Source code for tlo.methods.hsi_generic_first_appts

The file contains the event HSI_GenericFirstApptAtFacilityLevel1, which describes the first interaction with
the health system following the onset of acute generic symptoms.

This file contains the HSI events that represent the first contact with the Health System, which are triggered by
the onset of symptoms. Non-emergency symptoms lead to `HSI_GenericFirstApptAtFacilityLevel0` and emergency symptoms
lead to `HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstApptAtFacilityLevel1`.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, OrderedDict

from tlo import logging
from import IndividualScopeEventMixin
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import HSI_Event

    from tlo import Module
    from tlo.methods.dxmanager import DiagnosisTestReturnType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class HSI_BaseGenericFirstAppt(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ """ MODULE_METHOD_ON_APPLY: Literal[ "do_at_generic_first_appt", "do_at_generic_first_appt_emergency" ]
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id) -> None: super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) # No footprint, as this HSI (mostly just) determines which # further HSI will be needed for this person. In some cases, # small bits of care are provided (e.g. a diagnosis, or the # provision of inhaler). self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {} )
[docs] def _diagnosis_function( self, tests, use_dict: bool = False, report_tried: bool = False ) -> DiagnosisTestReturnType: """ Passed to modules when determining HSI_Events to be scheduled based on this generic appointment. Intended as the diagnosis_function argument to the Module.do_at_generic_{non_}_emergency. Class-level definition avoids the need to redefine this method each time the .apply() method is called. :param tests: The name of the test(s) to run via the diagnosis manager. :param use_dict_for_single: If True, the return type will be a dictionary even if only one test was requested. :param report_dxtest_tried: Report if a test was attempted but could not be carried out due to EG lack of consumables, etc. :returns: Test results as dictionary key/value pairs. """ return self.healthcare_system.dx_manager.run_dx_test( tests, hsi_event=self, use_dict_for_single=use_dict, report_dxtest_tried=report_tried, )
[docs] def _do_on_generic_first_appt(self, squeeze_factor: float = 0.) -> None: """ """ # Make top-level reads of information, to avoid repeat accesses. modules: OrderedDict[str, "Module"] = self.sim.modules symptoms = modules["SymptomManager"].has_what( # Dynamically create immutable container with the target's details stored. # This will avoid repeat DataFrame reads when we call the module-level functions. df = self.sim.population.props patient_details = self.sim.population.row_in_readonly_form( proposed_patient_details_updates = {} for module in modules.values(): module_patient_updates = getattr(module, self.MODULE_METHOD_ON_APPLY)(, patient_details=patient_details, symptoms=symptoms, diagnosis_function=self._diagnosis_function, consumables_checker=self.get_consumables, facility_level=self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL, treatment_id=self.TREATMENT_ID, random_state=self.module.rng, ) # Record any requested DataFrame updates, but do not implement yet # NOTE: |= syntax is only available in Python >=3.9 if module_patient_updates: proposed_patient_details_updates = { **proposed_patient_details_updates, **module_patient_updates, } # Perform any DataFrame updates that were requested, all in one go. if proposed_patient_details_updates: df.loc[, proposed_patient_details_updates.keys() ] = proposed_patient_details_updates.values()
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor=0.) -> None: """ Run the actions required during the HSI. TODO: person_id is not needed any more - but would have to go through the whole codebase to manually identify instances of this class to change call syntax, and leave other HSI_Event-derived classes alone. """ if self.target_is_alive: self._do_on_generic_first_appt(squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor)
[docs] class HSI_GenericNonEmergencyFirstAppt(HSI_BaseGenericFirstAppt): """ This is a Health System Interaction Event that represents the first interaction with the health system following the onset of non-emergency symptom(s). It is generated by the HealthSeekingBehaviour module. By default, it occurs at level '0' but it could occur also at other levels. It uses the non-emergency generic first appointment methods of the disease modules to determine any follow-up events that need to be scheduled. """ MODULE_METHOD_ON_APPLY = "do_at_generic_first_appt"
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, facility_level='0'): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id, ) assert module is self.sim.modules['HealthSeekingBehaviour'] self.TREATMENT_ID = 'FirstAttendance_NonEmergency' self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = facility_level
[docs] class HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstAppt(HSI_BaseGenericFirstAppt): """ This is a Health System Interaction Event that represents the generic appointment which is the first interaction with the health system following the onset of emergency symptom(s). It uses the emergency generic first appointment methods of the disease modules to determine any follow-up events that need to be scheduled. """ MODULE_METHOD_ON_APPLY = "do_at_generic_first_appt_emergency"
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert in [ "HealthSeekingBehaviour", "Labour", "PregnancySupervisor", "RTI", ] self.TREATMENT_ID = "FirstAttendance_Emergency" self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = "1b"
[docs] class HSI_EmergencyCare_SpuriousSymptom(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is an HSI event that provides Accident & Emergency Care for a person that has spurious emergency symptom."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, accepted_facility_level="1a"): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert module is self.sim.modules["HealthSeekingBehaviour"] self.TREATMENT_ID = "FirstAttendance_SpuriousEmergencyCare" self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint( {"AccidentsandEmerg": 1} ) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = ( accepted_facility_level # '1a' in default or '1b' as an alternative )
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props if not[person_id, "is_alive"]: return self.make_appt_footprint({}) else: sm = self.sim.modules["SymptomManager"] sm.change_symptom(person_id, "spurious_emergency_symptom", "-", sm)