tlo.methods.pregnancy_supervisor module ======================================= .. automodule:: tlo.methods.pregnancy_supervisor .. autoclass:: PregnancySupervisor Bases: :class:`tlo.core.Module` **PARAMETERS:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - prob_ectopic_pregnancy - LIST - probability of ectopic pregnancy * - prob_care_seeking_ectopic_pre_rupture - LIST - probability a woman will seek care for ectopic pregnancy prior to rupture * - prob_ectopic_pregnancy_death - LIST - probability of a woman dying from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy * - prob_multiples - LIST - probability that a woman is currently carrying more than one pregnancy * - prob_placenta_praevia - LIST - probability that this womans pregnancy will be complicated by placenta praevia * - rr_placenta_praevia_previous_cs - LIST - relative risk of placenta praevia in a woman who has previously delivered via caesarean section * - prob_syphilis_during_pregnancy - LIST - probability that this womans will develop syphilis during her pregnancy * - prob_previous_miscarriage_at_baseline - REAL - probability that a woman at baseline will have previously experienced a miscarriage * - prob_spontaneous_abortion_per_month - LIST - underlying risk of spontaneous abortion per month * - rr_spont_abortion_age_35 - LIST - relative risk of spontaneous abortion in women aged 35 years or older * - rr_spont_abortion_age_31_34 - LIST - relative risk of spontaneous abortion in women aged 31-34 years old * - rr_spont_abortion_prev_sa - LIST - relative risk of spontaneous abortion in women who have previously experiences spontaneous abortion * - prob_complicated_sa - LIST - probability that a woman who experiences spontaneous abortion with experience any complications * - prob_induced_abortion_per_month - LIST - underlying risk of induced abortion per month * - prob_complicated_ia - LIST - probability that a woman who experiences induced abortion with experience any complications * - prob_haemorrhage_post_abortion - LIST - probability of haemorrhage following an abortion * - prob_sepsis_post_abortion - LIST - probability of sepsis following an abortion * - prob_injury_post_abortion - LIST - probability of injury following an abortion * - prob_induced_abortion_death - LIST - underlying risk of death following an induced abortion * - prob_spontaneous_abortion_death - LIST - underlying risk of death following an spontaneous abortion * - baseline_prob_anaemia_per_month - LIST - baseline risk of a woman developing anaemia secondary only to pregnant * - rr_anaemia_maternal_malaria - LIST - relative risk of anaemia secondary to malaria infection * - rr_anaemia_hiv_no_art - LIST - relative risk of anaemia for a woman with HIV not on ART * - prob_mild_mod_sev_anaemia - LIST - probabilities that a womans anaemia will be mild, moderate or severe * - prob_gest_diab_per_month - LIST - underlying risk of gestational diabetes per month without the impact of risk factors * - rr_gest_diab_obesity - LIST - Relative risk of gestational diabetes for women who are obese * - prob_gest_htn_per_month - LIST - underlying risk of gestational hypertension per month without the impact of risk factors * - rr_gest_htn_obesity - LIST - Relative risk of gestational hypertension for women who are obese * - prob_pre_eclampsia_per_month - LIST - underlying risk of pre-eclampsia per month without the impact of risk factors * - rr_pre_eclampsia_obesity - LIST - Relative risk of pre-eclampsia for women who are obese * - rr_pre_eclampsia_multiple_pregnancy - LIST - Relative risk of pre-eclampsia for women who are pregnant with twins * - rr_pre_eclampsia_chronic_htn - LIST - Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who are chronically hypertensive * - rr_pre_eclampsia_diabetes_mellitus - LIST - Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who have diabetes mellitus * - probs_for_mgh_matrix - LIST - probability of mild gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_sgh_matrix - LIST - probability of severe gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_mpe_matrix - LIST - probability of mild pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_spe_matrix - LIST - probability of severe pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_ec_matrix - LIST - probability of eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - prob_severe_pre_eclampsia_death - LIST - probability of death for a woman experiencing acute severe pre-eclampsia * - prob_eclampsia_death - LIST - probability of death for a woman experiencing eclampsia * - prob_monthly_death_severe_htn - LIST - monthly risk of death for a woman with severe hypertension * - prob_placental_abruption_per_month - LIST - monthly probability that a woman will develop placental abruption * - rr_placental_abruption_hypertension - LIST - Relative risk of placental abruption in women with hypertension * - rr_placental_abruption_previous_cs - LIST - Relative risk of placental abruption in women who delivered previously via caesarean section * - prob_aph_placenta_praevia - LIST - risk of antepartum haemorrhage due to ongoing placenta praevia * - prob_aph_placental_abruption - LIST - risk of antepartum haemorrhage due to placental abruption * - prob_mod_sev_aph - LIST - probabilities that APH is mild/moderate or severe * - prob_antepartum_haemorrhage_death - LIST - probability of death for a woman suffering acute antepartum haemorrhage * - prob_prom_per_month - LIST - monthly probability that a woman will experience premature rupture of membranes * - prob_chorioamnionitis - LIST - monthly probability of a women developing chorioamnionitis * - prob_antenatal_sepsis_death - LIST - case fatality rate for chorioamnionitis * - baseline_prob_early_labour_onset - LIST - monthly baseline risk of labour onsetting before term * - rr_preterm_labour_post_prom - LIST - relative risk of early labour onset following PROM * - rr_preterm_labour_anaemia - LIST - relative risk of early labour onset in women with anaemia * - rr_preterm_labour_malaria - LIST - relative risk of early labour onset in women with malaria * - rr_preterm_labour_multiple_pregnancy - LIST - relative risk of early labour onset in women pregnant with twins * - prob_still_birth_per_month - LIST - underlying risk of stillbirth per month without the impact of risk factors * - rr_still_birth_ga_41 - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with gestational age 41 weeks * - rr_still_birth_ga_42 - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with gestational age 42 weeks * - rr_still_birth_ga_>42 - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with gestational age > 42 weeks * - rr_still_birth_gest_diab - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with gestational diabetes * - rr_still_birth_diab_mellitus - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with diabetes mellitus * - rr_still_birth_maternal_malaria - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with malaria * - rr_still_birth_maternal_syphilis - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with syphilis * - rr_still_birth_pre_eclampsia - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with pre-eclampsia * - rr_still_birth_eclampsia - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with eclampsia * - rr_still_birth_gest_htn - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with mild gestational hypertension * - rr_still_birth_chronic_htn - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with chronic hypertension * - rr_still_birth_aph - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with antepartum haemorrhage * - rr_still_birth_chorio - LIST - relative risk of still birth in women with chorioamnionitis * - prob_seek_care_pregnancy_complication - LIST - Probability that a woman who is pregnant will seek care in the event of a complication * - prob_seek_care_pregnancy_loss - LIST - Probability that a woman who has developed complications post pregnancy loss will seek care * - prob_seek_care_induction - LIST - Probability that a woman who is post term will seek care for induction of labour * - prob_anc1_months_2_to_4 - LIST - list of probabilities that a woman will attend her first ANC visit at either month 2, 3 or 4 of pregnancy * - prob_anc1_months_5_to_9 - LIST - list of probabilities that a woman will attend her first ANC visit on months 5-10 * - odds_early_init_anc4 - LIST - probability of a woman undergoing 4 or more basic ANC visits with the first visit occurring prior or during month 4 of pregnancy (EANC4+) * - aor_early_anc4_20_24 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 20-24 * - aor_early_anc4_25_29 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 25-29 * - aor_early_anc4_30_34 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 30-34 * - aor_early_anc4_35_39 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 35-39 * - aor_early_anc4_40_44 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 40-44 * - aor_early_anc4_45_49 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women aged 45-49 * - aor_early_anc4_2010 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in 2010 * - aor_early_anc4_2015 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in 2015 * - aor_early_anc4_parity_2_3 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with a parity of 2-3 * - aor_early_anc4_parity_4_5 - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with a parity of 4-5 * - aor_early_anc4_parity_6+ - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with a parity of 6+ * - aor_early_anc4_secondary_edu - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with secondary education * - aor_early_anc4_tertiary_edu - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women with tertiary education * - aor_early_anc4_richest_wealth - LIST - adjusted odds ratio of EANC4+ in women in the richest wealth quintile * - prob_late_initiation_anc4 - LIST - probability a woman will undertake 4 or more ANC visits with the first being after 4 months * - prob_early_initiation_anc_below4 - LIST - probabilities a woman will attend fewer than 4 ANC visits but the first visit will occur before month 4 * - prob_early_anc_at_facility_level_1_2 - LIST - probabilities a woman will attend ANC 1 at facility levels 1 or 2 * - treatment_effect_ectopic_pregnancy_treatment - LIST - Treatment effect of ectopic pregnancy case management * - treatment_effect_post_abortion_care - LIST - Treatment effect of post abortion care * - treatment_effect_iron_folic_acid_anaemia - LIST - relative effect of daily iron and folic acid treatment on risk of maternal anaemia * - treatment_effect_calcium_pre_eclamp - LIST - risk reduction of pre-eclampsia for women taking daily calcium supplementation * - treatment_effect_gest_htn_calcium - LIST - Effect of calcium supplementation on risk of developing gestational hypertension * - treatment_effect_anti_htns_progression - LIST - Effect of anti hypertensive medication in reducing the risk of progression from mild to severe hypertension * - prob_glycaemic_control_diet_exercise - LIST - probability a womans GDM is controlled by diet and exercise during the first month of treatment * - prob_glycaemic_control_orals - LIST - probability a womans GDM is controlled by oral anti-diabetics during the first month of treatment * - treatment_effect_gdm_case_management - LIST - Treatment effect of GDM case management on mothers risk of stillbirth * - treatment_effect_still_birth_food_sups - LIST - risk reduction of still birth for women receiving nutritional supplements * - anc_service_structure - INT - stores type of ANC service being delivered in the model (anc4 or anc8) and is used in analysisscripts to change ANC structure * - analysis_year - INT - Year on which the pregnancy analysis event is scheduled to update any relevant parameters for analysis (1st day 1st month) * - ps_analysis_in_progress - BOOL - Used within the pregnancy_helper_function to signify that analysis is currently being conducted * - alternative_anc_coverage - BOOL - Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of ANC coverage has been determined following the events run * - alternative_anc_quality - BOOL - Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of ANC quality has been determined following the events run * - anc_availability_odds - REAL - Target odds of early initiation of ANC4+ when analysis is being conducted - only applied ifalternative_anc_coverage is true * - anc_availability_probability - REAL - Target probability of quality/consumables when analysis is being conducted - only applied if alternative_anc_quality is true * - alternative_ip_anc_quality - BOOL - Signals within the analysis event that an alternative level of inpatient ANC quality has been determined following the events run * - ip_anc_availability_probability - REAL - Target probability of quality/consumables when analysis is being conducted - only applied if alternative_ip_anc_quality is true * - sens_analysis_min - BOOL - Signals within the analysis event and code that sensitivity analysis is being undertaken in which ANC is blocked from occurring * - sens_analysis_max - BOOL - Signals within the analysis event and code that sensitivity analysis is being undertaken in which the maximum coverage of ANC is enforced **PROPERTIES:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - ps_gestational_age_in_weeks - REAL - current gestational age, in weeks, of a woman pregnancy * - ps_date_of_anc1 - DATE - Date first ANC visit is scheduled for * - ps_ectopic_pregnancy - CATEGORICAL - Whether a woman is experiencing ectopic pregnancy and its current state. Possible values are: [none, not_ruptured, ruptured, ] * - ps_multiple_pregnancy - BOOL - Whether a woman is pregnant with multiple fetuses * - ps_placenta_praevia - BOOL - Whether a woman pregnancy will be complicated by placentapraevia * - ps_syphilis - BOOL - Whether a woman has syphilis during pregnancy * - ps_anaemia_in_pregnancy - CATEGORICAL - Whether a woman has anaemia in pregnancy and its severity. Possible values are: [none, mild, moderate, severe, ] * - ps_anc4 - BOOL - Whether this woman is predicted to attend 4 or more antenatal care visits during her pregnancy * - ps_abortion_complications - INT - Bitset column holding types of abortion complication * - ps_prev_spont_abortion - BOOL - Whether this woman has had any previous pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion * - ps_prev_stillbirth - BOOL - Whether this woman has had any previous pregnancies end in still birth * - ps_htn_disorders - CATEGORICAL - if this woman suffers from a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. Possible values are: [none, gest_htn, severe_gest_htn, mild_pre_eclamp, severe_pre_eclamp, eclampsia, ] * - ps_prev_pre_eclamp - BOOL - whether this woman has experienced pre-eclampsia in a previous pregnancy * - ps_gest_diab - CATEGORICAL - whether this woman is experiencing gestational diabetes. Possible values are: [none, uncontrolled, controlled, ] * - ps_prev_gest_diab - BOOL - whether this woman has ever suffered from gestational diabetes during a previous pregnancy * - ps_placental_abruption - BOOL - Whether this woman is experiencing placental abruption * - ps_antepartum_haemorrhage - CATEGORICAL - severity of this womans antepartum haemorrhage. Possible values are: [none, mild_moderate, severe, ] * - ps_premature_rupture_of_membranes - BOOL - whether this woman has experience rupture of membranes before the onset of labour. If this is <37 weeks from gestation the woman has preterm premature rupture of membranes * - ps_chorioamnionitis - BOOL - Whether a woman is experiencing chorioamnionitis * - ps_emergency_event - BOOL - signifies a woman in undergoing an acute emergency event in her pregnancy- used to consolidated care seeking in the instance of multiple complications **Class attributes:** ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES : {'Labour', 'Lifestyle', 'HealthSystem', 'CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy', 'Contraception'} CAUSES_OF_DEATH : {'ectopic_pregnancy': , 'spontaneous_abortion': , 'induced_abortion': , 'antepartum_haemorrhage': , 'severe_gestational_hypertension': , 'severe_pre_eclampsia': , 'eclampsia': , 'antenatal_sepsis': } CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY : {'maternal': } INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {'Demography'} METADATA : {, } OPTIONAL_INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {'CardioMetabolicDisorders', 'Malaria', 'Hiv', 'HealthBurden'} **Functions (defined or overridden in class PregnancySupervisor):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: read_parameters .. automethod:: initialise_population .. automethod:: initialise_simulation .. automethod:: on_birth .. automethod:: further_on_birth_pregnancy_supervisor .. automethod:: on_hsi_alert .. automethod:: report_daly_values .. automethod:: pregnancy_supervisor_property_reset .. automethod:: apply_linear_model .. automethod:: schedule_anc_one .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_spontaneous_abortion .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_induced_abortion .. automethod:: do_after_abortion .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_abortion_complications .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_anaemia .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_gestational_diabetes .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_hypertensive_disorders .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_progression_of_hypertension .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_death_from_hypertension .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_placental_abruption .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_antepartum_haemorrhage .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_premature_rupture_of_membranes_and_chorioamnionitis .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_preterm_labour .. automethod:: update_variables_post_still_birth_for_data_frame .. automethod:: update_variables_post_still_birth_for_individual .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_still_birth .. automethod:: induction_care_seeking_and_still_birth_risk .. automethod:: care_seeking_pregnancy_loss_complications .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_death_from_monthly_complications .. automethod:: schedule_first_anc_contact_for_new_pregnancy .. autoclass:: PregnancySupervisorEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class PregnancySupervisorEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: EctopicPregnancyEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class EctopicPregnancyEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class EctopicPregnancyRuptureEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: EarlyPregnancyLossDeathEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class EarlyPregnancyLossDeathEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class GestationalDiabetesGlycaemicControlEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: SyphilisInPregnancyEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class SyphilisInPregnancyEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: ParameterUpdateEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class ParameterUpdateEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: PregnancyAnalysisEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class PregnancyAnalysisEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: PregnancyLoggingEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class PregnancyLoggingEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply