tlo.methods.rti module ====================== .. automodule:: tlo.methods.rti .. autoclass:: RTI Bases: :class:`tlo.core.Module` **PARAMETERS:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - base_rate_injrti - REAL - Base rate of RTI per year * - rr_injrti_age04 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 0-4 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age59 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 5-9 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age1017 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 10-17 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age1829 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 18-29 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age3039 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 30-39 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age4049 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 40-49 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age5059 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 50-59 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age6069 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 60-69 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_age7079 - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in age 70-79 compared to base rate of RTI * - rr_injrti_male - REAL - risk ratio of RTI when male compared to females * - rr_injrti_excessalcohol - REAL - risk ratio of RTI in those that consume excess alcohol compared to those who do not * - imm_death_proportion_rti - REAL - Proportion of those involved in an RTI that die at site of accident or die before seeking medical intervention * - prob_bleeding_leads_to_shock - REAL - The proportion of those with heavily bleeding injuries who go into shock * - prob_death_iss_less_than_9 - REAL - Proportion of people who pass away in the following month after medical treatment for injuries with an ISSscore less than or equal to 9 * - prob_death_iss_10_15 - REAL - Proportion of people who pass away in the following month after medical treatment for injuries with an ISSscore from 10 to 15 * - prob_death_iss_16_24 - REAL - Proportion of people who pass away in the following month after medical treatment for injuries with an ISSscore from 16 to 24 * - prob_death_iss_25_35 - REAL - Proportion of people who pass away in the following month after medical treatment for injuries with an ISSscore from 25 to 34 * - prob_death_iss_35_plus - REAL - Proportion of people who pass away in the following month after medical treatment for injuries with an ISSscore 35 and above * - prob_perm_disability_with_treatment_severe_TBI - REAL - probability that someone with a treated severe TBI is permanently disabled * - prob_death_TBI_SCI_no_treatment - REAL - probability that someone with a spinal cord injury will die without treatment * - prop_death_burns_no_treatment - REAL - probability that someone with a burn injury will die without treatment * - prob_death_fractures_no_treatment - REAL - probability that someone with a fracture injury will die without treatment * - prob_TBI_require_craniotomy - REAL - probability that someone with a traumatic brain injury will require a craniotomy surgery * - prob_exploratory_laparotomy - REAL - probability that someone with an internal organ injury will require a exploratory_laparotomy * - prob_depressed_skull_fracture - REAL - Probability that a skull fracture will be depressed and therefore require surgery * - prob_mild_burns - REAL - Probability that a burn within a region will result in < 10% total body surface area * - prob_dislocation_requires_surgery - REAL - Probability that a dislocation will require surgery to relocate the joint. * - number_of_injured_body_regions_distribution - LIST - The distribution of number of injured AIS body regions, used to decide how many injuries a person has * - injury_location_distribution - LIST - The distribution of where injuries are located in the body, based on the AIS body region definition * - mean_los_ISS_less_than_4 - REAL - Mean length of stay for someone with an ISS score < 4 * - sd_los_ISS_less_than_4 - REAL - Standard deviation in length of stay for someone with an ISS score < 4 * - mean_los_ISS_4_to_8 - REAL - Mean length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 4 and 8 * - sd_los_ISS_4_to_8 - REAL - Standard deviation in length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 4 and 8 * - mean_los_ISS_9_to_15 - REAL - Mean length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 9 and 15 * - sd_los_ISS_9_to_15 - REAL - Standard deviation in length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 9 and 15 * - mean_los_ISS_16_to_24 - REAL - Mean length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 16 and 24 * - sd_los_ISS_16_to_24 - REAL - Standard deviation in length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 16 and 24 * - mean_los_ISS_more_than_25 - REAL - Mean length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 16 and 24 * - sd_los_ISS_more_that_25 - REAL - Standard deviation in length of stay for someone with an ISS score between 16 and 24 * - daly_wt_unspecified_skull_fracture - REAL - daly_wt_unspecified_skull_fracture - code 1674 * - daly_wt_basilar_skull_fracture - REAL - daly_wt_basilar_skull_fracture - code 1675 * - daly_wt_epidural_hematoma - REAL - daly_wt_epidural_hematoma - code 1676 * - daly_wt_subdural_hematoma - REAL - daly_wt_subdural_hematoma - code 1677 * - daly_wt_subarachnoid_hematoma - REAL - daly_wt_subarachnoid_hematoma - code 1678 * - daly_wt_brain_contusion - REAL - daly_wt_brain_contusion - code 1679 * - daly_wt_intraventricular_haemorrhage - REAL - daly_wt_intraventricular_haemorrhage - code 1680 * - daly_wt_diffuse_axonal_injury - REAL - daly_wt_diffuse_axonal_injury - code 1681 * - daly_wt_subgaleal_hematoma - REAL - daly_wt_subgaleal_hematoma - code 1682 * - daly_wt_midline_shift - REAL - daly_wt_midline_shift - code 1683 * - daly_wt_facial_fracture - REAL - daly_wt_facial_fracture - code 1684 * - daly_wt_facial_soft_tissue_injury - REAL - daly_wt_facial_soft_tissue_injury - code 1685 * - daly_wt_eye_injury - REAL - daly_wt_eye_injury - code 1686 * - daly_wt_neck_soft_tissue_injury - REAL - daly_wt_neck_soft_tissue_injury - code 1687 * - daly_wt_neck_internal_bleeding - REAL - daly_wt_neck_internal_bleeding - code 1688 * - daly_wt_neck_dislocation - REAL - daly_wt_neck_dislocation - code 1689 * - daly_wt_chest_wall_bruises_hematoma - REAL - daly_wt_chest_wall_bruises_hematoma - code 1690 * - daly_wt_hemothorax - REAL - daly_wt_hemothorax - code 1691 * - daly_wt_lung_contusion - REAL - daly_wt_lung_contusion - code 1692 * - daly_wt_diaphragm_rupture - REAL - daly_wt_diaphragm_rupture - code 1693 * - daly_wt_rib_fracture - REAL - daly_wt_rib_fracture - code 1694 * - daly_wt_flail_chest - REAL - daly_wt_flail_chest - code 1695 * - daly_wt_chest_wall_laceration - REAL - daly_wt_chest_wall_laceration - code 1696 * - daly_wt_closed_pneumothorax - REAL - daly_wt_closed_pneumothorax - code 1697 * - daly_wt_open_pneumothorax - REAL - daly_wt_open_pneumothorax - code 1698 * - daly_wt_surgical_emphysema - REAL - daly_wt_surgical_emphysema aka subcuteal emphysema - code 1699 * - daly_wt_abd_internal_organ_injury - REAL - daly_wt_abd_internal_organ_injury - code 1700 * - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_neck_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_neck_with_treatment - code 1701 * - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_neck_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_neck_without_treatment - code 1702 * - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_below_neck_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_below_neck_with_treatment - code 1703 * - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_below_neck_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_spinal_cord_lesion_below_neck_without_treatment - code 1704 * - daly_wt_vertebrae_fracture - REAL - daly_wt_vertebrae_fracture - code 1705 * - daly_wt_clavicle_scapula_humerus_fracture - REAL - daly_wt_clavicle_scapula_humerus_fracture - code 1706 * - daly_wt_hand_wrist_fracture_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_hand_wrist_fracture_with_treatment - code 1707 * - daly_wt_hand_wrist_fracture_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_hand_wrist_fracture_without_treatment - code 1708 * - daly_wt_radius_ulna_fracture_short_term_with_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_radius_ulna_fracture_short_term_with_without_treatment - code 1709 * - daly_wt_radius_ulna_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_radius_ulna_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - code 1710 * - daly_wt_dislocated_shoulder - REAL - daly_wt_dislocated_shoulder - code 1711 * - daly_wt_amputated_finger - REAL - daly_wt_amputated_finger - code 1712 * - daly_wt_amputated_thumb - REAL - daly_wt_amputated_thumb - code 1713 * - daly_wt_unilateral_arm_amputation_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_unilateral_arm_amputation_with_treatment - code 1714 * - daly_wt_unilateral_arm_amputation_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_unilateral_arm_amputation_without_treatment - code 1715 * - daly_wt_bilateral_arm_amputation_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_bilateral_arm_amputation_with_treatment - code 1716 * - daly_wt_bilateral_arm_amputation_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_bilateral_arm_amputation_without_treatment - code 1717 * - daly_wt_foot_fracture_short_term_with_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_foot_fracture_short_term_with_without_treatment - code 1718 * - daly_wt_foot_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_foot_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - code 1719 * - daly_wt_patella_tibia_fibula_fracture_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_patella_tibia_fibula_fracture_with_treatment - code 1720 * - daly_wt_patella_tibia_fibula_fracture_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_patella_tibia_fibula_fracture_without_treatment - code 1721 * - daly_wt_hip_fracture_short_term_with_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_hip_fracture_short_term_with_without_treatment - code 1722 * - daly_wt_hip_fracture_long_term_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_hip_fracture_long_term_with_treatment - code 1723 * - daly_wt_hip_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_hip_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - code 1724 * - daly_wt_pelvis_fracture_short_term - REAL - daly_wt_pelvis_fracture_short_term - code 1725 * - daly_wt_pelvis_fracture_long_term - REAL - daly_wt_pelvis_fracture_long_term - code 1726 * - daly_wt_femur_fracture_short_term - REAL - daly_wt_femur_fracture_short_term - code 1727 * - daly_wt_femur_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_femur_fracture_long_term_without_treatment - code 1728 * - daly_wt_dislocated_hip - REAL - daly_wt_dislocated_hip - code 1729 * - daly_wt_dislocated_knee - REAL - daly_wt_dislocated_knee - code 1730 * - daly_wt_amputated_toes - REAL - daly_wt_amputated_toes - code 1731 * - daly_wt_unilateral_lower_limb_amputation_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_unilateral_lower_limb_amputation_with_treatment - code 1732 * - daly_wt_unilateral_lower_limb_amputation_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_unilateral_lower_limb_amputation_without_treatment - code 1733 * - daly_wt_bilateral_lower_limb_amputation_with_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_bilateral_lower_limb_amputation_with_treatment - code 1734 * - daly_wt_bilateral_lower_limb_amputation_without_treatment - REAL - daly_wt_bilateral_lower_limb_amputation_without_treatment - code 1735 * - rt_emergency_care_ISS_score_cut_off - INT - A parameter to determine which level of injury severity corresponds to the emergency health care seeking symptom and which to the non-emergency generic injury symptom * - prob_death_MAIS3 - REAL - A parameter to determine the probability of death without medical intervention with a military AISscore of 3 * - prob_death_MAIS4 - REAL - A parameter to determine the probability of death without medical intervention with a military AISscore of 4 * - prob_death_MAIS5 - REAL - A parameter to determine the probability of death without medical intervention with a military AISscore of 5 * - prob_death_MAIS6 - REAL - A parameter to determine the probability of death without medical intervention with a military AISscore of 6 * - femur_fracture_skeletal_traction_mean_los - INT - The mean length of stay for a person with a femur fracture being treated with skeletal traction * - other_skeletal_traction_los - INT - The mean length of stay for a person with a non-femur fracture being treated with skeletal traction * - prob_foot_frac_require_cast - REAL - The probability that a person with a foot fracture will be treated with a plaster cast * - prob_foot_frac_require_maj_surg - REAL - The probability that a person with a foot fracture will be treated with a major surgery * - prob_foot_frac_require_min_surg - REAL - The probability that a person with a foot fracture will be treated with a major surgery * - prob_foot_frac_require_amp - REAL - The probability that a person with a foot fracture will be treated with amputation via a major surgery * - prob_tib_fib_frac_require_cast - REAL - The probability that a person with a tibia/fibula fracture will be treated with a plaster cast * - prob_tib_fib_frac_require_maj_surg - REAL - The probability that a person with a tibia/fibula fracture will be treated with a major surgery * - prob_tib_fib_frac_require_min_surg - REAL - The probability that a person with a tibia/fibula fracture will be treated with a minor surgery * - prob_tib_fib_frac_require_amp - REAL - The probability that a person with a tibia/fibula fracture will be treated with an amputation via major surgery * - prob_tib_fib_frac_require_traction - REAL - The probability that a person with a tibia/fibula fracture will be treated with skeletal traction * - prob_femural_fracture_require_major_surgery - REAL - The probability that a person with a femur fracture will be treated with major surgery * - prob_femural_fracture_require_minor_surgery - REAL - The probability that a person with a femur fracture will be treated with minor surgery * - prob_femural_fracture_require_cast - REAL - The probability that a person with a femur fracture will be treated with a plaster cast * - prob_femural_fracture_require_amputation - REAL - The probability that a person with a femur fracture will be treated with amputation via major surgery * - prob_femural_fracture_require_traction - REAL - The probability that a person with a femur fracture will be treated with skeletal traction * - prob_pelvis_fracture_traction - REAL - The probability that a person with a pelvis fracture will be treated with skeletal traction * - prob_pelvis_frac_major_surgery - REAL - The probability that a person with a pelvis fracture will be treated with major surgery * - prob_pelvis_frac_minor_surgery - REAL - The probability that a person with a pelvis fracture will be treated with minor surgery * - prob_pelvis_frac_cast - REAL - The probability that a person with a pelvis fracture will be treated with a cast * - prob_dis_hip_require_maj_surg - REAL - The probability that a person with a dislocated hip will be treated with a major surgery * - prob_dis_hip_require_cast - REAL - The probability that a person with a dislocated hip will be treated with a plaster cast * - prob_hip_dis_require_traction - REAL - The probability that a person with a dislocated hip will be treated with skeletal traction * - hdu_cut_off_iss_score - INT - The ISS score used as a criteria to admit patients to the HDU/ICU units * - mean_icu_days - REAL - The mean length of stay in the ICUfor those without TBI * - sd_icu_days - REAL - The standard deviation in length of stay in the ICU for those without TBI * - mean_tbi_icu_days - REAL - The mean length of stay in the ICU for those with TBI * - sd_tbi_icu_days - REAL - The standard deviation in length of stay in the ICU for those with TBI * - prob_open_fracture_contaminated - REAL - The probability that an open fracture will be contaminated * - allowed_interventions - LIST - List of additional interventions that can be included when performing model analysis * - head_prob_112 - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a skull fracture * - head_prob_113 - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a basilar skull fracture * - head_prob_133a - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a Subarachnoid hematoma * - head_prob_133b - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a Brain contusion * - head_prob_133c - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is an Intraventricular haemorrhage * - head_prob_133d - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a Subgaleal hematoma * - head_prob_134a - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is an Epidural hematoma * - head_prob_134b - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a Subdural hematoma * - head_prob_135 - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a Diffuse axonal injury/midline shift * - head_prob_1101 - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a laceration * - head_prob_1114 - REAL - The probability that this person's head injury is a burn * - face_prob_211 - REAL - The probability that this person's face injury is a Facial fracture (nasal/unspecified) * - face_prob_212 - REAL - The probability that this person's face injury is a Facial fracture (mandible/zygomatic) * - face_prob_241 - REAL - The probability that this person's face injury is a soft tissue injury * - face_prob_2101 - REAL - The probability that this person's face injury is a laceration * - face_prob_2114 - REAL - The probability that this person's face injury is a burn * - face_prob_291 - REAL - The probability that this person's face injury is an eye injury * - neck_prob_3101 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is a laceration * - neck_prob_3113 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is a burn * - neck_prob_342 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is a Soft tissue injury in neck (vertebral artery laceration) * - neck_prob_343 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is a Soft tissue injury in neck (pharynx contusion) * - neck_prob_361 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is a Sternomastoid m. hemorrhage/ Hemorrhage, supraclavicular triangle/Hemorrhage, posterior triangle/Anterior vertebral vessel hemorrhage/ Neck muscle hemorrhage * - neck_prob_363 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is a Hematoma in carotid sheath/Carotid sheath hemorrhage * - neck_prob_322 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is an Atlanto-occipital subluxation * - neck_prob_323 - REAL - The probability that this person's neck injury is an Atlanto-axial subluxation * - thorax_prob_4101 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a laceration * - thorax_prob_4113 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a burn * - thorax_prob_461 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is Chest wall bruises/haematoma * - thorax_prob_463 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is Haemothorax * - thorax_prob_453a - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a Lung contusion * - thorax_prob_453b - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a Diaphragm rupture * - thorax_prob_412 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a rib fracture * - thorax_prob_414 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is flail chest * - thorax_prob_441 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a Chest wall lacerations/avulsions * - thorax_prob_442 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a Surgical emphysema * - thorax_prob_443 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a Closed pneumothorax/ open pneumothorax * - abdomen_prob_5101 - REAL - The probability that this person's abdomen injury is a laceration * - abdomen_prob_5113 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a burn * - abdomen_prob_552 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is a skull fracture * - abdomen_prob_553 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is an Injury to stomach/intestines/colon * - abdomen_prob_554 - REAL - The probability that this person's thorax injury is an Injury to spleen/Urinary bladder/Liver/Urethra/Diaphragm * - spine_prob_612 - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a vertabrae fracture * - spine_prob_673a - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a Spinal cord injury at neck level * - spine_prob_673b - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a Spinal cord injury below neck level * - spine_prob_674a - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a Spinal cord injury at neck level * - spine_prob_674b - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a Spinal cord injury below neck level * - spine_prob_675a - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a Spinal cord injury at neck level * - spine_prob_675b - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a Spinal cord injury below neck level * - spine_prob_676 - REAL - The probability that this person's spine injury is a Spinal cord injury at neck level * - upper_ex_prob_7101 - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a laceration * - upper_ex_prob_7113 - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a burn * - upper_ex_prob_712a - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a Fracture to Clavicle, scapula, humerus * - upper_ex_prob_712b - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a Fracture to Hand/wrist * - upper_ex_prob_712c - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a Fracture to Radius/ulna * - upper_ex_prob_722 - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a dislocated shoulder * - upper_ex_prob_782a - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is an Amputated finger * - upper_ex_prob_782b - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a Unilateral arm amputation * - upper_ex_prob_782c - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a Thumb amputation * - upper_ex_prob_783 - REAL - The probability that this person's upper extremity injury is a bilateral arm amputation * - lower_ex_prob_8101 - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a laceration * - lower_ex_prob_8113 - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a burn * - lower_ex_prob_811 - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a foot fracture * - lower_ex_prob_813do - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is an open foot fracture * - lower_ex_prob_812 - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Fracture to patella, tibia, fibula, ankle * - lower_ex_prob_813eo - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is an open Fracture to patella, tibia, fibula, ankle * - lower_ex_prob_813a - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Hip fracture * - lower_ex_prob_813b - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Pelvis fracture * - lower_ex_prob_813bo - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is an open Pelvis fracture * - lower_ex_prob_813c - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Femur fracture * - lower_ex_prob_813co - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is an open Femur fracture * - lower_ex_prob_822a - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Dislocated hip * - lower_ex_prob_822b - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Dislocated knee * - lower_ex_prob_882 - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is an Amputation of toes * - lower_ex_prob_883 - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Unilateral leg amputation * - lower_ex_prob_884 - REAL - The probability that this person's lower extremity injury is a Bilateral leg amputation * - blocked_interventions - LIST - A list of interventions that are blocked in a simulation * - unavailable_treatment_mortality_mais_cutoff - INT - A cut-off score above which an injury will result in additional mortality if the person has sought healthcare and not received it. * - consider_death_no_treatment_ISS_cut_off - INT - A cut-off score above which an injuries will be considered severe enough to cause mortality in those whohave not sought care. **PROPERTIES:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - rt_road_traffic_inc - BOOL - involved in a road traffic injury * - rt_inj_severity - CATEGORICAL - Injury status relating to road traffic injury: none, mild, severe. Possible values are: [none, mild, severe, ] * - rt_injury_1 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 1 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_injury_2 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 2 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_injury_3 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 3 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_injury_4 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 4 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_injury_5 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 5 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_injury_6 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 6 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_injury_7 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 7 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_injury_8 - CATEGORICAL - Codes for injury 8 from RTI. Possible values are: [none, 112, 113, 133a, 133b, 133c, 133d, 134a, 134b, 135, 1101, 1114, 211, 212, 241, 2101, 2114, 291, 342, 343, 361, 363, 322, 323, 3101, 3113, 412, 414, 461, 463, 453a, 453b, 441, 442, 443, 4101, 4113, 552, 553, 554, 5101, 5113, 612, 673a, 673b, 674a, 674b, 675a, 675b, 676, 712a, 712b, 712c, 722, 782a, 782b, 782c, 783, 7101, 7113, 811, 813do, 812, 813eo, 813a, 813b, 813bo, 813c, 813co, 822a, 822b, 882, 883, 884, 8101, 8113, P133a, P133b, P133c, P133d, P134a, P134b, P135, P673a, P673b, P674a, P674b, P675a, P675b, P676, P782a, P782b, P782c, P783, P882, P883, P884, ] * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_1 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 1 * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_2 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 2 * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_3 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 3 * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_4 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 4 * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_5 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 5 * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_6 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 6 * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_7 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 7 * - rt_date_to_remove_daly_8 - DATE - Date to remove the daly weight for injury 8 * - rt_in_shock - BOOL - A property determining if this person is in shock * - rt_death_from_shock - BOOL - whether this person died from shock * - rt_injuries_to_cast - LIST - A list of injuries that are to be treated with casts * - rt_injuries_for_minor_surgery - LIST - A list of injuries that are to be treated with a minorsurgery * - rt_injuries_for_major_surgery - LIST - A list of injuries that are to be treated with a minorsurgery * - rt_injuries_to_heal_with_time - LIST - A list of injuries that heal without further treatment * - rt_injuries_for_open_fracture_treatment - LIST - A list of injuries that with open fracture treatment * - rt_ISS_score - INT - The ISS score associated with the injuries resulting from a road trafficaccident * - rt_perm_disability - BOOL - whether the injuries from an RTI result in permanent disability * - rt_polytrauma - BOOL - polytrauma from RTI * - rt_imm_death - BOOL - death at scene True/False * - rt_diagnosed - BOOL - Person has had their injuries diagnosed * - rt_post_med_death - BOOL - death in following month despite medical intervention True/False * - rt_no_med_death - BOOL - death in following month without medical intervention True/False * - rt_unavailable_med_death - BOOL - death in the following month without medical intervention being able to be provided * - rt_recovery_no_med - BOOL - recovery without medical intervention True/False * - rt_disability - REAL - disability weight for current month * - rt_date_inj - DATE - date of latest injury * - rt_med_int - BOOL - whether this person is currently undergoing medical treatment * - rt_in_icu_or_hdu - BOOL - whether this person is currently in ICU for RTI * - rt_MAIS_military_score - INT - the maximum AIS-military score, used as a proxy to calculate theprobability of mortality without medical intervention * - rt_date_death_no_med - DATE - the date which the person has is scheduled to die without medicalintervention * - rt_debugging_DALY_wt - REAL - The true value of the DALY weight burden * - rt_injuries_left_untreated - LIST - A list of injuries that have been left untreated due to a blocked intervention **Class attributes:** ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES : {'HealthSystem', 'Demography', 'Lifestyle'} CAUSES_OF_DEATH : {'RTI_death_without_med': , 'RTI_death_with_med': , 'RTI_unavailable_med': , 'RTI_imm_death': , 'RTI_death_shock': } CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY : {'RTI': } DATE_TO_REMOVE_DALY_COLUMNS : ['rt_date_to_remove_daly_1', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_2', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_3', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_4', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_5', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_6', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_7', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_8'] FRACTURE_CODES : ['112', '113', '211', '212', '412', '414', '612', '712', '811', '812', '813'] INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {'SymptomManager', 'HealthBurden'} INJURIES_REQ_IMAGING : ['112', '113', '211', '212', '412', '414', '612', '712a', '712b', '712c', '811', '812', '813a', '813b', '813c', '822a', '822b', '813bo', '813co', '813do', '813eo', '673', '674', '675', '676', '322', '323', '722', '342', '343', '441', '443', '453', '133', '134', '135', '552', '553', '554', '342', '343', '441', '443', '453', '361', '363', '461', '463'] INJURY_CODES : ['none', '112', '113', '133a', '133b', '133c', '133d', '134a', '134b', '135', '1101', '1114', '211', '212', '241', '2101', '2114', '291', '342', '343', '361', '363', '322', '323', '3101', '3113', '412', '414', '461', '463', '453a', '453b', '441', '442', '443', '4101', '4113', '552', '553', '554', '5101', '5113', '612', '673a', '673b', '674a', '674b', '675a', '675b', '676', '712a', '712b', '712c', '722', '782a', '782b', '782c', '783', '7101', '7113', '811', '813do', '812', '813eo', '813a', '813b', '813bo', '813c', '813co', '822a', '822b', '882', '883', '884', '8101', '8113', 'P133a', 'P133b', 'P133c', 'P133d', 'P134a', 'P134b', 'P135', 'P673a', 'P673b', 'P674a', 'P674b', 'P675a', 'P675b', 'P676', 'P782a', 'P782b', 'P782c', 'P783', 'P882', 'P883', 'P884'] INJURY_COLUMNS : ['rt_injury_1', 'rt_injury_2', 'rt_injury_3', 'rt_injury_4', 'rt_injury_5', 'rt_injury_6', 'rt_injury_7', 'rt_injury_8'] INJURY_DATE_COLUMN_MAP : {'rt_injury_1': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_1', 'rt_injury_2': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_2', 'rt_injury_3': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_3', 'rt_injury_4': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_4', 'rt_injury_5': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_5', 'rt_injury_6': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_6', 'rt_injury_7': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_7', 'rt_injury_8': 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_8', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_1': 'rt_injury_1', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_2': 'rt_injury_2', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_3': 'rt_injury_3', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_4': 'rt_injury_4', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_5': 'rt_injury_5', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_6': 'rt_injury_6', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_7': 'rt_injury_7', 'rt_date_to_remove_daly_8': 'rt_injury_8'} INJURY_INDICES : range(1, 9) METADATA : {, , , } NO_TREATMENT_RECOVERY_TIMES_IN_DAYS : {'112': 49, '113': 49, '1101': 7, '211': 49, '212': 49, '241': 7, '2101': 7, '291': 7, '342': 42, '343': 42, '361': 7, '363': 14, '322': 42, '323': 42, '3101': 7, '3113': 56, '412': 35, '414': 365, '461': 7, '463': 14, '453a': 84, '453b': 84, '441': 14, '442': 14, '4101': 7, '552': 90, '553': 90, '554': 90, '5101': 7, '5113': 56, '612': 63, '712a': 70, '712b': 70, '722': 84, '7101': 7, '7113': 56, '813do': 240, '811': 70, '812': 70, '813eo': 240, '813bo': 240, '813co': 240, '822a': 60, '822b': 180, '8101': 7, '8113': 56} SWAPPING_CODES : ['712b', '812', '3113', '4113', '5113', '7113', '8113', '813a', '813b', 'P673a', 'P673b', 'P674a', 'P674b', 'P675a', 'P675b', 'P676', 'P782b', 'P783', 'P883', 'P884', '813bo', '813co', '813do', '813eo'] **Functions (defined or overridden in class RTI):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: read_parameters .. automethod:: rti_injury_diagnosis .. automethod:: initialise_population .. automethod:: initialise_simulation .. automethod:: rti_do_when_diagnosed .. automethod:: rti_do_for_major_surgeries .. automethod:: rti_do_for_minor_surgeries .. automethod:: rti_acute_pain_management .. automethod:: rti_ask_for_suture_kit .. automethod:: rti_ask_for_shock_treatment .. automethod:: rti_ask_for_imaging .. automethod:: rti_ask_for_burn_treatment .. automethod:: rti_ask_for_fracture_casts .. automethod:: rti_ask_for_open_fracture_treatment .. automethod:: rti_ask_for_tetanus .. automethod:: schedule_hsi_event_for_tomorrow .. automethod:: rti_find_injury_column .. automethod:: rti_find_all_columns_of_treated_injuries .. automethod:: rti_assign_daly_weights .. automethod:: rti_alter_daly_post_treatment .. automethod:: rti_swap_injury_daly_upon_treatment .. automethod:: rti_determine_LOS .. automethod:: rti_find_and_count_injuries .. automethod:: rti_treated_injuries .. automethod:: on_birth .. automethod:: on_hsi_alert .. automethod:: report_daly_values .. automethod:: rti_assign_injuries .. automethod:: do_rti_diagnosis_and_treatment .. autoclass:: RTIPollingEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class RTIPollingEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: RTI_Check_Death_No_Med Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class RTI_Check_Death_No_Med):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: RTI_Recovery_Event Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class RTI_Recovery_Event):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Imaging_Event Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Imaging_Event):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Medical_Intervention Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Medical_Intervention):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Shock_Treatment Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Shock_Treatment):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Fracture_Cast Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Fracture_Cast):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Open_Fracture_Treatment Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Open_Fracture_Treatment):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Suture Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Suture):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Burn_Management Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Burn_Management):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Tetanus_Vaccine Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Tetanus_Vaccine):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Acute_Pain_Management Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Acute_Pain_Management):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Major_Surgeries Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Major_Surgeries):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: HSI_RTI_Minor_Surgeries Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_RTI_Minor_Surgeries):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. autoclass:: RTI_Medical_Intervention_Death_Event Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class RTI_Medical_Intervention_Death_Event):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: RTI_No_Lifesaving_Medical_Intervention_Death_Event Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class RTI_No_Lifesaving_Medical_Intervention_Death_Event):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: RTI_Logging_Event Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class RTI_Logging_Event):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply