Source code for tlo.methods.healthsystem

import datetime
import heapq as hp
import itertools
import re
import warnings
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from import Iterable
from itertools import repeat
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.testing import assert_series_equal

import tlo
from tlo import Date, DateOffset, Module, Parameter, Property, Types, logging
from tlo.analysis.utils import (  # get_filtered_treatment_ids,
from import Event, PopulationScopeEventMixin, Priority, RegularEvent
from tlo.methods import Metadata
from tlo.methods.bed_days import BedDays
from tlo.methods.consumables import (
from tlo.methods.dxmanager import DxManager
from import Equipment
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

logger_summary = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}.summary")

# Declare the assumption for the availability of consumables at the merged levels '1b' and '2'. This can be a
#  list of facility_levels over which an average is taken (within a district): e.g. ['1b', '2'].
AVAILABILITY_OF_CONSUMABLES_AT_MERGED_LEVELS_1B_AND_2 = ['1b']  # <-- Implies that availability at merged level '1b & 2'
#                                                                     is equal to availability at level '1b'. This is
#                                                                     reasonable because the '1b' are more numerous than
#                                                                     those of '2' and have more overall capacity, so
#                                                                     probably account for the majority of the
#                                                                     interactions.

def pool_capabilities_at_levels_1b_and_2(df_original: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Return a modified version of the imported capabilities DataFrame to reflect that the capabilities of level 1b
    are pooled with those of level 2, and all labelled as level 2."""

    # Find total minutes and staff count after the re-allocation of capabilities from '1b' to '2'
    tots_after_reallocation = df_original \
        .assign(Facility_Level=lambda df: df.Facility_Level.replace({
                            '1b': LABEL_FOR_MERGED_FACILITY_LEVELS_1B_AND_2,
                            '2': LABEL_FOR_MERGED_FACILITY_LEVELS_1B_AND_2})
                ) \
        .groupby(by=['Facility_Level', 'District', 'Region', 'Officer_Category'], dropna=False)[[
            'Total_Mins_Per_Day', 'Staff_Count']] \
        .sum() \

    # Construct a new version of the dataframe that uses the new totals
    df_updated = df_original \
        .drop(columns=['Total_Mins_Per_Day', 'Staff_Count'])\
               on=['Facility_Level', 'District', 'Region', 'Officer_Category'],
               ) \
            Total_Mins_Per_Day=lambda df: df.Total_Mins_Per_Day.fillna(0.0),
            Staff_Count=lambda df: df.Staff_Count.fillna(0.0)

    # Check that the *total* number of minutes per officer in each district/region is the same as before the change
        df_updated.groupby(by=['District', 'Region', 'Officer_Category'], dropna=False)['Total_Mins_Per_Day'].sum(),
        df_original.groupby(by=['District', 'Region', 'Officer_Category'], dropna=False)['Total_Mins_Per_Day'].sum()


    # Check size/shape of the updated dataframe is as expected
    assert df_updated.shape == df_original.shape
    assert (df_updated.dtypes == df_original.dtypes).all()

    for _level in ['0', '1a', '3', '4']:
        assert df_original.loc[df_original.Facility_Level == _level].equals(
            df_updated.loc[df_updated.Facility_Level == _level])

    assert np.isclose(
        df_updated.loc[df_updated.Facility_Level == LABEL_FOR_MERGED_FACILITY_LEVELS_1B_AND_2,
        df_updated.loc[df_updated.Facility_Level.isin(['1b', '2']), 'Total_Mins_Per_Day'].sum()

    return df_updated

class AppointmentSubunit(NamedTuple):
    """Component of an appointment relating to a specific officer type."""
    officer_type: str
    time_taken: float

def _accepts_argument(function: callable, argument: str) -> bool:
    """Helper to test if callable object accepts an argument with a given name.

    Compared to using `inspect.signature` or `inspect.getfullargspec` the approach here
    has significantly less overhead (as a full `Signature` or `FullArgSpec` object
    does not need to constructed) but is also less readable hence why it has been
    wrapped as a helper function despite being only one-line to make its functionality
    more obvious.

    :param function: Callable object to check if argument is present in.
    :param argument: Name of argument to check.
    :returns: ``True`` is ``argument`` is an argument of ``function`` else ``False``.
    # co_varnames include both arguments to function and any internally defined variable
    # names hence we check only in the first `co_argcount` items which correspond to
    # just the arguments
    return argument in function.__code__.co_varnames[:function.__code__.co_argcount]

[docs] class HealthSystem(Module): """ This is the Health System Module. The execution of all health systems interactions are controlled through this module. """ INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Demography'} PARAMETERS = { # Organization of the HealthSystem 'Master_Facilities_List': Parameter(Types.DATA_FRAME, 'Listing of all health facilities.'), # Definitions of the officers and appointment types 'Officer_Types_Table': Parameter(Types.DATA_FRAME, 'The names of the types of health workers ("officers")'), 'Appt_Types_Table': Parameter(Types.DATA_FRAME, 'The names of the type of appointments with the health system'), 'Appt_Offered_By_Facility_Level': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, 'Table indicating whether or not each appointment is offered at each facility level.'), 'Appt_Time_Table': Parameter(Types.DATA_FRAME, 'The time taken for each appointment, according to officer and facility type.'), # Capabilities of the HealthSystem (under alternative assumptions) 'Daily_Capabilities_actual': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, 'The capabilities (minutes of time available of each type of officer in each facility) ' 'based on the _estimated current_ number and distribution of staff estimated.'), 'Daily_Capabilities_funded': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, 'The capabilities (minutes of time available of each type of officer in each facility) ' 'based on the _potential_ number and distribution of staff estimated (i.e. those ' 'positions that can be funded).'), 'Daily_Capabilities_funded_plus': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, 'The capabilities (minutes of time available of each type of officer in each facility) ' 'based on the _potential_ number and distribution of staff estimated, with adjustments ' 'to permit each appointment type that should be run at facility level to do so in every ' 'district.'), 'use_funded_or_actual_staffing': Parameter( Types.STRING, "If `actual`, then use the numbers and distribution of staff estimated to be available" " currently; If `funded`, then use the numbers and distribution of staff that are " "potentially available. If 'funded_plus`, then use a dataset in which the allocation of " "staff to facilities is tweaked so as to allow each appointment type to run at each " "facility_level in each district for which it is defined. N.B. This parameter is " "over-ridden if an argument is provided to the module initialiser.", # N.B. This could have been of type `Types.CATEGORICAL` but this made over-writing through `Scenario` # difficult, due to the requirement that the over-writing value and original value are of the same type # (enforced at line 376 of ), # Consumables 'item_and_package_code_lookups': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, 'Data imported from the OneHealth Tool on consumable items, packages and costs.'), 'availability_estimates': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, 'Estimated availability of consumables in the LMIS dataset.'), 'cons_availability': Parameter( Types.STRING, "Availability of consumables. If 'default' then use the availability specified in the ResourceFile; if " "'none', then let no consumable be ever be available; if 'all', then all consumables are always available." " When using 'all' or 'none', requests for consumables are not logged. NB. This parameter is over-ridden" "if an argument is provided to the module initialiser."), # Infrastructure and Equipment 'BedCapacity': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, "Data on the number of beds available of each type by facility_id"), 'beds_availability': Parameter( Types.STRING, "Availability of beds. If 'default' then use the availability specified in the ResourceFile; if " "'none', then let no beds be ever be available; if 'all', then all beds are always available. NB. This " "parameter is over-ridden if an argument is provided to the module initialiser."), 'EquipmentCatalogue': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, "Data on equipment items and packages."), 'equipment_availability_estimates': Parameter( Types.DATA_FRAME, "Data on the availability of equipment items and packages." ), 'equip_availability': Parameter( Types.STRING, "What to assume about the availability of equipment. If 'default' then use the availability specified in " "the ResourceFile; if 'none', then let no equipment ever be available; if 'all', then all equipment is " "always available. NB. This parameter is over-ridden if an argument is provided to the module initialiser." ), 'equip_availability_postSwitch': Parameter( Types.STRING, "What to assume about the availability of equipment after the switch (see `year_equip_availability_switch`" "). The options for this are the same as `equip_availability`." ), 'year_equip_availability_switch': Parameter( Types.INT, "Year in which the assumption for `equip_availability` changes (The change happens on 1st January of that " "year.)" ), # Service Availability 'Service_Availability': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'List of services to be available. NB. This parameter is over-ridden if an argument is provided' ' to the module initialiser.'), 'policy_name': Parameter( Types.STRING, "Name of priority policy adopted"), 'year_mode_switch': Parameter( Types.INT, "Year in which mode switch is enforced"), 'scale_to_effective_capabilities': Parameter( Types.BOOL, "In year in which mode switch takes place, will rescale available capabilities to match those" "that were effectively used (on average) in the past year if this is set to True. This way," "we can approximate overtime and rushing of appts even in mode 2."), 'year_cons_availability_switch': Parameter( Types.INT, "Year in which consumable availability switch is enforced. The change happens" "on 1st January of that year.)"), 'priority_rank': Parameter( Types.DICT, "Data on the priority ranking of each of the Treatment_IDs to be adopted by " " the queueing system under different policies, where the lower the number the higher" " the priority, and on which categories of individuals classify for fast-tracking " " for specific treatments"), 'HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_table': Parameter( Types.DICT, "Factors by which capabilities of medical officer types at different levels will be" "scaled at the start of the year specified by `year_HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type`. This" "serves to simulate a number of effects (e.g. absenteeism, boosting capabilities of specific " "medical cadres, etc). This is the imported from an Excel workbook: keys are the worksheet " "names and values are the worksheets in the format of pd.DataFrames. Additional scenarios can " "be added by adding worksheets to this workbook: the value of " "`HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode` indicates which sheet is used." ), 'year_HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type': Parameter( Types.INT, "Year in which one-off constant HR scaling will take place. (The change happens" "on 1st January of that year.)" ), 'HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode': Parameter( Types.STRING, "Mode of HR scaling considered at the start of the simulation. This corresponds to the name" "of the worksheet in `ResourceFile_HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type.xlsx` that should be" " used. Options are: `default` (capabilities are scaled by a constaint factor of 1); `data` " "(factors informed by survey data); and, `custom` (user can freely set these factors as " "parameters in the analysis).", ), 'HR_scaling_by_district_table': Parameter( Types.DICT, "Factors by which daily capabilities in different districts will be" "scaled at the start of the year specified by year_HR_scaling_by_district to simulate" "(e.g., through catastrophic event disrupting delivery of services in particular district(s))." "This is the import of an Excel workbook: keys are the worksheet names and values are the " "worksheets in the format of pd.DataFrames. Additional scenarios can be added by adding " "worksheets to this workbook: the value of `HR_scaling_by_district_mode` indicates which" "sheet is used." ), 'year_HR_scaling_by_district': Parameter( Types.INT, "Year in which scaling of daily capabilities by district will take place. (The change happens" "on 1st January of that year.)"), 'HR_scaling_by_district_mode': Parameter( Types.STRING, "Mode of scaling of daily capabilities by district. This corresponds to the name of the " "worksheet in the file `ResourceFile_HR_scaling_by_district.xlsx`." ), 'yearly_HR_scaling': Parameter( Types.DICT, "Factors by which HR capabilities are scaled. " "Each sheet specifies a 'mode' for dynamic HR scaling. The mode to use is determined by the " "parameter `yearly_HR_scaling_mode`. Each sheet must have the same format, including the same " "column headers. On each sheet, the first row (for `2010`, when the simulation starts) " "specifies the initial configuration: `dynamic_HR_scaling_factor` (float) is the factor by " "which all human resoucres capabilities and multiplied; `scale_HR_by_popsize` (bool) specifies " "whether the capabilities should (also) grow by the factor by which the population has grown in" " the last year. Each subsequent row specifies a year where there should be a CHANGE in the " "configuration. If there are no further rows, then there is no change. But, for example, an" " additional row of the form ```2015, 1.05, TRUE``` would mean that on 1st January of 2015, " "2016, 2017, ....(and the rest of the simulation), the capabilities would increase by the " "product of 1.05 and by the ratio of the population size to that in the year previous." ), 'yearly_HR_scaling_mode': Parameter( Types.STRING, "Specifies which of the policies in yearly_HR_scaling should be adopted. This corresponds to" "a worksheet of the file `ResourceFile_dynamic_HR_scaling.xlsx`." ), 'tclose_overwrite': Parameter( Types.INT, "Decide whether to overwrite tclose variables assigned by disease modules"), 'tclose_days_offset_overwrite': Parameter( Types.INT, "Offset in days from topen at which tclose will be set by the healthsystem for all HSIs" "if tclose_overwrite is set to True."), # Mode Appt Constraints 'mode_appt_constraints': Parameter( Types.INT, 'Integer code in `{0, 1, 2}` determining mode of constraints with regards to officer numbers ' 'and time - 0: no constraints, all HSI events run with no squeeze factor, 1: elastic constraints' ', all HSI events run with squeeze factor, 2: hard constraints, only HSI events with no squeeze ' 'factor run. N.B. This parameter is over-ridden if an argument is provided' ' to the module initialiser.', ), 'mode_appt_constraints_postSwitch': Parameter( Types.INT, 'Mode considered after a mode switch in year_mode_switch.'), 'cons_availability_postSwitch': Parameter( Types.STRING, 'Consumables availability after switch in `year_cons_availability_switch`. Acceptable values' 'are the same as those for Parameter `cons_availability`.') } PROPERTIES = { 'hs_is_inpatient': Property( Types.BOOL, 'Whether or not the person is currently an in-patient at any medical facility' ), }
[docs] def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, resourcefilepath: Optional[Path] = None, service_availability: Optional[List[str]] = None, mode_appt_constraints: Optional[int] = None, cons_availability: Optional[str] = None, beds_availability: Optional[str] = None, equip_availability: Optional[str] = None, randomise_queue: bool = True, ignore_priority: bool = False, policy_name: Optional[str] = None, capabilities_coefficient: Optional[float] = None, use_funded_or_actual_staffing: Optional[str] = None, disable: bool = False, disable_and_reject_all: bool = False, compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level: bool = True, hsi_event_count_log_period: Optional[str] = "month", ): """ :param name: Name to use for module, defaults to module class name if ``None``. :param resourcefilepath: Path to directory containing resource files. :param service_availability: A list of treatment IDs to allow. :param mode_appt_constraints: Integer code in ``{0, 1, 2}`` determining mode of constraints with regards to officer numbers and time - 0: no constraints, all HSI events run with no squeeze factor, 1: elastic constraints, all HSI events run with squeeze factor, 2: hard constraints, only HSI events with no squeeze factor run. :param cons_availability: If 'default' then use the availability specified in the ResourceFile; if 'none', then let no consumable be ever be available; if 'all', then all consumables are always available. When using 'all' or 'none', requests for consumables are not logged. :param beds_availability: If 'default' then use the availability specified in the ResourceFile; if 'none', then let no beds be ever be available; if 'all', then all beds are always available. :param equip_availability: If 'default' then use the availability specified in the ResourceFile; if 'none', then let no equipment ever be available; if 'all', then all equipment is always available. :param randomise_queue ensure that the queue is not model-dependent, i.e. properly randomised for equal topen and priority :param ignore_priority: If ``True`` do not use the priority information in HSI event to schedule :param policy_name: Name of priority policy adopted :param capabilities_coefficient: Multiplier for the capabilities of health officers, if ``None`` set to ratio of initial population to estimated 2010 population. :param use_funded_or_actual_staffing: If `actual`, then use the numbers and distribution of staff estimated to be available currently; If `funded`, then use the numbers and distribution of staff that are potentially available. If 'funded_plus`, then use a dataset in which the allocation of staff to facilities is tweaked so as to allow each appointment type to run at each facility_level in each district for which it is defined. :param disable: If ``True``, disables the health system (no constraints and no logging) and every HSI event runs. :param disable_and_reject_all: If ``True``, disable health system and no HSI events run :param compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level: Whether to compute squeeze_factors to the district level, or the national level (which effectively pools the resources across all districts). :param hsi_event_count_log_period: Period over which to accumulate counts of HSI events that have run before logging and reseting counters. Should be on of strings ``'day'``, ``'month'``, ``'year'``. ``'simulation'`` to log at the end of each day, end of each calendar month, end of each calendar year or the end of the simulation respectively, or ``None`` to not track the HSI event details and frequencies. """ super().__init__(name) self.resourcefilepath = resourcefilepath assert isinstance(disable, bool) assert isinstance(disable_and_reject_all, bool) assert not (disable and disable_and_reject_all), ( 'Cannot have both disable and disable_and_reject_all selected' ) assert not (ignore_priority and policy_name is not None), ( 'Cannot adopt a priority policy if the priority will be then ignored' ) self.disable = disable self.disable_and_reject_all = disable_and_reject_all self.mode_appt_constraints = None # Will be the final determination of the `mode_appt_constraints' if mode_appt_constraints is not None: assert mode_appt_constraints in {0, 1, 2} self.arg_mode_appt_constraints = mode_appt_constraints self.rng_for_hsi_queue = None # Will be a dedicated RNG for the purpose of randomising the queue self.rng_for_dx = None # Will be a dedicated RNG for the purpose of determining Dx Test results self.randomise_queue = randomise_queue self.ignore_priority = ignore_priority # This default value will be overwritten if assumed policy is not None self.lowest_priority_considered = 2 # Check that the name of policy being evaluated is included self.priority_policy = None if policy_name is not None: assert policy_name in ['', 'Default', 'Test', 'Test Mode 1', 'Random', 'Naive', 'RMNCH', 'VerticalProgrammes', 'ClinicallyVulnerable', 'EHP_III', 'LCOA_EHP'] self.arg_policy_name = policy_name self.tclose_overwrite = None self.tclose_days_offset_overwrite = None # Store the fast tracking channels that will be relevant for policy given the modules included self.list_fasttrack = [] # provided so that there is a default even before simulation is run # Store the argument provided for service_availability self.arg_service_availability = service_availability self.service_availability = ['*'] # provided so that there is a default even before simulation is run # Check that the capabilities coefficient is correct if capabilities_coefficient is not None: assert capabilities_coefficient >= 0 assert isinstance(capabilities_coefficient, float) self.capabilities_coefficient = capabilities_coefficient # Find which set of assumptions to use - those for the actual staff available or the funded staff available if use_funded_or_actual_staffing is not None: assert use_funded_or_actual_staffing in ['actual', 'funded', 'funded_plus'] self.arg_use_funded_or_actual_staffing = use_funded_or_actual_staffing # Define (empty) list of registered disease modules (filled in at `initialise_simulation`) self.recognised_modules_names = [] # Define the container for calls for health system interaction events self.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE = [] self.hsi_event_queue_counter = 0 # Counter to help with the sorting in the heapq # Store the arguments provided for cons/beds/equip_availability assert cons_availability in (None, 'default', 'all', 'none') self.arg_cons_availability = cons_availability assert beds_availability in (None, 'default', 'all', 'none') self.arg_beds_availability = beds_availability assert equip_availability in (None, 'default', 'all', 'none') self.arg_equip_availability = equip_availability # `compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level` is a Boolean indicating whether the computation of squeeze_factors # should be specific to each district (when `True`), or if the computation of squeeze_factors should be on the # basis that resources from all districts can be effectively "pooled" (when `False). assert isinstance(compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level, bool) self.compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level = compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level # Create the Diagnostic Test Manager to store and manage all Diagnostic Test self.dx_manager = DxManager(self) # Create the pointer that will be to the instance of BedDays used to track in-patient bed days self.bed_days = None # Create the pointer that will be to the instance of Consumables used to determine availability of consumables. self.consumables = None # Create pointer for the HealthSystemScheduler event self.healthsystemscheduler = None # Create pointer to the `HealthSystemSummaryCounter` helper class self._summary_counter = HealthSystemSummaryCounter() # Create counter for the running total of footprint of all the HSIs being run today self.running_total_footprint: Counter = Counter() self._hsi_event_count_log_period = hsi_event_count_log_period if hsi_event_count_log_period in {"day", "month", "year", "simulation"}: # Counters for binning HSI events run (by unique integer keys) over # simulation period specified by hsi_event_count_log_period and cumulative # counts over previous log periods self._hsi_event_counts_log_period = Counter() self._hsi_event_counts_cumulative = Counter() # Dictionary mapping from HSI event details to unique integer keys self._hsi_event_details = dict() # Counters for binning HSI events that never ran (by unique integer keys) over # simulation period specified by hsi_event_count_log_period and cumulative # counts over previous log periods self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_log_period = Counter() self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_cumulative = Counter() # Dictionary mapping from HSI event details to unique integer keys self._never_ran_hsi_event_details = dict() elif hsi_event_count_log_period is not None: raise ValueError( "hsi_event_count_log_period argument should be one of 'day', 'month' " "'year', 'simulation' or None." )
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem = Path(self.resourcefilepath) / 'healthsystem' # Read parameters for overall performance of the HealthSystem self.load_parameters_from_dataframe(pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'ResourceFile_HealthSystem_parameters.csv' )) # Load basic information about the organization of the HealthSystem self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'organisation' / 'ResourceFile_Master_Facilities_List.csv') # Load ResourceFiles that define appointment and officer types self.parameters['Officer_Types_Table'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'human_resources' / 'definitions' / 'ResourceFile_Officer_Types_Table.csv') self.parameters['Appt_Types_Table'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'human_resources' / 'definitions' / 'ResourceFile_Appt_Types_Table.csv') self.parameters['Appt_Offered_By_Facility_Level'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'human_resources' / 'definitions' / 'ResourceFile_ApptType_By_FacLevel.csv') self.parameters['Appt_Time_Table'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'human_resources' / 'definitions' / 'ResourceFile_Appt_Time_Table.csv') # Load 'Daily_Capabilities' (for both actual and funded) for _i in ['actual', 'funded', 'funded_plus']: self.parameters[f'Daily_Capabilities_{_i}'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'human_resources' / f'{_i}' / 'ResourceFile_Daily_Capabilities.csv') # Read in ResourceFile_Consumables self.parameters['item_and_package_code_lookups'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'consumables' / 'ResourceFile_Consumables_Items_and_Packages.csv') self.parameters['availability_estimates'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'consumables' / 'ResourceFile_Consumables_availability_small.csv') # Data on the number of beds available of each type by facility_id self.parameters['BedCapacity'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'infrastructure_and_equipment' / 'ResourceFile_Bed_Capacity.csv') # Read in ResourceFile_Equipment self.parameters['EquipmentCatalogue'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'infrastructure_and_equipment' / 'ResourceFile_EquipmentCatalogue.csv') self.parameters['equipment_availability_estimates'] = pd.read_csv( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'infrastructure_and_equipment' / 'ResourceFile_Equipment_Availability_Estimates.csv') # Data on the priority of each Treatment_ID that should be adopted in the queueing system according to different # priority policies. Load all policies at this stage, and decide later which one to adopt. self.parameters['priority_rank'] = pd.read_excel(path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / 'priority_policies' / 'ResourceFile_PriorityRanking_ALLPOLICIES.xlsx', sheet_name=None) self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_table']: Dict = pd.read_excel( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / "human_resources" / "scaling_capabilities" / "ResourceFile_HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type.xlsx", sheet_name=None # all sheets read in ) # Ensure the mode of HR scaling to be considered in included in the tables loaded assert (self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode'] in self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_table']), \ (f"Value of `HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode` not recognised: " f"{self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode']}") self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_district_table']: Dict = pd.read_excel( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / "human_resources" / "scaling_capabilities" / "ResourceFile_HR_scaling_by_district.xlsx", sheet_name=None # all sheets read in ) # Ensure the mode of HR scaling by district to be considered in included in the tables loaded assert self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_district_mode'] in self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_district_table'], \ f"Value of `HR_scaling_by_district_mode` not recognised: {self.parameters['HR_scaling_by_district_mode']}" self.parameters['yearly_HR_scaling']: Dict = pd.read_excel( path_to_resourcefiles_for_healthsystem / "human_resources" / "scaling_capabilities" / "ResourceFile_dynamic_HR_scaling.xlsx", sheet_name=None, # all sheets read in dtype={ 'year': int, 'dynamic_HR_scaling_factor': float, 'scale_HR_by_popsize': bool } # Ensure that these column are read as the right type ) # Ensure the mode of yearly HR scaling to be considered in included in the tables loaded assert self.parameters['yearly_HR_scaling_mode'] in self.parameters['yearly_HR_scaling'], \ f"Value of `yearly_HR_scaling` not recognised: {self.parameters['yearly_HR_scaling_mode']}" # Ensure that a value for the year at the start of the simulation is provided. assert all(2010 in sheet['year'].values for sheet in self.parameters['yearly_HR_scaling'].values())
[docs] def pre_initialise_population(self): """Generate the accessory classes used by the HealthSystem and pass to them the data that has been read.""" # Create dedicated RNGs for separate functions done by the HealthSystem module self.rng_for_hsi_queue = np.random.RandomState(self.rng.randint(2 ** 31 - 1)) self.rng_for_dx = np.random.RandomState(self.rng.randint(2 ** 31 - 1)) rng_for_consumables = np.random.RandomState(self.rng.randint(2 ** 31 - 1)) rng_for_equipment = np.random.RandomState(self.rng.randint(2 ** 31 - 1)) # Determine mode_appt_constraints self.mode_appt_constraints = self.get_mode_appt_constraints() # Determine service_availability self.service_availability = self.get_service_availability() self.process_human_resources_files( use_funded_or_actual_staffing=self.get_use_funded_or_actual_staffing() ) # Initialise the BedDays class self.bed_days = BedDays(hs_module=self, availability=self.get_beds_availability()) self.bed_days.pre_initialise_population() # Initialise the Consumables class self.consumables = Consumables( data=self.update_consumables_availability_to_represent_merging_of_levels_1b_and_2( self.parameters['availability_estimates']), rng=rng_for_consumables, availability=self.get_cons_availability() ) # Determine equip_availability = Equipment( catalogue=self.parameters['EquipmentCatalogue'], data_availability=self.parameters['equipment_availability_estimates'], rng=rng_for_equipment, master_facilities_list=self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List'], availability=self.get_equip_availability(), ) self.tclose_overwrite = self.parameters['tclose_overwrite'] self.tclose_days_offset_overwrite = self.parameters['tclose_days_offset_overwrite'] # Ensure name of policy we want to consider before/after switch is among the policies loaded # in the self.parameters['priority_rank'] assert self.parameters['policy_name'] in self.parameters['priority_rank'] # Set up framework for considering a priority policy self.setup_priority_policy()
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): self.bed_days.initialise_population(population.props)
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): # If capabilities coefficient was not explicitly specified, use initial population scaling factor if self.capabilities_coefficient is None: self.capabilities_coefficient = self.sim.modules['Demography'].initial_model_to_data_popsize_ratio # Set the tracker in preparation for the simulation self.bed_days.initialise_beddays_tracker( model_to_data_popsize_ratio=self.sim.modules['Demography'].initial_model_to_data_popsize_ratio ) # Set the consumables modules in preparation for the simulation self.consumables.on_start_of_day( # Capture list of disease modules: self.recognised_modules_names = [ for m in self.sim.modules.values() if Metadata.USES_HEALTHSYSTEM in m.METADATA ] # Check that set of districts of residence in population are subset of districts from # `self._facilities_for_each_district`, which is derived from self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List'] df = self.sim.population.props districts_of_residence = set(df.loc[df.is_alive, "district_of_residence"].cat.categories) assert all( districts_of_residence.issubset(per_level_facilities.keys()) for per_level_facilities in self._facilities_for_each_district.values() ), ( "At least one district_of_residence value in population not present in " "self._facilities_for_each_district resource file" ) # Launch the healthsystem scheduler (a regular event occurring each day) [if not disabled] if not (self.disable or self.disable_and_reject_all): self.healthsystemscheduler = HealthSystemScheduler(self) sim.schedule_event(self.healthsystemscheduler, # Schedule a mode_appt_constraints change sim.schedule_event(HealthSystemChangeMode(self), Date(self.parameters["year_mode_switch"], 1, 1)) # Schedule a consumables availability switch sim.schedule_event( HealthSystemChangeParameters( self, parameters={ 'cons_availability': self.parameters['cons_availability_postSwitch'] } ), Date(self.parameters["year_cons_availability_switch"], 1, 1) ) # Schedule an equipment availability switch sim.schedule_event( HealthSystemChangeParameters( self, parameters={ 'equip_availability': self.parameters['equip_availability_postSwitch'] } ), Date(self.parameters["year_equip_availability_switch"], 1, 1) ) # Schedule a one-off rescaling of _daily_capabilities broken down by officer type and level. # This occurs on 1st January of the year specified in the parameters. sim.schedule_event(ConstantRescalingHRCapabilities(self), Date(self.parameters["year_HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type"], 1, 1)) # Schedule a one-off rescaling of _daily_capabilities broken down by district # This occurs on 1st January of the year specified in the parameters. sim.schedule_event(RescaleHRCapabilities_ByDistrict(self), Date(self.parameters["year_HR_scaling_by_district"], 1, 1)) # Schedule recurring event which will rescale daily capabilities (at yearly intervals). # The first event scheduled for the start of the simulation is only used to update self.last_year_pop_size, # whilst the actual scaling will only take effect from 2011 onwards. sim.schedule_event(DynamicRescalingHRCapabilities(self), Date(
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id): self.bed_days.on_birth(self.sim.population.props, mother_id, child_id)
[docs] def on_simulation_end(self): """Put out to the log the information from the tracker of the last day of the simulation""" self.bed_days.on_simulation_end() self.consumables.on_simulation_end() if self._hsi_event_count_log_period == "simulation": self._write_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset() self._write_never_ran_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset() if self._hsi_event_count_log_period is not None: key="hsi_event_details", description="Map from integer keys to hsi event detail dictionaries", data={ "hsi_event_key_to_event_details": { k: d._asdict() for d, k in self._hsi_event_details.items() } } ) key="never_ran_hsi_event_details", description="Map from integer keys to never ran hsi event detail dictionaries", data={ "never_ran_hsi_event_key_to_event_details": { k: d._asdict() for d, k in self._never_ran_hsi_event_details.items() } } )
[docs] def setup_priority_policy(self): # Determine name of policy to be considered **at the start of the simulation**. self.priority_policy = self.get_priority_policy_initial() # If adopting a policy, initialise here all other relevant variables. # Use of blank instead of None is not ideal, however couldn't seem to recover actual # None from parameter file. self.load_priority_policy(self.priority_policy) # Initialise the fast-tracking routes. # The attributes that can be looked up to determine whether a person might be eligible # for fast-tracking, as well as the corresponding fast-tracking channels, depend on the modules # included in the simulation. Store the attributes&channels pairs allowed given the modules included # to avoid having to recheck which modules are saved every time an HSI_Event is scheduled. self.list_fasttrack.append(('age_exact_years', 'FT_if_5orUnder')) if 'Contraception' in self.sim.modules or 'SimplifiedBirths' in self.sim.modules: self.list_fasttrack.append(('is_pregnant', 'FT_if_pregnant')) if 'Hiv' in self.sim.modules: self.list_fasttrack.append(('hv_diagnosed', 'FT_if_Hivdiagnosed')) if 'Tb' in self.sim.modules: self.list_fasttrack.append(('tb_diagnosed', 'FT_if_tbdiagnosed'))
[docs] def process_human_resources_files(self, use_funded_or_actual_staffing: str): """Create the data-structures needed from the information read into the parameters.""" # * Define Facility Levels self._facility_levels = set(self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List']['Facility_Level']) - {'5'} assert self._facility_levels == {'0', '1a', '1b', '2', '3', '4'} # todo soft code this? # * Define Appointment Types self._appointment_types = set(self.parameters['Appt_Types_Table']['Appt_Type_Code']) # * Define the Officers Needed For Each Appointment # (Store data as dict of dicts, with outer-dict indexed by string facility level and # inner-dict indexed by string type code with values corresponding to list of (named) # tuples of appointment officer type codes and time taken.) appt_time_data = self.parameters['Appt_Time_Table'] appt_times_per_level_and_type = {_facility_level: defaultdict(list) for _facility_level in self._facility_levels} for appt_time_tuple in appt_time_data.itertuples(): appt_times_per_level_and_type[ appt_time_tuple.Facility_Level ][ appt_time_tuple.Appt_Type_Code ].append( AppointmentSubunit( officer_type=appt_time_tuple.Officer_Category, time_taken=appt_time_tuple.Time_Taken_Mins ) ) assert ( sum( len(appt_info_list) for level in self._facility_levels for appt_info_list in appt_times_per_level_and_type[level].values() ) == len(appt_time_data) ) self._appt_times = appt_times_per_level_and_type # * Define Which Appointments Are Possible At Each Facility Level appt_type_per_level_data = self.parameters['Appt_Offered_By_Facility_Level'] self._appt_type_by_facLevel = { _facility_level: set( appt_type_per_level_data['Appt_Type_Code'][ appt_type_per_level_data[f'Facility_Level_{_facility_level}'] ] ) for _facility_level in self._facility_levels } # Also store data as dict of dicts, with outer-dict indexed by string facility level and # inner-dict indexed by district name with values corresponding to (named) tuples of # facility ID and name # Get look-up of the districts (by name) in each region (by name) districts_in_region = self.sim.modules['Demography'].parameters['districts_in_region'] all_districts = set(self.sim.modules['Demography'].parameters['district_num_to_district_name'].values()) facilities_per_level_and_district = {_facility_level: {} for _facility_level in self._facility_levels} facilities_by_facility_id = dict() for facility_tuple in self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List'].itertuples(): _facility_info = FacilityInfo(id=facility_tuple.Facility_ID, name=facility_tuple.Facility_Name, level=facility_tuple.Facility_Level, region=facility_tuple.Region ) facilities_by_facility_id[facility_tuple.Facility_ID] = _facility_info if pd.notnull(facility_tuple.District): # A facility that is specific to a district: facilities_per_level_and_district[facility_tuple.Facility_Level][facility_tuple.District] = \ _facility_info elif pd.isnull(facility_tuple.District) and pd.notnull(facility_tuple.Region): # A facility that is specific to region (and not a district): for _district in districts_in_region[facility_tuple.Region]: facilities_per_level_and_district[facility_tuple.Facility_Level][_district] = _facility_info elif ( pd.isnull(facility_tuple.District) and pd.isnull(facility_tuple.Region) and (facility_tuple.Facility_Level != '5') ): # A facility that is National (not specific to a region or a district) (ignoring level 5 (headquarters)) for _district in all_districts: facilities_per_level_and_district[facility_tuple.Facility_Level][_district] = _facility_info # Check that there is facility of every level for every district: assert all( all_districts == facilities_per_level_and_district[_facility_level].keys() for _facility_level in self._facility_levels ), "There is not one of each facility type available to each district." self._facility_by_facility_id = facilities_by_facility_id self._facilities_for_each_district = facilities_per_level_and_district # * Store 'DailyCapabilities' in correct format and using the specified underlying assumptions self._daily_capabilities = self.format_daily_capabilities(use_funded_or_actual_staffing) # Also, store the set of officers with non-zero daily availability # (This is used for checking that scheduled HSI events do not make appointment requiring officers that are # never available.) self._officers_with_availability = set(self._daily_capabilities.index[self._daily_capabilities > 0])
[docs] def format_daily_capabilities(self, use_funded_or_actual_staffing: str) -> pd.Series: """ This will updates the dataframe for the self.parameters['Daily_Capabilities'] so as to include every permutation of officer_type_code and facility_id, with zeros against permutations where no capacity is available. It also give the dataframe an index that is useful for merging on (based on Facility_ID and Officer Type) (This is so that its easier to track where demands are being placed where there is no capacity) """ # Get the capabilities data imported (according to the specified underlying assumptions). capabilities = pool_capabilities_at_levels_1b_and_2( self.parameters[f'Daily_Capabilities_{use_funded_or_actual_staffing}'] ) capabilities = capabilities.rename(columns={'Officer_Category': 'Officer_Type_Code'}) # neaten # Create dataframe containing background information about facility and officer types facility_ids = self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List']['Facility_ID'].values officer_type_codes = set(self.parameters['Officer_Types_Table']['Officer_Category'].values) # todo - <-- avoid use of the file or define differently? # # naming to be not with _ within the name of an oficer facs = list() officers = list() for f in facility_ids: for o in officer_type_codes: facs.append(f) officers.append(o) capabilities_ex = pd.DataFrame(data={'Facility_ID': facs, 'Officer_Type_Code': officers}) # Merge in information about facility from Master Facilities List mfl = self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List'] capabilities_ex = capabilities_ex.merge(mfl, on='Facility_ID', how='left') # Merge in information about officers # officer_types = self.parameters['Officer_Types_Table'][['Officer_Type_Code', 'Officer_Type']] # capabilities_ex = capabilities_ex.merge(officer_types, on='Officer_Type_Code', how='left') # Merge in the capabilities (minutes available) for each officer type (inferring zero minutes where # there is no entry in the imported capabilities table) capabilities_ex = capabilities_ex.merge( capabilities[['Facility_ID', 'Officer_Type_Code', 'Total_Mins_Per_Day']], on=['Facility_ID', 'Officer_Type_Code'], how='left', ) capabilities_ex = capabilities_ex.fillna(0) # Give the standard index: capabilities_ex = capabilities_ex.set_index( 'FacilityID_' + capabilities_ex['Facility_ID'].astype(str) + '_Officer_' + capabilities_ex['Officer_Type_Code'] ) # Rename 'Total_Minutes_Per_Day' capabilities_ex = capabilities_ex.rename(columns={'Total_Mins_Per_Day': 'Total_Minutes_Per_Day'}) # Checks assert abs(capabilities_ex['Total_Minutes_Per_Day'].sum() - capabilities['Total_Mins_Per_Day'].sum()) < 1e-7 assert len(capabilities_ex) == len(facility_ids) * len(officer_type_codes) # return the pd.Series of `Total_Minutes_Per_Day' indexed for each type of officer at each facility return capabilities_ex['Total_Minutes_Per_Day']
[docs] def _rescale_capabilities_to_capture_effective_capability(self): # Notice that capabilities will only be expanded through this process # (i.e. won't reduce available capabilities if these were under-used in the last year). # Note: Currently relying on module variable rather than parameter for # scale_to_effective_capabilities, in order to facilitate testing. However # this may eventually come into conflict with the Switcher functions. pattern = r"FacilityID_(\w+)_Officer_(\w+)" for officer in self._daily_capabilities.keys(): matches = re.match(pattern, officer) # Extract ID and officer type from facility_id = int( officer_type = level = self._facility_by_facility_id[facility_id].level # Only rescale if rescaling factor is greater than 1 (i.e. don't reduce # available capabilities if these were under-used the previous year). rescaling_factor = self._summary_counter.frac_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level( officer_type=officer_type, level=level ) if rescaling_factor > 1 and rescaling_factor != float("inf"): self._daily_capabilities[officer] *= rescaling_factor
[docs] def update_consumables_availability_to_represent_merging_of_levels_1b_and_2(self, df_original): """To represent that facility levels '1b' and '2' are merged together under the label '2', we replace the availability of consumables at level 2 with new values.""" # get master facilities list mfl = self.parameters['Master_Facilities_List'] # merge in facility level dfx = df_original.merge( mfl[['Facility_ID', 'District', 'Facility_Level']], left_on='Facility_ID', right_on='Facility_ID', how='left' ) # compute the updated availability at the merged level '1b' and '2' availability_at_1b_and_2 = \ dfx.drop(dfx.index[~dfx['Facility_Level'].isin(AVAILABILITY_OF_CONSUMABLES_AT_MERGED_LEVELS_1B_AND_2)]) \ .groupby(by=['District', 'month', 'item_code'])['available_prop'] \ .mean() \ .reset_index()\ .assign(Facility_Level=LABEL_FOR_MERGED_FACILITY_LEVELS_1B_AND_2) # assign facility_id availability_at_1b_and_2 = availability_at_1b_and_2.merge( mfl[['Facility_ID', 'District', 'Facility_Level']], left_on=['District', 'Facility_Level'], right_on=['District', 'Facility_Level'], how='left' ) # assign these availabilities to the corresponding level 2 facilities (dropping the original values) df_updated = pd.concat([ dfx.drop(dfx.index[dfx['Facility_Level'] == LABEL_FOR_MERGED_FACILITY_LEVELS_1B_AND_2]), availability_at_1b_and_2[dfx.columns], ] ).drop(columns=['Facility_Level', 'District'])\ .sort_values(['Facility_ID', 'month', 'item_code']).reset_index(drop=True) # check size/shape/dtypes preserved assert df_updated.shape == df_original.shape assert (df_updated.columns == df_original.columns).all() assert (df_updated.dtypes == df_original.dtypes).all() # check values the same for everything apart from the facility level '2' facilities facilities_with_any_differences = set( df_updated.loc[ ~(df_original == df_updated).all(axis=1), 'Facility_ID'] ) level2_facilities = set( mfl.loc[mfl['Facility_Level'] == '2', 'Facility_ID'] ) assert facilities_with_any_differences.issubset(level2_facilities) return df_updated
[docs] def get_service_availability(self) -> List[str]: """Returns service availability. (Should be equal to what is specified by the parameter, but overwrite with what was provided in argument if an argument was specified -- provided for backward compatibility/debugging.)""" if self.arg_service_availability is None: service_availability = self.parameters['Service_Availability'] else: service_availability = self.arg_service_availability assert isinstance(service_availability, list) # Log the service_availability"message", data=f"Running Health System With the Following Service Availability: " f"{self.service_availability}" ) return service_availability
[docs] def get_cons_availability(self) -> str: """Returns consumables availability. (Should be equal to what is specified by the parameter, but overwrite with what was provided in argument if an argument was specified -- provided for backward compatibility/debugging.)""" if self.arg_cons_availability is None: _cons_availability = self.parameters['cons_availability'] else: _cons_availability = self.arg_cons_availability # Log the service_availability"message", data=f"Running Health System With the Following Consumables Availability: " f"{_cons_availability}" ) return _cons_availability
[docs] def get_beds_availability(self) -> str: """Returns beds availability. (Should be equal to what is specified by the parameter, but overwrite with what was provided in argument if an argument was specified -- provided for backward compatibility/debugging.)""" if self.arg_beds_availability is None: _beds_availability = self.parameters['beds_availability'] else: _beds_availability = self.arg_beds_availability # For logical consistency, when the HealthSystem is disabled, beds_availability should be 'all', irrespective of # what arguments/parameters are provided. if self.disable: _beds_availability = 'all' # Log the service_availability"message", data=f"Running Health System With the Following Beds Availability: " f"{_beds_availability}" ) return _beds_availability
[docs] def get_equip_availability(self) -> str: """Returns equipment availability. (Should be equal to what is specified by the parameter, but can be overwritten with what was provided in argument if an argument was specified -- provided for backward compatibility/debugging.)""" if self.arg_equip_availability is None: _equip_availability = self.parameters['equip_availability'] else: _equip_availability = self.arg_equip_availability # Log the equip_availability"message", data=f"Running Health System With the Following Equipment Availability: " f"{_equip_availability}" ) return _equip_availability
[docs] def schedule_to_call_never_ran_on_date(self, hsi_event: 'HSI_Event', tdate: datetime.datetime): """Function to schedule never_ran being called on a given date""" self.sim.schedule_event(HSIEventWrapper(hsi_event=hsi_event, run_hsi=False), tdate)
[docs] def get_mode_appt_constraints(self) -> int: """Returns `mode_appt_constraints`. (Should be equal to what is specified by the parameter, but overwrite with what was provided in argument if an argument was specified -- provided for backward compatibility/debugging.)""" return self.parameters['mode_appt_constraints'] \ if self.arg_mode_appt_constraints is None \ else self.arg_mode_appt_constraints
[docs] def get_use_funded_or_actual_staffing(self) -> str: """Returns `use_funded_or_actual_staffing`. (Should be equal to what is specified by the parameter, but overwrite with what was provided in argument if an argument was specified -- provided for backward compatibility/debugging.)""" return self.parameters['use_funded_or_actual_staffing'] \ if self.arg_use_funded_or_actual_staffing is None \ else self.arg_use_funded_or_actual_staffing
[docs] def get_priority_policy_initial(self) -> str: """Returns `priority_policy`. (Should be equal to what is specified by the parameter, but overwrite with what was provided in argument if an argument was specified -- provided for backward compatibility/debugging.)""" return self.parameters['policy_name'] \ if self.arg_policy_name is None \ else self.arg_policy_name
[docs] def load_priority_policy(self, policy): if policy != "": # Select the chosen policy from dictionary of all possible policies Policy_df = self.parameters['priority_rank'][policy] # If a policy is adopted, following variable *must* always be taken from policy. # Over-write any other values here. self.lowest_priority_considered = Policy_df.loc[ Policy_df['Treatment'] == 'lowest_priority_considered', 'Priority' ].iloc[0] # Convert policy dataframe into dictionary to speed-up look-up process. self.priority_rank_dict = \ Policy_df.set_index("Treatment", drop=True).to_dict(orient="index") del self.priority_rank_dict["lowest_priority_considered"]
[docs] def schedule_hsi_event( self, hsi_event: 'HSI_Event', priority: int, topen: datetime.datetime, tclose: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, do_hsi_event_checks: bool = True ): """ Schedule a health system interaction (HSI) event. :param hsi_event: The HSI event to be scheduled. :param priority: The priority for the HSI event: 0 (highest), 1 or 2 (lowest) :param topen: The earliest date at which the HSI event should run. :param tclose: The latest date at which the HSI event should run. Set to one week after ``topen`` if ``None``. :param do_hsi_event_checks: Whether to perform sanity checks on the passed ``hsi_event`` argument to check that it constitutes a valid HSI event. This is intended for allowing disabling of these checks when scheduling multiple HSI events of the same ``HSI_Event`` subclass together, in which case typically performing these checks for each individual HSI event of the shared type will be redundant. """ # If there is no specified tclose time then set this to a week after topen. # This should be a boolean, not int! Still struggling to get a boolean variable from resource file DEFAULT_DAYS_OFFSET_VALUE_FOR_TCLOSE_IF_NONE_SPECIFIED = 7 # Clinical time-constraints are embedded in tclose for these modules, do not overwrite their tclose if in ('CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy', 'Labour', 'PostnatalSupervisor', 'NewbornOutcomes'): if tclose is None: tclose = topen + DateOffset(days=DEFAULT_DAYS_OFFSET_VALUE_FOR_TCLOSE_IF_NONE_SPECIFIED) else: if self.tclose_overwrite == 1: tclose = topen + pd.to_timedelta(self.tclose_days_offset_overwrite, unit='D') elif tclose is None: tclose = topen + DateOffset(days=DEFAULT_DAYS_OFFSET_VALUE_FOR_TCLOSE_IF_NONE_SPECIFIED) # Check topen is not in the past assert topen >= # Check that topen is strictly before tclose assert topen < tclose # If ignoring the priority in scheduling, then over-write the provided priority information with 0. if self.ignore_priority: priority = 0 # Use of "" not ideal, see note in initialise_population if self.priority_policy != "": # Look-up priority ranking of this treatment_ID in the policy adopted priority = self.enforce_priority_policy(hsi_event=hsi_event) # Check that priority is in valid range assert priority >= 0 # If priority of HSI_Event lower than the lowest one considered, ignore event in scheduling under mode 2 if (self.mode_appt_constraints == 2) and (priority > self.lowest_priority_considered): self.schedule_to_call_never_ran_on_date(hsi_event=hsi_event, tdate=tclose) # Call this on tclose return # Check if healthsystem is disabled/disable_and_reject_all and, if so, schedule a wrapped event: if self.disable and (not self.disable_and_reject_all): # If healthsystem is disabled (meaning that HSI can still run), schedule for the `run` method on `topen`. self.sim.schedule_event(HSIEventWrapper(hsi_event=hsi_event, run_hsi=True), topen) return if self.disable_and_reject_all: # If healthsystem is disabled the HSI will never run: schedule for the `never_ran` method on `tclose`. self.schedule_to_call_never_ran_on_date(hsi_event=hsi_event, tdate=tclose) # Call this on tclose return # Check that this is a legitimate health system interaction (HSI) event. # These checks are only performed when the flag `do_hsi_event_checks` is set to ``True`` to allow disabling # when the checks are redundant for example when scheduling multiple HSI events of same `HSI_Event` subclass. if do_hsi_event_checks: self.check_hsi_event_is_valid(hsi_event) # Check that this request is allowable under current policy (i.e. included in service_availability). if not self.is_treatment_id_allowed(hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID, self.service_availability): # HSI is not allowable under the services_available parameter: run the HSI's 'never_ran' method on the date # of tclose. self.sim.schedule_event(HSIEventWrapper(hsi_event=hsi_event, run_hsi=False), tclose) else: # The HSI is allowed and will be added to the HSI_EVENT_QUEUE. # Let the HSI gather information about itself (facility_id and appt-footprint time requirements): hsi_event.initialise() self._add_hsi_event_queue_item_to_hsi_event_queue( priority=priority, topen=topen, tclose=tclose, hsi_event=hsi_event)
[docs] def _add_hsi_event_queue_item_to_hsi_event_queue(self, priority, topen, tclose, hsi_event) -> None: """Add an event to the HSI_EVENT_QUEUE.""" # Create HSIEventQueue Item, including a counter for the number of HSI_Events, to assist with sorting in the # queue (NB. the sorting is done ascending and by the order of the items in the tuple). self.hsi_event_queue_counter += 1 if self.randomise_queue: # Might be best to use float here, and if rand_queue is off just assign it a fixed value (?) rand_queue = self.rng_for_hsi_queue.randint(0, 1000000) else: rand_queue = self.hsi_event_queue_counter _new_item: HSIEventQueueItem = HSIEventQueueItem( priority, topen, rand_queue, self.hsi_event_queue_counter, tclose, hsi_event) # Add to queue: hp.heappush(self.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE, _new_item)
# This is where the priority policy is enacted
[docs] def enforce_priority_policy(self, hsi_event) -> int: """Return priority for HSI_Event based on policy under consideration """ pr = self.priority_rank_dict pdf = self.sim.population.props if hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID in pr: _priority_ranking = pr[hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID]['Priority'] # Check whether fast-tracking routes are available for this treatment. If person qualifies for one # don't check remaining. # Look up relevant attributes for HSI_Event's target list_targets = [_t[0] for _t in self.list_fasttrack] target_attributes = pdf.loc[, list_targets] # Warning: here assuming that the first fast-tracking eligibility encountered # will determine the priority to be used. If different fast-tracking channels have # different priorities for the same treatment, this will be a problem! # First item in Lists is age-related, therefore need to invoke different logic. if ( (pr[hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID][self.list_fasttrack[0][1]] > -1) and (target_attributes['age_exact_years'] <= 5) ): return pr[hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID][self.list_fasttrack[0][1]] # All other attributes are looked up the same way, so can do this in for loop for i in range(1, len(self.list_fasttrack)): if ( (pr[hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID][self.list_fasttrack[i][1]] > - 1) and target_attributes[i] ): return pr[hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID][self.list_fasttrack[i][1]] return _priority_ranking else: # If treatment is not ranked in the policy, issue a warning and assign priority=3 by default warnings.warn(UserWarning(f"Couldn't find priority ranking for TREATMENT_ID \n" f"{hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID}")) return self.lowest_priority_considered
[docs] def check_hsi_event_is_valid(self, hsi_event): """Check the integrity of an HSI_Event.""" assert isinstance(hsi_event, HSI_Event) # Check that non-empty treatment ID specified assert hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID != '' if not isinstance(, tlo.population.Population): # This is an individual-scoped HSI event. # It must have EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT, BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT and ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVELS. # Correct formatted EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT assert self.appt_footprint_is_valid(hsi_event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT), \ f"the incorrectly formatted appt_footprint is {hsi_event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT}" # That it has an acceptable 'ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL' attribute assert hsi_event.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL in self._facility_levels, \ f"In the HSI with TREATMENT_ID={hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID}, the ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL (=" \ f"{hsi_event.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL}) is not recognised." self.bed_days.check_beddays_footprint_format(hsi_event.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT) # Check that this can accept the squeeze argument assert _accepts_argument(, 'squeeze_factor') # Check that the event does not request an appointment at a facility # level which is not possible appt_type_to_check_list = hsi_event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT.keys() facility_appt_types = self._appt_type_by_facLevel[ hsi_event.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL ] assert facility_appt_types.issuperset(appt_type_to_check_list), ( f"An appointment type has been requested at a facility level for " f"which it is not possible: TREATMENT_ID={hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_treatment_id_allowed(treatment_id: str, service_availability: list) -> bool: """Determine if a treatment_id (specified as a string) can be run (i.e., is within the allowable set of treatments, given by `self.service_availability`. The rules are as follows: * An empty list means nothing is allowed * A list that contains only an asteriks ['*'] means run anything * If the list is not empty, then a treatment_id with a first part "FirstAttendance_" is also allowed * An entry in the list of the form "A_B_C" means a treatment_id that matches exactly is allowed * An entry in the list of the form "A_B_*" means that a treatment_id that begins "A_B_" or "A_B" is allowed """ def _treatment_matches_pattern(_treatment_id, _service_availability): """Check if treatment_id matches any services specified with wildcard * patterns""" def _matches_this_pattern(_treatment_id, _s): """Returns True if this treatment_id is consistent with this component of service_availability""" if '*' in _s: assert _s[-1] == '*', f"Component of service_availability has an asteriks not at the end: {_s}" _s_split = _s.split('_') # split the matching pattern at '_' knowing that the last component is '*' _treatment_id_split = _treatment_id.split('_', len(_s_split) - 1) # split treatment_id at '_' into # as many component as there as non-asteriks component of _s. # Check if all the components (that are not asteriks) are the same: return all( [(a == b) or (b == "*") for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(_treatment_id_split, _s_split)] ) else: # If not "*", comparison is ordinary match between strings return _treatment_id == _s for _s in service_availability: if _matches_this_pattern(_treatment_id, _s): return True return False if not service_availability: # Empty list --> nothing is allowable return False if service_availability == ['*']: # Wildcard --> everything is allowed return True elif treatment_id in service_availability: # Explicit inclusion of this treatment_id --> allowed return True elif treatment_id.startswith('FirstAttendance_'): # FirstAttendance* --> allowable return True else: if _treatment_matches_pattern(treatment_id, service_availability): return True return False
[docs] def schedule_batch_of_individual_hsi_events( self, hsi_event_class, person_ids, priority, topen, tclose=None, **event_kwargs ): """Schedule a batch of individual-scoped HSI events of the same type. Only performs sanity checks on the HSI event for the first scheduled event thus removing the overhead of multiple redundant checks. :param hsi_event_class: The ``HSI_Event`` subclass of the events to schedule. :param person_ids: A sequence of person ID index values to use as the targets of the HSI events being scheduled. :param priority: The priority for the HSI events: 0 (highest), 1 or 2 (lowest). Either a single value for all events or an iterable of per-target values. :param topen: The earliest date at which the HSI events should run. Either a single value for all events or an iterable of per-target values. :param tclose: The latest date at which the HSI events should run. Set to one week after ``topen`` if ``None``. Either a single value for all events or an iterable of per-target values. :param event_kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments to pass to the ``hsi_event_class`` initialiser in addition to ``person_id``. """ # If any of {priority, topen, tclose} are iterable assume correspond to per- # target values for corresponding arguments of schedule_hsi_event otherwise # use same value for all calls priorities = priority if isinstance(priority, Iterable) else repeat(priority) topens = topen if isinstance(topen, Iterable) else repeat(topen) tcloses = tclose if isinstance(tclose, Iterable) else repeat(tclose) for i, (person_id, priority, topen, tclose) in enumerate( zip(person_ids, priorities, topens, tcloses) ): self.schedule_hsi_event( hsi_event=hsi_event_class(person_id=person_id, **event_kwargs), priority=priority, topen=topen, tclose=tclose, # Only perform checks for first event do_hsi_event_checks=(i == 0) )
[docs] def appt_footprint_is_valid(self, appt_footprint): """ Checks an appointment footprint to ensure it is in the correct format. :param appt_footprint: Appointment footprint to check. :return: True if valid and False otherwise. """ # Check that all keys known appointment types and all values non-negative return isinstance(appt_footprint, dict) and all( k in self._appointment_types and v >= 0 for k, v in appt_footprint.items() )
@property def capabilities_today(self) -> pd.Series: """ Returns the capabilities of the health system today. returns: pd.Series giving minutes available for each officer type in each facility type Functions can go in here in the future that could expand the time available, simulating increasing efficiency (the concept of a productivity ratio raised by Martin Chalkley). For now this method only multiplies the estimated minutes available by the `capabilities_coefficient` scale factor. """ return self._daily_capabilities * self.capabilities_coefficient
[docs] def get_blank_appt_footprint(self): """ This is a helper function so that disease modules can easily create their appt_footprints. It returns an empty Counter instance. """ return Counter()
[docs] def get_facility_info(self, hsi_event) -> FacilityInfo: """Helper function to find the facility at which an HSI event will take place based on their district of residence and the level of the facility of the HSI.""" the_district =[, 'district_of_residence'] the_level = hsi_event.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL return self._facilities_for_each_district[the_level][the_district]
[docs] def get_appt_footprint_as_time_request(self, facility_info: FacilityInfo, appt_footprint: dict): """ This will take an APPT_FOOTPRINT and return the required appointments in terms of the time required of each Officer Type in each Facility ID. The index will identify the Facility ID and the Officer Type in the same format as is used in Daily_Capabilities. :params facility_info: The FacilityInfo describing the facility at which the appointment occurs :param appt_footprint: The actual appt footprint (optional) if different to that in the HSI event. :return: A Counter that gives the times required for each officer-type in each facility_ID, where this time is non-zero. """ # Accumulate appointment times for specified footprint using times from appointment times table. appt_footprint_times = Counter() for appt_type in appt_footprint: try: appt_info_list = self._appt_times[facility_info.level][appt_type] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( f"The time needed for an appointment is not defined for the specified facility level: " f"appt_type={appt_type}, " f"facility_level={facility_info.level}." ) from e for appt_info in appt_info_list: appt_footprint_times[ f"FacilityID_{}_Officer_{appt_info.officer_type}" ] += appt_info.time_taken return appt_footprint_times
[docs] def get_squeeze_factors(self, footprints_per_event, total_footprint, current_capabilities, compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level: bool ): """ This will compute the squeeze factors for each HSI event from the list of all the calls on health system resources for the day. The squeeze factor is defined as (call/available - 1). ie. the highest fractional over-demand among any type of officer that is called-for in the appt_footprint of an HSI event. A value of 0.0 signifies that there is no squeezing (sufficient resources for the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT). :param footprints_per_event: List, one entry per HSI event, containing the minutes required from each health officer in each health facility as a Counter (using the standard index) :param total_footprint: Counter, containing the total minutes required from each health officer in each health facility when non-zero, (using the standard index) :param current_capabilities: Series giving the amount of time available for each health officer in each health facility (using the standard index) :param compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level: Boolean indicating whether the computation of squeeze_factors should be specific to each district (when `True`), or if the computation of squeeze_factors should be on the basis that resources from all districts can be effectively "pooled" (when `False). :return: squeeze_factors: an array of the squeeze factors for each HSI event (position in array matches that in the all_call_today list). """ def get_total_minutes_of_this_officer_in_this_district(_officer): """Returns the minutes of current capabilities for the officer identified (this officer type in this facility_id).""" return current_capabilities.get(_officer) def get_total_minutes_of_this_officer_in_all_district(_officer): """Returns the minutes of current capabilities for the officer identified in all districts (this officer type in this all facilities of the same level in all districts).""" def split_officer_compound_string(cs) -> Tuple[int, str]: """Returns (facility_id, officer_type) for the officer identified in the string of the form: 'FacilityID_{facility_id}_Officer_{officer_type}'.""" _, _facility_id, _, _officer_type = cs.split('_', 3) # (NB. Some 'officer_type' include "_") return int(_facility_id), _officer_type def _match(_this_officer, facility_ids: List[int], officer_type: str): """Returns True if the officer identified is of the identified officer_type and is in one of the facility_ids.""" this_facility_id, this_officer_type = split_officer_compound_string(_this_officer) return (this_officer_type == officer_type) and (this_facility_id in facility_ids) facility_id, officer_type = split_officer_compound_string(_officer) facility_level = self._facility_by_facility_id[int(facility_id)].level facilities_of_same_level_in_all_district = [ for _fac in self._facilities_for_each_district[facility_level].values() ] officers_in_the_same_level_in_all_districts = [ _officer for _officer in current_capabilities.keys() if _match(_officer, facility_ids=facilities_of_same_level_in_all_district, officer_type=officer_type) ] return sum(current_capabilities.get(_o) for _o in officers_in_the_same_level_in_all_districts) # 1) Compute the load factors for each officer type at each facility that is # called-upon in this list of HSIs load_factor = {} for officer, call in total_footprint.items(): if compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level: availability = get_total_minutes_of_this_officer_in_this_district(officer) else: availability = get_total_minutes_of_this_officer_in_all_district(officer) # If officer does not exist in the relevant facility, log warning and proceed as if availability = 0 if availability is None: logger.warning( key="message", data=(f"Requested officer {officer} is not contemplated by health system. ") ) availability = 0 if availability == 0: load_factor[officer] = float('inf') else: load_factor[officer] = max(call / availability - 1, 0.0) # 2) Convert these load-factors into an overall 'squeeze' signal for each HSI, # based on the load-factor of the officer with the largest time requirement for that # event (or zero if event has an empty footprint) squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event = [] for footprint in footprints_per_event: if len(footprint) > 0: # If any of the required officers are not available at the facility, set overall squeeze to inf require_missing_officer = any([load_factor[officer] == float('inf') for officer in footprint]) if require_missing_officer: squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event.append(float('inf')) else: squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event.append(max(load_factor[footprint.most_common()[0][0]], 0.)) else: squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event.append(0.0) squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event = np.array(squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event) assert (squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event >= 0).all() return squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event
[docs] def record_hsi_event(self, hsi_event, actual_appt_footprint=None, squeeze_factor=None, did_run=True, priority=None): """ Record the processing of an HSI event. If this is an individual-level HSI_Event, it will also record the actual appointment footprint :param hsi_event: The HSI_Event (containing the initial expectations of footprints) :param actual_appt_footprint: The actual Appointment Footprint (if individual event) :param squeeze_factor: The squeeze factor (if individual event) """ if isinstance(, tlo.population.Population): # Population HSI-Event (N.B. This is not actually logged.) log_info = dict() log_info['TREATMENT_ID'] = hsi_event.TREATMENT_ID log_info['Number_By_Appt_Type_Code'] = 'Population' # remove the appt-types with zeros log_info['Person_ID'] = -1 # Junk code log_info['Squeeze_Factor'] = 0 log_info['did_run'] = did_run log_info['priority'] = priority else: # Individual HSI-Event _squeeze_factor = squeeze_factor if squeeze_factor != np.inf else 100.0 self.write_to_hsi_log( event_details=hsi_event.as_namedtuple(actual_appt_footprint),,, squeeze_factor=_squeeze_factor, did_run=did_run, priority=priority, )
[docs] def write_to_hsi_log( self, event_details: HSIEventDetails, person_id: int, facility_id: Optional[int], squeeze_factor: float, did_run: bool, priority: int, ): """Write the log `HSI_Event` and add to the summary counter.""" # Debug logger gives simple line-list for every HSI event logger.debug( key="HSI_Event", data={ 'Event_Name': event_details.event_name, 'TREATMENT_ID': event_details.treatment_id, 'Number_By_Appt_Type_Code': dict(event_details.appt_footprint), 'Person_ID': person_id, 'Squeeze_Factor': squeeze_factor, 'priority': priority, 'did_run': did_run, 'Facility_Level': event_details.facility_level if event_details.facility_level is not None else -99, 'Facility_ID': facility_id if facility_id is not None else -99, 'Equipment': sorted(, }, description="record of each HSI event" ) if did_run: if self._hsi_event_count_log_period is not None: # Do logging for HSI Event using counts of each 'unique type' of HSI event (as defined by # `HSIEventDetails`). event_details_key = self._hsi_event_details.setdefault( event_details, len(self._hsi_event_details) ) self._hsi_event_counts_log_period[event_details_key] += 1 # Do logging for 'summary logger' self._summary_counter.record_hsi_event( treatment_id=event_details.treatment_id, hsi_event_name=event_details.event_name, squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor, appt_footprint=event_details.appt_footprint, level=event_details.facility_level, )
[docs] def call_and_record_never_ran_hsi_event(self, hsi_event, priority=None): """ Record the fact that an HSI event was never ran. If this is an individual-level HSI_Event, it will also record the actual appointment footprint :param hsi_event: The HSI_Event (containing the initial expectations of footprints) """ # Invoke never ran function here hsi_event.never_ran() if hsi_event.facility_info is not None: # Fully-defined HSI Event self.write_to_never_ran_hsi_log( event_details=hsi_event.as_namedtuple(),,, priority=priority, ) else: self.write_to_never_ran_hsi_log( event_details=hsi_event.as_namedtuple(), person_id=-1, facility_id=-1, priority=priority, )
[docs] def write_to_never_ran_hsi_log( self, event_details: HSIEventDetails, person_id: int, facility_id: Optional[int], priority: int, ): """Write the log `HSI_Event` and add to the summary counter.""" logger.debug( key="Never_ran_HSI_Event", data={ 'Event_Name': event_details.event_name, 'TREATMENT_ID': event_details.treatment_id, 'Number_By_Appt_Type_Code': dict(event_details.appt_footprint), 'Person_ID': person_id, 'priority': priority, 'Facility_Level': event_details.facility_level if event_details.facility_level is not None else -99, 'Facility_ID': facility_id if facility_id is not None else -99, }, description="record of each HSI event that never ran" ) if self._hsi_event_count_log_period is not None: event_details_key = self._never_ran_hsi_event_details.setdefault( event_details, len(self._never_ran_hsi_event_details) ) self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_log_period[event_details_key] += 1 self._summary_counter.record_never_ran_hsi_event( treatment_id=event_details.treatment_id, hsi_event_name=event_details.event_name, appt_footprint=event_details.appt_footprint, level=event_details.facility_level, )
[docs] def log_current_capabilities_and_usage(self): """ This will log the percentage of the current capabilities that is used at each Facility Type, according the `runnning_total_footprint`. This runs every day. """ current_capabilities = self.capabilities_today total_footprint = self.running_total_footprint # Combine the current_capabilities and total_footprint per-officer totals comparison = pd.DataFrame(index=current_capabilities.index) comparison['Total_Minutes_Per_Day'] = current_capabilities comparison['Minutes_Used'] = pd.Series(total_footprint, dtype='float64') comparison['Minutes_Used'] = comparison['Minutes_Used'].fillna(0.0) assert len(comparison) == len(current_capabilities) # Compute Fraction of Time Used Overall total_available = comparison['Total_Minutes_Per_Day'].sum() fraction_time_used_overall = ( comparison['Minutes_Used'].sum() / total_available if total_available > 0 else 0 ) # Compute Fraction of Time Used In Each Facility facility_id = [_f.split('_')[1] for _f in comparison.index] summary_by_fac_id = comparison.groupby(by=facility_id)[['Total_Minutes_Per_Day', 'Minutes_Used']].sum() summary_by_fac_id['Fraction_Time_Used'] = ( summary_by_fac_id['Minutes_Used'] / summary_by_fac_id['Total_Minutes_Per_Day'] ).replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], 0.0) # Compute Fraction of Time For Each Officer and level officer = [_f.rsplit('Officer_')[1] for _f in comparison.index] level = [self._facility_by_facility_id[int(_fac_id)].level for _fac_id in facility_id] level = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('1b', '2'), level)) summary_by_officer = comparison.groupby(by=[officer, level])[['Total_Minutes_Per_Day', 'Minutes_Used']].sum() summary_by_officer['Fraction_Time_Used'] = ( summary_by_officer['Minutes_Used'] / summary_by_officer['Total_Minutes_Per_Day'] ).replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], 0.0) summary_by_officer.index.names = ['Officer_Type', 'Facility_Level']'Capacity', data={ 'Frac_Time_Used_Overall': fraction_time_used_overall, 'Frac_Time_Used_By_Facility_ID': summary_by_fac_id['Fraction_Time_Used'].to_dict(), 'Frac_Time_Used_By_OfficerType': flatten_multi_index_series_into_dict_for_logging( summary_by_officer['Fraction_Time_Used'] ), }, description='daily summary of utilisation and capacity of health system resources') self._summary_counter.record_hs_status( fraction_time_used_across_all_facilities=fraction_time_used_overall, fraction_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level=summary_by_officer["Fraction_Time_Used"].to_dict() )
[docs] def remove_beddays_footprint(self, person_id): # removing bed_days from a particular individual if any self.bed_days.remove_beddays_footprint(person_id=person_id)
[docs] def find_events_for_person(self, person_id: int): """Find the events in the HSI_EVENT_QUEUE for a particular person. :param person_id: the person_id of interest :returns list of tuples (date_of_event, event) for that person_id in the HSI_EVENT_QUEUE. NB. This is for debugging and testing only - not for use in real simulations as it is slow """ list_of_events = list() for ev_tuple in self.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE: date = ev_tuple.topen event = ev_tuple.hsi_event if isinstance(, (int, np.integer)): if == person_id: list_of_events.append((date, event)) return list_of_events
[docs] def reset_queue(self): """Set the HSI event queue to be empty""" self.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE = [] self.hsi_event_queue_counter = 0
[docs] def get_item_codes_from_package_name(self, package: str) -> dict: """Helper function to provide the item codes and quantities in a dict of the form {<item_code>:<quantity>} for a given package name.""" return get_item_codes_from_package_name(self.parameters['item_and_package_code_lookups'], package)
[docs] def get_item_code_from_item_name(self, item: str) -> int: """Helper function to provide the item_code (an int) when provided with the name of the item""" return get_item_code_from_item_name(self.parameters['item_and_package_code_lookups'], item)
[docs] def override_availability_of_consumables(self, item_codes) -> None: """Over-ride the availability (for all months and all facilities) of certain consumables item_codes. :param item_codes: Dictionary of the form {<item_code>: probability_that_item_is_available} :return: None """ self.consumables.override_availability(item_codes)
[docs] def _write_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset(self): key="hsi_event_counts", description=( f"Counts of the HSI events that have run in this " f"{self._hsi_event_count_log_period} with keys corresponding to integer" f" keys recorded in dictionary in hsi_event_details log entry." ), data={"hsi_event_key_to_counts": dict(self._hsi_event_counts_log_period)}, ) self._hsi_event_counts_cumulative += self._hsi_event_counts_log_period self._hsi_event_counts_log_period.clear()
[docs] def _write_never_ran_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset(self): key="never_ran_hsi_event_counts", description=( f"Counts of the HSI events that never ran in this " f"{self._hsi_event_count_log_period} with keys corresponding to integer" f" keys recorded in dictionary in hsi_event_details log entry." ), data={"never_ran_hsi_event_key_to_counts": dict(self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_log_period)}, ) self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_cumulative += self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_log_period self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_log_period.clear()
[docs] def on_end_of_day(self) -> None: """Do jobs to be done at the end of the day (after all HSI run)""" self.bed_days.on_end_of_day() if self._hsi_event_count_log_period == "day": self._write_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset() self._write_never_ran_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset()
[docs] def on_end_of_month(self) -> None: """Do jobs to be done at the end of the month (after all HSI run)""" if self._hsi_event_count_log_period == "month": self._write_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset() self._write_never_ran_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset()
[docs] def on_end_of_year(self) -> None: """Write to log the current states of the summary counters and reset them.""" # If we are at the end of the year preceeding the mode switch, and if wanted # to rescale capabilities to capture effective availability as was recorded, on # average, in the past year, do so here. if ( ( == self.parameters['year_mode_switch'] - 1) and self.parameters['scale_to_effective_capabilities'] ): self._rescale_capabilities_to_capture_effective_capability() self._summary_counter.write_to_log_and_reset_counters() self.consumables.on_end_of_year() self.bed_days.on_end_of_year() if self._hsi_event_count_log_period == "year": self._write_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset() self._write_never_ran_hsi_event_counts_to_log_and_reset()
[docs] def run_population_level_events(self, _list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples: List[HSIEventQueueItem]) -> None: """Run a list of population level events.""" while len(_list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples) > 0: pop_level_hsi_event_tuple = _list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples.pop() pop_level_hsi_event = pop_level_hsi_event_tuple.hsi_event self.record_hsi_event(hsi_event=pop_level_hsi_event)
[docs] def run_individual_level_events_in_mode_0_or_1(self, _list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples: List[HSIEventQueueItem]) -> List: """Run a list of individual level events. Returns: list of events that did not run (maybe an empty list).""" _to_be_held_over = list() assert self.mode_appt_constraints in (0, 1) if _list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples: # Examine total call on health officers time from the HSI events in the list: # For all events in the list, expand the appt-footprint of the event to give the demands on each # officer-type in each facility_id. footprints_of_all_individual_level_hsi_event = [ event_tuple.hsi_event.expected_time_requests for event_tuple in _list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples ] # Compute total appointment footprint across all events for footprint in footprints_of_all_individual_level_hsi_event: # Counter.update method when called with dict-like argument adds counts # from argument to Counter object called from self.running_total_footprint.update(footprint) # Estimate Squeeze-Factors for today if self.mode_appt_constraints == 0: # For Mode 0 (no Constraints), the squeeze factors are all zero. squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event = np.zeros( len(footprints_of_all_individual_level_hsi_event)) else: # For Other Modes, the squeeze factors must be computed squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event = self.get_squeeze_factors( footprints_per_event=footprints_of_all_individual_level_hsi_event, total_footprint=self.running_total_footprint, current_capabilities=self.capabilities_today, compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level=self.compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level, ) for ev_num, event in enumerate(_list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples): _priority = event.priority event = event.hsi_event squeeze_factor = squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event[ev_num] # todo use zip here! # store appt_footprint before running _appt_footprint_before_running = event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT # Mode 0: All HSI Event run, with no squeeze # Mode 1: All HSI Events run with squeeze provided latter is not inf ok_to_run = True if self.mode_appt_constraints == 1 and squeeze_factor == float('inf'): ok_to_run = False if ok_to_run: # Compute the bed days that are allocated to this HSI and provide this information to the HSI if sum(event.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT.values()): event._received_info_about_bed_days = \ self.bed_days.issue_bed_days_according_to_availability( facility_id=self.bed_days.get_facility_id_for_beds(, footprint=event.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT ) # Check that a facility has been assigned to this HSI assert event.facility_info is not None, \ f"Cannot run HSI {event.TREATMENT_ID} without facility_info being defined." # Run the HSI event (allowing it to return an updated appt_footprint) actual_appt_footprint = # Check if the HSI event returned updated appt_footprint if actual_appt_footprint is not None: # The returned footprint is different to the expected footprint: so must update load factors # check its formatting: assert self.appt_footprint_is_valid(actual_appt_footprint) # Update load factors: updated_call = self.get_appt_footprint_as_time_request( facility_info=event.facility_info, appt_footprint=actual_appt_footprint ) original_call = footprints_of_all_individual_level_hsi_event[ev_num] footprints_of_all_individual_level_hsi_event[ev_num] = updated_call self.running_total_footprint -= original_call self.running_total_footprint += updated_call # Don't recompute for mode=0 if self.mode_appt_constraints != 0: squeeze_factor_per_hsi_event = self.get_squeeze_factors( footprints_per_event=footprints_of_all_individual_level_hsi_event, total_footprint=self.running_total_footprint, current_capabilities=self.capabilities_today, compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level=self. compute_squeeze_factor_to_district_level, ) else: # no actual footprint is returned so take the expected initial declaration as the actual, # as recorded before the HSI event run actual_appt_footprint = _appt_footprint_before_running # Write to the log self.record_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, actual_appt_footprint=actual_appt_footprint, squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor, did_run=True, priority=_priority ) # if not ok_to_run else: # Do not run, # Call did_not_run for the hsi_event rtn_from_did_not_run = event.did_not_run() # If received no response from the call to did_not_run, or a True signal, then # add to the hold-over queue. # Otherwise (disease module returns "FALSE") the event is not rescheduled and will not run. if rtn_from_did_not_run is not False: # reschedule event hp.heappush(_to_be_held_over, _list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples[ev_num]) # Log that the event did not run self.record_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, actual_appt_footprint=event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT, squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor, did_run=False, priority=_priority ) return _to_be_held_over
@property def hsi_event_counts(self) -> Counter: """Counts of details of HSI events which have run so far in simulation. Returns a ``Counter`` instance with keys ``HSIEventDetail`` named tuples corresponding to details of HSI events that have run over simulation so far. """ if self._hsi_event_count_log_period is None: return Counter() else: # If in middle of log period _hsi_event_counts_log_period will not be empty # and so overall total counts is sums of counts in both # _hsi_event_counts_cumulative and _hsi_event_counts_log_period total_hsi_event_counts = ( self._hsi_event_counts_cumulative + self._hsi_event_counts_log_period ) return Counter( { event_details: total_hsi_event_counts[event_details_key] for event_details, event_details_key in self._hsi_event_details.items() } ) @property def never_ran_hsi_event_counts(self) -> Counter: """Counts of details of HSI events which never ran so far in simulation. Returns a ``Counter`` instance with keys ``HSIEventDetail`` named tuples corresponding to details of HSI events that have never ran over simulation so far. """ if self._hsi_event_count_log_period is None: return Counter() else: # If in middle of log period _hsi_event_counts_log_period will not be empty # and so overall total counts is sums of counts in both # _hsi_event_counts_cumulative and _hsi_event_counts_log_period total_never_ran_hsi_event_counts = ( self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_cumulative + self._never_ran_hsi_event_counts_log_period ) return Counter( { event_details: total_never_ran_hsi_event_counts[event_details_key] for event_details, event_details_key in self._never_ran_hsi_event_details.items() } )
[docs] class HealthSystemScheduler(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This is the HealthSystemScheduler. It is an event that occurs every day and must be the LAST event of the day. It inspects the calls on the healthsystem and commissions event to occur that are consistent with the healthsystem's capabilities for the following day, given assumptions about how this decision is made. N.B. Events scheduled for the same day will occur that day, but after those which were scheduled on an earlier date. The overall Prioritization algorithm is: * Look at events in order (the order is set by the heapq: see `schedule_hsi_event`) * Ignore if the current data is before topen * Remove and do nothing if tclose has expired * Run any population-level HSI events * For an individual-level HSI event, check if there are sufficient health system capabilities to run the event If the event is to be run, then the following events occur: * The HSI event itself is run. * The occurrence of the event is logged * The resources used are 'occupied' (if individual level HSI event) * Other disease modules are alerted of the occurrence of the HSI event (if individual level HSI event) Here is where we can have multiple types of assumption regarding how these capabilities are modelled. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module: HealthSystem): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(days=1), priority=Priority.END_OF_DAY)
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_last_day_of_the_year(date): return (date.month == 12) and ( == 31)
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_last_day_of_the_month(date): return date.month != (date + pd.DateOffset(days=1)).month
[docs] def _get_events_due_today(self,) -> Tuple[List, List]: """Interrogate the HSI_EVENT queue object to remove from it the events due today, and to return these in two lists: * list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today * list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today """ _list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today = list() _list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today = list() _list_of_events_not_due_today = list() # To avoid repeated dataframe accesses in subsequent loop, assemble set of alive # person IDs as one-off operation, exploiting the improved efficiency of # boolean-indexing of a Series compared to row-by-row access. From benchmarks # converting Series to list before converting to set is ~2x more performant than # direct conversion to set, while checking membership of set is ~10x quicker # than checking membership of Pandas Index object and ~25x quicker than checking # membership of list alive_persons = set( self.sim.population.props.index[self.sim.population.props.is_alive].to_list() ) # Traverse the queue and split events into the three lists (due-individual, due-population, not_due) while len(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE) > 0: next_event_tuple = hp.heappop(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE) # Read the tuple and remove from heapq, and assemble into a dict 'next_event' event = next_event_tuple.hsi_event if > next_event_tuple.tclose: # The event has expired (after tclose) having never been run. Call the 'never_ran' function self.module.call_and_record_never_ran_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, priority=next_event_tuple.priority ) elif not ( isinstance(, tlo.population.Population) or in alive_persons ): # if individual level event and the person who is the target is no longer alive, do nothing more, # i.e. remove from heapq pass elif < next_event_tuple.topen: # The event is not yet due (before topen) hp.heappush(_list_of_events_not_due_today, next_event_tuple) else: # The event is now due to run today and the person is confirmed to be still alive # Add it to the list of events due today (individual or population level) # NB. These list is ordered by priority and then due date is_pop_level_hsi_event = isinstance(, tlo.population.Population) if is_pop_level_hsi_event: _list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today.append(next_event_tuple) else: _list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today.append(next_event_tuple) # add events from the _list_of_events_not_due_today back into the queue while len(_list_of_events_not_due_today) > 0: hp.heappush(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE, hp.heappop(_list_of_events_not_due_today)) return _list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today, _list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today
[docs] def process_events_mode_0_and_1(self, hold_over: List[HSIEventQueueItem]) -> None: while True: # Get the events that are due today: ( list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today, list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today ) = self._get_events_due_today() if ( (len(list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today) == 0) and (len(list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today) == 0) ): break # Run the list of population-level HSI events self.module.run_population_level_events(list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today) # For each individual level event, check whether the equipment it has already declared is available. If it # is not, then call the HSI's never_run function, and do not take it forward for running; if it is then # add it to the list of events to run. list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today_that_have_essential_equipment = list() for item in list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today: if not item.hsi_event.is_all_declared_equipment_available: self.module.call_and_record_never_ran_hsi_event(hsi_event=item.hsi_event, priority=item.priority) else: list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today_that_have_essential_equipment.append(item) # Try to run the list of individual-level events that have their essential equipment _to_be_held_over = self.module.run_individual_level_events_in_mode_0_or_1( list_of_individual_hsi_event_tuples_due_today_that_have_essential_equipment, ) hold_over.extend(_to_be_held_over)
[docs] def process_events_mode_2(self, hold_over: List[HSIEventQueueItem]) -> None: capabilities_monitor = Counter(self.module.capabilities_today.to_dict()) set_capabilities_still_available = {k for k, v in capabilities_monitor.items() if v > 0.0} # Here use different approach for appt_mode_constraints = 2: rather than collecting events # due today all at once, run event immediately at time of querying. This ensures that no # artificial "midday effects" are introduced when evaluating priority policies. # To avoid repeated dataframe accesses in subsequent loop, assemble set of alive # person IDs as one-off operation, exploiting the improved efficiency of # boolean-indexing of a Series compared to row-by-row access. From benchmarks # converting Series to list before converting to set is ~2x more performant than # direct conversion to set, while checking membership of set is ~10x quicker # than checking membership of Pandas Index object and ~25x quicker than checking # membership of list alive_persons = set( self.sim.population.props.index[self.sim.population.props.is_alive].to_list() ) list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today = list() list_of_events_not_due_today = list() # Traverse the queue and run events due today until have capabilities still available while len(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE) > 0: # Check if any of the officers in the country are still available for today. # If not, no point in going through the queue any longer. # This will make things slower for tests/small simulations, but should be of significant help # in the case of large simulations in mode_appt_constraints = 2 where number of people in the # queue for today >> resources available for that day. This would be faster done by facility. if len(set_capabilities_still_available) > 0: next_event_tuple = hp.heappop(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE) # Read the tuple and remove from heapq, and assemble into a dict 'next_event' event = next_event_tuple.hsi_event if > next_event_tuple.tclose: # The event has expired (after tclose) having never been run. Call the 'never_ran' function self.module.call_and_record_never_ran_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, priority=next_event_tuple.priority ) elif not ( isinstance(, tlo.population.Population) or in alive_persons ): # if individual level event and the person who is the target is no longer alive, # do nothing more, i.e. remove from heapq pass elif < next_event_tuple.topen: # The event is not yet due (before topen) hp.heappush(list_of_events_not_due_today, next_event_tuple) if next_event_tuple.priority == self.module.lowest_priority_considered: # Check the priority # If the next event is not due and has the lowest allowed priority, then stop looking # through the heapq as all other events will also not be due. break else: # The event is now due to run today and the person is confirmed to be still alive. # Add it to the list of events due today if at population level. # Otherwise, run event immediately. is_pop_level_hsi_event = isinstance(, tlo.population.Population) if is_pop_level_hsi_event: list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today.append(next_event_tuple) else: # Retrieve officers&facility required for HSI original_call = next_event_tuple.hsi_event.expected_time_requests _priority = next_event_tuple.priority # In this version of mode_appt_constraints = 2, do not have access to squeeze # based on queue information, and we assume no squeeze ever takes place. squeeze_factor = 0. # Check if any of the officers required have run out. out_of_resources = False for officer, call in original_call.items(): # If any of the officers are not available, then out of resources if officer not in set_capabilities_still_available: out_of_resources = True # If officers still available, run event. Note: in current logic, a little # overtime is allowed to run last event of the day. This seems more realistic # than medical staff leaving earlier than # planned if seeing another patient would take them into overtime. if out_of_resources: # Do not run, # Call did_not_run for the hsi_event rtn_from_did_not_run = event.did_not_run() # If received no response from the call to did_not_run, or a True signal, then # add to the hold-over queue. # Otherwise (disease module returns "FALSE") the event is not rescheduled and # will not run. if rtn_from_did_not_run is not False: # reschedule event # Add the event to the queue: hp.heappush(hold_over, next_event_tuple) # Log that the event did not run self.module.record_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, actual_appt_footprint=event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT, squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor, did_run=False, priority=_priority ) # Have enough capabilities left to run event else: # Notes-to-self: Shouldn't this be done after checking the footprint? # Compute the bed days that are allocated to this HSI and provide this # information to the HSI if sum(event.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT.values()): event._received_info_about_bed_days = \ self.module.bed_days.issue_bed_days_according_to_availability( facility_id=self.module.bed_days.get_facility_id_for_beds(, footprint=event.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT ) # Check that a facility has been assigned to this HSI assert event.facility_info is not None, \ f"Cannot run HSI {event.TREATMENT_ID} without facility_info being defined." # Check if equipment declared is available. If not, call `never_ran` and do not run the # event. (`continue` returns flow to beginning of the `while` loop) if not event.is_all_declared_equipment_available: self.module.call_and_record_never_ran_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, priority=next_event_tuple.priority ) continue # Expected appt footprint before running event _appt_footprint_before_running = event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT # Run event & get actual footprint actual_appt_footprint = # Check if the HSI event returned updated_appt_footprint, and if so adjust original_call if actual_appt_footprint is not None: # check its formatting: assert self.module.appt_footprint_is_valid(actual_appt_footprint) # Update call that will be used to compute capabilities used updated_call = self.module.get_appt_footprint_as_time_request( facility_info=event.facility_info, appt_footprint=actual_appt_footprint ) else: actual_appt_footprint = _appt_footprint_before_running updated_call = original_call # Recalculate call on officers based on squeeze factor. for k in updated_call.keys(): updated_call[k] = updated_call[k]/(squeeze_factor + 1.) # Subtract this from capabilities used so-far today capabilities_monitor.subtract(updated_call) # If any of the officers have run out of time by performing this hsi, # remove them from list of available officers. for officer, call in updated_call.items(): if capabilities_monitor[officer] <= 0: if officer in set_capabilities_still_available: set_capabilities_still_available.remove(officer) else: logger.warning( key="message", data=(f"{event.TREATMENT_ID} actual_footprint requires different" f"officers than expected_footprint.") ) # Update today's footprint based on actual call and squeeze factor self.module.running_total_footprint -= original_call self.module.running_total_footprint += updated_call # Write to the log self.module.record_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, actual_appt_footprint=actual_appt_footprint, squeeze_factor=squeeze_factor, did_run=True, priority=_priority ) # Don't have any capabilities at all left for today, no # point in going through the queue to check what's left to do today. else: break # In previous iteration, we stopped querying the queue once capabilities # were exhausted, so here we traverse the queue again to ensure that if any events expired were # left unchecked they are properly removed from the queue, and did_not_run() is invoked for all # postponed events. (This should still be more efficient than querying the queue as done in # mode_appt_constraints = 0 and 1 while ensuring mid-day effects are avoided.) # We also schedule a call_never_run for any HSI below the lowest_priority_considered, # in case any of them where left in the queue due to a transition from mode 0/1 to mode 2 while len(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE) > 0: next_event_tuple = hp.heappop(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE) # Read the tuple and remove from heapq, and assemble into a dict 'next_event' event = next_event_tuple.hsi_event # If the priority of the event is lower than lowest_priority_considered, schedule a call_never_ran # on tclose regardless of whether appt is due today or any other time. (Although in mode 2 HSIs with # priority > lowest_priority_considered are never added to the queue, some such HSIs may still be present # in the queue if mode 2 was preceded by a period in mode 1). if next_event_tuple.priority > self.module.lowest_priority_considered: self.module.schedule_to_call_never_ran_on_date(hsi_event=event, tdate=next_event_tuple.tclose) elif > next_event_tuple.tclose: # The event has expired (after tclose) having never been run. Call the 'never_ran' function self.module.call_and_record_never_ran_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, priority=next_event_tuple.priority ) elif not ( isinstance(, tlo.population.Population) or in alive_persons ): # if individual level event and the person who is the target is no longer alive, # do nothing more, i.e. remove from heapq pass elif < next_event_tuple.topen: # The event is not yet due (before topen). Do not stop querying the queue here if we have # reached the lowest_priority_considered, as we want to make sure HSIs with lower priority # (which may have been scheduled during a prior mode 0/1 period) are flushed from the queue. hp.heappush(list_of_events_not_due_today, next_event_tuple) else: # Add it to the list of events due today if at population level. # Otherwise, run event immediately. is_pop_level_hsi_event = isinstance(, tlo.population.Population) if is_pop_level_hsi_event: list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today.append(next_event_tuple) else: # In previous iteration, have already run all the events for today that could run # given capabilities available, so put back any remaining events due today to the # hold_over queue as it would not be possible to run them today. # Do not run, # Call did_not_run for the hsi_event rtn_from_did_not_run = event.did_not_run() # If received no response from the call to did_not_run, or a True signal, then # add to the hold-over queue. # Otherwise (disease module returns "FALSE") the event is not rescheduled and # will not run. if rtn_from_did_not_run is not False: # reschedule event # Add the event to the queue: hp.heappush(hold_over, next_event_tuple) # Log that the event did not run self.module.record_hsi_event( hsi_event=event, actual_appt_footprint=event.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT, squeeze_factor=0, did_run=False, priority=next_event_tuple.priority ) # add events from the list_of_events_not_due_today back into the queue while len(list_of_events_not_due_today) > 0: hp.heappush(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE, hp.heappop(list_of_events_not_due_today)) # Run the list of population-level HSI events self.module.run_population_level_events(list_of_population_hsi_event_tuples_due_today)
[docs] def apply(self, population): # Refresh information ready for new day: self.module.bed_days.on_start_of_day() self.module.consumables.on_start_of_day( # Compute footprint that arise from in-patient bed-days inpatient_appts = self.module.bed_days.get_inpatient_appts() inpatient_footprints = Counter() for _fac_id, _footprint in inpatient_appts.items(): inpatient_footprints.update(self.module.get_appt_footprint_as_time_request( facility_info=self.module._facility_by_facility_id[_fac_id], appt_footprint=_footprint) ) # Write to the log that these in-patient appointments were needed: if len(inpatient_appts): for _fac_id, _inpatient_appts in inpatient_appts.items(): self.module.write_to_hsi_log( event_details=HSIEventDetails( event_name='Inpatient_Care', module_name='HealthSystem', treatment_id='Inpatient_Care', facility_level=self.module._facility_by_facility_id[_fac_id].level, appt_footprint=tuple(sorted(_inpatient_appts.items())), beddays_footprint=(), equipment=tuple(), # Equipment is normally a set, but this has to be hashable. ), person_id=-1, facility_id=_fac_id, squeeze_factor=0.0, priority=-1, did_run=True, ) # Restart the total footprint of all calls today, beginning with those due to existing in-patients. self.module.running_total_footprint = inpatient_footprints # Create hold-over list. This will hold events that cannot occur today before they are added back to the queue. hold_over = list() if self.module.mode_appt_constraints in (0, 1): # Run all events due today, repeating the check for due events until none are due # (this allows for HSI that are added to the queue in the course of other HSI # for this today to be run this day). self.process_events_mode_0_and_1(hold_over) elif self.module.mode_appt_constraints == 2: self.process_events_mode_2(hold_over) # -- End-of-day activities -- # Add back to the HSI_EVENT_QUEUE heapq all those events which are still eligible to run but which did not run while len(hold_over) > 0: hp.heappush(self.module.HSI_EVENT_QUEUE, hp.heappop(hold_over)) # Log total usage of the facilities self.module.log_current_capabilities_and_usage() # Trigger jobs to be done at the end of the day (after all HSI run) self.module.on_end_of_day() # Do activities that are required at end of month (if last day of the month) if self._is_last_day_of_the_month( self.module.on_end_of_month() # Do activities that are required at end of year (if last day of the year) if self._is_last_day_of_the_year( self.module.on_end_of_year()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logging # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class HealthSystemSummaryCounter: """Helper class to keep running counts of HSI and the state of the HealthSystem and logging summaries.""" def __init__(self): self._reset_internal_stores() def _reset_internal_stores(self) -> None: """Create empty versions of the data structures used to store a running records.""" self._treatment_ids = defaultdict(int) # Running record of the `TREATMENT_ID`s of `HSI_Event`s self._appts = defaultdict(int) # Running record of the Appointments of `HSI_Event`s that have run self._appts_by_level = {_level: defaultdict(int) for _level in ('0', '1a', '1b', '2', '3', '4')} # <--Same as `self._appts` but also split by facility_level # Log HSI_Events that never ran to monitor shortcoming of Health System self._never_ran_treatment_ids = defaultdict(int) # As above, but for `HSI_Event`s that never ran self._never_ran_appts = defaultdict(int) # As above, but for `HSI_Event`s that have never ran self._never_ran_appts_by_level = {_level: defaultdict(int) for _level in ('0', '1a', '1b', '2', '3', '4')} self._frac_time_used_overall = [] # Running record of the usage of the healthcare system self._sum_of_daily_frac_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level = Counter() self._squeeze_factor_by_hsi_event_name = defaultdict(list) # Running record the squeeze-factor applying to each # treatment_id. Key is of the form: # "<TREATMENT_ID>:<HSI_EVENT_NAME>" def record_hsi_event(self, treatment_id: str, hsi_event_name: str, squeeze_factor: float, appt_footprint: Counter, level: str ) -> None: """Add information about an `HSI_Event` to the running summaries.""" # Count the treatment_id: self._treatment_ids[treatment_id] += 1 # Add the squeeze-factor to the list self._squeeze_factor_by_hsi_event_name[ f"{treatment_id}:{hsi_event_name}" ].append(squeeze_factor) # Count each type of appointment: for appt_type, number in appt_footprint: self._appts[appt_type] += number self._appts_by_level[level][appt_type] += number def record_never_ran_hsi_event(self, treatment_id: str, hsi_event_name: str, appt_footprint: Counter, level: str ) -> None: """Add information about a never-ran `HSI_Event` to the running summaries.""" # Count the treatment_id: self._never_ran_treatment_ids[treatment_id] += 1 # Count each type of appointment: for appt_type, number in appt_footprint: self._never_ran_appts[appt_type] += number self._never_ran_appts_by_level[level][appt_type] += number def record_hs_status( self, fraction_time_used_across_all_facilities: float, fraction_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level: Dict[Tuple[str, int], float], ) -> None: """Record a current status metric of the HealthSystem.""" # The fraction of all healthcare worker time that is used: self._frac_time_used_overall.append(fraction_time_used_across_all_facilities) for officer_type_facility_level, fraction_time in fraction_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level.items(): self._sum_of_daily_frac_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level[officer_type_facility_level] += fraction_time def write_to_log_and_reset_counters(self): """Log summary statistics reset the data structures. This usually occurs at the end of the year.""" key="HSI_Event", description="Counts of the HSI_Events that have occurred in this calendar year by TREATMENT_ID, " "and counts of the 'Appt_Type's that have occurred in this calendar year," "and the average squeeze_factor for HSIs that have occurred in this calendar year.", data={ "TREATMENT_ID": self._treatment_ids, "Number_By_Appt_Type_Code": self._appts, "Number_By_Appt_Type_Code_And_Level": self._appts_by_level, 'squeeze_factor': { k: sum(v) / len(v) for k, v in self._squeeze_factor_by_hsi_event_name.items() } }, ) # Log summary of HSI_Events that never ran key="Never_ran_HSI_Event", description="Counts of the HSI_Events that never ran in this calendar year by TREATMENT_ID, " "and the respective 'Appt_Type's that have not occurred in this calendar year.", data={ "TREATMENT_ID": self._never_ran_treatment_ids, "Number_By_Appt_Type_Code": self._never_ran_appts, "Number_By_Appt_Type_Code_And_Level": self._never_ran_appts_by_level, }, ) key="Capacity", description="The fraction of all the healthcare worker time that is used each day, averaged over this " "calendar year.", data={ "average_Frac_Time_Used_Overall": np.mean(self._frac_time_used_overall), # <-- leaving space here for additional summary measures that may be needed in the future. }, ) # Log mean of 'fraction time used by officer type and facility level' from daily entries from the previous # year. key="Capacity_By_OfficerType_And_FacilityLevel", description="The fraction of healthcare worker time that is used each day, averaged over this " "calendar year, for each officer type at each facility level.", data=flatten_multi_index_series_into_dict_for_logging( self.frac_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level()), ) self._reset_internal_stores() def frac_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level( self, officer_type: Optional[str]=None, level: Optional[str]=None, ) -> Union[float, pd.Series]: """Average fraction of time used by officer type and level since last reset. If `officer_type` and/or `level` is not provided (left to default to `None`) then a pd.Series with a multi-index is returned giving the result for all officer_types/levels.""" if (officer_type is not None) and (level is not None): return ( self._sum_of_daily_frac_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level[officer_type, level] / len(self._frac_time_used_overall) # Use len(self._frac_time_used_overall) as proxy for number of days in past year. ) else: # Return multiple in the form of a pd.Series with multiindex mean_frac_time_used = { (_officer_type, _level): v / len(self._frac_time_used_overall) for (_officer_type, _level), v in self._sum_of_daily_frac_time_used_by_officer_type_and_level.items() if (_officer_type == officer_type or officer_type is None) and (_level == level or level is None) } return pd.Series( index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( mean_frac_time_used.keys(), names=['OfficerType', 'FacilityLevel'] ), data=mean_frac_time_used.values() ).sort_index()
[docs] class HealthSystemChangeParameters(Event, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """Event that causes certain internal parameters of the HealthSystem to be changed; specifically: * `mode_appt_constraints` * `ignore_priority` * `capabilities_coefficient` * `cons_availability` * `beds_availability` * `equip_availability` Note that no checking is done here on the suitability of values of each parameter."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module: HealthSystem, parameters: Dict): super().__init__(module) self._parameters = parameters assert isinstance(module, HealthSystem)
[docs] def apply(self, population): if 'mode_appt_constraints' in self._parameters: self.module.mode_appt_constraints = self._parameters['mode_appt_constraints'] if 'ignore_priority' in self._parameters: self.module.ignore_priority = self._parameters['ignore_priority'] if 'capabilities_coefficient' in self._parameters: self.module.capabilities_coefficient = self._parameters['capabilities_coefficient'] if 'cons_availability' in self._parameters: self.module.consumables = Consumables(data=self.module.parameters['availability_estimates'], rng=self.module.rng, availability=self._parameters['cons_availability']) self.module.consumables.on_start_of_day( if 'beds_availability' in self._parameters: self.module.bed_days.availability = self._parameters['beds_availability'] if 'equip_availability' in self._parameters: = self._parameters['equip_availability']
[docs] class DynamicRescalingHRCapabilities(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This event exists to scale the daily capabilities assumed at fixed time intervals"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(years=1)) self.last_year_pop_size = self.current_pop_size # will store population size at initiation (when this class is # created, at the start of the simulation) # Store the sequence of updates as a dict of the form # {<year_of_change>: {`dynamic_HR_scaling_factor`: float, `scale_HR_by_popsize`: bool}} self.scaling_values = self.module.parameters['yearly_HR_scaling'][ self.module.parameters['yearly_HR_scaling_mode']].set_index("year").to_dict("index")
@property def current_pop_size(self) -> float: """Returns current population size""" df = self.sim.population.props return df.is_alive.sum()
[docs] def _get_most_recent_year_specified_for_a_change_in_configuration(self) -> int: """Get the most recent year (in the past), for which there is an entry in `parameters['yearly_HR_scaling']`.""" years = np.array(list(self.scaling_values.keys())) return years[years <=].max()
[docs] def apply(self, population): """Do the scaling on the capabilities based on instruction that is in force at this time.""" # Get current population size this_year_pop_size = self.current_pop_size # Get the configuration to apply now (the latest entry in the `parameters['yearly_HR_scaling']`) config = self.scaling_values.get(self._get_most_recent_year_specified_for_a_change_in_configuration()) # ... Do the rescaling specified for this year by the specified factor self.module._daily_capabilities *= config['dynamic_HR_scaling_factor'] # ... If requested, also do the scaling for the population growth that has occurred since the last year if config['scale_HR_by_popsize']: self.module._daily_capabilities *= this_year_pop_size / self.last_year_pop_size # Save current population size as that for 'last year'. self.last_year_pop_size = this_year_pop_size
[docs] class ConstantRescalingHRCapabilities(Event, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This event exists to scale the daily capabilities, with a factor for each Officer Type at each Facility_Level. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module)
[docs] def apply(self, population): # Get the set of scaling_factors that are specified by the 'HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode' # assumption HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_factor = ( self.module.parameters['HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_table'][ self.module.parameters['HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode'] ].set_index('Officer_Category') ) pattern = r"FacilityID_(\w+)_Officer_(\w+)" for officer in self.module._daily_capabilities.keys(): matches = re.match(pattern, officer) # Extract ID and officer type from facility_id = int( officer_type = level = self.module._facility_by_facility_id[facility_id].level self.module._daily_capabilities[officer] *= \[officer_type, f"L{level}_factor"]
[docs] class RescaleHRCapabilities_ByDistrict(Event, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This event exists to scale the daily capabilities, with a factor for each district."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module)
[docs] def apply(self, population): # Get the set of scaling_factors that are specified by 'HR_scaling_by_level_and_officer_type_mode' HR_scaling_factor_by_district = self.module.parameters['HR_scaling_by_district_table'][ self.module.parameters['HR_scaling_by_district_mode'] ].set_index('District').to_dict() pattern = r"FacilityID_(\w+)_Officer_(\w+)" for officer in self.module._daily_capabilities.keys(): matches = re.match(pattern, officer) # Extract ID and officer type from facility_id = int( district = self.module._facility_by_facility_id[facility_id].district if district in HR_scaling_factor_by_district: self.module._daily_capabilities[officer] *= HR_scaling_factor_by_district[district]
[docs] class HealthSystemChangeMode(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """ This event exists to change the priority policy adopted by the HealthSystem at a given year. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(years=100))
[docs] def apply(self, population): # Change mode_appt_constraints self.module.mode_appt_constraints = self.module.parameters["mode_appt_constraints_postSwitch"]"message", data=f"Switched mode at sim date: " f"{}" f"Now using mode: " f"{self.module.mode_appt_constraints}" )