterine atony following labour. This function defines the required consumables and administers the intervention if they are available. The intervention in this function is intravenous uterotonics followed by referral for further care in the event of continued haemorrhage. It is called by HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.current_parameters person_id = if 'assessment_and_treatment_of_pph_uterine_atony' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return if[person_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] and not mni[person_id]['retained_placenta']: # Define and check available consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='pph_core', optional='pph_optional') # run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='uterotonic', hsi_event=hsi_event) if avail and sf_check: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'uterotonics', hsi_event) # We apply a probability that this treatment will stop a womans bleeding in the first instance # meaning she will not require further treatment if params['prob_haemostatis_uterotonics'] > self.rng.random_sample(): # Bleeding has stopped, this woman will not be at risk of death[person_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] = False mni[person_id]['uterine_atony'] = False # If uterotonics do not stop bleeding the woman is referred for additional treatment else: mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] = True mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood'] = True
[docs] def assessment_and_treatment_of_pph_retained_placenta(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the diagnosis and management of postpartum haemorrhage secondary to retained placenta following labour. This function defines the required consumables and administers the intervention if they are available. The intervention in this function is manual removal of placenta (bedside) followed by referral for further care in the event of continued haemorrhage. It is called by HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.current_parameters person_id = if 'assessment_and_treatment_of_pph_retained_placenta' not in params['allowed_interventions']: return if ( ([person_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] and mni[person_id]['retained_placenta']) or[person_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] ): # Log the consumables but dont condition the treatment on their availability - the primary mechanism of this # intervention doesnt require consumables hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=self.item_codes_lab_consumables['pph_optional']) # run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='man_r_placenta', hsi_event=hsi_event) # Similar to uterotonics we apply a probability that this intervention will successfully stop # bleeding to ensure some women go on to require further care if sf_check: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'man_r_placenta', hsi_event) if params['prob_successful_manual_removal_placenta'] > self.rng.random_sample():[person_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] = False mni[person_id]['retained_placenta'] = False pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'man_r_placenta', hsi_event) if[person_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary']:[person_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'] = False else: mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] = True mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood'] = True
[docs] def surgical_management_of_pph(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the surgical management of postpartum haemorrhage (all-cause) following labour. This function is called during HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare for women who have PPH and medical management has failed. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters # We log the required consumables and condition the surgery happening on the availability of the # first consumable in this package, the anaesthetic required for the surgery avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='obstetric_surgery_core', optional='obstetric_surgery_optional') # run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='surg', hsi_event=hsi_event) # determine if uterine preserving surgery will be successful treatment_success_pph = params['success_rate_pph_surgery'] > self.rng.random_sample() # If resources are available and the surgery is a success then a hysterectomy does not occur if treatment_success_pph and avail and sf_check: self.pph_treatment.set(person_id, 'surgery') elif not treatment_success_pph and avail and sf_check: self.pph_treatment.set(person_id, 'hysterectomy')[person_id, 'la_has_had_hysterectomy'] = True # log intervention delivery if self.pph_treatment.has_all(person_id, 'surgery') or[person_id, 'la_has_had_hysterectomy']: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'pph_surg', hsi_event)
[docs] def blood_transfusion(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the blood transfusion during or after labour. This function is called during HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare for women who have experience blood loss due to antepartum haemorrhage, postpartum haemorrhage or uterine rupture :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.current_parameters df = self.sim.population.props # Check consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='blood_transfusion', number=2, optional='iv_drug_equipment') # check HCW sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self, sf='blood_tran', hsi_event=hsi_event) if avail and sf_check: mni[person_id]['received_blood_transfusion'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'blood_tran', hsi_event) # We assume that anaemia is corrected by blood transfusion if[person_id, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] != 'none': if params['treatment_effect_blood_transfusion_anaemia'] > self.rng.random_sample(): pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(person_id, mni, 'severe_anaemia_resolution',[person_id, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] = 'none'
[docs] def assessment_and_treatment_of_anaemia(self, hsi_event): """ This function represents the management of postnatal anaemia including iron and folic acid administration and blood testing. Women with severe anaemia are scheduled to receive blood. It is called during HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = params = self.current_parameters mother = df.loc[person_id] mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # Use dx_test function to assess anaemia status test_result = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run='full_blood_count_hb_pn', hsi_event=hsi_event) hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=self.item_codes_lab_consumables['blood_test_equipment']) # Check consumables if test_result: # Start iron and folic acid supplementation for women not already receiving this if not mother.la_iron_folic_acid_postnatal: days = int((6 -[person_id, 'pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks']) * 7) dose = days * 3 cons = {_i: dose for _i in self.item_codes_lab_consumables['iron_folic_acid']} avail = hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=cons) # Start iron and folic acid treatment if avail:[person_id, 'la_iron_folic_acid_postnatal'] = True if self.rng.random_sample() < params['effect_of_ifa_for_resolving_anaemia']: # Store date of resolution for daly calculations pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni( person_id, mni, f'{[person_id, "pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy"]}_anaemia_resolution',[person_id, 'pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy'] = 'none' # Severe anaemia would require treatment via blood transfusion if mother.pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy == 'severe': mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood'] = True
[docs] def assessment_for_depression(self, hsi_event): """ This function schedules depression screening for women who attend postnatal care via the Depression module. It is called within HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = if 'Depression' in self.sim.modules.keys(): self.sim.modules['Depression'].do_on_presentation_to_care(person_id=person_id, hsi_event=hsi_event)
[docs] def interventions_delivered_pre_discharge(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the interventions that are delivered to women prior to discharge. This are considered part of essential postnatal care and currently include testing for HIV and postnatal iron and folic acid supplementation. It is called by HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = int( params = self.current_parameters # HIV testing occurs within the HIV module for women who haven't already been diagnosed. # The probability of getting the HIV test is determined by the Hiv module. if 'Hiv' in self.sim.modules: self.sim.modules['Hiv'].decide_whether_hiv_test_for_mother(person_id, referred_from="labour") # ------------------------------- Postnatal iron and folic acid --------------------------------------------- cons = {_i: params['number_ifa_tablets_required_postnatally'] for _i in self.item_codes_lab_consumables['iron_folic_acid']} avail = hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=cons) # Women are started on iron and folic acid for the next three months which reduces risk of anaemia in the # postnatal period if avail and (self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_adherent_ifa']):[person_id, 'la_iron_folic_acid_postnatal'] = True
[docs] def run_if_receives_skilled_birth_attendance_cant_run(self, hsi_event): """ This function is called by HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceFollowingLabour if the HSI is unable to run on the date it has been scheduled for. For these women who cannot deliver in a facility despite presenting for care, they will be scheduled to undergo a home birth via LabourAtHomeEvent and will continue with the correct schedule of labour events :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ person_id = mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuringLabour will not run for ' f'{person_id}') # Women may have presented to HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledBirthAttendanceFollowingLabour following # complications at a home birth. Those women should not be scheduled to LabourAtHomeEvent if not mni[person_id]['sought_care_for_complication']: mni[person_id]['delivery_setting'] = 'home_birth' self.sim.schedule_event(LabourAtHomeEvent(self, person_id), mni[person_id]['hsi_cant_run'] = True
[docs] def run_if_receives_postnatal_check_cant_run(self, hsi_event): """ This function is called by HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck if the HSI is unable to run on the date it has been scheduled for. For these women who have may have experienced life threatening complications we apply risk of death in this function, as it would have been applied in the HSI which can not run :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ person_id = logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck will not run for {person_id}') self.apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death(person_id)
[docs] def run_if_receives_comprehensive_emergency_obstetric_care_cant_run(self, hsi_event): """ This function is called by HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare if the HSI is unable to run on the date it has been scheduled for. For these women who have may have experienced life threatening complications we apply risk of death in this function, as it would have been applied in the HSI which can not run :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ person_id = logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare will not run for' f' {person_id}') # For women referred to this event after the postnatal SBA HSI we apply risk of death (as if should have been # applied in this event if it ran) if hsi_event.timing == 'postpartum': self.apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death(person_id)
[docs] def do_at_generic_first_appt_emergency( self, patient_id: int, patient_details: PatientDetails, random_state: RandomState, **kwargs, ) -> IndividualPropertyUpdates: mni = self.sim.modules["PregnancySupervisor"].mother_and_newborn_info labour_list = self.sim.modules["Labour"].women_in_labour if patient_id in labour_list: la_currently_in_labour = patient_details.la_currently_in_labour if ( la_currently_in_labour & mni[patient_id]["sought_care_for_complication"] & (mni[patient_id]["sought_care_labour_phase"] == "intrapartum") ): event = HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuringLabour( module=self, person_id=patient_id, # facility_level_of_this_hsi=random_state.choice(["1a", "1b"]), facility_level_of_this_hsi=self.rng.choice(["1a", "1b"]), ) self.healthsystem.schedule_hsi_event( event, priority=0,, + pd.DateOffset(days=1), )
[docs] class LabourOnsetEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is the LabourOnsetEvent. It is scheduled by the set_date_of_labour function for all women who are newly pregnant. In addition it is scheduled via the Pregnancy Supervisor module for women who are going into preterm labour and by the Care of Women During Pregnancy module for women who require emergency delivery as an intervention to treat a pregnancy-threatening complication. It represents the start of a womans labour and is the first event all woman who are going to give birth pass through - regardless of mode of delivery or if they are already an inpatient. This event performs a number of different functions including populating the mni dictionary to store additional variables important to labour and HSIs, determining if and where a woman will seek care for delivery, schedules the LabourAtHome event and the HSI_Labour_PresentsForSkilledAttendance at birth (depending on care seeking), the BirthAndPostnatalEvent and the LabourDeathAndStillBirthEvent. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props params = self.module.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # First we use this check to determine if labour can precede (includes checks on is_alive) if self.module.check_labour_can_proceed(individual_id): # We indicate this woman is now in labour using this property, and by adding her individual ID to our # labour list (for testing)[individual_id, 'la_currently_in_labour'] = True self.module.women_in_labour.append(individual_id) # We then run the labour_characteristics_checker as a final check that only appropriate women are here self.module.labour_characteristics_checker(individual_id) # Update the mni with new variables pregnancy_helper_functions.update_mni_dictionary(self.module, individual_id) # ===================================== LABOUR STATE ===================================================== # Next we categories each woman according to her gestation age at delivery. These categories include term # (37-42 weeks gestational age), post term (42 weeks plus), early preterm (24-33 weeks) and late preterm # (34-36 weeks) # First we calculate foetal age - days from conception until todays date and then add 2 weeks to calculate # gestational age foetal_age_in_days = ( -[individual_id, 'date_of_last_pregnancy']).days gestational_age_in_days = foetal_age_in_days + 14 # We use parameters containing the upper and lower limits, in days, that a mothers pregnancy has to be to be # categorised accordingly if params['list_limits_for_defining_term_status'][0] <= gestational_age_in_days <= \ params['list_limits_for_defining_term_status'][1]: mni[individual_id]['labour_state'] = 'term_labour' # Here we allow a woman to go into early preterm labour with a gestational age of 23 (limit is 24) to # account for PregnancySupervisor only updating weekly elif params['list_limits_for_' 'defining_term_status'][2] <= gestational_age_in_days <= params['list_limits_for_' 'defining_term_status'][3]: mni[individual_id]['labour_state'] = 'early_preterm_labour''maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'early_preterm_labour', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) elif params['list_limits_for_defining_term_status'][4] <= gestational_age_in_days <= params['list_limits' '_for_defining' '_term_' 'status'][5]: mni[individual_id]['labour_state'] = 'late_preterm_labour''maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'late_preterm_labour', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) elif gestational_age_in_days >= params['list_limits_for_defining_term_status'][6]: mni[individual_id]['labour_state'] = 'postterm_labour''maternal_complication', data={'person': individual_id, 'type': 'post_term_labour', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) labour_state = mni[individual_id]['labour_state'] # We check all women have had their labour state set if labour_state is None:'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} has not had their labour state stored in ' f'the mni') logger.debug(key='message', data=f'This is LabourOnsetEvent, person {individual_id} has now gone into ' f'{labour_state} on date {}') # ----------------------------------- FOETAL WEIGHT/BIRTH WEIGHT ---------------------------------------- # Here we determine the weight of the foetus being carried by this mother, this is calculated here to allow # the size of the baby to effect risk of certain maternal complications (i.e. obstructed labour) if[individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 24: mean_birth_weight_list_location = 1 else: mean_birth_weight_list_location = int(min(41,[individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks']) - 24) standard_deviation = params['standard_deviation_birth_weights'][mean_birth_weight_list_location] # We randomly draw this newborns weight from a normal distribution around the mean for their gestation birth_weight = self.module.rng.normal(loc=params['mean_birth_weights'][mean_birth_weight_list_location], scale=standard_deviation) # Then we calculate the 10th and 90th percentile, these are the case definition for 'small for gestational # age and 'large for gestational age' small_for_gestational_age_cutoff = scipy.stats.norm.ppf( 0.1, loc=params['mean_birth_weights'][mean_birth_weight_list_location], scale=standard_deviation) large_for_gestational_age_cutoff = scipy.stats.norm.ppf( 0.9, loc=params['mean_birth_weights'][mean_birth_weight_list_location], scale=standard_deviation) # Make the appropriate changes to the mni dictionary (both are stored as property of the newborn on birth) if birth_weight >= 4000: mni[individual_id]['birth_weight'] = 'macrosomia' elif birth_weight >= 2500: if self.module.rng.random_sample() < params['residual_prob_of_macrosomia']: mni[individual_id]['birth_weight'] = 'macrosomia' else: mni[individual_id]['birth_weight'] = 'normal_birth_weight' elif 1500 <= birth_weight < 2500: mni[individual_id]['birth_weight'] = 'low_birth_weight' elif 1000 <= birth_weight < 1500: mni[individual_id]['birth_weight'] = 'very_low_birth_weight' elif birth_weight < 1000: mni[individual_id]['birth_weight'] = 'extremely_low_birth_weight' if birth_weight < small_for_gestational_age_cutoff: mni[individual_id]['birth_size'] = 'small_for_gestational_age' elif birth_weight > large_for_gestational_age_cutoff: mni[individual_id]['birth_size'] = 'large_for_gestational_age' else: mni[individual_id]['birth_size'] = 'average_for_gestational_age' # ===================================== CARE SEEKING AND DELIVERY SETTING ================================ # Next we determine if women who are now in labour will seek care for delivery. We assume women who have # been admitted antenatally for delivery will be delivering in hospital and that is scheduled accordingly if[individual_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'none': # Here we calculate this womans predicted risk of home birth and health centre birth pred_hb_delivery = self.module.la_linear_models['probability_delivery_at_home'].predict( df.loc[[individual_id]])[individual_id] pred_hc_delivery = self.module.la_linear_models['probability_delivery_health_centre'].predict( df.loc[[individual_id]])[individual_id] pred_hp_delivery = params['probability_delivery_hospital'] # The denominator is calculated denom = pred_hp_delivery + pred_hb_delivery + pred_hc_delivery # Followed by the probability of each of the three outcomes - home birth, health centre birth or # hospital birth prob_hb = pred_hb_delivery / denom prob_hc = pred_hc_delivery / denom prob_hp = pred_hp_delivery / denom # And a probability weighted random draw is used to determine where the woman will deliver facility_types = ['home_birth', 'health_centre', 'hospital'] # This allows us to simply manipulate care seeking during labour test file if mni[individual_id]['test_run']: probabilities = params['test_care_seeking_probs'] else: probabilities = [prob_hb, prob_hc, prob_hp] mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] = self.module.rng.choice(facility_types, p=probabilities) else: # We assume all women with complications will deliver in a hospital mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] = 'hospital' # Check all women's 'delivery setting' is set if mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] is None:'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} did not have their delivery setting stored in ' f'the mni') # Women delivering at home move the the LabourAtHomeEvent as they will not receive skilled birth attendance if mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'home_birth': self.sim.schedule_event(LabourAtHomeEvent(self.module, individual_id), # Otherwise the appropriate HSI is scheduled elif mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'health_centre': health_centre_delivery = HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuringLabour( self.module, person_id=individual_id, facility_level_of_this_hsi='1a') self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(health_centre_delivery, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=2)) elif mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'hospital': facility_level = self.module.rng.choice(['1b', '2']) hospital_delivery = HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuringLabour( self.module, person_id=individual_id, facility_level_of_this_hsi=facility_level) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(hospital_delivery, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=2)) # ======================================== SCHEDULING BIRTH AND DEATH EVENTS ============================ # We schedule all women to move through both the death and birth event. # The death event is scheduled to happen after a woman has received care OR delivered at home to allow for # any treatment effects to mitigate risk of poor outcomes self.sim.schedule_event(LabourDeathAndStillBirthEvent(self.module, individual_id), + DateOffset(days=4)) # After the death event women move to the Birth Event where, for surviving women and foetus, birth occurs # in the simulation self.sim.schedule_event(BirthAndPostnatalOutcomesEvent(self.module, individual_id), + DateOffset(days=5))
[docs] class LabourAtHomeEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is the LabourAtHomeEvent. It is scheduled by the LabourOnsetEvent for women who will not seek delivery care at a health facility. This event applies the probability that women delivering at home will experience complications associated with the intrapartum phase of labour and makes the appropriate changes to the data frame. Additionally, this event applies a probability that women who develop complications during a home birth may choose to seek care from at a health facility. In that case the appropriate HSI is scheduled. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.module.current_parameters if not[individual_id, 'is_alive']: return # Check only women delivering at home pass through this event and that the right characteristics are present if not mni[individual_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'home_birth':'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} arrived at home birth event incorrectly') return self.module.labour_characteristics_checker(individual_id) # =================================== APPLICATION OF COMPLICATIONS =========================================== # Using the complication_application function we loop through each complication and determine if a woman # will experience any of these if she has delivered at home for complication in ['obstruction_cpd', 'obstruction_malpos_malpres', 'obstruction_other', 'placental_abruption', 'antepartum_haem', 'sepsis_chorioamnionitis', 'uterine_rupture']: self.module.set_intrapartum_complications(individual_id, complication=complication) if[individual_id, 'la_obstructed_labour']:'maternal_complication', data={'mother': individual_id, 'type': 'obstructed_labour', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) # And we determine if any existing hypertensive disorders would worsen self.module.progression_of_hypertensive_disorders(individual_id, property_prefix='ps') # ============================== CARE SEEKING FOLLOWING COMPLICATIONS ======================================== # Next we determine if women who develop a complication during a home birth will seek care # (Women who have been scheduled a home birth after seeking care at a facility that didnt have capacity to # deliver the HSI will not try to seek care if they develop a complication) if not mni[individual_id]['hsi_cant_run']: if[individual_id, 'la_obstructed_labour'] or \ ([individual_id, 'la_antepartum_haem'] != 'none') or \[individual_id, 'la_sepsis'] or \ ([individual_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia') or \ (([individual_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp') and mni[individual_id]['new_onset_spe']) or[individual_id, 'la_uterine_rupture']: if self.module.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_careseeking_for_complication']: mni[individual_id]['sought_care_for_complication'] = True mni[individual_id]['sought_care_labour_phase'] = 'intrapartum' # We assume women present to the health system through the generic a&e appointment from tlo.methods.hsi_generic_first_appts import HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstAppt event = HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstAppt( module=self.module, person_id=individual_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(event, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) else: mni[individual_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = True
[docs] class LabourDeathAndStillBirthEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is the LabourDeathAndStillBirthEvent. It is scheduled by the LabourOnsetEvent for all women in the labour module following the application of complications (and possibly treatment) for women who have given birth at home OR in a facility . This event determines if women who have experienced complications in labour will die or experience an intrapartum stillbirth. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, individual_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=individual_id)
[docs] def apply(self, individual_id): df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.module.current_parameters if not[individual_id, 'is_alive']: return # Check the correct amount of time has passed between labour onset and this event event if not ( -[individual_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy']) == pd.to_timedelta(4, unit='D'):'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} arrived at LabourDeathAndStillBirthEvent at the ' f'wrong date') self.module.labour_characteristics_checker(individual_id) # Function checks df for any potential cause of death, uses CFR parameters to determine risk of death # (either from one or multiple causes) and if death occurs returns the cause potential_cause_of_death = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_for_risk_of_death_from_cause_maternal( self.module, individual_id=individual_id, timing='intrapartum') # If a cause is returned death is scheduled if potential_cause_of_death: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_mni_for_maternal_death(self.module, individual_id) self.sim.modules['Demography'].do_death(individual_id=individual_id, cause=potential_cause_of_death, originating_module=self.sim.modules['Labour']) mni[individual_id]['death_in_labour'] = True # Next we determine if she will experience a stillbirth during her delivery outcome_of_still_birth_equation = self.module.predict(self.module.la_linear_models['intrapartum_still_birth'], individual_id) # We also assume that if a womans labour has started prior to 24 weeks the baby would not survive and we class # this as a stillbirth if ([individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 24) or outcome_of_still_birth_equation: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'person {individual_id} has experienced an intrapartum still birth') random_draw = self.module.rng.random_sample() # If this woman will experience a stillbirth and she was not pregnant with twins OR she was pregnant with # twins but both twins have died during labour we reset/set the appropriate variables if not[individual_id, 'ps_multiple_pregnancy'] or \ ([individual_id, 'ps_multiple_pregnancy'] and (random_draw < params['prob_both_twins_ip_still_' 'birth'])):[individual_id, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth'] = True # This variable is therefore only ever true when the pregnancy has ended in stillbirth[individual_id, 'ps_prev_stillbirth'] = True # Next reset pregnancy and update contraception self.sim.modules['Contraception'].end_pregnancy(individual_id) # If one twin survives we store this as a property of the MNI which is reference on_birth of the newborn # outcomes to ensure this twin pregnancy only leads to one birth elif ([individual_id, 'ps_multiple_pregnancy'] and (random_draw > params['prob_both_twins_ip_still_' 'birth'])):[individual_id, 'ps_prev_stillbirth'] = True mni[individual_id]['single_twin_still_birth'] = True logger.debug(key='message', data=f'single twin stillbirth for {individual_id}') if mni[individual_id]['death_in_labour'] and[individual_id, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth']: # We delete the mni dictionary if both mother and baby have died in labour, if the mother has died but # the baby has survived we delete the dictionary following the on_birth function of NewbornOutcomes del mni[individual_id] if[individual_id, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth'] or mni[individual_id]['single_twin_still_birth']:'intrapartum_stillbirth', data={'mother_id': individual_id, 'date_of_ip_stillbirth':}) # Reset property if individual_id in mni: mni[individual_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = False # Finally, reset some treatment variables if not potential_cause_of_death:[individual_id, 'la_maternal_hypertension_treatment'] = False[individual_id, 'ac_iv_anti_htn_treatment'] = False[individual_id, 'ac_mag_sulph_treatment'] = False[individual_id, 'la_eclampsia_treatment'] = False[individual_id, 'la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment'] = False
[docs] class BirthAndPostnatalOutcomesEvent(Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is BirthAndPostnatalOutcomesEvent. It is scheduled by LabourOnsetEvent when women go into labour. This event calls the do_birth function for all women who have gone into labour to generate a newborn within the simulation. Additionally, this event applies the incidence of complications immediately following birth and determines if each woman will receive a full postnatal check-up and when. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, mother_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=mother_id)
[docs] def apply(self, mother_id): df = self.sim.population.props person = df.loc[mother_id] mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.module.current_parameters # This event tells the simulation that the woman's pregnancy is over and generates the new child in the # data frame - Check the correct amount of time has passed between labour onset and birth event and that women # at the event have the right characteristics present if not ( -[mother_id, 'la_due_date_current_pregnancy']) == pd.to_timedelta(5, unit='D'):'error', data=f'Mother {mother_id} arrived at BirthAndPostnatalOutcomesEvent at the ' f'wrong date') self.module.labour_characteristics_checker(mother_id) if not person.is_alive and person.la_intrapartum_still_birth: return # =============================================== BIRTH ==================================================== # If the mother is alive and still pregnant OR has died but the foetus has survived we generate a child. # Live women are scheduled to move to the postpartum event to determine if they experience any additional # complications if (person.is_alive and person.is_pregnant and not person.la_intrapartum_still_birth) or \ (not person.is_alive and mni[mother_id]['death_in_labour'] and not person.la_intrapartum_still_birth):'message', data=f'A Birth is now occurring, to mother {mother_id}') # If the mother is pregnant with twins, we call the do_birth function twice and then link the twins # (via sibling id) in the newborn module if person.ps_multiple_pregnancy: child_one = self.sim.do_birth(mother_id) if not mni[mother_id]['single_twin_still_birth']: child_two = self.sim.do_birth(mother_id) logger.debug(key='message', data=f'Mother {mother_id} will now deliver twins {child_one} & ' f'{child_two}') self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'].link_twins(child_one, child_two, mother_id) else: self.sim.do_birth(mother_id) df = self.sim.population.props # If the mother survived labour but experienced a stillbirth we reset all the relevant pregnancy variables now if[mother_id, 'is_alive'] and[mother_id, 'la_intrapartum_still_birth']: self.sim.modules['Labour'].further_on_birth_labour(mother_id) self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].further_on_birth_pregnancy_supervisor(mother_id) self.sim.modules['PostnatalSupervisor'].further_on_birth_postnatal_supervisor(mother_id) self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'].further_on_birth_care_of_women_in_pregnancy(mother_id) # Next we apply the risk of complications following delivery if[mother_id, 'is_alive']:[mother_id, 'la_is_postpartum'] = True[mother_id, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery'] = for complication in ['sepsis_endometritis', 'sepsis_urinary_tract', 'sepsis_skin_soft_tissue', 'pph_uterine_atony', 'pph_retained_placenta', 'pph_other']: self.module.set_postpartum_complications(mother_id, complication=complication) if[mother_id, 'la_sepsis_pp']:'maternal_complication', data={'person': mother_id, 'type': 'sepsis_postnatal', 'timing': 'postnatal'}) if[mother_id, 'la_postpartum_haem']:'maternal_complication', data={'person': mother_id, 'type': 'primary_postpartum_haemorrhage', 'timing': 'postnatal'}) self.module.progression_of_hypertensive_disorders(mother_id, property_prefix='pn') # Following this we determine if this woman will receive/seek care for postnatal care after delivery if ([mother_id, 'la_sepsis_pp'] or[mother_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] or (([mother_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp') and mni[mother_id]['new_onset_spe']) or ([mother_id, 'pn_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia')): # Women with complications have a higher baseline probability of seeking postnatal care prob_pnc = params['prob_careseeking_for_complication_pn'] has_comps = True else: # We use a linear model to determine if women without complications will receive any postnatal care prob_pnc = self.module.la_linear_models['postnatal_check'].predict( df.loc[[mother_id]], mode_of_delivery=pd.Series(mni[mother_id]['mode_of_delivery'], index=df.loc[[mother_id]].index), delivery_setting=pd.Series(mni[mother_id]['delivery_setting'], index=df.loc[[mother_id]].index) )[mother_id] has_comps = False # If she will receive PNC, we determine if this will happen less than 48 hours from birth or later if self.module.rng.random_sample() < prob_pnc: timing = self.module.rng.choice(['<48', '>48'], p=params['prob_timings_pnc']) if timing == '<48' or has_comps: mni[mother_id]['will_receive_pnc'] = 'early' early_event = HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck( module=self.module, person_id=mother_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( early_event, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=2)) else: # For women who do not have prompt PNC, we determine if they will die from complications occurring # following birth that have not been treated mni[mother_id]['will_receive_pnc'] = 'late' mni[mother_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = True self.module.apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death(mother_id) else: # Similarly for women who will not receive PNC at all we apply risk of death mni[mother_id]['didnt_seek_care'] = True self.module.apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death(mother_id)
[docs] class HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuringLabour(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is the HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuringLabour. This event is the first HSI for women who have chosen to deliver in a health care facility. Broadly this HSI represents care provided by a skilled birth attendant during labour. This event... 1.) Determines if women will benefit from prophylactic interventions and delivers the interventions 2.) Applies risk of intrapartum complications 3.) Determines if women who have experience complications will benefit from treatment interventions and delivers the interventions 4.) Schedules additional comprehensive emergency obstetric care for women who need it. (Comprehensive interventions (blood transfusion, caeasarean section and surgery) are housed within a different HSI.) Only interventions that can be delivered in BEmONC facilities are delivered in this HSI. These include intravenous antibiotics, intravenous anticonvulsants and assisted vaginal delivery. Additionally women may receive antihypertensives in line with Malawi's EHP. Interventions will only be attempted to be delivered if the squeeze factor of the HSI is below a predetermined threshold of each intervention. CEmONC level interventions are managed within HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, facility_level_of_this_hsi): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Labour) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'DeliveryCare_Basic' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'NormalDelivery': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = facility_level_of_this_hsi self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'maternity_bed': 2})
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info df = self.sim.population.props params = self.module.current_parameters if not[person_id, 'is_alive']: return # First we capture women who have presented to this event during labour at home. Currently we just set these # women to be delivering at a health centre (this will need to be randomised to match any available data) if mni[person_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'home_birth' and mni[person_id]['sought_care_for_complication']: mni[person_id]['delivery_setting'] = 'health_centre' # Next we check this woman has the right characteristics to be at this event self.module.labour_characteristics_checker(person_id) # Log potential error if mni[person_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'home_birth':'error', data=f'Mother {person_id} is receiving SBA with delivery setting as home birth') # Here we ensure that women who were admitted via the antenatal ward for assisted/caesarean delivery have the # correct variables updated leading to referral for delivery if ([person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'caesarean_now') or \ ([person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'caesarean_future'): mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] = True elif[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'avd_now': self.module.assessment_for_assisted_vaginal_delivery(self, indication='spe_ec') # LOG CONSUMABLES FOR DELIVERY... # We assume all deliveries require this basic package of consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='delivery_core', optional='delivery_optional') # If the clean delivery kit consumable is available, we assume women benefit from clean delivery if avail: mni[person_id]['clean_birth_practices'] = True # ===================================== PROPHYLACTIC CARE =================================================== # The following function manages the consumables and administration of prophylactic interventions in labour # (clean delivery practice, antibiotics for PROM, steroids for preterm labour) self.module.prophylactic_labour_interventions(self) # ================================= PROPHYLACTIC MANAGEMENT PRE-ECLAMPSIA ============================== # Next we see if women with severe pre-eclampsia will be identified and treated, reducing their risk of # eclampsia self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_severe_pre_eclampsia_mgso4(self, 'ip') # ===================================== APPLYING COMPLICATION INCIDENCE ======================================= # Following administration of prophylaxis we assess if this woman will develop any complications during labour. # Women who have sought care because of complication have already had these risk applied so it doesnt happen # again if not mni[person_id]['sought_care_for_complication']: for complication in ['obstruction_cpd', 'obstruction_malpos_malpres', 'obstruction_other', 'placental_abruption', 'antepartum_haem', 'sepsis_chorioamnionitis', 'uterine_rupture']: # Uterine rupture is the only complication we dont apply the risk of here due to the causal link # between obstructed labour and uterine rupture. Therefore we want interventions for obstructed labour # to reduce the risk of uterine rupture self.module.set_intrapartum_complications(person_id, complication=complication) self.module.progression_of_hypertensive_disorders(person_id, property_prefix='ps') if[person_id, 'la_obstructed_labour']:'maternal_complication', data={'mother': person_id, 'type': 'obstructed_labour', 'timing': 'intrapartum'}) # ======================================= COMPLICATION MANAGEMENT ========================== # Next, women in labour are assessed for complications and treatment delivered if a need is identified and # consumables are available self.module.assessment_for_assisted_vaginal_delivery(self, indication='ol') self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_maternal_sepsis(self, 'ip') self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_hypertension(self, labour_stage='ip') self.module.assessment_and_plan_for_antepartum_haemorrhage(self) self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_eclampsia(self, 'ip') self.module.assessment_for_referral_uterine_rupture(self) # -------------------------- Active Management of the third stage of labour ---------------------------------- # Prophylactic treatment to prevent postpartum bleeding is applied if not mni[person_id]['sought_care_for_complication']: self.module.active_management_of_the_third_stage_of_labour(self) # -------------------------- Caesarean section/AVD for un-modelled reason ------------------------------------ # We apply a probability to women who have not already been allocated to undergo assisted/caesarean delivery # that they will require assisted/caesarean delivery to capture indications which are not explicitly modelled if not mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] and (not mni[person_id]['mode_of_delivery'] == 'instrumental'): if[person_id, 'la_previous_cs_delivery'] > 1: mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] = True mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'previous_scar' elif self.module.rng.random_sample() < params['residual_prob_caesarean']: mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] = True mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'other' elif self.module.rng.random_sample() < params['residual_prob_avd']: self.module.assessment_for_assisted_vaginal_delivery(self, indication='other') # -------------------------- Newborn resuscitation ------------------------------------------------------------ # We check in this HSI that if the mother has a live born baby who requires resucitation that they will receive # the intervention if not mni[person_id]['sought_care_for_complication']: # TODO: potential issue is that this consumable is being logged now for every birth as opposed to # for each birth where resuscitation of the newborn is required avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='resuscitation') # Run HCW check sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self.module, sf='neo_resus', hsi_event=self) if sf_check and avail: mni[person_id]['neo_will_receive_resus_if_needed'] = True # ========================================== SCHEDULING CEMONC CARE ========================================= # Finally women who require additional treatment have the appropriate HSI scheduled to deliver further care if mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] or \ mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] or \ mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood']: if self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL != '1a': cemonc_fl = str(self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL) else: cemonc_fl = self.module.rng.choice(['1b', '2']) surgical_management = HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare( self.module, person_id=person_id, timing='intrapartum', facility_level_of_this_hsi=cemonc_fl) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(surgical_management, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=2)) # If a this woman has experienced a complication the appointment footprint is changed from normal to # complicated if ([person_id, 'la_sepsis'] or[person_id, 'la_antepartum_haem'] != 'none' or[person_id, 'la_obstructed_labour'] or[person_id, 'la_uterine_rupture'] or[person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia' or[person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp' ): return self.make_appt_footprint({'CompDelivery': 1})
[docs] def never_ran(self): self.module.run_if_receives_skilled_birth_attendance_cant_run(self)
[docs] def did_not_run(self): self.module.run_if_receives_skilled_birth_attendance_cant_run(self) return False
[docs] def not_available(self): self.module.run_if_receives_skilled_birth_attendance_cant_run(self)
[docs] class HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck. It is scheduled by BirthAndPostnatalOutcomesEvent for all women who will receive full postnatal checkup after birth. Additionally, this event is scheduled by the PostnatalSupervisorEvent for women who require PNC later in the postnatal period. This event represents the postpartum care contact after delivery and includes assessment and treatment of severe pre-eclampsia, hypertension, sepsis and postpartum bleeding. In addition woman are scheduled HIV screening if appropriate and started on postnatal iron tablets """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Labour) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'PostnatalCare_Maternal' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'Over5OPD': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = self._get_facility_level_for_pnc(person_id)
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info df = self.sim.population.props params = self.module.current_parameters if not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or pd.isnull([person_id, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery']): return None # Ensure that women who were scheduled to receive early PNC have received care prior to passing through # PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent if (mni[person_id]['will_receive_pnc'] == 'early') and not mni[person_id]['passed_through_week_one']: if not <= ([person_id, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery'] + pd.DateOffset(days=2)):'error', data=f'Mother {person_id} attended early PNC too late') if not[person_id, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'] == 0:'error', data=f'Mother {person_id} attended early PNC twice') elif mni[person_id]['will_receive_pnc'] == 'late' and not mni[person_id]['passed_through_week_one']: if not >= ([person_id, 'la_date_most_recent_delivery'] + pd.DateOffset(days=2)):'error', data=f'Mother {person_id} attended late PNC too early') if not[person_id, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'] == 0:'error', data=f'Mother {person_id} attended late PNC twice') # Run checks self.module.postpartum_characteristics_checker(person_id) # log the PNC visit'postnatal_check', data={'person_id': person_id, 'delivery_setting': mni[person_id]['delivery_setting'], 'visit_number':[person_id, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'], 'timing': mni[person_id]['will_receive_pnc']})[person_id, 'la_pn_checks_maternal'] += 1 # reset variable for capturing early pnc mni[person_id]['will_receive_pnc'] = 'none' # Perform assessments and treatment for each of the major complications that can occur after birth self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_eclampsia(self, 'pp') self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_pph_retained_placenta(self) self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_pph_uterine_atony(self) self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_maternal_sepsis(self, 'pp') self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_severe_pre_eclampsia_mgso4(self, 'pp') self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_hypertension(self, 'pp') if self.module.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_intervention_delivered_anaemia_assessment_pnc']: self.module.assessment_and_treatment_of_anaemia(self) self.module.assessment_for_depression(self) self.module.interventions_delivered_pre_discharge(self) mother = df.loc[person_id] # Schedule higher level care for women requiring comprehensive treatment if self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL != '1a': cemonc_fl = str(self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL) else: cemonc_fl = self.module.rng.choice(['1b', '2']) if mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] or mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood']: surgical_management = HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare( self.module, person_id=person_id, timing='postpartum', facility_level_of_this_hsi=cemonc_fl) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(surgical_management, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) # Women who require treatment for postnatal complications are schedule to the inpatient HSI to capture inpatient # days elif (mother.la_sepsis_treatment or mother.la_eclampsia_treatment or mother.la_severe_pre_eclampsia_treatment or mother.la_maternal_hypertension_treatment or self.module.pph_treatment.has_all(person_id, 'manual_removal_placenta')): postnatal_inpatient = HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare( self.module, person_id=person_id, facility_level_of_this_hsi=cemonc_fl) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(postnatal_inpatient, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) # ====================================== APPLY RISK OF DEATH=================================================== if not mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] and not mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood']: self.module.apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death(person_id) return self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT
[docs] def never_ran(self): self.module.run_if_receives_postnatal_check_cant_run(self)
[docs] def did_not_run(self): self.module.run_if_receives_postnatal_check_cant_run(self) return False
[docs] def not_available(self): self.module.run_if_receives_postnatal_check_cant_run(self)
[docs] def _get_facility_level_for_pnc(self, person_id): mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info if (person_id in mni) and (mni[person_id]['will_receive_pnc'] == 'early') and \ (mni[person_id]['delivery_setting'] == 'hospital'): return self.module.rng.choice(['1b', '2']) else: return '1a'
[docs] class HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare. This event houses all the interventions that are required to be delivered at a CEmONC level facility including caesarean section, blood transfusion and surgery during or following labour Currently we assume that if this even runs and the consumables are available then the intervention is delivered i.e. we dont apply squeeze factor threshold. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, timing, facility_level_of_this_hsi): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Labour) if timing == 'intrapartum': t_id = 'DeliveryCare_Comprehensive' else: t_id = 'PostnatalCare_Comprehensive' self.TREATMENT_ID = t_id self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'MajorSurg': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = facility_level_of_this_hsi self.timing = timing
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info params = self.module.current_parameters # We use the variable self.timing to differentiate between women sent to this event during labour and women # sent after labour # ========================================== CAESAREAN SECTION =============================================== # For women arriving to this event during labour who have been referred for caesarean the intervention is # delivered if mni[person_id]['referred_for_cs'] and self.timing == 'intrapartum': # We log the required consumables and condition the caesarean happening on the availability of the # first consumable in this package, the anaesthetic required for the surgery avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_lab_consumables, core='caesarean_delivery_core', optional='caesarean_delivery_optional') # We check that the HCW will deliver the intervention sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self.module, sf='surg', hsi_event=self) # Block CS delivery for this analysis if params['la_analysis_in_progress'] and (params['cemonc_availability'] == 0.0): logger.debug(key='message', data="cs delivery blocked for this analysis") elif (avail and sf_check) or (mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] == 'other'): person = df.loc[person_id]'caesarean_delivery', data=person.to_dict())'cs_indications', data={'id': person_id, 'indication': mni[person_id]['cs_indication']}) # The appropriate variables in the MNI and dataframe are stored. Current caesarean section reduces # risk of intrapartum still birth and death due to antepartum haemorrhage mni[person_id]['mode_of_delivery'] = 'caesarean_section' mni[person_id]['amtsl_given'] = True[person_id, 'la_previous_cs_delivery'] += 1 # ================================ SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF RUPTURED UTERUS ===================================== # Women referred after the labour HSI following correct identification of ruptured uterus will also need to # undergo surgical repair of this complication if mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] and self.timing == 'intrapartum' and[person_id, 'la_uterine_rupture']: # If the staff and consumables are available to deliver a caesarean for this individual we do not run any # further checks and surgical repair is assume to have occurred during their caesarean surgery if mni[person_id]['mode_of_delivery'] == 'caesarean_section': # log treatment is delivered pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self.module, 'ur_surg', self) # Determine if the uterus can be repaired treatment_success_ur = params['success_rate_uterine_repair'] > self.module.rng.random_sample() if treatment_success_ur:[person_id, 'la_uterine_rupture_treatment'] = True # Unsuccessful repair will lead to this woman requiring a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy will also reduce # risk of death from uterine rupture but leads to permanent infertility in the simulation else:[person_id, 'la_has_had_hysterectomy'] = True # ============================= SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF POSTPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE================================== # Women referred for surgery immediately following labour will need surgical management of postpartum bleeding # Treatment is varied accordingly to underlying cause of bleeding if (mni[person_id]['referred_for_surgery'] and (self.timing == 'postpartum') and ([person_id, 'la_postpartum_haem'] or[person_id, 'pn_postpartum_haem_secondary'])): self.module.surgical_management_of_pph(self) # =========================================== BLOOD TRANSFUSION =============================================== # Women referred for blood transfusion alone or in conjunction with one of the above interventions will receive # that here if mni[person_id]['referred_for_blood']: self.module.blood_transfusion(self) # Women who have passed through the postpartum SBA HSI have not yet had their risk of death calculated because # they required interventions delivered via this event. We now determine if these women will survive if self.timing == 'postpartum': self.module.apply_risk_of_early_postpartum_death(person_id) # Schedule HSI that captures inpatient days if[person_id, 'is_alive']: postnatal_inpatient = HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare( self.module, person_id=person_id, facility_level_of_this_hsi=str(self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL)) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(postnatal_inpatient, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) # Women who delivered via caesarean have the appropriate footprint applied if (self.timing == 'intrapartum') and (mni[person_id]['mode_of_delivery'] == 'caesarean_section'): return self.make_appt_footprint({'Csection': 1}) # And those who didnt have surgery had the expected footprint overwritten elif not[person_id, 'la_uterine_rupture_treatment'] and \ not[person_id, 'la_has_had_hysterectomy'] and not self.module.pph_treatment.has_all(person_id, 'surgery'): return self.make_appt_footprint({'InpatientDays': 1})
[docs] def never_ran(self): self.module.run_if_receives_comprehensive_emergency_obstetric_care_cant_run(self)
[docs] def did_not_run(self): self.module.run_if_receives_comprehensive_emergency_obstetric_care_cant_run(self) return False
[docs] def not_available(self): self.module.run_if_receives_comprehensive_emergency_obstetric_care_cant_run(self)
[docs] class HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare. It is scheduled by HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck for all women require treatment as inpatients after delivery. The primary function of this event is to capture inpatient bed days """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, facility_level_of_this_hsi): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, Labour) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'PostnatalCare_Maternal_Inpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = facility_level_of_this_hsi self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'maternity_bed': 5})
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare now running to capture ' 'inpatient time for an unwell postnatal woman')
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare: did not run') return False
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare: cannot not run with ' 'this configuration')
[docs] class LabourAndPostnatalCareAnalysisEvent(Event, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This is LabourAndPostnatalCareAnalysisEvent. This event is scheduled in initialise_simulation. When this event runs, and if any of the module parameters the signify analysis is being conducted are set to True, then key parameters are overridden to alter the coverage and/or quality of either B/CEmONC interventions or Postnatal Care for mothers and newborns. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module)
[docs] def apply(self, population): params = self.module.current_parameters df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info mni_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mni, orient='index') pn_params = self.sim.modules['PostnatalSupervisor'].current_parameters nb_params = self.sim.modules['NewbornOutcomes'].current_parameters # Check to see if analysis is being conducted when this event runs if params['alternative_bemonc_availability'] or params['alternative_cemonc_availability'] or \ params['alternative_pnc_coverage'] or params['alternative_pnc_quality'] or params['sba_sens_analysis_max'] \ or params['pnc_sens_analysis_max'] or params['pnc_sens_analysis_min']: params['la_analysis_in_progress'] = True # If PNC analysis is being conducted we reset the intercept parameter of the equation determining care # seeking for PNC and scale the model if params['alternative_pnc_coverage']: target = params['pnc_availability_odds'] params['odds_will_attend_pnc'] = 1 women = df.loc[df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50)] mode_of_delivery = pd.Series(False, index=women.index) delivery_setting = pd.Series(False, index=women.index) if 'mode_of_delivery' in mni_df.columns: mode_of_delivery = pd.Series(mni_df['mode_of_delivery'], index=women.index) if 'delivery_setting' in mni_df.columns: delivery_setting = pd.Series(mni_df['delivery_setting'], index=women.index) mean = self.module.la_linear_models['postnatal_check'].predict( df.loc[df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50)],, mode_of_delivery=mode_of_delivery, delivery_setting=delivery_setting).mean() mean = mean / (1.0 - mean) scaled_intercept = 1.0 * (target / mean) if (target != 0 and mean != 0 and not np.isnan(mean)) else 1.0 params['odds_will_attend_pnc'] = scaled_intercept # Then override the parameters which control neonatal care seeking cov_prob = params['pnc_availability_odds'] / (params['pnc_availability_odds'] + 1) params['prob_timings_pnc'] = [1.0, 0] nb_params['prob_pnc_check_newborn'] = cov_prob nb_params['prob_timings_pnc_newborns'] = [1.0, 0] if params['alternative_pnc_quality']: nb_params['prob_kmc_available'] = params['pnc_availability_probability'] params['prob_intervention_delivered_anaemia_assessment_pnc'] = params['pnc_availability_probability'] if params['pnc_sens_analysis_max'] or params['pnc_sens_analysis_min']: self.module.la_linear_models['postnatal_check'] = LinearModel( LinearModelType.MULTIPLICATIVE, params['pnc_availability_probability']) params['prob_timings_pnc'] = [params['pnc_availability_probability'], 1 - params['pnc_availability_probability']] params['prob_careseeking_for_complication_pn'] = params['pnc_availability_probability'] pn_params['prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency'] = params['pnc_availability_probability'] nb_params['prob_pnc_check_newborn'] = params['pnc_availability_probability'] nb_params['prob_timings_pnc_newborns'] = [params['pnc_availability_probability'], 1 - params['pnc_availability_probability']] nb_params['prob_care_seeking_for_complication'] = params['pnc_availability_probability'] pn_params['prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency_neonate'] = params['pnc_availability_probability'] if params['sba_sens_analysis_max']: params['odds_deliver_at_home'] = 0.0
[docs] class LabourLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """This is the LabourLoggingEvent. It uses the data frame and the labour_tracker to produce summary statistics which are processed and presented by different analysis scripts """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): self.repeat = 1 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(years=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): df = self.sim.population.props repro_women = df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) hysterectomy = df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & df.la_has_had_hysterectomy & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) labour = df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & df.la_currently_in_labour & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) postnatal = df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & df.la_is_postpartum & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) inpatient = df.is_alive & ( == 'F') & df.hs_is_inpatient & (df.age_years > 14) & (df.age_years < 50) prop_hyst = (len(hysterectomy.loc[hysterectomy]) / len(repro_women.loc[repro_women])) * 100 prop_in_labour = (len(labour.loc[labour]) / len(repro_women.loc[repro_women])) * 100 prop_pn = (len(postnatal.loc[postnatal]) / len(repro_women.loc[repro_women])) * 100 prop_ip = (len(inpatient.loc[inpatient]) / len(repro_women.loc[repro_women])) * 100'women_data_debug', data={'hyst': prop_hyst, 'labour': prop_in_labour, 'pn': prop_pn, 'ip': prop_ip})