tlo.methods.postnatal_supervisor module ======================================= .. automodule:: tlo.methods.postnatal_supervisor .. autoclass:: PostnatalSupervisor Bases: :class:`tlo.core.Module` **PARAMETERS:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - prob_obstetric_fistula - LIST - probability of a woman developing an obstetric fistula after birth * - rr_obstetric_fistula_obstructed_labour - LIST - relative risk of obstetric fistula in women who experienced obstructed labour * - prevalence_type_of_fistula - LIST - prevalence of 1.) vesicovaginal 2.)rectovaginal fistula * - prob_secondary_pph - LIST - baseline probability of secondary PPH * - rr_secondary_pph_endometritis - LIST - relative risk of secondary postpartum haemorrhage in women with sepsis secondary to endometritis * - prob_secondary_pph_severity - LIST - probability of mild, moderate or severe secondary PPH * - cfr_secondary_postpartum_haemorrhage - LIST - case fatality rate for secondary pph * - prob_htn_resolves - LIST - Weekly probability of resolution of hypertension * - weekly_prob_gest_htn_pn - LIST - weekly probability of a woman developing gestational hypertension during the postnatal period * - rr_gest_htn_obesity - LIST - Relative risk of gestational hypertension for women who are obese * - prob_pre_eclampsia_per_month - LIST - underlying risk of pre-eclampsia per month without the impact of risk factors * - weekly_prob_pre_eclampsia_pn - LIST - weekly probability of a woman developing mild pre-eclampsia during the postnatal period * - rr_pre_eclampsia_obesity - LIST - Relative risk of pre-eclampsia for women who are obese * - rr_pre_eclampsia_chronic_htn - LIST - Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who are chronically hypertensive * - rr_pre_eclampsia_diabetes_mellitus - LIST - Relative risk of pre-eclampsia in women who have diabetes mellitus * - probs_for_mgh_matrix_pn - LIST - probability of mild gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_sgh_matrix_pn - LIST - probability of severe gestational hypertension moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_mpe_matrix_pn - LIST - probability of mild pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_spe_matrix_pn - LIST - probability of severe pre-eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - probs_for_ec_matrix_pn - LIST - probability of eclampsia moving between states: gestational hypertension, severe gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia * - cfr_eclampsia - LIST - case fatality rate of eclampsia in the postnatal period * - cfr_severe_pre_eclampsia - LIST - case fatality rate of severe pre-eclampsia in the postnatal period * - weekly_prob_death_severe_gest_htn - LIST - weekly risk of death from severe hypertension in the postnatal period * - baseline_prob_anaemia_per_week - LIST - Weekly probability of anaemia in pregnancy * - rr_anaemia_maternal_malaria - LIST - relative risk of anaemia secondary to malaria infection * - rr_anaemia_recent_haemorrhage - LIST - relative risk of anaemia secondary to recent haemorrhage * - rr_anaemia_hiv_no_art - LIST - relative risk of anaemia for a woman with HIV not on ART * - prob_type_of_anaemia_pn - LIST - probability of a woman with anaemia having mild, moderate or severe anaemia * - prob_late_sepsis_endometritis - LIST - probability of developing sepsis following postpartum endometritis infection * - rr_sepsis_endometritis_post_cs - LIST - relative risk of endometritis following caesarean delivery * - prob_late_sepsis_urinary_tract - LIST - probability of developing sepsis following postpartum UTI * - prob_late_sepsis_skin_soft_tissue - LIST - probability of developing sepsis following postpartum skin/soft tissue infection * - rr_sepsis_sst_post_cs - LIST - relative risk of skin/soft tissue sepsis following caesarean delivery * - cfr_postpartum_sepsis - LIST - case fatality rate for postnatal sepsis * - prob_early_onset_neonatal_sepsis_week_1 - LIST - Baseline probability of a newborn developing sepsis in week one of life * - rr_eons_maternal_chorio - LIST - relative risk of EONS in newborns whose mothers have chorioamnionitis * - rr_eons_maternal_prom - LIST - relative risk of EONS in newborns whose mothers have PROM * - rr_eons_preterm_neonate - LIST - relative risk of EONS in preterm newborns * - cfr_early_onset_neonatal_sepsis - LIST - case fatality for early onset neonatal sepsis * - prob_late_onset_neonatal_sepsis - LIST - probability of late onset neonatal sepsis (all cause) * - cfr_late_neonatal_sepsis - LIST - Risk of death from late neonatal sepsis * - prob_sepsis_disabilities - LIST - Probabilities of varying disability levels after neonatal sepsis * - prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency - LIST - baseline probability of emergency care seeking for women in the postnatal period * - prob_care_seeking_postnatal_emergency_neonate - LIST - baseline probability care will be sought for a neonate with a complication * - odds_care_seeking_fistula_repair - LIST - odds of a woman seeking care for treatment of obstetric fistula * - aor_cs_fistula_age_15_19 - LIST - odds ratio for care seeking for treatment of obstetric fistula in 15-19 year olds * - aor_cs_fistula_age_lowest_education - LIST - odds ratio for care seeking for treatment of obstetric fistula in women in the lowest education quantile * - treatment_effect_early_init_bf - LIST - effect of early initiation of breastfeeding on neonatal sepsis rates * - treatment_effect_iron_folic_acid_anaemia - LIST - effect of iron and folic acid supplementation on anaemia risk * - treatment_effect_abx_prom - LIST - effect of early antibiotics given to a mother with PROM on neonatal sepsis rates * - treatment_effect_clean_birth - LIST - Treatment effect of clean birth practices on early onset neonatal sepsis risk * - treatment_effect_cord_care - LIST - Treatment effect of chlorhexidine cord care on early onset neonatal sepsis risk * - treatment_effect_anti_htns_progression_pn - LIST - Treatment effect of oral anti hypertensives on progression from mild/mod to severe gestationalhypertension **PROPERTIES:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - pn_postnatal_period_in_weeks - REAL - The number of weeks a woman is in the postnatal period (1-6) * - pn_htn_disorders - CATEGORICAL - Hypertensive disorders of the postnatal period. Possible values are: [none, resolved, gest_htn, severe_gest_htn, mild_pre_eclamp, severe_pre_eclamp, eclampsia, ] * - pn_postpartum_haem_secondary - BOOL - Whether this woman is experiencing a secondary postpartum haemorrhage * - pn_sepsis_late_postpartum - BOOL - Whether this woman is experiencing postnatal (day7+) sepsis * - pn_obstetric_fistula - CATEGORICAL - Type of fistula developed after birth. Possible values are: [none, vesicovaginal, rectovaginal, ] * - pn_sepsis_early_neonatal - BOOL - Whether this neonate has developed early onset neonatal sepsis during week one of life * - pn_sepsis_late_neonatal - BOOL - Whether this neonate has developed late neonatal sepsis following discharge * - pn_anaemia_following_pregnancy - CATEGORICAL - severity of anaemia following pregnancy. Possible values are: [none, mild, moderate, severe, ] * - pn_emergency_event_mother - BOOL - Whether a mother is experiencing an emergency complication postnatally **Class attributes:** ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES : {'PregnancySupervisor', 'Labour', 'NewbornOutcomes', 'Lifestyle'} CAUSES_OF_DEATH : {'secondary_postpartum_haemorrhage': , 'postpartum_sepsis': , 'severe_pre_eclampsia': , 'eclampsia': , 'severe_gestational_hypertension': , 'early_onset_sepsis': , 'late_onset_sepsis': } CAUSES_OF_DISABILITY : {'maternal': } INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {'HealthSystem', 'Demography'} METADATA : {, , } **Functions (defined or overridden in class PostnatalSupervisor):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: read_parameters .. automethod:: initialise_population .. automethod:: initialise_simulation .. automethod:: on_birth .. automethod:: further_on_birth_postnatal_supervisor .. automethod:: on_hsi_alert .. automethod:: report_daly_values .. automethod:: apply_linear_model .. automethod:: set_postnatal_complications_mothers .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_neonatal_complications_in_week_one .. automethod:: set_postnatal_complications_neonates .. automethod:: apply_risk_of_maternal_or_neonatal_death_postnatal .. autoclass:: PostnatalSupervisorEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class PostnatalSupervisorEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class PostnatalWeekOneMaternalEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: PostnatalWeekOneNeonatalEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class PostnatalWeekOneNeonatalEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: HSI_PostnatalSupervisor_TreatmentForObstetricFistula Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_PostnatalSupervisor_TreatmentForObstetricFistula):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply