Source code for tlo.methods.care_of_women_during_pregnancy

from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

from tlo import DateOffset, Module, Parameter, Property, Types, logging
from import IndividualScopeEventMixin, PopulationScopeEventMixin, RegularEvent
from tlo.methods import Metadata, pregnancy_helper_functions
from tlo.methods.dxmanager import DxTest
from tlo.methods.epi import HSI_TdVaccine
from tlo.methods.hsi_event import HSI_Event
from tlo.methods.labour import LabourOnsetEvent
from tlo.methods.malaria import HSI_MalariaIPTp
from tlo.methods.tb import HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy(Module): """This is the CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy module which contains health system interaction events relevant to pregnancy and pregnancy loss including: 1.) HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalCareContact (1-8) representing all 8 routine antenatal care contacts (ANC) recommended during pregnancy (with sequential scheduling of each event occurring within the HSI) 2.) HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit which replicates the pre 2016 structure of ANC (focused ANC) used in some analysis scripts 3.) HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement representing treatment for complications following abortion (post abortion care of PAC) for women seeking care from the community 4.) HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy representing treatment for ectopic pregnancy for women seeking care from the community 5.) HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare which represents antenatal inpatient care for women who require admission following complications of pregnancy, detected via ANC or following care seeking from the community including treatment and/or referral for (hypertension, diabetes, antepartum haemorrhage, anaemia, premature of membranes, chorioamnionitis) Additionally, the module stores a number of HSIs which represent follow up for women who are scheduled for additional testing following an admission and initiation of treatment (i.e. anaemia or gestational diabetes). Individual interventions are stored as functions within the module to prevent repetition. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, resourcefilepath=None): super().__init__(name) self.resourcefilepath = resourcefilepath # First we define dictionaries which will store the current parameters of interest (to allow parameters to # change between 2010 and 2020) self.current_parameters = dict() # and then define a dictionary which will hold the required consumables for each intervention self.item_codes_preg_consumables = dict() # Finally set up a counter for ANC visits. self.anc_counter = dict()
INIT_DEPENDENCIES = {'Demography', 'HealthSystem', 'PregnancySupervisor'} ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES = {'Contraception', 'Labour', 'Lifestyle'} METADATA = { Metadata.USES_HEALTHSYSTEM, } PARAMETERS = { # n.b. Parameters are stored as LIST variables due to containing values to match both 2010 and 2015 data. # CARE SEEKING... 'prob_seek_anc2': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability a woman who is not predicted to attended four or more ANC visits will attend ' 'ANC2'), 'prob_seek_anc3': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability a woman who is not predicted to attended four or more ANC visits will attend ' 'ANC3'), 'prob_seek_anc5': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC5'), 'prob_seek_anc6': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC6'), 'prob_seek_anc7': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC7'), 'prob_seek_anc8': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC8'), # TREATMENT EFFECTS... 'effect_of_ifa_for_resolving_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'treatment effectiveness of starting iron and folic acid on resolving anaemia'), 'treatment_effect_blood_transfusion_anaemia': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'treatment effectiveness of blood transfusion for anaemia in pregnancy'), # INTERVENTION PROBABILITIES... 'prob_intervention_delivered_urine_ds': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman will receive the intervention "urine dipstick" given that the HSI has ran ' 'and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality)'), 'prob_intervention_delivered_bp': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman will receive the intervention "blood pressure measurement" given that the ' 'HSI has ran and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality)'), 'prob_adherent_ifa': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman who is given iron and folic acid will adhere to the treatment for their' ' pregnancy'), 'prob_intervention_delivered_syph_test': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman will receive the intervention "Syphilis test" given that the HSI has ran ' 'and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality)'), 'prob_intervention_delivered_gdm_test': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probability a woman will receive the intervention "GDM screening" given that the HSI has ran ' 'and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality)'), 'prob_delivery_modes_ec': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a woman admitted with eclampsia will deliver normally, via caesarean or ' 'via assisted vaginal delivery'), 'prob_delivery_modes_spe': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'probabilities that a woman admitted with severe pre-eclampsia will deliver normally, via ' 'caesarean or via assisted vaginal delivery'), # ASSESSMENT SENSITIVITIES/SPECIFICITIES... 'sensitivity_bp_monitoring': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'sensitivity of blood pressure monitoring to detect hypertension'), 'specificity_bp_monitoring': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'specificity of blood pressure monitoring to detect hypertension'), 'sensitivity_urine_protein_1_plus': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'sensitivity of a urine dipstick test to detect proteinuria at 1+'), 'specificity_urine_protein_1_plus': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'specificity of a urine dipstick test to detect proteinuria at 1+'), 'sensitivity_poc_hb_test': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'sensitivity of a point of care Hb test to detect anaemia'), 'specificity_poc_hb_test': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'specificity of a point of care Hb test to detect anaemia'), 'sensitivity_fbc_hb_test': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'sensitivity of a Full Blood Count test to detect anaemia'), 'specificity_fbc_hb_test': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'specificity of a Full Blood Count test to detect anaemia'), 'sensitivity_blood_test_glucose': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'sensitivity of a blood test to detect raised blood glucose'), 'specificity_blood_test_glucose': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'specificity of a blood test to detect raised blood glucose'), 'sensitivity_blood_test_syphilis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'sensitivity of a blood test to detect syphilis'), 'specificity_blood_test_syphilis': Parameter( Types.LIST, 'specificity of a blood test to detect syphilis'), } PROPERTIES = { 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy': Property(Types.INT, 'rolling total of antenatal visits this woman has ' 'attended during her pregnancy'), 'ac_date_next_contact': Property(Types.DATE, 'Date on which this woman is scheduled to return for her next ' 'ANC contact'), 'ac_to_be_admitted': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman requires admission following an ANC visit'), 'ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman is receiving daily iron & folic acid ' 'supplementation'), 'ac_receiving_bep_supplements': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman is receiving daily balanced energy ' 'and protein supplementation'), 'ac_receiving_calcium_supplements': Property(Types.BOOL, 'whether this woman is receiving daily calcium ' 'supplementation'), 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman has been initiated on treatment for ' 'gestational hypertension'), 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Treatment this woman is receiving for gestational ' 'diabetes', categories=['none', 'diet_exercise', 'orals', 'insulin']), 'ac_ectopic_pregnancy_treated': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman has received treatment for an ectopic ' 'pregnancy'), 'ac_received_post_abortion_care': Property(Types.BOOL, 'bitset list of interventions delivered to a woman ' 'undergoing post abortion care'), 'ac_received_abx_for_prom': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman has received antibiotics as treatment for ' 'premature rupture of membranes'), 'ac_mag_sulph_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman has received magnesium sulphate for ' 'treatment of severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia'), 'ac_iv_anti_htn_treatment': Property(Types.BOOL, 'Whether this woman has received intravenous antihypertensive ' 'drugs for treatment of severe hypertension'), 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery': Property(Types.CATEGORICAL, 'Admission type for women needing urgent ' 'delivery in the antenatal period', categories=['none', 'induction_now', 'induction_future', 'caesarean_now', 'caesarean_future', 'avd_now']), }
[docs] def read_parameters(self, data_folder): parameter_dataframe = pd.read_excel(Path(self.resourcefilepath) / 'ResourceFile_AntenatalCare.xlsx', sheet_name='parameter_values') self.load_parameters_from_dataframe(parameter_dataframe)
[docs] def initialise_population(self, population): df = population.props df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] = 0 df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_date_next_contact'] = pd.NaT df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_to_be_admitted'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_receiving_bep_supplements'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_receiving_calcium_supplements'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment'] = 'none' df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_ectopic_pregnancy_treated'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_received_abx_for_prom'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_mag_sulph_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_iv_anti_htn_treatment'] = False df.loc[df.is_alive, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'none'
[docs] def get_and_store_pregnancy_item_codes(self): """ This function defines the required consumables for each intervention delivered during this module and stores them in a module level dictionary called within HSIs """ get_list_of_items = pregnancy_helper_functions.get_list_of_items # ---------------------------------- BLOOD TEST EQUIPMENT --------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['blood_test_equipment'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Blood collecting tube, 5 ml', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box']) # ---------------------------------- IV DRUG ADMIN EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['iv_drug_equipment'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box']) # -------------------------------------------- ECTOPIC PREGNANCY --------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['ectopic_pregnancy_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Halothane (fluothane)_250ml_CMST']) self.item_codes_preg_consumables['ectopic_pregnancy_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Scalpel blade size 22 (individually wrapped)_100_CMST', 'Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', 'Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg', 'Pethidine, 50 mg/ml, 2 ml ampoule', 'Suture pack', 'Gauze, absorbent 90cm x 40m_each_CMST', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box' ]) # ------------------------------------------- POST ABORTION CARE - GENERAL ----------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['post_abortion_care_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Misoprostol, tablet, 200 mcg']) self.item_codes_preg_consumables['post_abortion_care_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Complete blood count', 'Blood collecting tube, 5 ml', 'Paracetamol, tablet, 500 mg', 'Pethidine, 50 mg/ml, 2 ml ampoule', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box' ]) # ------------------------------------------- POST ABORTION CARE - SEPSIS ------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['post_abortion_care_sepsis_core'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Benzylpenicillin 3g (5MU), PFR_each_CMST', 'Gentamycin, injection, 40 mg/ml in 2 ml vial']) self.item_codes_preg_consumables['post_abortion_care_sepsis_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Oxygen, 1000 liters, primarily with oxygen cylinders']) # ------------------------------------------- POST ABORTION CARE - SHOCK ------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['post_abortion_care_shock'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', 'Oxygen, 1000 liters, primarily with oxygen cylinders']) self.item_codes_preg_consumables['post_abortion_care_shock_optional'] = \ get_list_of_items(self, ['Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST']) # ---------------------------------- URINE DIPSTICK ---------------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['urine_dipstick'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Urine analysis']) # ---------------------------------- IRON AND FOLIC ACID ------------------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_preg_consumables['iron_folic_acid'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Ferrous Salt + Folic Acid, tablet, 200 + 0.25 mg']) # --------------------------------- BALANCED ENERGY AND PROTEIN ---------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['balanced_energy_protein'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Dietary supplements (country-specific)']) # --------------------------------- INSECTICIDE TREATED NETS ------------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_preg_consumables['itn'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Insecticide-treated net']) # --------------------------------- CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['calcium'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Calcium, tablet, 600 mg']) # -------------------------------- HAEMOGLOBIN TESTING ------------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['hb_test'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Haemoglobin test (HB)']) # ------------------------------------------- ALBENDAZOLE ----------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['albendazole'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Albendazole 200mg_1000_CMST']) # ------------------------------------------- HEP B TESTING --------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['hep_b_test'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Hepatitis B test kit-Dertemine_100 tests_CMST']) # ------------------------------------------- SYPHILIS TESTING ------------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_preg_consumables['syphilis_test'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Test, Rapid plasma reagin (RPR)']) # ------------------------------------------- SYPHILIS TREATMENT ---------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['syphilis_treatment'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Benzathine benzylpenicillin, powder for injection, 2.4 million IU']) # ----------------------------------------------- IPTP -------------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['iptp'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Sulfamethoxazole + trimethropin, tablet 400 mg + 80 mg']) # ----------------------------------------------- GDM TEST ---------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['gdm_test'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Blood glucose level test']) # ------------------------------------------ FULL BLOOD COUNT ------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['full_blood_count'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Complete blood count']) # ---------------------------------------- BLOOD TRANSFUSION ------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['blood_transfusion'] = get_list_of_items(self, ['Blood, one unit']) # --------------------------------------- ORAL ANTIHYPERTENSIVES --------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['oral_antihypertensives'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Methyldopa 250mg_1000_CMST']) # ------------------------------------- INTRAVENOUS ANTIHYPERTENSIVES --------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['iv_antihypertensives'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Hydralazine, powder for injection, 20 mg ampoule']) # ---------------------------------------- MAGNESIUM SULPHATE ------------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_preg_consumables['magnesium_sulfate'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Magnesium sulfate, injection, 500 mg/ml in 10-ml ampoule']) # ---------------------------------------- MANAGEMENT OF ECLAMPSIA -------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['eclampsia_management_optional'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Misoprostol, tablet, 200 mcg', 'Oxytocin, injection, 10 IU in 1 ml ampoule', 'Sodium chloride, injectable solution, 0,9 %, 500 ml', 'Cannula iv (winged with injection pot) 18_each_CMST', 'Giving set iv administration + needle 15 drops/ml_each_CMST', 'Disposables gloves, powder free, 100 pieces per box', 'Oxygen, 1000 liters, primarily with oxygen cylinders', 'Complete blood count', 'Blood collecting tube, 5 ml', 'Foley catheter', 'Bag, urine, collecting, 2000 ml']) # -------------------------------------- ANTIBIOTICS FOR PROM ------------------------------------------------ self.item_codes_preg_consumables['abx_for_prom'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Benzathine benzylpenicillin, powder for injection, 2.4 million IU']) # ----------------------------------- ORAL DIABETIC MANAGEMENT ----------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['oral_diabetic_treatment'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Glibenclamide 5mg_1000_CMST']) # ---------------------------------------- INSULIN ---------------------------------------------------------- self.item_codes_preg_consumables['insulin_treatment'] = get_list_of_items( self, ['Insulin soluble 100 IU/ml, 10ml_each_CMST'])
[docs] def initialise_simulation(self, sim): # We call the following function to store the required consumables for the simulation run within the appropriate # dictionary self.get_and_store_pregnancy_item_codes() # set up anc counter self.anc_counter = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0} # Schedule logging event sim.schedule_event(CareOfWomenDuringPregnancyLoggingEvent(self), + DateOffset(days=364)) # For the first period (2010-2015) we use the first value in each list as a parameter pregnancy_helper_functions.update_current_parameter_dictionary(self, list_position=0) # ==================================== REGISTERING DX_TESTS ================================================= params = self.current_parameters # Next we register the relevant dx_tests used within this module... self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.register_dx_test( # This test represents measurement of blood pressure used in ANC screening to detect hypertension in # pregnancy blood_pressure_measurement=DxTest( property='ps_htn_disorders', target_categories=['gest_htn', 'mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_gest_htn', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia'], sensitivity=params['sensitivity_bp_monitoring'], specificity=params['specificity_bp_monitoring']), # This test represents a urine dipstick which is used to measuring the presence and amount of protein in a # woman's urine, proteinuria being indicative of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia urine_dipstick_protein=DxTest( property='ps_htn_disorders', target_categories=['mild_pre_eclamp', 'severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia'], sensitivity=params['sensitivity_urine_protein_1_plus'], specificity=params['specificity_urine_protein_1_plus']), # This test represents point of care haemoglobin testing used in ANC to detect anaemia (all-severity) point_of_care_hb_test=DxTest( property='ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy', target_categories=['mild', 'moderate', 'severe'], sensitivity=params['sensitivity_poc_hb_test'], specificity=params['specificity_poc_hb_test']), # This test represents laboratory based full blood count testing used in hospitals to determine severity of # anaemia via Hb levels full_blood_count_hb=DxTest( property='ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy', target_categories=['mild', 'moderate', 'severe'], sensitivity=params['sensitivity_fbc_hb_test'], specificity=params['specificity_fbc_hb_test']), # This test represents point of care glucose testing used in ANC to detect hyperglycemia, associated with # gestational diabetes blood_test_glucose=DxTest( property='ps_gest_diab', target_categories=['uncontrolled'], sensitivity=params['sensitivity_blood_test_glucose'], specificity=params['specificity_blood_test_glucose']), # This test represents point of care testing for syphilis blood_test_syphilis=DxTest( property='ps_syphilis', sensitivity=params['sensitivity_blood_test_syphilis'], specificity=params['specificity_blood_test_syphilis'])) if 'Hiv' not in self.sim.modules: logger.debug(key='message', data='HIV module is not registered in this simulation run and therefore HIV ' 'testing will not happen in antenatal care')
[docs] def care_of_women_in_pregnancy_property_reset(self, id_or_index): """ This function is called following birth/pregnancy loss to reset the variables stored in this module. This prevents women experiencing the effects of these properties in future pregnancies :param id_or_index: individual id OR set of indexes to change the properties :return: """ df = self.sim.population.props df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] = 0 df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_to_be_admitted'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_date_next_contact'] = pd.NaT df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_receiving_bep_supplements'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_receiving_calcium_supplements'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment'] = 'none' df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_ectopic_pregnancy_treated'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_received_abx_for_prom'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_mag_sulph_treatment'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_iv_anti_htn_treatment'] = False df.loc[id_or_index, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'none'
[docs] def on_birth(self, mother_id, child_id): df = self.sim.population.props[child_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] = 0[child_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted'] = False[child_id, 'ac_date_next_contact'] = pd.NaT[child_id, 'ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid'] = False[child_id, 'ac_receiving_bep_supplements'] = False[child_id, 'ac_receiving_calcium_supplements'] = False[child_id, 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment'] = 'none'[child_id, 'ac_ectopic_pregnancy_treated'] = False[child_id, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = False[child_id, 'ac_received_abx_for_prom'] = False[child_id, 'ac_mag_sulph_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'ac_iv_anti_htn_treatment'] = False[child_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'none'
[docs] def further_on_birth_care_of_women_in_pregnancy(self, mother_id): """ This function is called by the on_birth function of NewbornOutcomes module following a live birth or the Labour module following an intrapartum stillbirth . This function contains additional code related to the antenatal care module that should be ran following all births/late stillbirths - this is to ensure each modules (pregnancy,antenatal care, labour, newborn, postnatal) on_birth code is ran in the correct sequence :param mother_id: mothers individual id """ df = self.sim.population.props mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info if[mother_id, 'is_alive']: # run a check at birth to make sure no women exceed 8 visits if[mother_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] > 9:'error', data=f'Mother {mother_id} attended >8 ANC visits during her pregnancy') # We log the total number of ANC contacts a woman has undergone at the time of birth via this dictionary if 'ga_anc_one' in mni[mother_id]: ga_anc_one = mni[mother_id]['ga_anc_one'] else: ga_anc_one = 0 total_anc_visit_count = {'person_id': mother_id, 'total_anc':[mother_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'], 'ga_anc_one': ga_anc_one}'anc_count_on_birth', data=total_anc_visit_count, description='A dictionary containing the number of ANC visits each woman has on birth')
[docs] def on_hsi_alert(self, person_id, treatment_id): logger.debug(key='message', data=f'This is CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy, being alerted about a health system ' f'interaction person {person_id} for: {treatment_id}')
# ================================ ADDITIONAL ANTENATAL HELPER FUNCTIONS =========================================
[docs] def get_approx_days_of_pregnancy(self, person_id): """ This function calculates the approximate number of days remaining in a woman's pregnancy - assuming all pregnancies go to full term (40 weeks gestational age) :param person_id: Mothers individual id :return: Approximate number of days left in a term pregnancy """ df = self.sim.population.props approx_days = (40 -[person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks']) * 7 # Ensure only a positive number of days is returned if approx_days <= 1: approx_days = 7 return round(approx_days)
[docs] def determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(self, person_id): """ This function is called by each of the ANC HSIs to determine the number of weeks before a woman is required to return for her next ANC contact in the schedule :param person_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] # The recommended ANC schedule (gestational age in weeks at which it is recommended women attend) is # ANC1 - 12wks, ANC2 - 20wks, ANC3 - 26wks, ANC4 - 30wks, ANC5 - 34wks, ANC6 - 36wks, ANC7 - 38wks, # ANC8 - 40 wks # Using a woman's gestational age at the time of her current visit, we calculate how many weeks in the future # until she should return for her next visit in the schedule if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 20: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 20 elif 20 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 26: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 26 elif 26 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 30: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 30 elif 30 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 34: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 34 elif 34 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 36: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 36 elif 36 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 38: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 38 elif 38 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 40 # We schedule women who present very late for ANC to return in two weeks elif 42 > mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 40: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 42 # Return a gestation beyond the normal length of pregnancy. This wont be used for scheduling because women # arent scheduled ANC past 42 weeks (see next function) else: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 50 return recommended_gestation_next_anc
[docs] def antenatal_care_scheduler(self, individual_id, visit_to_be_scheduled, recommended_gestation_next_anc): """ This function is responsible for scheduling a woman's next ANC contact in the schedule if she chooses to seek care again. It is called by each of the ANC HSIs. :param individual_id: individual_id :param visit_to_be_scheduled: Number if next visit in the schedule (2-8) :param recommended_gestation_next_anc: Gestational age in weeks a woman should be for the next visit in her schedule """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters # Prevent women returning to ANC at very late gestational age if[individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] >= 42: return # We check that women will only be scheduled for the next ANC contact in the schedule if[individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] > recommended_gestation_next_anc:'error', data=f'Attempted to schedule an ANC visit for mother {individual_id} at a' f' gestation lower than her current gestation') return # Define possible ANC HSIs visit_dict = {2: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareContact(self, person_id=individual_id), 3: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact(self, person_id=individual_id), 4: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact(self, person_id=individual_id), 5: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact(self, person_id=individual_id), 6: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact(self, person_id=individual_id), 7: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact(self, person_id=individual_id), 8: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_EighthAntenatalCareContact(self, person_id=individual_id)} if self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].current_parameters['anc_service_structure'] == 8: visit = visit_dict[visit_to_be_scheduled] else: visit = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit(self, person_id=individual_id, visit_number=visit_to_be_scheduled) def calculate_visit_date_and_schedule_visit(visit): # We subtract this woman's current gestational age from the recommended gestational age for the next # contact weeks_due_next_visit = int(recommended_gestation_next_anc -[individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks']) # And use this value as the number of weeks until she is required to return for her next ANC visit_date = + DateOffset(weeks=weeks_due_next_visit) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(visit, priority=0, topen=visit_date, tclose=visit_date + DateOffset(days=7)) # We store the date of her next visit and use this date as part of a check when the ANC HSIs run[individual_id, 'ac_date_next_contact'] = visit_date # If this woman has attended less than 4 visits, and is predicted to attend > 4 (as determined via the # PregnancySupervisor module when ANC1 is scheduled) her subsequent ANC appointment is automatically # scheduled if (visit_to_be_scheduled <= 4) and[individual_id, 'ps_anc4']: calculate_visit_date_and_schedule_visit(visit) elif ((visit_to_be_scheduled < 4) and not[individual_id, 'ps_anc4']) or (visit_to_be_scheduled > 4): if self.rng.random_sample() < params[f'prob_seek_anc{visit_to_be_scheduled}']: calculate_visit_date_and_schedule_visit(visit)
[docs] def schedule_admission(self, individual_id): """ This function is called within each of the ANC HSIs for women who require admission due to a complication detected during ANC :param individual_id: individual_id """ df = self.sim.population.props # Check correct women have been sent for admission if not[individual_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']:'error', data=f'Mother {individual_id} was scheduled for admission despite not requiring' f' it') return'anc_interventions', data={'mother': individual_id, 'intervention': 'admission'}) # Schedule the appropriate event inpatient = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=individual_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(inpatient, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1)) # Reset the variable to prevent future scheduling errors[individual_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted'] = False
[docs] def call_if_maternal_emergency_assessment_cant_run(self, hsi_event): """ This function is called if HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_MaternalEmergencyAssessment is unable to run to ensure women still experience risk of death associated with the complication they had sought treatment for (as risk of death is applied following treatment within the HSI) :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ df = self.sim.population.props individual_id = if[individual_id, 'is_pregnant'] and not[individual_id, 'la_currently_in_labour']: logger.debug(key='message', data=f'HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_MaternalEmergencyAssessment: did not' f' run for person {individual_id}') self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].apply_risk_of_death_from_monthly_complications(individual_id)
# ================================= INTERVENTIONS DELIVERED DURING ANC ============================================ # The following functions contain the interventions that are delivered as part of routine ANC contacts. Functions # are called from within the ANC HSIs. Which interventions are called depends on the mothers gestation and the # number of visits she has attended at the time each HSI runs (see ANC HSIs)
[docs] def check_intervention_should_run_and_update_mni(self, person_id, int_1, int2): """ This function is called to check if specific interventions within the ANC matrix should run for an individual. If the individual has received the intervention the appropriate amount of times per pregnancy then the intervention wont run again :param person_id: individual id :param int_1: first intervention (i.e. first tetanus vaccine) :param int2: second intervention (i.e. second tetanus vaccine) :return BOOL (should the intervention be delivered) """ mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # If both of the interventions have been delivered, return false to prevent the intervention being delivered # again if int_1 and int2 in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']: return False # If the first intervention hasn't already been given, store within the mni, return True so the intervention is # delivered elif (int_1 not in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']) and (int2 not in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']): mni[person_id]['anc_ints'].append(int_1) return True # If the second intervention hasn't already been given, store within the mni, return True so the intervention is # delivered elif (int_1 in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']) and int2 not in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']: mni[person_id]['anc_ints'].append(int2) return True else: # If no conditions are met return true to prevent interventions not running return True
[docs] def screening_interventions_delivered_at_every_contact(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the screening interventions which are delivered at every ANC contact regardless of the woman's gestational age and include blood pressure measurement and urine dipstick testing :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called: """ person_id = df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info hypertension_diagnosed = False proteinuria_diagnosed = False # Delivery of the intervention is conditioned on a random draw against a probability that the intervention # would be delivered (used to calibrate to SPA data - acts as proxy for clinical quality) if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_intervention_delivered_urine_ds']: # check consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='urine_dipstick') # If the intervention will be delivered the dx_manager runs, returning True if the consumables are # available and the test detects protein in the urine if avail and self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run='urine_dipstick_protein', hsi_event=hsi_event): # We use a temporary variable to store if proteinuria is detected proteinuria_diagnosed = True'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'dipstick'}) # The process is repeated for blood pressure monitoring if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_intervention_delivered_bp']: if self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.run_dx_test(dx_tests_to_run='blood_pressure_measurement', hsi_event=hsi_event): hypertension_diagnosed = True'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'bp_measurement'}) if not[person_id, 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment'] and\ ([person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] != 'none') and pd.isnull(mni[person_id]['hypertension' '_onset']): # We store date of onset to calculate dalys- only women who are aware of diagnosis experience DALYs # (see daly weight for hypertension) pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(person_id, mni, 'hypertension_onset', # If either high blood pressure or proteinuria are detected (or both) we assume this woman needs to be admitted # for further treatment following this ANC contact # Only women who are not on treatment OR are determined to have severe disease whilst on treatment are admitted if hypertension_diagnosed or proteinuria_diagnosed: if ([person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp') or\ ([person_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia') or \ not[person_id, 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment']:[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted'] = True # Here we conduct screening and initiate treatment for depression as needed if 'Depression' in self.sim.modules:'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'depression_screen'}) self.sim.modules['Depression'].do_on_presentation_to_care(person_id=person_id, hsi_event=hsi_event)
[docs] def iron_and_folic_acid_supplementation(self, hsi_event): """This function contains the intervention iron and folic acid supplementation delivered during ANC. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = params = self.current_parameters mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info if not[person_id, 'ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid']: # check consumable availability - dose is total days of pregnancy x 2 tablets days = self.get_approx_days_of_pregnancy(person_id) avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='iron_folic_acid', number=days*3) if avail:'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'iron_folic_acid'}) # Importantly, only women who will be adherent to iron will experience the benefits of the # treatment effect if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_adherent_ifa']:[person_id, 'ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid'] = True # Women started on IFA at this stage may already be anaemic, we here apply a probability that # starting on a course of IFA will correct anaemia prior to follow up if self.rng.random_sample() < params['effect_of_ifa_for_resolving_anaemia']: # Store date of resolution for daly calculations pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni( person_id, mni, f'{[person_id, "ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy"]}_anaemia_resolution',[person_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] = 'none'
[docs] def balance_energy_and_protein_supplementation(self, hsi_event): """This function contains the intervention balance energy and protein supplementation delivered during ANC. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = # Check the woman is not already receiving the supplements if not[person_id, 'ac_receiving_bep_supplements']: # If the consumables are available... days = self.get_approx_days_of_pregnancy(person_id) avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='balanced_energy_protein', number=days) # And she is deemed to be at risk (i.e. BMI < 18) she is started on supplements if avail and ([person_id, 'li_bmi'] == 1):[person_id, 'ac_receiving_bep_supplements'] = True'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'b_e_p'})
[docs] def insecticide_treated_bed_net(self, hsi_event): """This function simply logs a consumable request for insecticide treated bed nets. Coverage of ITN and its effect is managed through the malaria module's calculation of malaria incidence. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=self.item_codes_preg_consumables['itn'])
[docs] def tb_screening(self, hsi_event): """ This function schedules HSI_TbScreening which represents screening for TB. Screening is only scheduled if if the TB module is registered. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ # Currently we schedule women to the TB screening HSI in the TB module if 'Tb' in self.sim.modules: tb_screen = HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer( module=self.sim.modules['Tb'], self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(tb_screen, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1))
[docs] def tetanus_vaccination(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the intervention tetanus vaccination. A booster dose of the vaccine is given to all women during ANC. Effect of vaccination is managed by the EPI module and therefore here we just capture consumables and number of doses :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = if 'Epi' in self.sim.modules: # Define the HSI in which the vaccine is delivered vaccine_hsi = HSI_TdVaccine(self.sim.modules['Epi'], person_id=person_id, suppress_footprint=True) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(vaccine_hsi, priority=0,
[docs] def calcium_supplementation(self, hsi_event): """This function contains the intervention calcium supplementation delivered during ANC. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = # If the woman is not already receiving supplements AND has been designated as high risk for pre-eclampsia # (as defined by ANC guidelines) then she will receive the interventions, conditional on consumables if not[person_id, 'ac_receiving_calcium_supplements'] and (([person_id, 'la_parity'] == 0) or ([person_id, 'la_parity'] > 4)): days = self.get_approx_days_of_pregnancy(person_id) * 3 avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='calcium', number=days) if avail:[person_id, 'ac_receiving_calcium_supplements'] = True'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'calcium'})
[docs] def point_of_care_hb_testing(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the intervention point of care haemoglobin testing provided to women during ANC1/ANC6 to detect anaemia during pregnancy :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = df = self.sim.population.props # If this woman has already had her Hb checked twice during pregnancy she will not receive another Hb test if not self.check_intervention_should_run_and_update_mni(person_id, 'hb_1', 'hb_2'): return'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'hb_screen'}) # Run check against probability of testing being delivered avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='hb_test', optional='blood_test_equipment') # We run the test through the dx_manager and if a woman has anaemia and its detected she will be admitted # for further care if avail and self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.run_dx_test(dx_tests_to_run='point_of_care_hb_test', hsi_event=hsi_event):[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted'] = True
[docs] def albendazole_administration(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the intervention albendazole administration (de-worming) and is provided to women during ANC :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # If this woman has already had deworming the intervention is not delivered again if 'albend' in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']: return mni[person_id]['anc_ints'].append('albend') # We run this function to store the associated consumables with albendazole administration. This # intervention has no effect in the model due to limited evidence # If the consumables are available and the HCW will provide the tablets, the intervention is given avail = hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=self.item_codes_preg_consumables['albendazole']) if avail:'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'albendazole'})
[docs] def hep_b_testing(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the intervention Hepatitis B testing and is provided to women during ANC. As Hepatitis B is not modelled currently this intervention just maps consumables used during ANC :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = cons = self.item_codes_preg_consumables # If this woman has already been tested for hep b twice in her pregnancy the intervention will not run if not self.check_intervention_should_run_and_update_mni(person_id, 'hep_b_1', 'hep_b_2'): return # This intervention is a place holder prior to the Hepatitis B module being coded # Define the consumables avail = hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=cons['hep_b_test'], optional_item_codes=cons['blood_test_equipment']) # We log all the consumables required above but we only condition the event test happening on the # availability of the test itself if avail:'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'hep_b'})
[docs] def syphilis_screening_and_treatment(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the intervention Syphilis testing and is provided to women during ANC. As Syphilis is not modelled currently this intervention just maps consumables used during ANC :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ params = self.current_parameters person_id = df = self.sim.population.props # If this woman has already been screened twice for syphilis then the intervention will not run if not self.check_intervention_should_run_and_update_mni(person_id, 'syph_1', 'syph_2'): return # See if she will receive testing if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_intervention_delivered_syph_test']:'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'syphilis_test'}) avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='syphilis_test', optional='blood_test_equipment') test = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run='blood_test_syphilis', hsi_event=hsi_event) # If the testing occurs and detects syphilis she will get treatment (if consumables are available) if avail and test: avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='syphilis_treatment', optional='blood_test_equipment') if avail: # We assume that treatment is 100% effective at curing infection[person_id, 'ps_syphilis'] = False'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'syphilis_treat'})
[docs] def hiv_testing(self, hsi_event): """ This function contains the scheduling for HIV testing and is provided to women during ANC. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # If she has already been tested for HIV she will not be tested again during ANC if 'hiv' in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']: return if 'Hiv' in self.sim.modules: # The decision of whether the woman gets a test is determined by the Hiv module test_scheduled = self.sim.modules['Hiv'].decide_whether_hiv_test_for_mother( person_id, referred_from="care_of_women_during_pregnancy") if test_scheduled: mni[person_id]['anc_ints'].append('hiv')'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'hiv_screen'})
[docs] def iptp_administration(self, hsi_event): """ This function schedules HSI_MalariaIPTp for women who should receive IPTp during pregnancy (if the malaria module is registered) :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ person_id = # If the Malaria module is registered women are scheduled to receive IPTp via this HSI event if 'Malaria' in self.sim.modules: self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event( HSI_MalariaIPTp(person_id=person_id, module=self.sim.modules['Malaria']),, tclose=None, priority=0)
[docs] def gdm_screening(self, hsi_event): """This function contains intervention of gestational diabetes screening during ANC. Screening is only conducted on women with pre-specified risk factors for the disease. :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters person_id = mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # Women already screened will not be screened again if 'gdm_screen' in mni[person_id]['anc_ints']: return # We check if this woman has any of the key risk factors, if so they are sent for additional blood tests if[person_id, 'li_bmi'] >= 4 or[person_id, 'ps_prev_gest_diab'] or[person_id, 'ps_prev_stillbirth']: # If they are available, the test is conducted if self.rng.random_sample() < params['prob_intervention_delivered_gdm_test']: avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='gdm_test', optional='blood_test_equipment') # If the test accurately detects a woman has gestational diabetes the consumables are recorded and # she is referred for treatment if avail and self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run='blood_test_glucose', hsi_event=hsi_event):'anc_interventions', data={'mother': person_id, 'intervention': 'gdm_screen'}) mni[person_id]['anc_ints'].append('gdm_screen') # We assume women with a positive GDM screen will be admitted (if they are not already receiving # outpatient care) if[person_id, 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment'] == 'none': # Store onset after diagnosis as daly weight is tied to diagnosis pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni(person_id, mni, 'gest_diab_onset',[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted'] = True
[docs] def interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(self, hsi_event): """This function contains a collection of interventions that are delivered to women every time they attend ANC from ANC visit 2 :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ self.screening_interventions_delivered_at_every_contact(hsi_event=hsi_event) self.iron_and_folic_acid_supplementation(hsi_event=hsi_event) self.balance_energy_and_protein_supplementation(hsi_event=hsi_event) self.calcium_supplementation(hsi_event=hsi_event)
[docs] def check_anc1_can_run(self, individual_id, gest_age_next_contact): """ This function is called by the first ANC contact and runs a series of checks to determine if the HSI should run on the date it has been scheduled for :param individual_id: individual id :param gest_age_next_contact: gestational age, in weeks, this woman is due to return for her next ANC :returns True/False as to whether the event can run """ df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[individual_id] visit = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=individual_id) # Calculate the difference between the current date and when anc1 was scheduled for this woman at the start of # pregnancy date_difference = -[individual_id, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] # Only women who are alive, still pregnant and not in labour can attend ANC1 if not mother.is_alive or not mother.is_pregnant or mother.la_currently_in_labour: return False # Here we block the event from running for previously scheduled ANC1 HSIs for women who have lost a pregnancy # and become pregnant again if ( (date_difference > pd.to_timedelta(7, unit='D')) or ([individual_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] > 0) or ([individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 7) ): return False # If the woman is an inpatient when ANC1 is scheduled, she will try and return at the next appropriate # gestational age if[individual_id, 'hs_is_inpatient']: # We assume that she will return for her first appointment at the next gestation in the schedule logger.debug(key='message', data=f'mother {individual_id} is scheduled to attend ANC today but is ' f'currently an inpatient- she will be scheduled to arrive at her next ' f'visit instead no interventions will be delivered here') weeks_due_next_visit = int(gest_age_next_contact -[individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks']) visit_date = + DateOffset(weeks=weeks_due_next_visit) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(visit, priority=0, topen=visit_date, tclose=visit_date + DateOffset(days=7))[individual_id, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] = visit_date return False return True
[docs] def check_subsequent_anc_can_run(self, individual_id, this_visit_number, gest_age_next_contact): """ This function is called by the subsequent ANC contacts and runs a series of checks to determine if the HSI should run on the date it has been scheduled for :param individual_id: individual id :param this_visit_number: Number of the next ANC contact in the schedule :param gest_age_next_contact: gestational age, in weeks, this woman is due to return for her next ANC :returns True/False as to whether the event can run """ df = self.sim.population.props date_difference = -[individual_id, 'ac_date_next_contact'] ga_for_anc_dict = {2: 20, 3: 26, 4: 30, 5: 34, 6: 36, 7: 38, 8: 40} # If women have died, are no longer pregnant, are in labour, are postnatal, are pregnant but with a gestational # age lower than required for this anc visit or are 'late' to attend this visit (usually for visits scheduled in # one pregnancy but running in a subsequent one) it will not run if (not[individual_id, 'is_alive'] or not[individual_id, 'is_pregnant'] or[individual_id, 'la_currently_in_labour'] or[individual_id, 'la_is_postpartum'] or ([individual_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < ga_for_anc_dict[this_visit_number]) or (date_difference > pd.to_timedelta(7, unit='D') or not[individual_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] == (this_visit_number - 1))): return False # If the woman is currently an inpatient then she will return at the next point in the contact schedule but # receive the care she has missed in this visit if[individual_id, 'hs_is_inpatient']: self.antenatal_care_scheduler(individual_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=this_visit_number, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) return False return True
# =============================== INTERVENTIONS DELIVERED DURING INPATIENT CARE =================================== # The following functions contain code for the interventions which are called by antenatal HSIs (not including # routine ANC) this includes post abortion/ectopic care and antenatal inpatient care
[docs] def full_blood_count_testing(self, hsi_event): """This function contains the intervention 'full blood count testing' and represents blood testing requiring a laboratory. It is called by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare for women admitted due to anaemia :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called :returns: result of the FBC ['none', 'mild_mod', 'severe'] (STR) """ df = self.sim.population.props person_id = # Run dx_test for anaemia... # If a woman is not truly anaemic but the FBC returns a result of anaemia, due to tests specificity, we # assume the reported anaemia is mild hsi_event.get_consumables(item_codes=self.item_codes_preg_consumables['blood_test_equipment']) test_result = self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].dx_manager.run_dx_test( dx_tests_to_run='full_blood_count_hb', hsi_event=hsi_event) if test_result and ([person_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] == 'none'): return 'non_severe' # If the test correctly identifies a woman's anaemia we assume it correctly identifies its severity if test_result and ([person_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] != 'none'): return[person_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] # We return a none value if no anaemia was detected return 'none'
[docs] def antenatal_blood_transfusion(self, individual_id, hsi_event): """ This function contains the intervention 'blood transfusion'. It is called by either HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare or HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCase Management for women requiring blood for either haemorrhage or severe anaemia. given iron and folic acid supplements during ANC :param individual_id: individual_id :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props params = self.current_parameters store_dalys_in_mni = pregnancy_helper_functions.store_dalys_in_mni mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # Check for consumables avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='blood_transfusion', number=2, optional='iv_drug_equipment') sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self.sim.modules['Labour'], sf='blood_tran', hsi_event=hsi_event) # If the blood is available we assume the intervention can be delivered if avail and sf_check: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'blood_tran', hsi_event) # If the woman is receiving blood due to anaemia we apply a probability that a transfusion of 2 units # RBCs will correct this woman's severe anaemia if params['treatment_effect_blood_transfusion_anaemia'] > self.rng.random_sample(): store_dalys_in_mni(individual_id, mni, 'severe_anaemia_resolution',[individual_id, 'ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy'] = 'none'
[docs] def initiate_maintenance_anti_hypertensive_treatment(self, individual_id, hsi_event): """ This function contains initiation of oral antihypertensive medication for women with high blood pressure. It is called by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare for women who have been identified as having high blood pressure in pregnancy but are not yet receiving treatment :param individual_id: individual_id :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props # Calculate the approximate dose for the remainder of pregnancy and check availability avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='oral_antihypertensives', number=(self.get_approx_days_of_pregnancy(individual_id) * 4)) # If the consumables are available then the woman is started on treatment if avail:[individual_id, 'ac_gest_htn_on_treatment'] = True
[docs] def initiate_treatment_for_severe_hypertension(self, individual_id, hsi_event): """ This function contains initiation of intravenous antihypertensive medication for women with severely high blood pressure. It is called by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare for women who have been admitted due to severely high blood pressure (severe gestational hypertension, severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia) :param individual_id: individual_id :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props # Define the consumables and check their availability avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='iv_antihypertensives', optional='iv_drug_equipment') # If they are available then the woman is started on treatment if avail: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'iv_htns', hsi_event) # We assume women treated with antihypertensives would no longer be severely hypertensive- meaning they # are not at risk of death from severe gestational hypertension in the PregnancySupervisor event if[individual_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_gest_htn':[individual_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] = 'gest_htn' # We dont assume antihypertensives convert severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia to a more mild version of the # disease (as the disease is multi-system and hypertension is only one contributing factor to mortality) but # instead use this property to reduce risk of acute death from this episode of disease if ([individual_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'severe_pre_eclamp') or ([individual_id, 'ps_htn_disorders'] == 'eclampsia'):[individual_id, 'ac_iv_anti_htn_treatment'] = True
[docs] def treatment_for_severe_pre_eclampsia_or_eclampsia(self, individual_id, hsi_event): """ This function contains initiation of intravenous magnesium sulphate medication for women with severely pre-eclampsia/eclampsia It is called by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare for women who have been admitted with those conditions :param individual_id: individual_id :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='magnesium_sulfate', optional='eclampsia_management_optional') # check HCW will deliver intervention sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self.sim.modules['Labour'], sf='anticonvulsant', hsi_event=hsi_event) # If available deliver the treatment if avail and sf_check:[individual_id, 'ac_mag_sulph_treatment'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self, 'mag_sulph', hsi_event)
[docs] def antibiotics_for_prom(self, individual_id, hsi_event): """ This function contains initiation of antibiotics for women with who have been admitted following premature rupture of membranes .It is called by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare :param individual_id: individual_id :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ df = self.sim.population.props # check consumables and whether HCW are available to deliver the intervention avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self, hsi_event, self.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='abx_for_prom', optional='iv_drug_equipment') sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self.sim.modules['Labour'], sf='iv_abx', hsi_event=hsi_event) if avail and sf_check:[individual_id, 'ac_received_abx_for_prom'] = True
[docs] def ectopic_pregnancy_treatment_doesnt_run(self, hsi_event): """ This function is called within HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy if the event cannot run/the intervention cannot be delivered. This ensures that women with ectopic pregnancies that haven't ruptured will experience rupture and risk of death without treatment :param hsi_event: HSI event in which the function has been called """ individual_id = df = self.sim.population.props logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy: did not run') from tlo.methods.pregnancy_supervisor import EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent # If this event cannot run we ensure all women will eventually experience rupture due to untreated ectopic if[individual_id, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'not_ruptured': self.sim.schedule_event(EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent( self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'], individual_id), + DateOffset(days=7))
[docs] def calculate_beddays(self, individual_id): """ This function is called by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare to calculate the number of beddays required by a women following admission. This is determined according to the reason for her admission and her gestation :param individual_id: individual_id :return: """ df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[individual_id] # Women with abruption, praevia or chorioamnionitis prior to 28 weeks will not be delivered until they have # reached that gestation if (mother.ps_placental_abruption or ((mother.ps_placenta_praevia and (mother.ps_antepartum_haemorrhage == 'severe')) or mother.ps_chorioamnionitis)) and (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 28): beddays = int((28 * 7) - (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks * 7)) # Similarly more mild bleeding or PROM without infection occuring prior to 37 weeks will not be delivered until # they have reached that gestation elif ((mother.ps_placenta_praevia and (mother.ps_antepartum_haemorrhage == 'mild_moderate')) or (mother.ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes and not mother.ps_chorioamnionitis)) and \ (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 37): beddays = int((37 * 7) - (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks * 7)) else: beddays = 1 return beddays
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact which represents the first routine antenatal care contact (ANC1). It is scheduled by the PregnancySupervisor Event for women who choose to seek routine antenatal care during their pregnancy. It is recommended that this visit occur before 12 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC1. Additionally interventions that should be offered in the early ANC contacts are provided to women who present to ANC1 later in their pregnancy. Scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'AntenatalFirst': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # Calculate when this woman should return for her next visit gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) # Check this visit can run can_anc1_run = self.module.check_anc1_can_run(person_id, gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc1_run: self.module.anc_counter[1] += 1 # store GA at first visit mni[person_id]['ga_anc_one'] =[person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] # We add a visit to a rolling total of ANC visits in this pregnancy[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 # =================================== INTERVENTIONS ==================================================== # First all women, regardless of ANC contact or gestation, undergo urine and blood pressure measurement # and depression screening self.module.screening_interventions_delivered_at_every_contact(hsi_event=self) # Next, all women attending their first ANC receive the following interventions, regardless of gestational # age at presentation self.module.iron_and_folic_acid_supplementation(hsi_event=self) self.module.balance_energy_and_protein_supplementation(hsi_event=self) self.module.insecticide_treated_bed_net(hsi_event=self) self.module.tb_screening(hsi_event=self) self.module.hiv_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.hep_b_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.syphilis_screening_and_treatment(hsi_event=self) self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.tetanus_vaccination(hsi_event=self) # If the woman presents after 20 weeks she is provided interventions she has missed by presenting late if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks > 19: self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.albendazole_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.calcium_supplementation(hsi_event=self) # Any women presenting for ANC1 after 26 week are also required to have a GDM screen if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 26: self.module.gdm_screening(hsi_event=self) # Then we determine if this woman will return for her next ANC visit if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=2, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) # If the woman has had any complications detected during ANC she is admitted for treatment to be initiated if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareVisit: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareVisit: cannot not run with ' 'this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareContact which represents the second routine antenatal care contact (ANC2). It is scheduled by the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact for women who choose to seek additional ANC after their previous visit. It is recommended that this visit occur at 20 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC2. Additionally interventions that should be delivered according to a woman's gestational age and position in her ANC schedule are delivered. Finally scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ANCSubsequent': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] # Run the check gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) can_anc_run = self.module.check_subsequent_anc_can_run(individual_id=person_id, this_visit_number=2, gest_age_next_contact=gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc_run: self.module.anc_counter[2] += 1[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 # =================================== INTERVENTIONS ==================================================== # First we administer the administer the interventions all women will receive at this contact regardless of # gestational age self.module.interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(hsi_event=self) self.module.tetanus_vaccination(hsi_event=self) # And we schedule the next ANC appointment if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=3, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) # Then we administer interventions that are due to be delivered at this woman's gestational age, which may # be in addition to intervention delivered in ANC2 if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 26: self.module.albendazole_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 30: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.gdm_screening(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 34: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 36: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.hep_b_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.syphilis_screening_and_treatment(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 38: self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 40: pass if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareVisit: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareVisit: cannot not run with ' 'this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact which represents the third routine antenatal care contact (ANC3). It is scheduled by the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareContact for women who choose to seek additional ANC after their previous visit. It is recommended that this visit occur at 26 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC3. Additionally interventions that should be delivered according to a woman's gestational age and position in her ANC schedule are delivered. Finally scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ANCSubsequent': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] # Run the check gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) can_anc_run = self.module.check_subsequent_anc_can_run(person_id, 3, gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc_run: self.module.anc_counter[3] += 1[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 # =================================== INTERVENTIONS ==================================================== gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) self.module.interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(hsi_event=self) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=4, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 30: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.gdm_screening(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 34: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 36: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.hep_b_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.syphilis_screening_and_treatment(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 38: self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact: cannot not run ' 'with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact which represents the fourth routine antenatal care contact (ANC4). It is scheduled by the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact for women who choose to seek additional ANC after their previous visit. It is recommended that this visit occur at 30 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC4. Additionally interventions that should be delivered according to a woman's gestational age and position in her ANC schedule are delivered. Finally scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ANCSubsequent': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] # Run the check gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) can_anc_run = self.module.check_subsequent_anc_can_run(person_id, 4, gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc_run: self.module.anc_counter[4] += 1[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 # =================================== INTERVENTIONS ==================================================== gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) self.module.interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(hsi_event=self) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=5, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 34: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) elif[person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 36: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.hep_b_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.syphilis_screening_and_treatment(hsi_event=self) elif[person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 38: self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) elif[person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 40: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact: cannot not run ' 'with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact which represents the fifth routine antenatal care contact (ANC5). It is scheduled by the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact for women who choose to seek additional ANC after their previous visit. It is recommended that this visit occur at 34 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC5. Additionally, interventions that should be delivered according to a woman's gestational age and position in her ANC schedule are delivered. Finally scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ANCSubsequent': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] # Run the check gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) can_anc_run = self.module.check_subsequent_anc_can_run(person_id, 5, gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc_run: self.module.anc_counter[5] += 1[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 # =================================== INTERVENTIONS ==================================================== gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) self.module.interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(hsi_event=self) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=6, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 36: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.hep_b_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.syphilis_screening_and_treatment(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 38: self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact: cannot not run ' 'with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact which represents the sixth routine antenatal care contact (ANC6). It is scheduled by the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact for women who choose to seek additional ANC after their previous visit. It is recommended that this visit occur at 36 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC6. Additionally, interventions that should be delivered according to a woman's gestational age and position in her ANC schedule are delivered. Finally scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ANCSubsequent': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] # Run the check gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) can_anc_run = self.module.check_subsequent_anc_can_run(person_id, 6, gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc_run: self.module.anc_counter[6] += 1[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) # =================================== INTERVENTIONS ==================================================== self.module.interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(hsi_event=self) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=7, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 38: self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact: cannot not run with' 'this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """"This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact which represents the seventh routine antenatal care contact (ANC7). It is scheduled by the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact for women who choose to seek additional ANC after their previous visit. It is recommended that this visit occur at 36 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC7. Additionally, interventions that should be delivered according to a woman's gestational age and position in her ANC schedule are delivered. Finally scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications"""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ANCSubsequent': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] # Run the check gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) can_anc_run = self.module.check_subsequent_anc_can_run(person_id, 7, gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc_run: self.module.anc_counter[7] += 1[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 # =================================== INTERVENTIONS ==================================================== gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) self.module.interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(hsi_event=self) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 40: self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=8, recommended_gestation_next_anc=gest_age_next_contact) if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact: cannot not run' ' with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_EighthAntenatalCareContact(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """This is the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_EighthAntenatalCareContact which represents the eighth routine antenatal care contact (ANC8). It is scheduled by the HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact for women who choose to seek additional ANC after their previous visit. It is recommended that this visit occur at 36 weeks gestation. This event delivers the interventions to women which are part of ANC8. Additionally, interventions that should be delivered according to a woman's gestational age and position in her ANC schedule are delivered. Finally scheduling the next ANC contact in the occurs during this HSI along with admission to antenatal inpatient ward in the case of complications."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'ANCSubsequent': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props # Run the check gest_age_next_contact = self.module.determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact(person_id) can_anc_run = self.module.check_subsequent_anc_can_run(person_id, 8, gest_age_next_contact) if can_anc_run: self.module.anc_counter[8] += 1[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 self.module.interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2(hsi_event=self) if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id) return # return nothing implies that the footprint used matches the EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT else: # return a blank footprint as the appointment could not run as intended return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint()
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_EighthAntenatalCareContact: did not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_EighthAntenatalCareContact: cannot not run' ' with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit which is scheduled by the PregnancySupervisor if the parameter 'anc_service_structure' == 4. This HSI replicates the ANC service structured used within Malawi prior to 2016. We use this HSI to replicate the Focused ANC service structure (4 visits at approx 16, 22, 30, 36 weeks) within some analyses as the scheduled of interventions per visit is different from the ANC8 structure. This event represents all four ANC visits. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id, visit_number): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.visit_number = visit_number self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Outpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({('AntenatalFirst' if (self.visit_number == 1) else 'ANCSubsequent'): 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info # First we determine at what point in this woman's pregnancy should she return for another visit if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 22: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 22 elif 22 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 30: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 30 elif 30 <= mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 36: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 36 else: recommended_gestation_next_anc = 50 # We calculate the difference between today's date and the date this event should run if self.visit_number == 1: date_difference = -[person_id, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] else: date_difference = -[person_id, 'ac_date_next_contact'] # Only women who are alive, still pregnant, not in labour, less than a week 'over due' for the event, have # attended less than four visits and are greater than 7 weeks pregnant will undergo the HSI if ( not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or not[person_id, 'is_pregnant'] or[person_id, 'la_currently_in_labour'] or (date_difference > pd.to_timedelta(7, unit='D')) or ([person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] >= 4) or ([person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 7) or self.visit_number > 4 or self.visit_number != ([person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] + 1) ): # return blank footprint as the appointment did not run as intended. return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() # Women who are inpatients at the time the HSI should run will return at the next recommended point in # pregnancy elif[person_id, 'hs_is_inpatient'] and ([person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] < 37): weeks_due_next_visit = int(recommended_gestation_next_anc -[person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks']) visit_date = + DateOffset(weeks=weeks_due_next_visit) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(self, priority=0, topen=visit_date, tclose=visit_date + DateOffset(days=7)) if self.visit_number == 1:[person_id, 'ps_date_of_anc1'] = visit_date else:[person_id, 'ac_date_next_contact'] = visit_date # return blank footprint as the appointment did not run as intended. return self.sim.modules["HealthSystem"].get_blank_appt_footprint() else: self.module.anc_counter[self.visit_number] += 1 # updated mni with GA at first visit if self.visit_number == 1: mni[person_id]['ga_anc_one'] =[person_id, 'ps_gestational_age_in_weeks'] # We add a visit to a rolling total of ANC visits in this pregnancy used for logging[person_id, 'ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy'] += 1 # Next interventions are delivered according to gestational age and visit number self.module.screening_interventions_delivered_at_every_contact(hsi_event=self) self.module.iron_and_folic_acid_supplementation(hsi_event=self) self.module.iptp_administration(hsi_event=self) if self.visit_number == 1: self.module.tb_screening(hsi_event=self) self.module.hiv_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.syphilis_screening_and_treatment(hsi_event=self) self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) self.module.tetanus_vaccination(hsi_event=self) elif (self.visit_number == 2) or ((mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks > 20) and (self.visit_number == 1)): self.module.albendazole_administration(hsi_event=self) self.module.tetanus_vaccination(hsi_event=self) elif self.visit_number == 3 or ((mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks > 30) and (self.visit_number == 1)): self.module.point_of_care_hb_testing(hsi_event=self) # Following this the woman's next visit is scheduled (if she hasn't already attended 4 visits) if self.visit_number < 4: # update the visit number for the event scheduling self.visit_number = self.visit_number + 1 # schedule the next event self.module.antenatal_care_scheduler(individual_id=person_id, visit_to_be_scheduled=self.visit_number, recommended_gestation_next_anc=recommended_gestation_next_anc) # If the woman has had any complications detected during ANC she is admitted for treatment to be initiated if[person_id, 'ac_to_be_admitted']: self.module.schedule_admission(person_id)
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PresentsForInductionOfLabour(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PresentsForInductionOfLabour. It is schedule by the PregnancySupervisor Event for women who present to the health system for induction as their labour has progressed longer than expected. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Inpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({}) self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'maternity_bed': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a'
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props # If the woman is no longer alive, pregnant is in labour or is an inpatient already then the event doesnt run if not[person_id, 'is_alive'] or not[person_id, 'is_pregnant'] or \[person_id, 'la_currently_in_labour'] or[person_id, 'hs_is_inpatient']: return # We set this admission property to show shes being admitted for induction of labour and hand her over to the # labour events[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'induction_now' logger.debug(key='message', data=f'Mother {person_id} will move to labour ward for ' f'{[person_id, "ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery"]} today') self.sim.schedule_event(LabourOnsetEvent(self.sim.modules['Labour'], person_id),
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare. This HSI can be scheduled by any of the ANC HSIs for women who have been identified as having complications or by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ MaternalEmergencyAssessment or HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientFollowUp.This HSI represents the antenatal ward which would deliver care to women experiencing complications associated with their pregnancy including anaemia, hypertension, gestational diabetes, antepartum haemorrhage, premature rupture of membranes or chorioamnionitis. For women whom delivery is indicated as part of treatment for a complications they are scheduled to the LabourOnset Event """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_Inpatient' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1b' beddays = self.module.calculate_beddays(person_id) self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'maternity_bed': beddays})
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props params = self.module.current_parameters mother = df.loc[person_id] mni = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info if not mother.is_alive: return if not (mother.is_pregnant and not mother.la_currently_in_labour and not mother.hs_is_inpatient): return # store the GA at which CS will most likely be scheduled for in those for which it is indicated assumed_weeks_till_delivery = 37 # The event represents inpatient care delivered within the antenatal ward at a health facility. Therefore # it is assumed that women with a number of different complications could be sent to this HSI for treatment. # ================================= INITIATE TREATMENT FOR ANAEMIA ======================================== # Women who are referred from ANC or an outpatient appointment following point of care Hb which detected # anaemia first have a full blood count test to determine the severity of their anaemia if mother.ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy != 'none': # This test returns one of a number of possible outcomes as seen below... fbc_result = self.module.full_blood_count_testing(self) if fbc_result not in ('none', 'mild', 'moderate', 'severe'):'error', data='FBC result error') # If the FBC detected non severe anaemia (Hb >7) she is treated if fbc_result in ('mild', 'moderate'): # Women are started on daily iron and folic acid supplementation (if they are not already receiving # supplements) as treatment for mild/moderate anaemia if not mother.ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid: self.module.iron_and_folic_acid_supplementation(self) elif fbc_result == 'severe': # In the case of severe anaemia (Hb <7) then, in addition to the above treatments, this woman # should receive a blood transfusion to correct her anaemia self.module.antenatal_blood_transfusion(person_id, self) if not mother.ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid: self.module.iron_and_folic_acid_supplementation(self) if fbc_result in ('mild', 'moderate', 'severe'): # Women treated for anaemia will need follow up to ensure the treatment has been effective. Clinical # guidelines suggest follow up one month after treatment # To avoid issues with scheduling of events we assume women who are not scheduled to return to # routine ANC OR their next ANC appointment is more than a month away will be asked to routine for # follow up follow_up_date = + DateOffset(days=28) if pd.isnull(mother.ac_date_next_contact) or ((mother.ac_date_next_contact - > pd.to_timedelta(28, unit='D')): outpatient_checkup = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfAnaemia( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=person_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(outpatient_checkup, priority=0, topen=follow_up_date, tclose=follow_up_date + DateOffset(days=7)) # ======================== INITIATE TREATMENT FOR GESTATIONAL DIABETES (case management) ================== # Women admitted with gestational diabetes are given dietary and exercise advice as first line treatment if (mother.ps_gest_diab == 'uncontrolled') and (mother.ac_gest_diab_on_treatment == 'none'):[person_id, 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment'] = 'diet_exercise'[person_id, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'controlled' # We then schedule GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent which determines if this treatment will be # effective in controlling this woman's blood sugar prior to her next check up from tlo.methods.pregnancy_supervisor import GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent self.sim.schedule_event(GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent( self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'], person_id), + DateOffset(days=7)) # We then schedule this woman to return for blood sugar testing to evaluate the effectiveness of her # treatment and potentially move to second line treatment check_up_date = + DateOffset(days=28) outpatient_checkup = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestationalDiabetes( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=person_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(outpatient_checkup, priority=0, topen=check_up_date, tclose=check_up_date + DateOffset(days=3)) # =============================== INITIATE TREATMENT FOR HYPERTENSION ===================================== # Treatment delivered to mothers with hypertension is dependent on severity. Women admitted due to more mild # hypertension are started on regular oral antihypertensives therapy (reducing risk of progression to more # severe hypertension) if mother.ps_htn_disorders in ('gest_htn', 'mild_pre_eclamp') and not mother.ac_gest_htn_on_treatment: self.module.initiate_maintenance_anti_hypertensive_treatment(person_id, self) # Women with severe gestational hypertension are also started on routine oral antihypertensives (if not # already receiving- this will prevent progression once this episode of severe hypertension has been # rectified) elif mother.ps_htn_disorders == 'severe_gest_htn': if not mother.ac_gest_htn_on_treatment: self.module.initiate_maintenance_anti_hypertensive_treatment(person_id, self) # In addition, women with more severe disease are given intravenous anti hypertensives to reduce risk # of death self.module.initiate_treatment_for_severe_hypertension(person_id, self) # Treatment guidelines dictate that women with severe forms of pre-eclampsia should be admitted for delivery # to reduce risk of death and pregnancy loss elif mother.ps_htn_disorders in ('severe_pre_eclamp', 'eclampsia'): # Women are started on oral antihypertensives if not mother.ac_gest_htn_on_treatment: self.module.initiate_maintenance_anti_hypertensive_treatment(person_id, self) # And are given intravenous magnesium sulfate which reduces risk of death from eclampsia and reduces a # woman's risk of progressing from severe pre-eclampsia to eclampsia during the intrapartum period self.module.treatment_for_severe_pre_eclampsia_or_eclampsia(person_id, hsi_event=self) # intravenous antihypertensives are also given self.module.initiate_treatment_for_severe_hypertension(person_id, self) # Finally This property stores what type of delivery this woman is being admitted for delivery_mode = ['induction_now', 'avd_now', 'caesarean_now'] # Mode of delivery is dependent on individual case severity. We use a probability weighted random draw # to determine mode of delivery here if mother.ps_htn_disorders == 'eclampsia':[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = self.module.rng.choice( delivery_mode, p=params['prob_delivery_modes_ec']) elif mother.ps_htn_disorders == 'severe_pre_eclamp':[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = self.module.rng.choice( delivery_mode, p=params['prob_delivery_modes_spe']) # Log the indication for any caesarean deliveries if[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] in ('caesarean_now', 'caesarean_future'): mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'spe_ec' # ========================= INITIATE TREATMENT FOR ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE ================================= # Treatment delivered to mothers due to haemorrhage in the antepartum period is dependent on the underlying # etiology of the bleeding (in this model, whether a woman is experiencing a placental abruption or # placenta praevia) if mother.ps_antepartum_haemorrhage != 'none': # ---------------------- APH SECONDARY TO PLACENTAL ABRUPTION ----------------------------------------- if mother.ps_placental_abruption and mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 28: # Women experiencing placenta abruption at are admitted for immediate # caesarean delivery due to high risk of mortality/morbidity[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'caesarean_now' mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'an_aph_pa' elif mother.ps_placental_abruption and mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 28:[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'caesarean_future' mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'an_aph_pa' assumed_weeks_till_delivery = 28 # ---------------------- APH SECONDARY TO PLACENTA PRAEVIA ----------------------------------------- if mother.ps_placenta_praevia: # The treatment plan for a woman with placenta praevia is dependent on both the severity of the # bleed and her current gestation at the time of bleeding if ((mother.ps_antepartum_haemorrhage == 'severe') and mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 28) or \ (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 37): # Women experiencing severe bleeding are admitted immediately for caesarean section[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'caesarean_now' mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'an_aph_pp' elif (mother.ps_antepartum_haemorrhage == 'severe') and (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks <= 28):[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'caesarean_future' mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'an_aph_pp' assumed_weeks_till_delivery = 28 elif (mother.ps_antepartum_haemorrhage != 'severe') and (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 37):[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'caesarean_future' mni[person_id]['cs_indication'] = 'an_aph_pp' assumed_weeks_till_delivery = 37 if[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] == 'none':'error', data=f'Mother {person_id} was not admitted for delivery following APH') # ===================================== INITIATE TREATMENT FOR PROM ======================================= # Treatment for women with premature rupture of membranes is dependent upon a woman's gestational age and if # she also has an infection of membrane surrounding the foetus (the chorion) if mother.ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes and not mother.ps_chorioamnionitis: # If the woman has PROM but no infection, she is given prophylactic antibiotics which will reduce # the risk of maternal and neonatal infection self.module.antibiotics_for_prom(person_id, self) # Guidelines suggest women over 34 weeks of gestation should be admitted for induction to to # increased risk of morbidity and mortality if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 37:[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'induction_now' # Otherwise they may stay as an inpatient until their gestation as increased prior to delivery elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < 37:[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'induction_future' assumed_weeks_till_delivery = 37 # ============================== INITIATE TREATMENT FOR CHORIOAMNIONITIS ================================== # Women with chorioamnionitis are admitted for delivery (and will receive antibiotics in the labour module) if mother.ps_chorioamnionitis: if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks >= 28:[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'induction_now' elif mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks <= 28:[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] = 'induction_future' assumed_weeks_till_delivery = 28 # ======================== ADMISSION FOR DELIVERY (INDUCTION) ======================================== # Women for whom immediate delivery is indicated are schedule to move straight to the labour model where # they will have the appropriate properties set and facility delivery at a hospital scheduled (mode of # delivery will match the recommended mode here) if[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] in ('induction_now', 'caesarean_now'): self.sim.schedule_event(LabourOnsetEvent(self.sim.modules['Labour'], person_id), # Women who require delivery BUT are not in immediate risk of morbidity/mortality will remain as # inpatients until they can move to the labour model. Currently it is possible for women to go into # labour whilst as an inpatient - it is assumed they are delivered via the mode recommended here # (i.e induction/caesarean) elif[person_id, 'ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery'] in ('caesarean_future', 'induction_future'): # Here we calculate how many days this woman needs to remain on the antenatal ward before she can go # for delivery (assuming delivery is indicated to occur at 37 weeks) if mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks < assumed_weeks_till_delivery: days_until_safe_for_cs = int((assumed_weeks_till_delivery * 7) - (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks * 7)) else: days_until_safe_for_cs = 1 # We schedule the LabourOnset event for this woman will be able to progress for delivery admission_date = + DateOffset(days=days_until_safe_for_cs) logger.debug(key='message', data=f'Mother {person_id} will move to labour ward for ' f'{[person_id, "ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery"]} on ' f'{admission_date}') self.sim.schedule_event(LabourOnsetEvent(self.sim.modules['Labour'], person_id), admission_date)
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare: did not run') return False
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare: cannot not run' ' with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfAnaemia(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalManagementOfAnaemia. It is scheduled by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ AntenatalWardInpatientCare for women who have developed anaemia during pregnancy. This event manages repeat blood testing for women who were found to be anaemic and treated. If the woman remains anaemic she is readmitted to the inpatient ward for further care. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_FollowUp' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'Over5OPD': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a' self.ALERT_OTHER_DISEASES = []
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] if not mother.is_alive or not mother.is_pregnant: return # We only run the event if the woman is not already in labour or already admitted due to something else if not mother.la_currently_in_labour and not mother.hs_is_inpatient: # Health care worker performs a full blood count fbc_result = self.module.full_blood_count_testing(self) # If she is determined to still be anaemic she is admitted for additional treatment via the inpatient event if fbc_result in ('mild', 'moderate', 'severe'): admission = HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=person_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(admission, priority=0,, + DateOffset(days=1))
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfAnaemia: did ' 'not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfAnaemia: ' 'cannot not run with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestationalDiabetes(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestationalDiabetes. It is scheduled by HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare for women who have developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This event manages repeat blood testing for women who were found to have GDM and treated. If the woman remains hyperglycaemic she is moved to the next line treatment and scheduled to return for follow up. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_FollowUp' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'Over5OPD': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1a' self.ALERT_OTHER_DISEASES = []
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] from tlo.methods.pregnancy_supervisor import GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent if not mother.is_alive or not mother.is_pregnant: return if not mother.la_currently_in_labour and not mother.hs_is_inpatient and mother.ps_gest_diab != 'none' \ and (mother.ac_gest_diab_on_treatment != 'none') and (mother.ps_gestational_age_in_weeks > 21): def schedule_gdm_event_and_checkup(): # Schedule GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent which determines if this new treatment will # effectively control blood glucose prior to next follow up self.sim.schedule_event(GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent( self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'], person_id), + DateOffset(days=7)) # Schedule follow-up check_up_date = + DateOffset(days=28) outpatient_checkup = \ HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestationalDiabetes( self.sim.modules['CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy'], person_id=person_id) self.sim.modules['HealthSystem'].schedule_hsi_event(outpatient_checkup, priority=0, topen=check_up_date, tclose=check_up_date + DateOffset(days=3)) # If the treatment a woman was started on has not controlled her hyperglycemia she will be started on the # next treatment if mother.ps_gest_diab == 'uncontrolled': # Women for whom diet and exercise was not effective in controlling hyperglycemia are started on oral # meds if mother.ac_gest_diab_on_treatment == 'diet_exercise': avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='oral_diabetic_treatment', number=(self.module.get_approx_days_of_pregnancy(person_id) * 2)) # If the meds are available women are started on that treatment if avail:[person_id, 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment'] = 'orals' # Assume new treatment is effective in controlling blood glucose on initiation[person_id, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'controlled' # schedule followup schedule_gdm_event_and_checkup() # This process is repeated for mothers for whom oral medication is not effectively controlling their # blood sugar- they are started on insulin if mother.ac_gest_diab_on_treatment == 'orals': avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='insulin_treatment', number=5) if avail:[person_id, 'ac_gest_diab_on_treatment'] = 'insulin'[person_id, 'ps_gest_diab'] = 'controlled'
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestational' 'Diabetes: did ' 'not run')
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestational' 'Diabetes: cannot not run with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement. It is scheduled by HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstApptAtFacilityLevel1 for women who have presented to hospital due to the complications of either induced or spontaneous abortion. This event manages interventions delivered for women who are experiencing either sepsis, haemorrhage or injury post-abortion. """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_PostAbortion' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1b' # any hospital? self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'maternity_bed': 3}) # todo: check with TC
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] abortion_complications = self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].abortion_complications if not mother.is_alive or not abortion_complications.has_any([person_id], 'sepsis', 'haemorrhage', 'injury', 'other', first=True): return # Request baseline PAC consumables baseline_cons = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='post_abortion_care_core', optional='post_abortion_care_optional') # Check HCW availability to deliver surgical removal of retained products sf_check = pregnancy_helper_functions.check_emonc_signal_function_will_run(self.sim.modules['Labour'], sf='retained_prod', hsi_event=self) # Then we determine if a woman gets treatment for her complication depending on availability of the baseline # consumables (misoprostol) or a HCW who can conduct MVA/DC (we dont model equipment) and additional # consumables for management of her specific complication if abortion_complications.has_any([person_id], 'sepsis', first=True): cons_for_sepsis_pac = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='post_abortion_care_sepsis_core', optional='post_abortion_care_sepsis_optional') if cons_for_sepsis_pac and (baseline_cons or sf_check):[person_id, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = True elif abortion_complications.has_any([person_id], 'haemorrhage', first=True): cons_for_haemorrhage = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='blood_transfusion', number=2, optional='iv_drug_equipment') cons_for_shock = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='post_abortion_care_shock', optional='post_abortion_care_shock_optional') if cons_for_haemorrhage and cons_for_shock and (baseline_cons or sf_check):[person_id, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = True elif abortion_complications.has_any([person_id], 'injury', first=True): cons_for_shock = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='post_abortion_care_shock', optional='post_abortion_care_shock_optional') if cons_for_shock and (baseline_cons or sf_check):[person_id, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = True elif abortion_complications.has_any([person_id], 'other', first=True) and (baseline_cons or sf_check):[person_id, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care'] = True if[person_id, 'ac_received_post_abortion_care']: pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self.module, 'pac', self)
[docs] def did_not_run(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement: did not run') return False
[docs] def not_available(self): logger.debug(key='message', data='HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement: cannot not run ' 'with this configuration')
[docs] class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy(HSI_Event, IndividualScopeEventMixin): """ This is HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy. It is scheduled by HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstApptAtFacilityLevel1 for women who have presented to hospital due to ectopic pregnancy. This event manages interventions delivered as part of the case management of ectopic pregnancy """
[docs] def __init__(self, module, person_id): super().__init__(module, person_id=person_id) assert isinstance(module, CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy) self.TREATMENT_ID = 'AntenatalCare_PostEctopicPregnancy' self.EXPECTED_APPT_FOOTPRINT = self.make_appt_footprint({'MajorSurg': 1}) self.ACCEPTED_FACILITY_LEVEL = '1b' self.BEDDAYS_FOOTPRINT = self.make_beddays_footprint({'maternity_bed': 5}) # todo: check with TC
[docs] def apply(self, person_id, squeeze_factor): df = self.sim.population.props mother = df.loc[person_id] if not mother.is_alive or (mother.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'none'): return # We define the required consumables and check their availability avail = pregnancy_helper_functions.return_cons_avail( self.module, self, self.module.item_codes_preg_consumables, core='ectopic_pregnancy_core', optional='ectopic_pregnancy_optional') # If they are available then treatment can go ahead if avail: self.sim.modules['PregnancySupervisor'].mother_and_newborn_info[person_id]['delete_mni'] = True pregnancy_helper_functions.log_met_need(self.module, 'ep_case_mang', self) # For women who have sought care after they have experienced rupture we use this treatment variable to # reduce risk of death (women who present prior to rupture do not pass through the death event as we assume # rupture is on the causal pathway to death - hence no treatment property) if mother.ps_ectopic_pregnancy == 'ruptured':[person_id, 'ac_ectopic_pregnancy_treated'] = True else: # However if treatment cant be delivered for women who have not yet experienced rupture (due to lack of # consumables) we schedule these women to arrive at the rupture event as they have not received treatment if[person_id, 'ps_ectopic_pregnancy'] == 'not_ruptured': self.module.ectopic_pregnancy_treatment_doesnt_run(self)
[docs] def never_ran(self): self.module.ectopic_pregnancy_treatment_doesnt_run(self)
[docs] def did_not_run(self): self.module.ectopic_pregnancy_treatment_doesnt_run(self) return False
[docs] def not_available(self): self.module.ectopic_pregnancy_treatment_doesnt_run(self)
[docs] class CareOfWomenDuringPregnancyLoggingEvent(RegularEvent, PopulationScopeEventMixin): """This is CareOfWomenDuringPregnancyLoggingEvent. It runs yearly to capture the number of ANC visits which have ran (and interventions are delivered) for women during pregnancy."""
[docs] def __init__(self, module): self.repeat = 12 super().__init__(module, frequency=DateOffset(months=self.repeat))
[docs] def apply(self, population): yearly_counts = self.module.anc_counter'anc_visits_which_ran', data=yearly_counts) self.module.anc_counter = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0}