Source code for tlo.analysis.hsi_events

"""Generate formatted description of health system interaction event details."""

import argparse
import csv
import importlib
import inspect
import io
import json
import os.path
import pkgutil
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Union

import pandas as pd

import tlo.methods
from tlo import Date, Module, Simulation
from tlo.analysis.utils import get_root_path
from tlo.dependencies import (
from tlo.methods import alri, contraception, diarrhoea, healthseekingbehaviour, hiv, stunting, tb
from tlo.methods.healthsystem import HSI_Event, HSIEventDetails

[docs] def is_valid_hsi_event_subclass(obj: Any) -> bool: """Whether an object is a *strict* subclass of HSI_Event""" return inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, HSI_Event) and obj is not HSI_Event
[docs] def get_hsi_event_classes_per_module( excluded_modules: Set[str], zero_module_class_map: Mapping[str, Module], multiple_module_class_map: Mapping[str, Module], ) -> Mapping[Module, List[HSI_Event]]: """Get details of HSI event classes for each (non-excluded) module in tlo.methods""" methods_package_path = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(tlo.methods)) hsi_event_classes_per_module = {} for _, module_name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([methods_package_path]): if module_name in excluded_modules: # Module does not need processing therefore skip continue module = importlib.import_module(f'tlo.methods.{module_name}') tlo_module_classes = [ obj for _, obj in inspect.getmembers(module) if is_valid_tlo_module_subclass(obj, {}) ] hsi_event_classes = [ obj for _, obj in inspect.getmembers(module) if is_valid_hsi_event_subclass(obj) and inspect.getmodule(obj) is module ] if len(hsi_event_classes) == 0: # No HSI events defined so skip continue if len(tlo_module_classes) == 1: tlo_module_class = tlo_module_classes[0] elif len(tlo_module_classes) == 0 and module_name in zero_module_class_map: tlo_module_class = zero_module_class_map[module_name] elif len(tlo_module_classes) > 1 and module_name in multiple_module_class_map: tlo_module_class = multiple_module_class_map[module_name] else: raise RuntimeError( f'Module {module_name} defines HSI events but contains ' f'{len(tlo_module_classes)} TLO Module classes and no specific ' 'exceptions have been defined in `zero_module_class_map` or ' '`multiple_module_class_map`.' ) hsi_event_classes_per_module[tlo_module_class] = hsi_event_classes return hsi_event_classes_per_module
[docs] def get_details_of_defined_hsi_events( excluded_modules: Optional[Set[str]] = None, zero_module_class_map: Optional[Mapping[str, Module]] = None, multiple_module_class_map: Optional[Mapping[str, Module]] = None, init_population: int = 10, resource_file_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> Set[HSIEventDetails]: """Get details of all HSI events defined in `tlo.methods`. :param excluded_modules: Set of tlo.methods module names to not search for HSI events in. If ``None``, set to the dummy modules 'mockitis', 'chronicsyndrome' and 'skeleton'. :param zero_module_class_map: Map from ``tlo.methods`` module name to ``Module `` subclass to use for HSI events in module for modules with no ``Module`` subclasses defined in module. If ``None``, a map specifying only that all HSI events in the ``hsi_generic_first_appts`` module are assumed to originate from the `HealthSeekingBehaviour` module. :param multiple_module_class_map: Map from tlo.methods module name to ``Module`` subclass to use for HSI events in module for modules with multiple ``Module`` subclasses defined. If ``None``, set to a map specifying the 'main' fully- functional ``Module`` subclass in each module in `tlo.methods` with additional dummy ``Module`` subclasses defined. :param init_population: Initial population to use in simulation instance used to get HSI event details. Smaller values will decrease computation time but some modules may raise errors if the initial population is too small. :param resource_file_path: Path to the directory containing resource files. If ``None``, the `resources` directory in the root directory of the Git repository will be used. """ if excluded_modules is None: excluded_modules = {'mockitis', 'chronicsyndrome', 'skeleton'} if zero_module_class_map is None: zero_module_class_map = { # Assume generic first appointments generated by HealthSeekingBehaviour # In reality HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstApptAtFacilityLevel1 may also be # generate by Labour or PregnancySupervisor currently 'hsi_generic_first_appts': healthseekingbehaviour.HealthSeekingBehaviour } if multiple_module_class_map is None: multiple_module_class_map = { 'hiv': hiv.Hiv, 'tb': tb.Tb, 'alri': alri.Alri, 'diarrhoea': diarrhoea.Diarrhoea, 'contraception': contraception.Contraception, 'stunting': stunting.Stunting } if resource_file_path is None: resource_file_path = get_root_path() / 'resources' hsi_event_classes_per_module = get_hsi_event_classes_per_module( excluded_modules, zero_module_class_map, multiple_module_class_map ) # Setting show_progress_bar=True hacky way to disable all log output to stdout sim = Simulation(start_date=Date(2010, 1, 1), seed=1, show_progress_bar=True) # Register modules and their dependencies sim.register( *get_dependencies_and_initialise( *hsi_event_classes_per_module.keys(), module_class_map=get_module_class_map(set()), # Only select initialisation dependencies as we will not actually run # simulation get_dependencies=get_init_dependencies, resourcefilepath=resource_file_path ), # As we only select initialisation dependencies, disable check that additional # dependencies are present check_all_dependencies=False ) # Initialise a small population for events that access population dataframe sim.make_initial_population(n=init_population) details_of_defined_hsi_events = set() for tlo_module_class, hsi_event_classes in hsi_event_classes_per_module.items(): module = sim.modules[tlo_module_class.__name__] for hsi_event_class in hsi_event_classes: signature = inspect.signature(hsi_event_class) dummy_kwargs = { param_name: # Use default value if specified param.default if param.default is not param.empty # If target person_id set to 0 as should always be present in population else 0 if param_name == 'person_id' # Otherwise use None value to indicate only known at runtime # We could replace this with a unittest.Mock instance if the constructor # raises an exception on trying to use a None value for the argument else None for param_name, param in signature.parameters.items() if param_name != 'module' } arguments = signature.bind(module=module, **dummy_kwargs) try: hsi_event = hsi_event_class(*arguments.args, **arguments.kwargs) except NotImplementedError: # If method called in HSI event constructor is not implemented assume # this is an abstract base class and so does not need documenting pass else: details_of_defined_hsi_events.add(hsi_event.as_namedtuple()) return details_of_defined_hsi_events
[docs] def sort_hsi_event_details( set_of_hsi_event_details: Iterable[HSIEventDetails] ) -> List[HSIEventDetails]: """Hierarchically sort set of HSI event details.""" return sorted( set_of_hsi_event_details, key=lambda event_details: ( event_details.module_name, event_details.treatment_id, event_details.facility_level, event_details.appt_footprint, event_details.beddays_footprint, ) )
def _rst_table_row(column_values): return ' * - ' + '\n - '.join(column_values) + '\n' def _md_table_row(column_values): return '| ' + ' | '.join(column_values) + ' |\n' def _rst_table_header(column_names, title=''): header = ( f'.. list-table:: {title}\n' ' :widths: auto\n' ' :header-rows: 1\n\n' ) header += _rst_table_row(column_names) return header def _md_table_header(column_names, title=''): header = f'*{title}*\n\n' if title != '' else '' header += _md_table_row(column_names) header += _md_table_row('-' * len(name) for name in column_names) return header _formatters = { 'rst': { 'heading': lambda text, level: f'{text}\n{len(text) * "#*=-^"[level - 1]}\n\n', 'inline_code': lambda code: f'``{code}``', 'table_header': _rst_table_header, 'table_row': _rst_table_row, 'list_item': lambda item_text: f'* {item_text}\n', }, 'md': { 'heading': lambda text, level: f'{level * "#"} {text}\n\n', 'inline_code': lambda code: f'`{code}`', 'table_header': _md_table_header, 'table_row': _md_table_row, 'list_item': lambda item_text: f' * {item_text}\n', } } def _format_facility_level(facility_level): return '?' if facility_level is None else str(facility_level) def _format_appt_footprint(appt_footprint, inline_code_formatter): return ', '.join( f'{inline_code_formatter(appt_type)}' for appt_type, _ in appt_footprint ) def _format_beddays_footprint(beddays_footprint, inline_code_formatter): return ', '.join( f'{inline_code_formatter(bedtype)} ({days} days)' for bedtype, days in beddays_footprint if days > 0 ) def _format_treatment_id(treatment_id, module_name, inline_code_formatter): prefixes = [ f"{module_name}_", f"HSI_{module_name}_", f"{module_name[0].lower()}{module_name[1:]}_" ] for prefix in prefixes: if treatment_id.startswith(prefix): treatment_id = treatment_id[len(prefix):] break return inline_code_formatter(treatment_id)
[docs] def format_hsi_event_details_as_csv( hsi_event_details: Iterable[HSIEventDetails] ) -> str: """Format HSI event details list as comma-separated value string.""" with io.StringIO(newline="") as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerow([ 'Module', 'Event', 'Treatment', 'Facility level', 'Appointment footprint', 'Bed days footprint' ]) for event_details in hsi_event_details: writer.writerow( [ event_details.module_name, event_details.event_name, event_details.treatment_id, event_details.facility_level, _format_appt_footprint( event_details.appt_footprint, lambda s: s ), _format_beddays_footprint( event_details.beddays_footprint, lambda s: s ) ] ) return csv_file.getvalue()
[docs] def format_hsi_event_details_as_table( hsi_event_details: Iterable[HSIEventDetails], text_format: str = 'rst' ) -> str: """Format HSI event details into a table.""" formatters = _formatters[text_format] table_string = formatters['table_header']( [ 'Module', 'Event', 'Treatment', 'Facility level', 'Appointment footprint', 'Bed days footprint' ], 'Health system interaction events' ) for event_details in hsi_event_details: table_string += formatters['table_row']( [ formatters['inline_code'](event_details.module_name), formatters['inline_code'](event_details.event_name), _format_treatment_id( event_details.treatment_id, event_details.module_name, formatters['inline_code'] ), _format_facility_level(event_details.facility_level), _format_appt_footprint( event_details.appt_footprint, formatters['inline_code'] ), _format_beddays_footprint( event_details.beddays_footprint, formatters['inline_code'] ) ] ) return table_string
[docs] def format_hsi_event_details_as_list( hsi_event_details: Iterable[HSIEventDetails], text_format: str = 'rst' ) -> str: """Format HSI event details into per module lists.""" formatters = _formatters[text_format] event_details_by_module = {} for event_details in hsi_event_details: if event_details.module_name not in event_details_by_module: event_details_by_module[event_details.module_name] = [] event_details_by_module[event_details.module_name].append(event_details) list_string = "" for module_name, module_event_details in event_details_by_module.items(): list_string += formatters['heading'](module_name, 2) for event_details in module_event_details: appt_footprint_string = _format_appt_footprint( event_details.appt_footprint, formatters['inline_code'] ) treatment_id_string = _format_treatment_id( event_details.treatment_id, event_details.module_name, formatters['inline_code'] ) beddays_footprint_string = _format_beddays_footprint( event_details.beddays_footprint, formatters['inline_code'] ) list_item_string = ( f'{treatment_id_string} at ' f'facility level {_format_facility_level(event_details.facility_level)}' f' with appointment footprint: {appt_footprint_string}' ) if beddays_footprint_string != '': list_item_string += f' and bed days footprint: {beddays_footprint_string}' list_item_string += '.' list_string += formatters['list_item'](list_item_string) list_string += '\n' return list_string
[docs] def merge_hsi_event_details( inspect_hsi_event_details: Iterable[HSIEventDetails], run_hsi_event_details: Iterable[HSIEventDetails], ) -> Set[HSIEventDetails]: """Merge HSI event details collected using `inspect` and from simulation run.""" # Create set of event details from simulation run, excluding facility level from # entries to allow matching event details from inspect of `tlo.methods` for which # facility level is not known (indicated by value of None) to be matched def without_facility_level(event_details): return ( event_details.event_name, event_details.module_name, event_details.treatment_id, event_details.appt_footprint, event_details.beddays_footprint, ) run_hsi_event_details_without_facility_level = { without_facility_level(event_details) for event_details in run_hsi_event_details } # Create merged set of HSI event details by forming union of run_hsi_event_details # and inspect_hsi_event_details minus those details in inspect_hsi_event_details # with facility level unknown (set to None) for which there is a corresponding # entry in run_hsi_event_details with known facility level merged_hsi_event_details = set(run_hsi_event_details) for event_details in inspect_hsi_event_details: if not ( event_details.facility_level is None and without_facility_level(event_details) in run_hsi_event_details_without_facility_level ): merged_hsi_event_details.add(event_details) return merged_hsi_event_details
def _parse_command_line_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate formatted description of HSI events." ) parser.add_argument( '--json-file', type=Path, help=( "JSON file containing previously saved event details (e.g. recorded in " "a simulation run). If omitted then a set of HSI events is extracted by " "inspecting `tlo.methods`. If `--merge-json-details` flag is set then " "the set of details in JSON file and from inspecting `tlo.methods` are " "merged to produce the formatted output." ), default=None ) parser.add_argument( '--merge-json-details', action='store_true', help=( "If set then the event details in the JSON file specified by `--json-file` " "(which must be specified if this flag is set) are merged with the event " "details extracted by inspecting `tlo.methods`. Otherwise only the event " "details in the JSON file are used to generate the formatted output." ) ) parser.add_argument( '--output-file', type=Path, help=( "File to write generated formatted description of HSI events to. If " "omitted then description is printed to standard output." ), default=None ) parser.add_argument( '--output-format', choices=('rst-list', 'rst-table', 'md-list', 'md-table', 'csv', 'json'), help="Format to use for output.", default='rst-list' ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.json_file is None and args.merge_json_details: parser.error("--json-file must be specified if --merge-json-files used.") return args
[docs] def get_all_defined_hsi_events_as_dataframe() -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a dataframe of all the HSI events defined in the model.""" hsi_event_details = get_details_of_defined_hsi_events() sorted_hsi_event_details = sort_hsi_event_details(hsi_event_details) return pd.DataFrame(sorted_hsi_event_details)
[docs] def main(): """Entry point to do the inspection of HSI events when running as script.""" args = _parse_command_line_args() warnings.simplefilter('ignore') if args.json_file is None and args.merge_json_details: msg = "Cannot merge details if JSON file not specified" raise ValueError(msg) if args.json_file is not None: with open(args.json_file, 'r') as f: hsi_event_details = json.load(f) # JSON serializes tuples to lists therefore need to reformat to reconstruct # HSIEventDetails named tuples def recursive_list_to_tuple(obj): if isinstance(obj, list): return tuple(recursive_list_to_tuple(child) for child in obj) else: return obj json_hsi_event_details = set( HSIEventDetails( **{ key: recursive_list_to_tuple(value) for key, value in event_details.items() } ) for event_details in hsi_event_details ) print(f'HSI events loaded from JSON file {args.json_file}.') if args.json_file is None or args.merge_json_details: print('Getting details of defined HSI events by inspecting tlo.methods...') inspect_hsi_event_details = get_details_of_defined_hsi_events() print('...done.\n') if args.merge_json_details: hsi_event_details = merge_hsi_event_details( inspect_hsi_event_details, json_hsi_event_details ) elif args.json_file is not None: hsi_event_details = json_hsi_event_details else: hsi_event_details = inspect_hsi_event_details sorted_hsi_event_details = sort_hsi_event_details(hsi_event_details) formatters = { 'rst-list': lambda details: format_hsi_event_details_as_list(details, 'rst'), 'rst-table': lambda details: format_hsi_event_details_as_table(details, 'rst'), 'md-list': lambda details: format_hsi_event_details_as_list(details, 'md'), 'md-table': lambda details: format_hsi_event_details_as_table(details, 'md'), 'csv': lambda details: format_hsi_event_details_as_csv(details), 'json': lambda details: json.dumps(details, indent=4) } formatted_details = formatters[args.output_format](sorted_hsi_event_details) if args.output_file is not None: with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(formatted_details) print(f'Output written to {args.output_file}.') else: print('Output:\n\n' + formatted_details)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()