tlo.methods.simplified_births module ==================================== .. automodule:: tlo.methods.simplified_births .. autoclass:: SimplifiedBirths Bases: :class:`tlo.core.Module` **PARAMETERS:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - age_specific_fertility_rates - DATA_FRAME - Data table from official source (WPP) for age-specific fertility rates and calendar period * - months_between_pregnancy_and_delivery - INT - number of whole months that elapase betweeen pregnancy and delivery * - prob_breastfeeding_type - LIST - probabilities that a woman is: 1) not breastfeeding (none); 2) non-exclusively breastfeeding (non_exclusive); 3)exclusively breastfeeding at birth (until 6 months) (exclusive) **PROPERTIES:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - si_date_of_last_delivery - DATE - Date of delivery for the most recent pregnancy for this individual (if has ever been pregnant). Maybe in the future if is currently pregnant. * - si_breastfeeding_status_6mo_to_23mo - CATEGORICAL - How this neonate is breastfeed during ages 6mo to 23 months. Possible values are: [none, non_exclusive, exclusive, ] * - is_pregnant - BOOL - Whether this individual is currently pregnant * - date_of_last_pregnancy - DATE - Date of the onset of the last pregnancy of this individual (if has ever been pregnant). * - nb_low_birth_weight_status - CATEGORICAL - temporary property. Possible values are: [extremely_low_birth_weight, very_low_birth_weight, low_birth_weight, normal_birth_weight, macrosomia, ] * - nb_size_for_gestational_age - CATEGORICAL - temporary property. Possible values are: [small_for_gestational_age, average_for_gestational_age, large_for_gestational_age, ] * - nb_late_preterm - BOOL - temporary property * - nb_early_preterm - BOOL - temporary property * - nb_breastfeeding_status - CATEGORICAL - temporary property. Possible values are: [none, non_exclusive, exclusive, ] **Class attributes:** ALTERNATIVE_TO : {'Labour', 'PregnancySupervisor', 'NewbornOutcomes', 'Contraception', 'PostnatalSupervisor'} INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {'Demography'} METADATA : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class SimplifiedBirths):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: read_parameters .. automethod:: initialise_population .. automethod:: initialise_simulation .. automethod:: on_birth .. autoclass:: SimplifiedBirthsPoll Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class SimplifiedBirthsPoll):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: set_new_pregnancies .. automethod:: do_deliveries .. automethod:: update_breastfed_status