tlo.methods.scenario_switcher module ==================================== .. automodule:: tlo.methods.scenario_switcher .. autoclass:: ScenarioSwitcher Bases: :class:`tlo.core.Module` **PARAMETERS:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - max_healthsystem_function - BOOL - If True, over-writes parameters that define maximal health system function.Parameter passed through to `get_parameters_for_improved_healthsystem_and_healthcare_seeking`. * - max_healthcare_seeking - BOOL - If True, over-writes parameters that define maximal healthcare-seeking behaviour. Parameter passed through to `get_parameters_for_improved_healthsystem_and_healthcare_seeking`. **Class attributes:** INIT_DEPENDENCIES : set() METADATA : set() OPTIONAL_INIT_DEPENDENCIES : set() **Functions (defined or overridden in class ScenarioSwitcher):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: read_parameters .. automethod:: initialise_population .. automethod:: pre_initialise_population .. automethod:: initialise_simulation .. automethod:: on_birth