tlo.methods.care_of_women_during_pregnancy module ================================================= .. automodule:: tlo.methods.care_of_women_during_pregnancy .. autoclass:: CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy Bases: :class:`tlo.core.Module` **PARAMETERS:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - prob_seek_anc2 - LIST - Probability a woman who is not predicted to attended four or more ANC visits will attend ANC2 * - prob_seek_anc3 - LIST - Probability a woman who is not predicted to attended four or more ANC visits will attend ANC3 * - prob_seek_anc5 - LIST - Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC5 * - prob_seek_anc6 - LIST - Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC6 * - prob_seek_anc7 - LIST - Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC7 * - prob_seek_anc8 - LIST - Probability a woman who is predicted to attend four or more ANC visits will attend ANC8 * - effect_of_ifa_for_resolving_anaemia - LIST - treatment effectiveness of starting iron and folic acid on resolving anaemia * - treatment_effect_blood_transfusion_anaemia - LIST - treatment effectiveness of blood transfusion for anaemia in pregnancy * - prob_intervention_delivered_urine_ds - LIST - probability a woman will receive the intervention "urine dipstick" given that the HSI has ran and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality) * - prob_intervention_delivered_bp - LIST - probability a woman will receive the intervention "blood pressure measurement" given that the HSI has ran and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality) * - prob_adherent_ifa - LIST - probability a woman who is given iron and folic acid will adhere to the treatment for their pregnancy * - prob_intervention_delivered_syph_test - LIST - probability a woman will receive the intervention "Syphilis test" given that the HSI has ran and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality) * - prob_intervention_delivered_gdm_test - LIST - probability a woman will receive the intervention "GDM screening" given that the HSI has ran and the consumables are available (proxy for clinical quality) * - prob_delivery_modes_ec - LIST - probabilities that a woman admitted with eclampsia will deliver normally, via caesarean or via assisted vaginal delivery * - prob_delivery_modes_spe - LIST - probabilities that a woman admitted with severe pre-eclampsia will deliver normally, via caesarean or via assisted vaginal delivery * - sensitivity_bp_monitoring - LIST - sensitivity of blood pressure monitoring to detect hypertension * - specificity_bp_monitoring - LIST - specificity of blood pressure monitoring to detect hypertension * - sensitivity_urine_protein_1_plus - LIST - sensitivity of a urine dipstick test to detect proteinuria at 1+ * - specificity_urine_protein_1_plus - LIST - specificity of a urine dipstick test to detect proteinuria at 1+ * - sensitivity_poc_hb_test - LIST - sensitivity of a point of care Hb test to detect anaemia * - specificity_poc_hb_test - LIST - specificity of a point of care Hb test to detect anaemia * - sensitivity_fbc_hb_test - LIST - sensitivity of a Full Blood Count test to detect anaemia * - specificity_fbc_hb_test - LIST - specificity of a Full Blood Count test to detect anaemia * - sensitivity_blood_test_glucose - LIST - sensitivity of a blood test to detect raised blood glucose * - specificity_blood_test_glucose - LIST - specificity of a blood test to detect raised blood glucose * - sensitivity_blood_test_syphilis - LIST - sensitivity of a blood test to detect syphilis * - specificity_blood_test_syphilis - LIST - specificity of a blood test to detect syphilis **PROPERTIES:** .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Item - Type - Description * - ac_total_anc_visits_current_pregnancy - INT - rolling total of antenatal visits this woman has attended during her pregnancy * - ac_date_next_contact - DATE - Date on which this woman is scheduled to return for her next ANC contact * - ac_to_be_admitted - BOOL - Whether this woman requires admission following an ANC visit * - ac_receiving_iron_folic_acid - BOOL - whether this woman is receiving daily iron & folic acid supplementation * - ac_receiving_bep_supplements - BOOL - whether this woman is receiving daily balanced energy and protein supplementation * - ac_receiving_calcium_supplements - BOOL - whether this woman is receiving daily calcium supplementation * - ac_gest_htn_on_treatment - BOOL - Whether this woman has been initiated on treatment for gestational hypertension * - ac_gest_diab_on_treatment - CATEGORICAL - Treatment this woman is receiving for gestational diabetes. Possible values are: [none, diet_exercise, orals, insulin, ] * - ac_ectopic_pregnancy_treated - BOOL - Whether this woman has received treatment for an ectopic pregnancy * - ac_received_post_abortion_care - BOOL - bitset list of interventions delivered to a woman undergoing post abortion care * - ac_received_abx_for_prom - BOOL - Whether this woman has received antibiotics as treatment for premature rupture of membranes * - ac_mag_sulph_treatment - BOOL - Whether this woman has received magnesium sulphate for treatment of severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia * - ac_iv_anti_htn_treatment - BOOL - Whether this woman has received intravenous antihypertensive drugs for treatment of severe hypertension * - ac_admitted_for_immediate_delivery - CATEGORICAL - Admission type for women needing urgent delivery in the antenatal period. Possible values are: [none, induction_now, induction_future, caesarean_now, caesarean_future, avd_now, ] **Class attributes:** ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES : {'Labour', 'Contraception', 'Lifestyle'} INIT_DEPENDENCIES : {'PregnancySupervisor', 'HealthSystem', 'Demography'} METADATA : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: read_parameters .. automethod:: initialise_population .. automethod:: get_and_store_pregnancy_item_codes .. automethod:: initialise_simulation .. automethod:: care_of_women_in_pregnancy_property_reset .. automethod:: on_birth .. automethod:: further_on_birth_care_of_women_in_pregnancy .. automethod:: on_hsi_alert .. automethod:: get_approx_days_of_pregnancy .. automethod:: determine_gestational_age_for_next_contact .. automethod:: antenatal_care_scheduler .. automethod:: schedule_admission .. automethod:: call_if_maternal_emergency_assessment_cant_run .. automethod:: check_intervention_should_run_and_update_mni .. automethod:: screening_interventions_delivered_at_every_contact .. automethod:: iron_and_folic_acid_supplementation .. automethod:: balance_energy_and_protein_supplementation .. automethod:: insecticide_treated_bed_net .. automethod:: tb_screening .. automethod:: tetanus_vaccination .. automethod:: calcium_supplementation .. automethod:: point_of_care_hb_testing .. automethod:: albendazole_administration .. automethod:: hep_b_testing .. automethod:: syphilis_screening_and_treatment .. automethod:: hiv_testing .. automethod:: iptp_administration .. automethod:: gdm_screening .. automethod:: interventions_delivered_each_visit_from_anc2 .. automethod:: check_anc1_can_run .. automethod:: check_subsequent_anc_can_run .. automethod:: full_blood_count_testing .. automethod:: antenatal_blood_transfusion .. automethod:: initiate_maintenance_anti_hypertensive_treatment .. automethod:: initiate_treatment_for_severe_hypertension .. automethod:: treatment_for_severe_pre_eclampsia_or_eclampsia .. automethod:: antibiotics_for_prom .. automethod:: ectopic_pregnancy_treatment_doesnt_run .. automethod:: calculate_beddays .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_EighthAntenatalCareContact Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_EighthAntenatalCareContact):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FocusedANCVisit):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PresentsForInductionOfLabour Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PresentsForInductionOfLabour):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfAnaemia Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfAnaemia):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestationalDiabetes Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestationalDiabetes):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy Bases: :class:`tlo.methods.healthsystem.HSI_Event`, :class:`` **Functions (defined or overridden in class HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply .. automethod:: never_ran .. automethod:: did_not_run .. automethod:: not_available .. autoclass:: CareOfWomenDuringPregnancyLoggingEvent Bases: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` **Class attributes:** __annotations__ : {} **Functions (defined or overridden in class CareOfWomenDuringPregnancyLoggingEvent):** .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: apply